- Remon, Alonso, 1561-16323
- Barnabas, Apostle, Saint1
- Battistero di San Giovanni (Florence, Italy)1
- Bottoni, Bernardo, d. 12661
- Brundelsheim, Conrad de1
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints1
- Francis, of Assisi, Saint, 1182-12261
- Gates, Jacob, 1811-18921
- Haimo,--of Auxerre,--d. ca. 8551
- Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-15561
- Innocent III, Pope, 1160 or 61-12161
- Jacobus Theatinus1
- Jesuits1
- Joannes, Teutonicus, d. 1245?1
- Justin, Martyr, Saint --Spurious and doubtful works1
- Medici, House of1
- Peter Lombard, Bishop of Paris, ca. 1100-11601
- Philip, the Apostle, Saint1
- Short Mountain Baptist Association--Periodicals1
- Smith, Joseph, 1805-18441