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Call Number
1975 Folio 31
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Call Number:
1975 Folio 31
Collection Title:
[Atlas factice of 42 maps, produced by the Homann Erben firm]
Image Count:
Front matter for 1975 Folio 31.
Subject (Topic):
Atlases, German --Early works to 1800
Collection Created:
Found in:
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > [Atlas factice of 42 maps, produced by the Homann Erben firm]
Homann Erben (Firm) Ovalle, Alonso de, 1601-1651 Techo, Nicolas del, 1611-1685
Published / Created:
Call Number:
1975 Folio 31
Collection Title:
[Atlas factice of 42 maps, produced by the Homann Erben firm]
Image Count:
Alternative Title:
Chili a Paraguay freti Magellanici
Editoribus Homannianis Heredibus
Subject (Geographic):
Santiago (Chile) --Maps --Early works to 1800 and South America --Maps --Early works to 1800
Subject (Topic):
Atlases, German --Early works to 1800
Collection Created:
Found in:
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Typus geographicus [cartographic material] : Chili a Paraguay freti Magellanici &c., ex. PPbg. Alfonso d'Ovalle & Nicol. Techo nec non de Brouwer, Narbouroug, de Beauchesne &c., a Guiliel de l'Islio descripta, insuperque secundum recentiores du Frezier re
Homann, Johann Baptist, 1663-1724
Published / Created:
ca. 1715
Call Number:
1975 Folio 31
Collection Title:
[Atlas factice of 42 maps, produced by the Homann Erben firm]
Image Count:
Alternative Title:
Tabula marchionatus Brandenburgici et ducatus Pomeraniae
Johann Baptist Homann
Subject (Geographic):
Brandenburg (Germany) --Maps --Early works to 1800 and Pomerania (Poland and Germany) --Maps --Early works to 1800
Subject (Topic):
Atlases, German --Early works to 1800
Collection Created:
Found in:
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Tabvla marchionatvs Brandenbvrgici et dvcatvs Pomeraniae [cartographic material] : quae sunt pars septentrionalis circuli Saxoniae superioris / novissime edita a Ioh. Baptista Homanno
Homann, Johann Baptist, 1663-1724 Muller, J. C. (Johann Christoph), 1673-1721
Published / Created:
ca. 1715
Call Number:
1975 Folio 31
Collection Title:
[Atlas factice of 42 maps, produced by the Homann Erben firm]
Image Count:
Johann Baptist Homann
Subject (Geographic):
Moravia (Czech Republic) --Maps --Early works to 1800
Subject (Topic):
Atlases, German --Early works to 1800
Collection Created:
Found in:
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Tabula generalis Marchionatus Moraviae in sex circulos divisae [cartographic material] : quos mandato Caesareo accurate emensus / hac mappa delineatos exhibet Ioh. Christoph. Mueller, S.C.M. Capitan ; editore Joh. Bapt. Homanno
Homann Erben (Firm) Mayer, Tobias, 1723-1762
Published / Created:
Call Number:
1975 Folio 31
Collection Title:
[Atlas factice of 42 maps, produced by the Homann Erben firm]
Image Count:
Alternative Title:
Etats de l’Eglise & du Grand Duche de Toscane, Etats de l’Eglise & du Grand Dvche de Toscane, and Status Ecclesiastici nec non Magni Ducatus Toscanae nova tabula geographica
Curantibus Homannianis Heredibus
Subject (Geographic):
Papal States --Maps --Early works to 1800 and Tuscany (Italy) --Maps --Early works to 1800
Subject (Topic):
Atlases, German --Early works to 1800
Collection Created:
Found in:
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Statvs Ecclesiastici nec non Magni Ducatvs Toscanae nova tabula geographica [cartographic material] / secundum prinicipia legitimae delineationis descripta a Tob. Majero, Societ. Geogr. Sodali
Homann, Johann Baptist, 1663-1724
Published / Created:
ca. 1715
Call Number:
1975 Folio 31
Collection Title:
[Atlas factice of 42 maps, produced by the Homann Erben firm]
Image Count:
Johann Baptist Homann
Subject (Geographic):
Scandinavia --Maps --Early works to 1800
Subject (Topic):
Atlases, German --Early works to 1800
Collection Created:
Found in:
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Scandinavia [cartographic material] : complectens Sueciae, Daniae & Norvegiae Regna. / ex tabulis Ioh. Baptistae Homanni
Homann, Johann Baptist, 1663-1724
Published / Created:
ca. 1715
Call Number:
1975 Folio 31
Collection Title:
[Atlas factice of 42 maps, produced by the Homann Erben firm]
Image Count:
Alternative Title:
Circulus Rhenanus inferior
Johann Baptist Homann
Subject (Geographic):
Rhine River Valley --Maps --Early works to 1800
Subject (Topic):
Atlases, German --Early works to 1800
Collection Created:
Found in:
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > S.R.I. circulus Rhenanus inferior sive electorum Rheni [cartographic material] : complectens tres archiepiscopatus, Moguntinum, Coloniensem et Trevirensem, Palatinatum Rheni, Comit. Beilstein, Newenaer, Inf. Isenburg; et Reiferscheit / repraesentatus a Io
Homann Erben (Firm) Mayer, Tobias, 1723-1762
Published / Created:
Call Number:
1975 Folio 31
Collection Title:
[Atlas factice of 42 maps, produced by the Homann Erben firm]
Image Count:
Alternative Title:
Cercle d’Autriche : consistant dans l’Archiduche d’Autriche, le Duche de Stirie, de Carinthie, de Carniole, dans la Comte de Tyrol, et les pais autrichiens anterieurs dans la Souabe, avec ses confins, Circulus Austriacus, and Circvlvs Avstriacvs
Curantibus Homannianis Heridibus
Subject (Geographic):
Austria --Maps --Early works to 1800 and Europe, Central --Maps --Early works to 1800
Subject (Topic):
Atlases, German --Early works to 1800
Collection Created:
Found in:
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > S.R.I. circulus Austriacus [cartographic material] : quem componunt archid. Austriae, ducatus Stiriae, Carinthiae, Carnioliae, comit. Tyrolensis, ditionesque Sueviae austriacae, cum suis confiniis / a Tobia Majero ; curantibus Homannianis Heridibus, C.P.S
Homann Erben (Firm) Nolin, Jean Baptiste, 1686-1762
Published / Created:
Call Number:
1975 Folio 31
Collection Title:
[Atlas factice of 42 maps, produced by the Homann Erben firm]
Image Count:
Edita primum per I. B. Nolin, nunc recusa per H.H. [heredes Homannianos]
Subject (Geographic):
Portugal --Maps --Early works to 1800
Subject (Topic):
Atlases, German --Early works to 1800
Collection Created:
Found in:
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Regnum Portugalliae divisum in quinque provincias majores & subdivisum in sua quaeque territoria una cum regno Algarbiae speciali mappa exhibitum
Homann, Johann Baptist, 1663-1724
Published / Created:
Call Number:
1975 Folio 31
Collection Title:
[Atlas factice of 42 maps, produced by the Homann Erben firm]
Image Count:
Alternative Title:
Reyno de Espanna dividido en dos grandes estados de Aragon y de Castilla, subdividido en muchas provincias donde se halla tambien el Reyno de Portvgal
Johann Baptist Homann
Subject (Geographic):
Portugal --Maps --Early works to 1800 and Spain --Maps --Early works to 1800
Subject (Topic):
Atlases, German --Early works to 1800
Collection Created:
Found in:
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Regnorum Hispaniae et Portugalliae tabula generalis de l'Isliana / aucta et ad usum scholarum novissime accom[m]odata a Ioh. Bapt. Homanno, , S.C.M. Geogr.
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