"Scene on the Thames near Chelsea; a large pleasure party of young men and women on a boat, drinking toasts, rowed by six watermen wearing jockey caps, a servant and two men playing French horns at the helm at right, where a union jack is flying from a pole; other boats on the water behind, bridge and church at left, the Chelsea Hospital on the bank beyond at centre."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Chelsea Reach
Companion print to: Bay of Biscay., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Plate possibly first published in 1789. See: Grego, J. Rowlandson the caricaturist, v. 1, page 262., Temporary local subject terms: Boats: shallop -- Chelsea -- Flags: Union Jack -- Musical instruments: French horn -- Musical instruments: flute -- Watermen -- Buildings: Battersea Church., and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership. and Harvey, Francis--Ownership.
Companion print to: Chealsea Reach., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Plate possibly first published in 1789. See: Grego, J. Rowlandson the caricaturist, v. 1, p. 262, Temporary local subject terms: Boat or ship -- Storms -- Reference to Bay of Biscay., and Title from item.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Rowlandson, Thomas, 1756-1827, publisher.
Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Printmaker from Grego., and Title etched below image.
H. Holland, Oxford Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Pitt, William,--1759-1806--Caricatures and cartoons., and Sidmouth, Henry Addington,--Viscount,--1757-1844--Caricatures and cartoons.
"The six Commissioners from Ireland seated on bulls, facing and clutching the tails of the animals (as in Gillray's 'Paddy', BMSat 5605), gallop towards the façade of Carlton House, where the Prince of Wales (left) and the Duke of York (right) look from behind pillars at the embarrassing deputation. Their leader, Leinster (left), holds a long document, saying, "Aye Aye the M------ of B------k------m will remember me when I go back". The others say (left to right), "By Jasus the folks stare at us as they do at Wild beastises"; "Lord what a nice Errand is this make him Regent whether or no"; "I say my Friend C------n-----y [Connolly] we shall be there the Day before the Fair"; "Well? Yes I dare say well why he was so bad he could say nothing but What, What, What, when we left Dublin" (it was noted (8 Feb.) as a sign of the King's recovery that he had resumed his habitual 'What, what', a phrase never used during his illness, F. Greville, 'Diaries', p. 213); "What no occasion for a R--g--t then by Jasus we will go back again and tell the Lads we are all mad & by the Lord 'tis my opinion we are come over for nothing at all at all." The bulls are being urged on by two men in court-suits with long rat's tails to show that they are 'rats'. They are (left) 'D . . . Q------', the Duke of Queensberry, and (right) 'M------s L------', Marquis of Lothian. From an upper window on the extreme right, inscribed 'Pall Mall Ordinary', Weltje (cf. BMSat 7509) looks down at the scene, saying, "Begar I must go prepare more Sourcrout for dese Wild Bullocks."--British Museum online catalogue.
Attributed to Rowlandson by Grego., Temporary local subject terms: Irish Commissioners -- Irish Regency offered to George IV in 1789 -- Exterior of Carlton House -- Expressions of speech: 'What, what,' -- Inns: Pall Mall Ordinary -- Irish bulls -- Butchers' steels -- William John Kerr, 5th M. of Lothian, 1737-1815 -- John O'Neill, 1st Viscount, 1740-1798 -- William Brabazon Ponsonby, 1744-1806 -- James Stuart, fl. 1789 -- Thomas Connolly, ca 1738-1803., and Title etched below image.
S. W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Buckingham, George Nugent Temple Grenville,--Marquess of,--1753-1813--Caricatures and cartoons., Charlemont, James Caulfeild,--Lord,--1728-1799--Caricatures and cartoons., Fores, S. W., publisher., George--IV,--King of Great Britain,--1762-1830--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Leinster, William Robert FitzGerald,--Duke of,--1749-1804--Caricatures and cartoons., Queensberry, William Douglas,--Duke of,--1725-1810--Caricatures and cartoons., and Weltje, Louis,--1745-1810--Caricatures and cartoons.
"A procession of seven men riding galloping bulls; the leader (right) is a bishop (St. Patrick) wearing a mitre and carrying a cross; he has a beard, and says, "Make haste, my dear Honeys". The others are the six 'ambassadors'; all wear fool's caps, all flourish shillelaghs, and all carry sacks of potatoes at their backs. Their leader, who wears a ducal coronet, says "No Restrictions, by the Holy Cross of St Patrick!!!" His sack is labelled 'Leinster potatoes'. Next, wearing an earl's coronet, is Charlemont; he stoops over his bull's neck, saying, "We'll let the English see what Upright Members we have in Ireland; never lose an Inch in any Engagement!" His sack is labelled 'Ulster Potatoes'. The next 'Ambassador' says, "Christ Jasus how our majority will astonish the young King". The bull of the next man snorts and kicks ..."--British Museum online catalogue.
Companion print to: The ambassadors extraordinary return on bulls without horns., Date from British Museum catalogue., Publisher's advertisment in lower right: In a few days will be pubd. The return of the embassadors [sic]., Questionable attribution to Rowlandson from British Museum catalogue., and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Charlemont, James Caulfeild,--Earl of,--1728-1799,--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Leinster, William Robert FitzGerald,--Duke of,--1749-1804--Caricatures and cartoons., and Patrick,--Saint,--373?-463?--Caricatures and cartoons.
"The interior of a penny-barber's shop showing one corner of a small raftered room lit by a lamp hung from the roof and inscribed 'Shave with Ease & Expedetion for one Penny'. The barber (right) flourishes his razor above the head of a lean client whose face a boy (left) coats with lather, using a large brush; a bucket hangs on the boy's arm. In the background (right) a second customer in back view is also being shaved. Two wig-blocks lie on the ground (right)."--British Museum online catalogue, description of an earlier state.
Also issued separately., Cf. Grego, J. Rowlandson the caricaturist, v. 1, page 257., Companion print to: A penny barber., Date of publication inferred from imprint on earlier state: Pubd. as the Act directs June 20, 1789, by Mrs. Lay, on the Steine, Bright-helmstone. Cf. No. 7604 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 6., Plate from: Woodward, G.M. Caricature magazine, or Hudibrastic mirror. London : Thomas Tegg, [1808?], v. 2., Plate numbered "63" in upper right corner., and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Johnstone, Henry Arthur--Ownership., and Rowlandson, Thomas, 1756-1827, artist.
Subject (Topic):
Barbershops--England., Shaving equipment., Signs (Notices), and Wigs.
"The interior of a penny-barber's shop showing one corner of a small raftered room lit by a lamp hung from the roof and inscribed 'Shave with Ease & Expedetion for one Penny'. The barber (right) flourishes his razor above the head of a lean client whose face a boy (left) coats with lather, using a large brush; a bucket hangs on the boy's arm. In the background (right) a second customer in back view is also being shaved. Two wig-blocks lie on the ground (right)."--British Museum online catalogue.
Companion print to: A penny barber. and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Rowlandson, Thomas, 1756-1827, artist.
"A very fat man draped in a sheet, his vast chin lathered, turns his eyes upwards to a thin barber who stands beside him (left), his bowl in one hand, soap in the other. Behind (left) a bald man bends over a basin, stanching a wound; and (right) the barber's man applies a flat-iron to a wig on a standing wig-block with a carved face. From the raftered ceiling hangs a lamp in a rectangular (?) paper shade inscribed: 'The Oldest Shaving Shop in London Most Mony for second Hand Wigs'. On the wall hang a bird in a cage, a print of two men, a wig. Wig-blocks, a razor, and the customer's wig lie on the floor."--British Museum online catalogue, description of lettered state.
Cf. Grego, J. Rowlandson the caricaturist, v. 1, page 257-8., Companion print to: A sufferer for decency., Date from description of lettered state in British Museum catalogue., Proof before letters; plate later published with the title "A penny barber" and imprint "London, Pubd. by Wm. Holland, No. 50 Oxford Street." Cf. Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 6, no. 7605., and Title and publisher from lettered state.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Holland, William, active 1782-1817, publisher.
Four lines of verse etched on both sides of title: See the course thronged with gazers..., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Title etched below image.
S. W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Fores, S.W., publisher., and Harvey, Francis--Ownership.
"The royal party on board a vessel which, though the sail is inscribed 'Southampton Frigate', resembles a fishing-vessel. They are seated in the stern in the worst throes of sea-sickness: the King (centre), his hat tied on with a handkerchief, clasps his stomach. One of the princesses, holding a smelling-bottle, supports the Queen. The helmsman is impeded by a fat lady who drinks from a bottle. A princess (left) droops despairingly, another (right) appeals to Heaven for mercy. A sailor (left) carries off a bucket, holding his nose. Below the deck appear the heads of two beef-eaters, vomiting."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Southampton Frigate
Attributed to Rowlandson by Grego., Temporary local subject terms: Ships: Southampton frigate -- Naval uniforms: sailors' uniforms -- Sails -- Ships: ship decks -- Buckets -- Beefeaters -- Sea sickness., and Title etched below image.
S. W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Charlotte,--consort of George III, King of Great Britain,--1744-1818--Caricatures and cartoons., Fores, S. W., publisher., George--III,--King of Great Britain,--1738-1820--Caricatures and cartoons., and Harvey, Francis--Ownership.