1. Walter Williams and Elizabeth his wife late wife and executrix of William Reed, deseas'd Creator: Reed, RichardWilliams, Walter. Published / Created: 1690(/91)] Call Number: BrSides By6 1690 Image Count: 2 Resource Type: Books, Journals & Pamphlets Subject (Name): Reed, Richard. and Williams, Walter. Subject (Topic): Brit tracts--1690. Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Walter Williams and Elizabeth his wife late wife and executrix of William Reed, deseas'd [!] : appellants. Richard Reed the younger, Sir William Gregory, and Richard Wytherstone, defendants : the case of the appellants, upon the order of the Lords in Parliament, dated the 3d. of January, 1690 ...
2. The three merry Butchers and ten highwaymen ... Creator: WILSON. Butcher Published / Created: ca.1690] Call Number: BrSides By6 1690 Image Count: 1 Resource Type: Books, Journals & Pamphlets Description: Begins: I'll tell you of a story ... Subject (Topic): Brit tracts--1690 Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > The three merry Butchers and ten highwaymen ...
3. How all the inhabitants of London and Westminster, and the parts adjacent, may be furnishd with Creator: Haddock, Thomas Published / Created: 1690 Call Number: BrSides By6 1690 Image Count: 2 Resource Type: Books, Journals & Pamphlets Publisher: Printed for Thomas Haddock Subject (Geographic): England Subject (Topic): Brit Tracts., Coal., and Heating Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > How all the inhabitants of London and Westminster, and the parts adjacent, may be furnishd with coles, at 21 s. per chaldron in the summer, and 25 s. per chaldron in the winter, and the poor be supplyd at 21 s. per chaldron, even in the hardest weather
4. An act to enable Their Majesties to dispense with the Statute of 25 Car. 2. touching the Creator: England and Wales Published / Created: 1690?] Call Number: BrSides By6 1690 Image Count: 1 Resource Type: Books, Journals & Pamphlets Alternative Title: [Laws, etc. (1689-1694 : W Subject (Geographic): England. and Wales Subject (Topic): Brit Tracts Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > An act to enable Their Majesties to dispense with the Statute of 25 Car. 2. touching the sacramental test, and to employ any of their Protestant subjects in the common defence of themselves, their government, and these kingdoms.
5. A list of the French fleet : Anno Dom. 1690 Published / Created: 1690] Call Number: BrSides By6 1690 Image Count: 2 Resource Type: Books, Journals & Pamphlets Publisher: Printed for B.G. in the Old Baily Subject (Geographic): France Subject (Topic): Brit Tracts. and Ships Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > A list of the French fleet : Anno Dom. 1690
6. An Exact relation of the late King Jamess embarking for France; and of the proclaiming K. William Published / Created: 1690 Call Number: BrSides By6 1690 Image Count: 2 Resource Type: Books, Journals & Pamphlets Publisher: Printed at Edinburgh, and re-printed at Glasgow by Robert Sanders Subject (Geographic): Great Britain. and Ireland Subject (Name): James II, King of England, 1633-1701. and William III, King of England, 1650-1702 Subject (Topic): Brit Tracts Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > An Exact relation of the late King Jamess embarking for France; and of the proclaiming K. William; with the present condition of Dublin, and other places near that city. In a letter from Dvblin
7. Several complaints of merchants and traders of London : and other ports of this kingdom against the Published / Created: 1690?] Call Number: BrSides By6 1690 Image Count: 2 Resource Type: Books, Journals & Pamphlets Subject (Geographic): London (England) Subject (Topic): Brit Tracts. and Merchants Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Several complaints of merchants and traders of London : and other ports of this kingdom against the commissioners and officers of the customs
8. Strange and wonderful news from Ratcliffe : being a sad but true relation of the apparition of two Published / Created: 1690] Call Number: BrSides By6 1690 Image Count: 3 Resource Type: Books, Journals & Pamphlets Publisher: Printed for W. Heathcot in Aldersgate-Street Subject (Geographic): England Subject (Topic): Brit Tracts Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Strange and wonderful news from Ratcliffe : being a sad but true relation of the apparition of two spirits, viz. an antient gentlewoman and her daughter : which occasions the present confusions and disturbances, in the house by Ratcliff=Cross ...
9. Strange and wonderfull news from Suffolk : being a true relation of a lamb that was lately yeand at Published / Created: 1690 Call Number: BrSides By6 1690 Image Count: 1 Resource Type: Books, Journals & Pamphlets Publisher: Printed for M.R. Subject (Geographic): England Subject (Topic): Brit Tracts Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Strange and wonderfull news from Suffolk : being a true relation of a lamb that was lately yeand at St. Edmonds-bury in the county of Suffolk, with the perfect resemblance of the high dresses and topknots which women are usually dressd with ...
10. The City and Country's Loyalty; or, the gallant resolution of the kingdom to defend the same Published / Created: [1690] Call Number: BrSides By6 1690 Image Count: 1 Description: "To the tune of, Valiant jockey, &c." Publisher: Printed for C. Bates, next door to the Crown-Tavern, at Duck Lane-end, in West-Smithfield, Subject (Geographic): Great Britain--History--William and Mary, 1689-1702 Subject (Topic): Brit tracts--1690 Found in: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > The City and Country's Loyalty; or, the gallant resolution of the kingdom to defend the same against the invasion of the French, voluntarily engaging thmeselves [!] in the defence of King William Queen and [!] Mary ...