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1. Funeral of the Constitution [graphic].
- Creator:
- Cruikshank, Robert, 1789-1856, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [March 1829]
- Call Number:
- Folio 75 Sa85 810
- Collection Title:
- Lain in. Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "In the foreground are Wellington and Peel as grave-diggers; Eldon, a stout elderly Hamlet wearing a cloak, stands (left) holding a skull, and saying: "Here's fine revolution and [sic] we had the trick to see it." Wellington stands in a grave, in profile to the left, wielding a pickaxe. His shirt-sleeves are rolled up, he wears a small cap; his military coat, cocked hat, and sword lie beside him. He says to Peel: 'Come take off the Orange Peel [see British Museum Satires No. 15683] quickly, I can't get on without you.' Peel, wearing garments of green slashed with orange, is about to take off an orange waistcoat (cf. British Museum Satires No. 15701). He answers 'I'll change my self before you can say Jack Robinson.' On the extreme right are the posterior and left leg of George IV (as in British Museum Satires No. 12803) who is scurrying off to the right, beside a tombstone which serves as sign-post and is inscribed 'To Hanover' [see British Museum Satires No. 15704]. In the middle distance (right) is the funeral procession, the coffin carried by four bearers with a pall inscribed 'Constitution 1829'. On it stand a large crown and mitre with papers: 'Magna Charta' and 'Bill of Rights'. It is followed by one mourner in cloak and scarf (J. B.), who covers his face with a despairing gesture, exclaiming 'Oh! dear! Oh! dear, what will become of Mrs Bull, & all my little Bulls?-- We shall have nothing but the Popes Bulls. Oh my--' Behind are (left) St. Paul's and (right) York Minster. The pediment of the former is inscribed 'St Pauls now St Patricks' [cf. British Museum Satires No. 11898]. On the steps, about to enter, is the Pope, rollicking indecently between a monk (left) and O'Connell (right) in wig and gown. The Pope: 'Och! my darling you have done the job. fal lal la!!' O'Connell: 'Huzza! Huzza! Ould Ireland for ever! Huzza!!!' Behind them (left) capers a ragged Irishman, playing bagpipes and shouting 'St Patrick day in the morning!! Och! my Darlings!' An Irish crowd is indicated in the background. Farther from the spectator is York Minster, blazing furiously, flames and smoke covering the sky; an incendiary with a firebrand (Martin, see British Museum Satires No. 15658) rushes from the building, striding across a paper inscribed 'Blanco [scored through] Black is White'."--British Museum online catalogue
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Attributed to Robert Cruikshank in the British Museum catalogue., Text beneath lower right corner of image: Hamlet, Act Vth, Scene a church-yard. Enter two clowns with spades., and Laid in James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Publisher:
- Pubd. March 1829 by T. McLean, Haymarket
- Subject (Geographic):
- Great Britain and Great Britain.
- Subject (Name):
- St. Paul's Cathedral (London, England),, York Minster,, Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616., Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852, Peel, Robert, 1788-1850, Eldon, John Scott, Earl of, 1751-1838, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Leo XII, Pope, 1760-1829, and O'Connell, Daniel, 1775-1847
- Subject (Topic):
- Catholic emancipation, Cemeteries, Gravedigging, Skulls, Funeral processions, Coffins, Crowns, Miters, Monks, Bagpipes, Torches, and Fires
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > Funeral of the Constitution [graphic].
2. Rats in the barn, or, Iohn Bulls famous old dog Billy astonishing the varment [graphic]
- Creator:
- Heath, William, 1795-1840, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [ca. March 1829]
- Call Number:
- Folio 75 Sa85 810
- Collection Title:
- Laid in. Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- An obese John Bull depicted as a yokel in a smock, claps his hands to egg on a terrier with the head of Eldon who holds a rat with the head of Wellington in his teeth. John Bull says, "Thats right Old Boy, give it em what they thougth you had lost all your teeth. Give it' em Scott & lot." Other rats with human heads scurry away in terror, one with the head of Peel (?) has been flung into the air. John Bull stands in the doorway to the barn. The Church spire in the distance behind him is propped up by two beams, one of which is labelled: Prop
- Alternative Title:
- Iohn Bulls famous old dog Billy astonishing the varment and John Bulls famous old dog Billy astonishing the vermin
- Description:
- Title etched below image., A figure of 'Paul Pry' is an artist's device used by William Heath., Date of publication from the British Museum catalogue., Imperfect; sheet trimmed within plate mark resulting in partial loss of imprint., Printseller's announcement following publication statement: Political & other caricatures daily pub., 1 print : etching on wove paper, hand-colored ; plate mark 26 x 37.3 cm, on sheet 29.3 x 43.2 cm., and Laid in James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Publisher:
- Pub. by T. McLean, 26 Haymarket
- Subject (Geographic):
- Great Britain.
- Subject (Name):
- Eldon, John Scott, Earl of, 1751-1838, Peel, Robert, 1788-1850, and Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852
- Subject (Topic):
- John Bull (Symbolic character), Catholic emancipation, Hunting dogs, and Rats
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > Rats in the barn, or, Iohn Bulls famous old dog Billy astonishing the varment [graphic]
3. View of the Houses of Lords and Commons, destroyed by fire on the 16th Octr. 1834 (taken from the corner of Abingdon St.) / [graphic]
- Creator:
- Madeley, George Edward, lithographer
- Published / Created:
- [ca. 1834]
- Call Number:
- Folio 75 Sa85 810
- Collection Title:
- Laid in. Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- View at night of a fire blazing through the Houses of Parliament; firemen attack the flames with hoses; a large crowd gathers behind soldiers surrounding scene; several guards are seen in the left foreground
- Description:
- Title from text below image., Laid in James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures., and Attached to a pen and ink drawing with a metal pin that pierces the lower left corners of both sheets.
- Publisher:
- Pub. by W. Soffe, 380 Strand
- Subject (Name):
- Westminster Palace (London, England)
- Subject (Topic):
- Fires, Fire fighters, Crowds, Soldiers, and British
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > View of the Houses of Lords and Commons, destroyed by fire on the 16th Octr. 1834 (taken from the corner of Abingdon St.) / [graphic]
4. [North and Fox attack the Irish resolutions] [graphic]
- Creator:
- Sayers, James, 1748-1823 printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [12 April 1785]
- Call Number:
- Folio 75 Sa85 810
- Collection Title:
- Leaf 29. Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "Pitt's 'Propositions' for freedom of commerce between England and Ireland are supported on an Irish harp which rests on a rectangular framework above a fire which is being made to blaze by North and Fox. North (left, as Boreas), on hands and knees, his cheeks inflated, blows at the flames; Fox (right), seated on a bulky roll inscribed 'Petition from the Cotton Manufacture[rs]', plies a pair of bellows. The fuel of the fire consists of papers inscribed 'Rumour', 'Evidence at the Bar' (2), 'Pamphlets', 'Pleadings at ye Bar' (2), 'Arguments'. The flames and smoke which extend above their heads are inscribed 'Distrust', 'To Scotland', 'Discontent', 'To the Chamber of Commerce', 'Objections', 'Jealousy', 'To Manchester'."--British Museum online catalogue
- Description:
- Title from British Museum catalogue., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., 1 print : etching with stipple on wove paper ; plate mark 19.9 x 24.8 cm, on sheet 22 x 26.6 cm., and Mounted with one other print on leaf 29 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Publisher:
- Published 12th April 1785 by Thos. Cornell, Bruton Street
- Subject (Geographic):
- Great Britain and Ireland
- Subject (Name):
- Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792, Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons, and Ireland. Parliament. House of Commons
- Subject (Topic):
- Resolutions, Politics and government, Bellows, Bonfires, Harps, and Musical instruments
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > [North and Fox attack the Irish resolutions] [graphic]
5. ***** on the sublime & beautiful [graphic]
- Creator:
- Sayers, James, 1748-1823, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [6 April 1785]
- Call Number:
- Folio 75 Sa85 810
- Collection Title:
- Leaf 27. Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "A scene in the House of Commons. Burke stands on the shoulders of two seated members: his right foot is on the left shoulder of Powys, his left on the right shoulder of Sawbridge. His arms are crossed on his breast, his right arm clutching his left shoulder; from his mouth float three scrolls inscribed, 'Invective against ye Minister', 'Short Observations on India Affairs' [a long scroll], and 'Tropes on the Irish Trade Bill'. Powys looks up at him with an angry expression; he holds in his hand a thick bundle of papers inscribed 'Memda of Important Observations Obvious Objections Perpetual Motions Doubts Facts Surmises Queries &ca &ca'. Sawbridge looks gloomily away from Burke, his left leg stretched along the seat; he holds a paper inscribed 'Mock Motion for Reform in the Representation &c.' Three members seated behind Burke hide their heads or turn aside from his spate of words. Beneath the title is etched: 'Sublimi feriam Sidera Vertice Hor.'"--British Museum online catalogue
- Alternative Title:
- Burke on the sublime and beautiful and ***** on the sublime and beautiful
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., 1 print : etching with stipple on wove paper ; plate mark 32.8 x 23.2 cm, on sheet 34.9 x 24.5 cm., and Mounted on leaf 27 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Publisher:
- Published 6th April 1785 by Thos. Cornell, Bruton S[tre]et
- Subject (Geographic):
- Great Britain and Ireland
- Subject (Name):
- Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Powys, Thomas, 1737-1809, and Sawbridge, John, 1732?-1795
- Subject (Topic):
- Politics and government
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > ***** on the sublime & beautiful [graphic]
6. A Gazette extraordinary from Berkeley Square [graphic]
- Creator:
- Sayers, James, 1748-1823, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [31 May 1794]
- Call Number:
- Folio 75 Sa85 810
- Collection Title:
- Leaf 77. Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "Lansdowne, dressed as a news-boy, steps through a door in the garden wall of Lansdowne House. Across his cap (a bonnet-rouge) is a paper: 'Gazette Extraordiny'. He holds out a sheet headed with his arms and the title 'Gazette \ Extraordinary \ : Published without Authority \ Monday May 26th 1794 \ Berkeley Square'. Beneath, in two columns: 'Intelligence from America Lie the Ist Intelligence from France Lie the 2d Intelligence from Holland Lie ye 3d Intelligence from Italy Lie ye 4th Intelligence from Algiers Lie the 5th [signed] I am &c. Malagrida'. In his left hand is a news-boy's horn and under his left arm a sheaf of his 'Gazette Extraordinary'. Scrolls issue from his mouth: 'bloody News Great News' and similar scrolls float above the gate from the garden of Lansdowne House (where conspirators are supposed to be shouting): 'Ça ira Ça ira' (cf. British Museum Satires No. 8443)."--British Museum online catalogue
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Text below title: --credat Judaeus Apella", "non ego.", Temporary local subject terms: Newsboys -- Lansdowne House -- Male costume: 'Bonnet rouge' -- Berkeley Square -- Newsboys' horns -- Members of the Opposition., 1 print : aquatint and etching on wove paper ; plate mark 38.9 x 27.3 cm, on sheet 40 x 28.1 cm., Mounted on leaf 77 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures., and Watermark, trimmed: Edmeads & Pin[e].
- Publisher:
- Publd. 31st May 1794 by H. Humphrey, No. 18 Old Bond Street
- Subject (Name):
- Lansdowne, William Petty, Marquis of, 1737-1805
- Subject (Topic):
- Newspapers, Newspaper carriers, and Liberty cap
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > A Gazette extraordinary from Berkeley Square [graphic]
7. A coalition medal, struck in brass [graphic]
- Creator:
- Sayers, James, 1748-1823, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [3 March 1783]
- Call Number:
- Folio 75 Sa85 810
- Collection Title:
- Verso of leaf 14. Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- Head-and-shoulder portraits in profile to the left of Lord North and Charles Fox, as if in relief on a round medallion, with Fox's head superimposed on North's. Inscribed at the top, "Par nobile Fratrum." Below the title is added a note, "NB. The Reverse may be expected in a few days."
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., 1 print : stipple engraving with etching on wove paper ; plate mark 25.2 x 18.5 cm, on sheet 27.2 x 20.4 cm., and Mounted on verso of leaf 14 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Publisher:
- Published 3d March 1783 by Edwd. Hedges
- Subject (Geographic):
- England and Great Britain
- Subject (Name):
- Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806 and North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792
- Subject (Topic):
- Hairstyles, Medals, and Politics and government
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > A coalition medal, struck in brass [graphic]
8. A hasty sketch of yesterday's business [graphic]
- Creator:
- Sayers, James, 1748-1823, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [3 March 1784]
- Call Number:
- Folio 75 Sa85 810
- Collection Title:
- Verso of leaf 23. Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- A headless Charles Fox holding his hat in the right hand and a handkerchief in his left, is shown addressing the House of Commons. Below the image is etched a burlesque of his most recent speeches that referred to the attempts at promoting a coalition between him and William Pitt and the debate on his motion to request the removal of the ministers: "'Mr ----- in one of the most animated Speeches he ever made in his Life engaged the Attention of the whole house - he began with saying That he should have sat a silent Spectator of the business of the day if a very personal Attack had not been made upon him by calling him the Head of a Faction, he assured the Gentleman nothing was farther from his Heart, all now wished for was a Union upon a broad basis, upon a fair, tho' not an equal footing, and if the Right honourable Gentleman over the Way would but submit to a Capitulation ..."
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., 1 print : etching on laid paper ; plate mark 23.5 x 16.3 cm, on sheet 25.7 x 18.2 cm., and Mounted on verso of leaf 23 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Publisher:
- Published 3d March 1784 by Jas. Bretherton
- Subject (Geographic):
- Great Britain
- Subject (Name):
- Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806
- Subject (Topic):
- Politics and government and Public speaking
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > A hasty sketch of yesterday's business [graphic]
9. A mis-fire at the Constitution [graphic]
- Creator:
- Sayers, James, 1748-1823, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [12 January 1789]
- Call Number:
- Folio 75 Sa85 810
- Collection Title:
- Leaf 47. Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "Fox (right) has just fired a musket at the British Lion (left), who lies beneath a cushion on which are the crown and sceptre; in his paws is a large scroll: 'The Rights of the People'. Fox takes deliberate aim, resting his musket on the back of his shooting-pony (his stalking-horse), whose head is held by Sheridan. The headband, inscribed 'Ich Dien', and holding the Prince's feathers, indicates the Prince of Wales. His eyes are covered by blinkers. Under his fore-feet are two papers: 'Addresses from Edinburgh Glasgow Borough of Southwark' and 'City of London Vote of Thanks to Mr Pitt . . . 267'. Papers issue from Sheridan's coat-pocket and flutter to the ground: 'Paragraph against the Minister, Puffs direct for the P------e, Puffs oblique for the P------e of W(an allusion to the passage on 'the Puff direct', &c, in 'The Critic', 1. ii), Abuse of the Minister'. Under his foot is the 'Oath of Allegiance'."--British Museum online catalogue
- Alternative Title:
- Misfire at the Constitution
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., 1 print : etching on laid paper ; plate mark 23.9 x 26.3 cm, on sheet 25.2 x 27.5 cm., and Mounted on leaf 47 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Publisher:
- Publ. 12th Jany. 1789 by Thos. Cornell
- Subject (Geographic):
- Great Britain.
- Subject (Name):
- George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830., Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, and Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816
- Subject (Topic):
- Regency, Crowns, Horses, Rifles, Scepters, Slogans, National emblems, British, and Hanoverian
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > A mis-fire at the Constitution [graphic]
10. A moving scene in the Fair Circassian a woeful tragedy written by Mr. Pratt / [graphic]
- Creator:
- Sayers, James, 1748-1823, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [ca. 1781]
- Call Number:
- Folio 75 Sa85 810
- Collection Title:
- Leaf 32. Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "Eliza Farren (left) as Almeida, and Bensley as Omar (right), in 'The Fair Circassian' face each other in profile. She bends towards him, clasping her hands; he stands erect holding out his right hand towards her. He holds in his left hand the end of a chain which is attached to his right wrist. Almeida's body from the waist upwards is not attached to her voluminous petticoats. Omar has a beard, he wears a feathered hat or turban and an ermine-bordered robe over a tunic."--British Museum online catalogue, description of an earlier state
- Description:
- Title etched in image, centered at top., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Later state; plate has been reduced along lower edge removing former inscription, a new inscription has been etched at top of image, and a detached eye has been added to the left of Bensley's profile. For the earlier state bearing the title "A puff off", see no. 6359 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 5., Date of publication from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Five lines of verse etched below title: So Bensley stared with all his might, e'en till his eye-ball started, so Farren flew to meet his sight, but she had laced herself so tight, her top and bottom parted., 1 print : etching and drypoint on wove paper ; plate mark 28.5 x 36.6 cm, on sheet 30 x 38.7 cm., and Mounted on leaf 32 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Publisher:
- publisher not identified
- Subject (Geographic):
- England
- Subject (Name):
- Pratt, Mr. 1749-1814. (Samuel Jackson),, Farren, Elizabeth, 1762-1829, and Bensley, Robert, 1742-1817
- Subject (Topic):
- Actors and actresses, English, and Clothing & dress
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > A moving scene in the Fair Circassian a woeful tragedy written by Mr. Pratt / [graphic]
11. A new leaf for an old book of common prayer [graphic]
- Creator:
- Sayers, James, 1748-1823, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [4 June 1807]
- Call Number:
- Folio 75 Sa85 810
- Collection Title:
- Leaf 87. Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "Buckingham (left), holding a dark lantern, advances conspiratorially towards the closed door of the House of Commons, a high narrow chapel with arched windows, flanked by narrow buttresses and a spire and crenellated parapet. In the cloudy sky is a small crescent moon. A beam of light descends on him from the spy-glass held to the eye of the King in the upper left corner of the design, obliterating the ray from the dark-lantern."--British Museum online catalogue
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Eight lines of verse below image, four on either side of title: Guy Faux and his treason are now out of season ..., 1 print : aquatint and etching on wove paper ; plate mark 26.1 x 19.1 cm, on sheet 28.2 x 19.5 cm., and Mounted on leaf 87 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Publisher:
- Published y [sic] 4th June 1807 by H. Humphrey, St. James's Street
- Subject (Name):
- Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons,, George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Buckingham, George Nugent Temple Grenville, Marquess of, 1753-1813, and Fawkes, Guy, 1570-1606.
- Subject (Topic):
- Lanterns and Telescopes
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > A new leaf for an old book of common prayer [graphic]
12. A peep behind the curtain at Drury Lane [graphic]
- Creator:
- Sayers, James, 1748-1823, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- 14 Jany. 1789.
- Call Number:
- Folio 75 Sa85 810
- Collection Title:
- Verso of leaf 54. Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "Sheridan (left) speaks through a small aperture in the curtain which he holds open, addressing the musicians, some of whom are seen on the right, saying, with a conspiratorial scowl, "D-n em dont play God Save the King". Behind the musicians are the heads of some of the audience in the pit, shouting; a label extending across part of the print (right), inscribed 'Play God save the King', shows their words. In a box are a lady and two men. The print shows the arrangement of footlights, orchestra, pit, and a box on the first tier."--British Museum online catalogue
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., 1 print : etching and aquatint on wove paper ; plate mark 19.3 x 17 cm, on sheet 21.1 x 18.4 cm., and Mounted on verso of leaf 54 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Publisher:
- Publd. by Thos. Cornell
- Subject (Geographic):
- England.
- Subject (Name):
- Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816 and Theatre Royal, Drury Lane (London, England),
- Subject (Topic):
- Regency, Musicians, Musical instruments, National songs, and Theaters
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > A peep behind the curtain at Drury Lane [graphic]
13. A peep over the garden wall in Berkeley Square [graphic]
- Creator:
- Sayers, James, 1748-1823, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [17 March 1794]
- Call Number:
- Folio 75 Sa85 810
- Collection Title:
- Leaf 62. Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- The equestrian statue of George III dressed as Marcus Aurelius stands behind the brick wall of Lansdowne House in Berkeley Square, London, watching the assembly in the garden through a spy-glass. Above the wall, hats with French republican cockades are being waved while invisible speakers express support shouting "Vive Barrere," and "C̦a ira," in reference to Lord Lansdowne's failed motion for peace with France in February 1794. In the background is the facade of the house
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., One of a set of seven prints "Outlines of the Opposition ..."; see British Museum catalogue., 1 print : etching on wove paper ; plate mark 30.4 x 24 cm, on sheet 33.2 x 25.9 cm., and Mounted on leaf 62 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Publisher:
- Publd. 17 March 1794 by H. Humphrey
- Subject (Geographic):
- Great Britain and France
- Subject (Name):
- George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820., George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Lansdowne, William Petty, Marquis of, 1737-1805., Barère, B. 1755-1841. (Bertrand),, and Lansdowne House (London, England),
- Subject (Topic):
- Statues, Politics and government, Foreign relations, Sculpture, Horses, Garden walls, and Hats
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > A peep over the garden wall in Berkeley Square [graphic]
14. A posthaste conveyance for Scotch members [graphic]
- Creator:
- Sayers, James, 1748-1823, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- 20th January 1784.
- Call Number:
- Folio 75 Sa85 810
- Collection Title:
- Leaf 22. Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- Depicts a horizontal Scotsman wrapped in a letter which is floating in the air under a signpost inscribed "To London." The letter bears a round stamp "Free" and is addressed "To the Majority, St. Stephen's Westmr. Free Duke or no Duke". A reference to allegations that the Duke of Portland bribed Scottish M.P.s with money for travel
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Probably a later state, with added scribbles in the background and with the presence of significant plate wear that makes printmaker's initials in lower left corner illegible. Cf. British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1868,0808.5108., 1 print : etching with engraving on wove paper ; plate mark 23.3 x 28.7 cm, on sheet 25.4 x 30.3 cm., Mounted on leaf 22 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures., and Watermark: 1811.
- Publisher:
- Published as the act directs by Jas. Bretherton, New Bond Street
- Subject (Geographic):
- Great Britain.
- Subject (Name):
- Portland, William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, Duke of, 1738-1809.
- Subject (Topic):
- Legislators, National characteristics, Scottish, Corruption, and Signs (Notices)
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > A posthaste conveyance for Scotch members [graphic]
15. A puerile attack upon an old servant [graphic]
- Creator:
- Sayers, James, 1748-1823, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- 17th March 1787.
- Call Number:
- Folio 75 Sa85 810
- Collection Title:
- Leaf 40. Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "Sir James Erskine dressed as a little girl but wearing a man's wig, bends forward in profile to the left to thrash a mastiff (Hastings) who lies (left) surrounded by a wreath of thorns, his collar inscribed 'Keeper of Ind[ia]'. He holds in his left hand a paper inscribed 'Speec[h] for Thur[sday] Monopoly of Opium'. On the lash of Erskine's whip is a judge's wig inscribed 'Defence of Lord Clive'; its handle is decorated with bells. Burke's head and right arm project into the upper right corner of the design; he holds leading-strings attached to Erskine's shoulders. Below him and immediately behind Erskine are the head and shoulders of Francis, who leans forward, clapping his hands. Above Hastings a rectangular block inscribed 'Impeachment' hangs by a thread. Beside him are three stones, which have been thrown at him, inscribed respectively 'Malice', 'Eloquence', and 'Calumny'."--British Museum online catalogue
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Lewis Walpole Library: Horace Walpole refers to subject., 1 print : etching and aquatint with stipple on wove paper ; plate mark 27 x 22 cm, on sheet 29.1 x 23.7 cm., and Mounted on leaf 40 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Publisher:
- Published by Thos. Cornell, Bruton Street
- Subject (Name):
- Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Erskine, James Francis, 1743-1806, Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, Francis, Philip, 1740-1818, and East India Company.
- Subject (Topic):
- Dogs
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > A puerile attack upon an old servant [graphic]
16. A recruit for Opposition from the temple of British worthies [graphic]
- Creator:
- Sayers, James, 1748-1823, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- 14th April 1795.
- Call Number:
- Folio 75 Sa85 810
- Collection Title:
- Leaf 69. Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "The Marquis of Buckingham, tall and bulky, stands against a measuring-post (left); Lord Derby, standing on a table, adjusts the horizontal bar to his head. Buckingham, wearing dark spectacles, stands without his shoes (which lie beside him), and holding his hat; he faces Fox, who is seated on a drum (right), and says: "To Pitt I made my Proposition But he rejected the Condition So I enlist with Opposition". He holds out to Fox a paper: 'Condition to be first Lord of the Admiralty'. Fox, taking the paper, scrutinizes it through a glass with a pleased smile. His drum is inscribed 'C F' and beside him is a spear from whose tasselled head hangs a placard: 'Watch Word Peace'. From the top of the measuring-post flies a flag of three horizontal stripes inscribed 'The Standard of Opposition.'"--British Museum online catalogue, description of a variant state
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Sixth of a set of seven prints "Outlines of the Opposition in 1795 ..."; see British Museum catalogue., For a variant state with plate number "6" etched in upper left corner, see no. 8641 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 7., Temporary local subject terms: Opposition -- House of Commons: Recruits for the Opposition -- Slogans: "Watch word peace" -- Measuring posts -- Spectacles., Mounted on leaf 69 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures., and Watermark: 1805.
- Publisher:
- Published by H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
- Subject (Name):
- Buckingham, George Nugent Temple Grenville, Marquess of, 1753-1813, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Smith-Stanley, Edward, 1752-1834, and Pitt, William, 1759-1806.
- Subject (Topic):
- Measuring, Eyeglasses, Drums, Spears, and Flags
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > A recruit for Opposition from the temple of British worthies [graphic]
17. A reverie of Prince Demetrius Cantemir, Ospidar of Moldavia [graphic]
- Creator:
- Sayers, James, 1748-1823, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [26 April 1788]
- Call Number:
- Folio 75 Sa85 810
- Collection Title:
- Leaf 44. Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "Burke sleeps in a half-reclining position, his arms folded, legs extended, spectacles pushed up on his forehead. On a pedestal above his head (right) is a bust inscribed 'Mahomet', a fierce-looking, mustachioed man. A hanging lamp burns before it. On the right is Burke's reverie or dream: A Turk sits cross-legged on a divan holding out his arms eagerly to a young girl who is being brought to him by his mother, an elderly woman, who says, grinning, "I have procured another Lamb for my Lord"; the girl turns away with a gesture of distress. Above the Turk's head is an open book inscribed 'Koran'. Beside Burke in the foreground (right) is propped an open book inscribed: 'And I have observed that the greatest Degree of Respect is paid to Women of Quality in the East and that the strongest Instances of Maternal Affection & filial Duty prevail there. Note Begum - The Viziers Mother frequently procures one of the most beautiful Virgins whom she adorns with Pearls and precious stones and brings to the Vizier whom she calls her Lion and desires him to take her to his Arms, this he most religiously performs and she is afterwards consig[ned] to the Zenana with 200 others whom he never sees a second Time.'"--British Museum online catalogue
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., 1 print : etching on laid paper ; plate mark 18.7 x 16.7 cm, on sheet 20.7 x 18 cm., and Mounted on leaf 44 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Publisher:
- Publd. 26th April 1788 by Thos. Cornell, Bruton Street
- Subject (Geographic):
- Turkey.
- Subject (Name):
- Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, and Dimitrie Cantemir, Voivode of Moldavia, 1673-1723.
- Subject (Topic):
- Impeachment, Sultans, and Waterpipes (Smoking)
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > A reverie of Prince Demetrius Cantemir, Ospidar of Moldavia [graphic]
18. A shot at the Min----r, for a call of the House a hasty sketch of yesterdays business / [graphic]
- Creator:
- Sayers, James, 1748-1823, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [6 February 1787]
- Call Number:
- Folio 75 Sa85 810
- Collection Title:
- Verso of leaf 35. Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "Fox (right), wearing a hat, stands in profile to the left, discharging a blunderbuss at the Commercial Treaty (left), a long scroll whose lower portion rests on the floor. The muzzle of his weapon is the head in profile of Lord George Cavendish, from whose mouth missiles emerge. On bands round the muzzle are etched the Cavendish motto, 'Cavendo tutus'. From Fox's pocket protrudes a paper inscribed 'Methuen Treaty'. Behind Fox three seated members are indicated but not characterized; Burke leans forward from behind them holding out his hat in agitated approval. After the title is etched, 'a hasty Sketch of Yesterdays Business'."--British Museum online catalogue and "On 5 Feb. Pitt moved for a committee of the whole House (on 12 Feb.) on the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation with France. Cavendish moved an amendment to delay the debate. Fox then spoke, attacking the treaty as (inter alia) a sacrifice of the Methuen Treaty with Portugal, and alleging that Pitt was 'opposed by the whole body of the people', and 'wrong in every article of his scheme'. 'Parl. Hist.' xxvi. 346 ff."--Curator's comments, British Museum online catalogue
- Alternative Title:
- Shot at the Minister for a call of the House
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., 1 print : etching with stipple on laid paper ; plate mark 17.7 x 25.1 cm, on sheet 19.6 x 26.9 cm., and Mounted with one other print on verso of leaf 35 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Publisher:
- Publd. 6th Febry. 1787 by Thos. Cornell, Bruton Strt
- Subject (Geographic):
- Great Britain and France.
- Subject (Name):
- Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, and France.
- Subject (Topic):
- Politics and government, Foreign economic relations, and Firearms
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > A shot at the Min----r, for a call of the House a hasty sketch of yesterdays business / [graphic]
19. A transfer of East India stock [graphic]
- Creator:
- Sayers, James, 1748-1823, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [25 November 1783]
- Call Number:
- Folio 75 Sa85 810
- Collection Title:
- Leaf 20. Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- The complacently smiling Charles Fox walks across a cobblestone street towards an arched gateway resembling the entrance to the St. James's Palace, carrying the East India House on his shoulders. A note stuck in his pocket and two other ones that he walks on, as well as the papers falling out of the house, refer to the first of his East India bills that met with violent opposition
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., 1 print : etching with stipple on wove paper ; plate mark 30.5 x 22.7 cm, on sheet 32.8 x 24.5 cm., and Mounted on leaf 20 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Publisher:
- Published 25th Novr. 1783 by Thomas Cornell, Bruton Street
- Subject (Geographic):
- Great Britain
- Subject (Name):
- Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806 and East India Company
- Subject (Topic):
- Management, Politics and government, Building models, and Gates
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > A transfer of East India stock [graphic]
20. A whisper 'cross the Channel [graphic]
- Creator:
- Sayers, James, 1748-1823, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [1 August 1785]
- Call Number:
- Folio 75 Sa85 810
- Collection Title:
- Verso of leaf 29. Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "Fox (left) standing on English soil, and Hervey, Bishop of Deny (right), standing on land representing Ireland, embrace across a narrow piece of water inscribed 'St George's Channel'. The bishop resembles, and is probably copied from, the figure in British Museum Satires No. 6654, &c. His right hand holds up a burning brand, his left is on Fox's shoulder. Fox's profile is hidden behind that of the bishop; in his outstretched left hand is a burning brand held horizontally above burning buildings which are sketched on the right of the design (in Ireland). Behind Fox is a building resembling St. Paul's, above which are heavy clouds. In the channel are ships."--British Museum online catalogue
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Temporary local subject terms: Ireland & the Irish -- Irish Propositions, 1785 -- Church buildings -- Burning city buildings -- Lighting: Burning brands., 1 print : etching and aquatint on wove paper ; sheet 25 x 19.2 cm., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on three sides., and Mounted on verso of leaf 29 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Publisher:
- Pubd. 1st August 1785 by Thos. Cornel [sic], Bruton Street
- Subject (Geographic):
- Great Britain and Ireland
- Subject (Name):
- Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Bristol, Frederick Augustus Hervey, 4th earl of, Bp. of Derry, 1730-1803, and St. Paul's Cathedral (London, England),
- Subject (Topic):
- Politics and government, Clergy, Bishops, Ships, Fires, and Torches
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > A whisper 'cross the Channel [graphic]
21. Achitophel, an old Jew scribe lately turnd. Greek. Greeks. Persians (stowed together) worshipping the rising sun [graphic]
- Creator:
- Sayers, James, 1748-1823, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [11 July 1804]
- Call Number:
- Folio 75 Sa85 810
- Collection Title:
- Leaf 86. Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "The title is spaced to indicate the persons depicted. In a room in Carlton House the 'Greeks', or Foxites, superintend the obeisance of the Persians' or Grenvilles before the 'rising Sun' of the Prince of Wales. On the extreme left stands Thurlow ('Achitophel'), turning his back on the others with a morose frown. He is bearded, and wears old-fashioned dress with a tie-wig. In his pocket is a paper: 'Secret Advice to his R H No Respecter of Persons to invite Tag Rag & Bobtail to dine'. Next (left to right) stand Foxites: Norfolk, Windham, Fox (with a satisfied smile), and Sheridan who touches the shoulder of the kneeling Lord Grenville, saying, "lower my Lord". Next Grenville is the spectacled Marquis of Buckingham kneeling very low, and pressing down his son, Temple, who kneels immediately in front of the two brothers. Four others, all in back view (as are all the 'Persians' except Buckingham), and all with identical bag-wigs, kneel before the rays of a large sun. These rays are surmounted by the Prince's feathers and strike a solid mass of cloud above which are the (obscured) Royal Arms, supported on a motto: 'Auspicium [meli]oris Ævi'. The Unicorn looks down at the 'Greeks' with pained surprise, the Lion frowns with melancholy anger at the 'Persians'; one says "God save the King", the other "Long live the King". Through a large sash window (left) is seen the screen of Carlton House, and beyond it a railing with the notice: 'Ruspini Dentist to his Royal [Hi]ghness the Prince of Wales.'"--British Museum online catalogue
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., 1 print : etching and aquatint with stipple on wove paper ; plate mark 29.5 x 37.2 cm, on sheet 30.8 x 39.9 cm., Mounted on leaf 86 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures., and Watermark, trimmed: J. Whatman 1811[?].
- Publisher:
- Publd. 11th July 1804 by H. Humphrey, St. James's
- Subject (Name):
- George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830., Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Baron, 1731-1806, Norfolk, Charles Howard, Duke of, 1746-1815, Windham, William, 1750-1810, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville, Baron, 1759-1834, Buckingham and Chandos, Richard Temple Nugent Brydges Chandos, Duke of, 1776-1839, Buckingham, George Nugent Temple Grenville, Marquess of, 1753-1813, and Carlton House (London, England),
- Subject (Topic):
- Interiors, Sun, Feathers, Unicorns, and Lions
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > Achitophel, an old Jew scribe lately turnd. Greek. Greeks. Persians (stowed together) worshipping the rising sun [graphic]
22. An address from the citizens of N.....h to the National Convention [graphic]
- Creator:
- Sayers, James, 1748-1823, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- 14 Feby. 1795.
- Call Number:
- Folio 75 Sa85 810
- Collection Title:
- Leaf 58. Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "Four citizens of Norwich seated on a bull, which kneels with its chest touching a cobbled pavement, address a group of Frenchmen with animals' heads, standing in a doorway (right). The foremost man on the bull wears a bonnet-rouge with a coat of military cut. The next two are dissenters wearing clerical bands, one an artisan wearing a steeple-crowned hat, an apron, and ungartered stockings, the other in a black gown. A sanctimonious man wearing a low-crowned hat is last. Behind them Norwich Cathedral and a ruined castle on a hill inscribed 'Kett's Castle' are indicated. The foremost member of the Convention is a man with an ape's head, wearing bonnet-rouge and military coat; he holds up a hand of amity but conceals a dagger. Next him is a butcher with the head of a wolf, his apron inscribed 'Legendre'. Three others stand behind, two wearing cocked hats."--British Museum online catalogue
- Alternative Title:
- Address from the citizens of Norwich to the National Convention
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Thirteen lines of text in two columns, one on either side of title: Citizens, since the days of old Kett the republican, Tanner Faction always has seen us list under her banner ..., Temporary local subject terms: Frenchmen as animals -- Artisans -- Dissenters -- French National Convention -- Bonnet-rouges -- Reference to John Bull -- Buildings: Kett's Castle -- Norwich Cathedral -- Citizens of Norwich., 1 print : etching on wove paper ; plate mark 21.3 x 27.7 cm, on sheet 23.8 x 29.7 cm., and Mounted on leaf 58 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Publisher:
- Publd. by H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
- Subject (Name):
- Legendre, Louis, 1756-1797 and Windham, William, 1750-1810
- Subject (Topic):
- Bulls, Liberty cap, Daggers & swords, Butchers, and Aprons
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > An address from the citizens of N.....h to the National Convention [graphic]
23. An ex-minister training a terrier at Bowood [graphic]
- Creator:
- Sayers, James, 1748-1823, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [March 1798]
- Call Number:
- Folio 75 Sa85 810
- Collection Title:
- Leaf 79. Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "Lansdowne (left) in 'profil perdu', stoops forward, encouraging a dog with the head of Jekyll to bark at a bust of Pitt; the word Bow issues from the mouth of Jekyll, who wears a legal wig, bands, and gown. The bust stands on the ground framed in a leafy arbour, and regards Jekyll serenely, a contrast with the latter's impudent and insignificant profile. After the title: "Latrat et ore fremit, bile tumetque Je-cur." Trees form a background."--British Museum online catalogue
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., 1 print : etching on laid paper ; plate mark 21.1 x 27.5 cm, on sheet 23.2 x 28.6 cm., and Mounted on leaf 79 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Publisher:
- publisher not identified
- Subject (Name):
- Lansdowne, William Petty, Marquis of, 1737-1805, Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 1708-1778, and Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797.
- Subject (Topic):
- Dogs and Sculpture
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > An ex-minister training a terrier at Bowood [graphic]
24. Anacharsis Cloots l'orateur du genre humain, citoyen actif & sans culotte / [graphic]
- Creator:
- Sayers, James, 1748-1823, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [12 May 1794]
- Call Number:
- Folio 75 Sa85 810
- Collection Title:
- Leaf 74. Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "The head and shoulders of Stanhope, looking to the left, right arm raised in the attitude of an orator. He wears a large cocked hat. ... The bonnet-rouge does not fit this head."--British Museum online catalogue, description of a variant state
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., One of eight satirical portraits in the series "Illustrious heads designed for a new history of republicanism ..."; see British Museum catalogue., For a variant state with plate number "3" etched in upper right corner, see no. 8452 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 7., Temporary local subject terms: French republicans -- Opposition: Members of the Opposition -- Male costume: Cocked hat -- Reference to sansculottes., and Mounted on leaf 74 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Publisher:
- Pubd. 12th May 1794 by H. Humphrey
- Subject (Name):
- Stanhope, Charles Stanhope, Earl, 1753-1816 and Cloots, Anacharsis, 1755-1794.
- Subject (Topic):
- Republicanism
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > Anacharsis Cloots l'orateur du genre humain, citoyen actif & sans culotte / [graphic]
25. Barataria [graphic]
- Creator:
- Sayers, James, 1748-1823, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [11 March 1789]
- Call Number:
- Folio 75 Sa85 810
- Collection Title:
- Leaf 51. Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "The Prince of Wales is seated in a magnificent dining-hall before a bare table. The Duke of Leinster (right) offers him across the table a dish of 'Potatoes from Leinster'; the Prince extends his arms to take them, but turns his head to look at the forbidding Thurlow, dressed as a doctor, who stands (left) on his right. Thurlow points authoritatively to the potatoes with the head of his cane, saying, "Take back the Irish Potatoes". The Prince says with a peevish expression: "If I must not have the roast Beef [the English Regency] let me have ye Potatoes Doctor I have paid for them". On the extreme right, behind Leinster, Sheridan, with a melancholy expression, tries to take a dish containing a sirloin from a beefeater, who says, "This belongs to my Master Sir." In the foreground (left) Weltje (cf. British Museum Satires No. 7509), dressed as a cook, stands looking at the Prince, his hands clasped in dismay, saying, "By Got now we sail not heb our Desert". Two colonnades of pillars recede in perspective behind the Prince; on the plinth of one is a relief of Tantalus vainly trying to drink from the vessel at his lips. In the foreground (centre) are two dogs coupled together, one is Burke, in spectacles, looking hungrily at the bare table, the other is Fox, turning his back on the table and straining away from Burke. The Prince's chair is surmounted by his coronet and feathers. On a chain round Leinster's neck hangs a crowned Irish harp attached to the order of St. Patrick with its significant motto, 'Quis separa[bit].'"--British Museum online catalogue
- Description:
- Title etched at bottom of image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on three sides., Temporary local subject terms: Ireland & the Irish -- Mythology: Tantalus -- Literature: allusion to Cervantes, Don Quixote -- Emblems: Prince of Wales's feathers., 1 print : etching on laid paper ; plate mark 30.1 x 34 cm, on sheet 32 x 36.6 cm., and Mounted on leaf 51 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Publisher:
- Publd. 11th March 1789 by Thos. Cornell, Bruton Street
- Subject (Geographic):
- Great Britain.
- Subject (Name):
- George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Leinster, William Robert FitzGerald, Duke of, 1749-1804, Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Baron, 1731-1806, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Weltje, Louis, 1745-1810, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, and Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806
- Subject (Topic):
- Regency, Bears, Dogs, Dining rooms, Knives, Interiors, Plates (Tableware), and Potatoes
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > Barataria [graphic]
26. Barrere [graphic].
- Creator:
- Sayers, James, 1748-1823, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [12 May 1794]
- Call Number:
- Folio 75 Sa85 810
- Collection Title:
- Leaf 73. Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "The head of Sheridan in a similar position to that of Fox in British Museum Satires No. 8450, scowling and deeply furrowed, looking to the left. Sheridan is compared with the shifty, self-seeking Barère. Cf. British Museum Satires No. 8440."--British Museum online catalogue
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Attributed to Sayers in the British Museum catalogue., One of eight satirical portraits in the series "Illustrious heads designed for a new history of republicanism ..."; see British Museum catalogue., Plate numbered "2" in upper right corner., 1 print : soft-ground etching on wove paper ; plate mark 21.4 x 17.7 cm, on sheet 23.6 x 19.8 cm., Perhaps a later impression from a worn plate; plate number is lightly printed and barely visible., and Mounted on leaf 73 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Publisher:
- Publd. 12th May 1794 by H. Humphrey
- Subject (Name):
- Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816 and Barère, B. 1755-1841. (Bertrand),
- Subject (Topic):
- Republicanism
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > Barrere [graphic].
27. Boring a secret of st--e a hasty sketch of yesterdays business / [graphic]
- Creator:
- Sayers, James, 1748-1823, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [...] th July 1785.
- Call Number:
- Folio 75 Sa85 810
- Collection Title:
- Leaf 29. Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "The trunk of a tree projects horizontally from a trestle on which it rests. Within its circumference is the head of Lord Sydney, in profile to the right, facing the point of an auger with which a judge (Loughborough), whose head is in back-view, is boring into the transverse section of the log. The point of the auger is the smiling head of Lord Stormont, in profile facing downwards, the top of his wig being the point of contact. Two small stumps of branches are inscribed 'Ist Proposition' and '2d Proposition'."--British Museum online catalogue, description of a probable earlier state
- Alternative Title:
- Boring a secret of state
- Description:
- Title etched at bottom of image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Publisher's name is absent from imprint, and beginning of date has been burnished from plate., Probably a later state, with day of publication burnished from plate and month of publication altered from "June" to "July", of no. 6796 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 6., Temporary local subject terms: Ireland & Irish -- Irish Propositions, 1785 -- Tree trunks -- Benches -- Tools: Augers., 1 print : etching on wove paper ; plate mark 15 x 23.7 cm, on sheet 17.5 x 26 cm., and Mounted with one other print on leaf 29 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Publisher:
- publisher not identified
- Subject (Geographic):
- Great Britain and Ireland
- Subject (Name):
- Rosslyn, Alexander Wedderburn, Earl of, 1733-1805, Mansfield, David Murray, Earl of, 1727-1796, and Sydney, Thomas Townshend, Viscount, 1733-1800
- Subject (Topic):
- Politics and government, Logs, and Drilling & boring machinery
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > Boring a secret of st--e a hasty sketch of yesterdays business / [graphic]
28. Brissot citoyen actif & sans culotte / [graphic]
- Creator:
- Sayers, James, 1748-1823, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [12 May 1794]
- Call Number:
- Folio 75 Sa85 810
- Collection Title:
- Verso of leaf 73. Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "A bust portrait of Lauderdale, the head turned in profile to the right, with a fixed, smiling stare, both arms raised as if in violent gesticulation. .... For Lauderdale and Brissot see British Museum Satires No. 8439."--British Museum online catalogue, description of a variant state
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., One of eight satirical portraits in the series "Illustrious heads designed for a new history of republicanism ..."; see British Museum catalogue., For a variant state with plate number "4" etched in upper right corner, see no. 8453 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 7., Temporary local subject terms: French republicans -- Members of the Opposition., 1 print : soft-ground etching on wove paper ; plate mark 21.5 x 17.8 cm, on sheet 23.7 x 19.7 cm., and Mounted on verso of leaf 73 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Publisher:
- Publd. 12th May 1794 by H. Humphrey
- Subject (Name):
- Lauderdale, James Maitland, Earl of, 1759-1839 and Brissot de Warville, J.-P. 1754-1793. (Jacques-Pierre),
- Subject (Topic):
- Republicanism
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > Brissot citoyen actif & sans culotte / [graphic]
29. Brissot's visit to his friend Lord Leveller [graphic]
- Creator:
- Sayers, James, 1748-1823, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [17 March 1794]
- Call Number:
- Folio 75 Sa85 810
- Collection Title:
- Leaf 60. Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- A headless Brissot, with his right arm stretched forward and his head under his left arm, runs toward Lord Lauderdale who is sitting on a rocking horse. Lauderdale turns back his head on a snake-like neck to look in surprise at his guillotined friend. From Brissot's neck cavity issues a warning "To lead the crowd midst faction's storm, I rode your hobby horse Reform, And found my arts prevail,Till other Lev'llers ruled the mob, And then I lost my seat and nob, Take warning L........." The rockers of the horse are inscribed "Reform" and move over a document with an attached seal, titled "Nolumus leges Angliae mutari."
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., One of a set of seven prints "Outlines of the Opposition ..."; see British Museum catalogue., 1 print : etching on wove paper ; plate mark 29 x 23.8 cm, on sheet 31.7 x 25.9 cm., and Mounted on leaf 60 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Publisher:
- Pubd. 17 March 1794 by H. Humphrey
- Subject (Geographic):
- Great Britain
- Subject (Name):
- Brissot de Warville, J.-P. 1754-1793 (Jacques-Pierre), and Lauderdale, James Maitland, Earl of, 1759-1839
- Subject (Topic):
- Hobby horses, Decapitations, and Politics and government
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > Brissot's visit to his friend Lord Leveller [graphic]
30. Camille des Moulins anglice Joe Miller orateur vif & sans culotte / [graphic]
- Creator:
- Sayers, James, 1748-1823, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [12 May 1794]
- Call Number:
- Folio 75 Sa85 810
- Collection Title:
- Verso of leaf 74. Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "The head and shoulders of Courtenay, leaning forward to the right. He wears a cocked hat with a cockade."--British Museum online catalogue, description of a variant state
- Description:
- Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Publisher and date of publication from British Museum online catalogue., One of eight satirical portraits in the series "Illustrious heads designed for a new history of republicanism ..."; see British Museum catalogue., For a variant state with plate number "5" etched in upper right corner, see no. 8454 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 7., Temporary local subject terms: French republicans -- Opposition: Members of the Opposition., 1 print : soft-ground etching on wove paper ; plate mark 21.5 x 17.8 cm, on sheet 23.9 x 19.6 cm., and Mounted on verso of leaf 74 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures.
- Publisher:
- H. Humphrey
- Subject (Name):
- Courtenay, John, 1738-1816 and Desmoulins, Camille, 1760-1794.
- Subject (Topic):
- Republicanism
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > Camille des Moulins anglice Joe Miller orateur vif & sans culotte / [graphic]