Other editions attributed to Richard King, a pseudonym. Cf. Nos. N50050 in English short title catalogue., Other editions published in 1771 and 1772. See English short title catalogue and Gentleman's Magazine, v. 41, issue 561., In square brackets, following imprint: Price. Two shillings., Not in ESTC., and Inlaid and bound to 35 cm. Dated in mss. on t.p. "1760". Copiously extra-illustrated with prints and clippings.
Printed for J. Cooke, No. 17, Pater-Noster Row ; T. Lewis, Russel-Street, Covent-Garden ; R. Mariner, Compton-Street, Soho; and T. Shepherd, No. 147, in the Minories
Opposite page 212. New London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Satire on lecherous elderly men: a serving maid recoils as an elderly macaroni, sitting at a table with a glass, puts his arm round her waist and offers her a purse."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Four lines of verse in two columns beneath title: Macaroni endeavours the maid to seduce, With gold and such prate as with fops is in use. In vain is his courtship; the maiden stil coy, Rejects the vile letcher, and all his false joy., Folded to 32 x 25.8 cm., and Bound in opposite page 212 in a copiously extra-illustrated copy of: King, R. The new London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality. London : Printed for J. Cooke [and 3 others], [1771?].
Printed for John Bowles, at No. 13 in Cornhill
Subject (Name):
Sandwich, John Montagu, Earl of, 1718-1792
Subject (Topic):
Dandies, British, Older people, Courtship, Lust, Drinking vessels, and Purses
Page 239. New London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Satire on untrustworthy young men: a prostitute, with a powdered wig wearing a dressing gown open to reveal her chemise and petticoat, sits at a table using scales to weigh the coin offered by a well-dressed young man which is lighter than its proper weight; behind is a curtained bed."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Blade in the dumps
Title from item., Date of publication from unverified data in local card catalog record., Dated to circa 1773-1774 in the British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1935,0522.1.86., Four lines of verse below title: Dull are the times, since trade I first began, our gold was sterling then, and true each man ..., Numbered '291' in lower left of plate., 1 print : mezzotint on laid paper ; sheet 36.9 x 25.7 cm., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on left edge., and Tipped in at page 239 in a copiously extra-illustrated copy of: King, R. The new London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality. London : Printed for J. Cooke [and 3 others], [1771?].
Printed for Carington Bowles, at his Map & Print Warehouse, No. 69 in St. Pauls Church Yard, London
Subject (Topic):
Draperies, Dandies, British, Prostitutes, Scales, and Tables
Opposite page 214. New London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"A courtesan stands at a wash-tub, washing her last shift. She wears a cap over ringlets in curl-papers and a tattered petticoat, a shawl covers her naked shoulders. The room is squalid, with plaster falling from the bricks. Across the fireplace stockings hang on a string to dry. The corner of a bed appears on the right. On the table by the wash-tub is a small gin tankard. Under it is a pair of stays. A cat tries to reach a (broken) plate of cheese on a chair. On the floor, beside a fashionable high-crowned hat, lies a ballad: 'How happy were my days till now...'. Papers are thrust under the vertical bar of the casement window, one inscribed 'Admit Two to the Boxes'. Probably an imitation of Gillray's 'The Whores Last Shift', see British Museum Satires No. 5604."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on left edge., Plate numbered "626" in lower left corner., Folded to 31.3 x 25.5 cm., and Bound in opposite page 214 in a copiously extra-illustrated copy of: King, R. The new London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality. London : Printed for J. Cooke [and 3 others], [1771?].
Printed for & sold by Carington Bowles, No. 69 St. Paul's Church Yard, London
Subject (Topic):
Courtesans, Interiors, Wash tubs, Fireplaces, Hosiery, Corsets, and Cats
published according to act of Parliament, Aug. 1, 1753.
Call Number:
Quarto 724 771N
Collection Title:
Page 173. New London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Interior view of Westminster Abbey looking down the nave towards the organ, with groups of elegantly dressed figures in foreground
Alternative Title:
Inside of Westminster Abbey and Neff de L'Abaie de Westminster
Titles etched below image, in English and French., Titled 'The Inside of Westminster Abbey, by Bowles, 1753' in the Catalogue of Maps, Prints, Drawings, etc., forming the geographical and topographical collection attached to the Library of his late Majesty King George the third, etc, London, 1829., Imperfect; sheet trimmed within plate mark and mutilated on bottom edge, resulting in slight loss of imprint statement., Title in English and French, with remaining text in English., Folded to 28.3 x 23.7 cm; mounted to 32 x 26 cm., and Mounted on page 173 in a copiously extra-illustrated copy of: King, R. The new London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality. London : Printed for J. Cooke [and 3 others], [1771?].
Printed for Tho. Bowles in St. Paul's Church Yard, John Bowles & Son in Cornhill, Rob. Sayer in Fleetstreet & H. Overton without Newgate
Subject (Geographic):
England, London, London (England), and London.
Subject (Name):
Westminster Abbey, and Westminster Abbey.
Subject (Topic):
Church buildings, Abbeys, Interiors, and Tombs & sepulchral monuments
Page 244. New London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Title etched below image., Plate from: The new wonderful magazine, and marvellous chronicle. London : Published by Alex. Hogg, v. 3 (1794)., "Wonderful magazine"--Above image., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum., Temporary local subject terms: Irish wakes -- Drunkenness., 1 print : etching and engraving on laid paper ; sheet 10.8 x 15.3 cm., Imperfect; sheet trimmed within plate mark with loss of imprint from bottom edge and periodical name from top edge., Mounted to 32 x 26 cm; a small newspaper clipping (3.9 x 6.2 cm) is mounted below print, dated "1773" in ink., and Mounted on page 252 (misnumbered '244') in a copiously extra-illustrated copy of: King, R. The new London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality. London : Printed for J. Cooke [and 3 others], [1771?].
Pubd. by C. Johnson
Subject (Geographic):
St. Giles in the Fields (London, England),
Subject (Topic):
Interiors, Churches, Wake services, Dead persons, Ethnic stereotypes, Alcoholic beverages, Intoxication, Drinking vessels, Vomiting, Clergy, and Fans (Accessories)
Bannerman, Alexander, approximately 1730-, printmaker
Published / Created:
published as the act directs, Sepr. 1, 1771.
Call Number:
Quarto 724 771N
Collection Title:
Page 11. New London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Satire on gullible youths and dishonest prostitutes. A bedroom in which a young countryman is seated at a table between two young women. His right leg is slung across the legs of the woman on the left; she wears a quilted petticoat and her neckline plunges to reveal a breast; she puts an arm around his shoulder and with the other picks his purse from pocket. His left arm is around the waist of the other woman, who gazes seductively at him and offers a punchbowl; playing cards lie on the table and the Queen of Hearts has fallen to the floor. On the back of the first woman's chair sits a parrot chewing a twist of lemon peel; the pimp and an old bawd stand behind the bed curtain watching the scene; a picture on the wall shows a sheep being fleeced; in front of the table, a dog chews the young man's copy of "The Journey to London"."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Countryman in London
Title etched below image., Temporary local subject terms: Bullies -- Countrymen -- Pictures amplifying subject: couple fleecing a ram -- Procuresses -- Pickpocketing -- Pets -- Male dress: countryman -- Furniture: tripod table -- Dishes: punch bowl -- Books: A journey to London -- Bed with curtains -- Literature: allusion to The provok'd husband, or journey to London by Sir John Vanburgh (1664-1726) and Colley Cibber (1671-1757)., 1 print : etching with engraving on laid paper ; sheet 24.8 x 34.8 cm, folded to 24.8 x 25 cm., Sheet trimmed within plate mark; mounted to 32 x 26 cm., and Mounted on page 11 in a copiously extra-illustrated copy of: King, R. The new London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality. London : Printed for J. Cooke [and 3 others], [1771?].
Printed for J. Smith, No. 35 Cheapside, & Robt. Sayer, No. 53 Fleet Street
Subject (Topic):
Prostitutes, Pickpockets, Parrots, Dogs, Books, Beds, Gambling, Playing cards, and Chamber pots
Page 76. New London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
A fashionably dressed young man and woman stand on a patterned rug, his arms around her waist. The young woman's hat obscures her eyes
Title etched below image., Initial letters of publisher's name in imprint form a monogram., Date of publication from unverified data in local card catalog record., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum., Temporary local subject terms: Male costume, 1770 -- Female costume, 1770., Mounted to 32 x 26 cm., and Mounted on page 76 in a copiously extra-illustrated copy of: King, R. The new London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality. London : Printed for J. Cooke [and 3 others], [1771?].
Page 141. New London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
In outdoor setting a lady with large hat and flowered dress walks towards the left of the print looking downward, while in the foreground an older stooped man of much larger proportions, wearing tricorne hat, coat and sword, looks on. Possibly the figures represent Mrs. Lessingham and Justice Addington
Title etched below image., Reissue, with volume and plate numbers added. For an earlier state without this numbering, see Library of Congress call no.: PC 3 - 1777 - Amorous counsellor (A size) [P&P]., Numbered "V. 2" in upper left and "93" in upper right., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum., 1 print : etching with roulette and drypoint on laid paper ; plate mark 25.3 x 17.4 cm, on sheet 25.6 x 17.7 cm., Mounted to 32 x 26 cm., Mounted on page 141 in a copiously extra-illustrated copy of: King, R. The new London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality. London : Printed for J. Cooke [and 3 others], [1771?]., and Note in ink below image, on mounting page: St. James Park, 1780.
Pubd. Jany. 1, 1777, by Mary Darly
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Addington, William, Sir, -1811. and Lessingham, Jane, 1739?-1783.
Roberts, Henry, approximately 1710-approximately 1790, printmaker
Published / Created:
[between 1800 and 1820]
Call Number:
Quarto 724 771N
Collection Title:
Page 177. New London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"View in St James's Park, with the palace on the left and Westminster Abbey in distance on the right; fashionably dressed figures in park strolling among rows of trees receding into the distance."--British Museum online catalogue, description of an earlier state
Alternative Title:
Palais Royale de St. Jacques du costé du parc
Titles engraved below image, in English and French., Date range for publication based on publisher James Heskett's active dates; see British Museum online catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on three sides., For an earlier state published by Henry Parker, see British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1880,1113.2268., Folded to 26.5 x 24.7 cm; mounted to 32 x 26 cm., and Mounted on page 177 in a copiously extra-illustrated copy of: King, R. The new London spy, or, A twenty-four hours ramble through the bills of mortality. London : Printed for J. Cooke [and 3 others], [1771?].
Printed for J. Heskett, N. 13 Sweetings Alley, Royal Exchange
Subject (Geographic):
Saint James's Park (London, England),
Subject (Name):
Saint James's Palace (London, England), and Westminster Abbey,
Subject (Topic):
Trees, Parks, Pedestrian malls, and Castles & palaces