"'The Open-Air School.' A village improvement project." "Students are taught the value of strong and healthy bodies." A group of students doing exercises. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
"'The Open-Air School.' A village improvement project." "Listening to a talk on the duties of a good citizen in the New China." A group of people in a square formation around a speaker in the center. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
"'The Open-Air School.' A village improvement project." "Teaching a class to read with the use of a small blackboard hung on a nearby wall." A group of students look on as the teacher explains something on a blackboard hanging from an outside wall. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
"An Extension Project in the village of Shih Ta: In this building, loaned to us by the village, we have a school for girls (the teacher, one of our graduates and now a member of our school faculty, second form left) We also run a dispensary, our school nurse going out 3 times each week." Men, women, and two small children stand in front of a building. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
"Process #8: It is then dyed with steam, supplied from a locally-made boiler." A group of women wearing long aprons stand around a boiler holding long sticks. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
"At the end of the year prizes are given to the most skillful workers in each class." A group of women stand outdoors, wearing long coats and displaying the textiles they have made. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and An exhibit of the products of our Wool-Industry. Cloth. Soft baby blankets, knitting yarn, knitted garments, and hooked rugs. A line of women standing behing a table heaped with bolts of cloth, rugs, and knitted items.
"The dam site in Wen Yu Ho valley looking up river, July 1924." A river winding among a valley, the site of a future dam. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
"A Bumper Cotton Crop." People standing in the middle of a cotton field, the plants are all sprouting much cotton. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.