“Port d'Accra.” A beach along a small cove is depicted on the coast at Accra. Several small boats with people are shown out in the water and a number overturned on the shore. People can be seen standing in the water and on shore. Buildings sit at the top of the rock cliff leading down to the water.
"Forge. (Accra)." A building with an upper porch is shown near several other small buildings. A flag is shown flying near a larger building in the distance.
"Abocoby." A small tree-lined street with goats is depicted next to a two story house with a walled garden. People can be seen on the street in the distance.
"Nid de termite coupé." A termite nest that has been sliced through to expose the interior is depicted near tall grass. Two men are shown on either side of the mound.
"Vue près du sanitarium d'Abouri." Fenced gardens and mission buildings are shown looking out from the sanitarium at Aburi. Rooftops of the town are seen in the distance.
"Eglise de la mission à Abouri." A white Western style church is depicted with people standing on the landing outside the tower. A missionary and two acolytes are shown on the grounds near the corner of the building.
"Ecole de jeune filles à Abouri." The school headmistress or teacher is shown outdoors with her class at the mission girls' school. The women and girls all wear long dresses.
"Maison missionnaire à Acropong." Missionaries are shown standing on the porch of the mission residents house at Akropong. Several African men, women and children are depicted in front of the porch railing.
"Ecole moyenne à Acropong." A middle school and yard with a tree are shown behind a picket fence. Several adults can be seen on the porch of the school while a young person stands under the tree.
"Abre au pied a ……………….. les assembles papier." People are shown under a very large banyan tree that stands in front of a row of low thatched roof buildings.
"Date." People are shown on a street that runs along the edge of a village. Thatched rooftops of buildings in the settlement can be seen as far back as the tree line.
"Scieurs de long." Two sawyers are shown cutting through a large piece of lumber using a long saw. One operates the saw from above while the other sawyer is down below in a pit. Three men are seen nearby.
"Oudoumasse." Several mission buildings are shown on the outskirts of a small town. A long narrow two-story building, possibly the missionary residence, is skirted with porches on both levels and stands beside two thatched roof buildings. Rooftops of the town dwellings can be seen opposite the mission.
"Ecole de couture." A missionary teacher is shown with a group of women and girls on a porch. The teacher and several students are holding sewing projects.
"Guerrie Ashantis." A muscular Ashanti warrior is shown holding a rifle. A small bag hangs from his neck, possibly charms, and he wears a belt which holds a long handled knife and gourd.
"Anum côté nord." A building at the mission station at Anum is shown from the north side. Porches run the length of the building on both levels. Several trees are seen in the yard.
"Salon Buemus d' Amedzeme près du Volta." A rural village of the Buems people is depicted in the Volta region. A woman and child are seen at the edge of the settlement. The mission station at Amedzofe can be seen in the distance.
"Un bananier portant de fruit." A mature banana plant is shown with a large bunch of bananas waiting to be harvested. A man with a large knife is seen at the bottom of the tree.
"Chute d'eau près de Begoro." A pituresque waterfall is shown in the forest near Begoro. Missionaries, possibly, can be seen at the pool below the falls.
"Prédication sur la rue." The missionary Ramseyer is shown on a village street before a gathering. Men, women and children are in attendance to hear the Western preacher.
"Femmes faisant la potterie. À Mpréso." Three women are shown making clay vessels on a street in Mpraeso. Tall thatched mud buildings can be seen behind the women. Goats are resting in the middle of a wide street.
"La meme prenant sou repas." Mission school children are shown in groups around communal pots at mealtime. One frustrated looking group stands apart while waiting their turn to eat.
"P et M." The Reverend and Mrs. Ramseyer along with an African woman and girl pose at the base of a silk cotton tree. A leopard skin is shown under the kneeling girl.
"Chief indigène d'Obomong on audience." The chief and villagers of Obomeng are shown gathered outside their homes for a sermon by the Rev. Ramseyer. Possibly only village men are in attendance.
"Le courtesans." The attendants of an African chief are depicted beneath a large tree. Two are shown with rifles and two men hold shields. Several men carry intricately carved short swords. One man holds a drum made from a leopard skin.
Subject (Geographic):
African chief (Ghana)
Subject (Topic):
Indigenous populations; Weapons; Customs and traditions
"À Mpraeso." The town of Mpraeso is shown nestled in a valley below a tree covered hillside. The dwellings radiate out from several large shade trees that stand in the center of the town.
"Rue de la ville d'Abetifi." Men women and children are shown on the main street of a village. Several shade trees line the street. Thatched roof dwellings are seen extending into the distance on both sides of the street.
"Le fetiche dente à la sortie de la ville." The fetish god "Dente" is shown at the outskirsts of a village under a small open thatched roof shelter. Several children are seen nearby.
"La dits vue de face." The mission house at Abetifi is shown from the front. The two story building has a covered porch on the upper level and is surrounded by a picket fence. Several trees are seen on the front grounds.
"Intérieur de la chapelle." The inside of the mission church is shown from above during a service. The minister is shown at an elevated lectern at the front right of the nave. Wooden beams support the roof and walls of the building.
The two story mission house and grounds are shown from above. Missionaries are depicted in the fenced formal garden in front of the building. Several adults and children are seen on the porches.
The African chief Odow Kwami is depicted seated under a palm tree with several men and boys attending him. The chief is shown wearing a headdress of feathers and holds a rifle.
An African chief is shown holding a young child, with several young men and a boy standing around him. Two men support his empty litter while a warrior wearing a feather headdress stands nearby. An ornate sedan chair is shown next to the chief.
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Indigenous populations; Leadership; Weapons; Transport
A six men are depicted with various drums and two horn type instruments. One man leans against a tall drum with three human skull hanging from the top.
A crowd of villagers is shown entering a village square or clearing. One man, probably a chief, is being carried in a palanquin above the crowd. Two men follow with trunks balanced on their heads while another man carries a large drum overhead.
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Indigenous populations; Customs and traditions; Leadhership; Musical instruments
An Abetifi man with a feather headdress and amulet around his neck is depicted holding a large curved sword and leaning on a tall drum. Human skulls fastened to the drum encircle the top.
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Indigenous populations; Customs and traditions; Musical instruments; Weapons
The young leader of Kwawu is depicted sitting under a large umbrella with his male attendants. The king wears a fine robe, skull cap and sandals, a bracelet on his right arm and an anklet on his left foot. Two young attendants hold long thin rods on either side of their leader.
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Indigenous populations; Customs and traditions; Leadership
The king and his people are shown together in a village square or center. The king is sheltered by a large circular umbrella, and sits with drummers to each side.
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Indigenous populations; Customs and traditions; Leadership
A village is shown at the foot of a mountain. Many of the small dwellings are constructed of mud with thatched roofs. A group of villagers is seen sitting in the shade of a building with the walls constructed of small poles lashed together. Several other people are gathered under a group of trees on the main street.
Mrs. Ramseyer is shown in a hammock style litter being carried over rocks down a hill. One porter supports the litter at each end while another man carries a valise on his head.
A porter is shown having fallen when crossing over a downed tree while carrying a missionary in a litter. The missionary appears to be mostly supported from the fall by the porters at his head.
A missionary (Mr. Hasis) lands on his head during a fall by one of the porters transporting him in a litter. Several travellers are shown rushing in to help.
A group of young African women are shown at various tasks while preparing a dish from plantain. Some pound the fruit and roots with a mortar and pestle while others tend the cook pot over a fire.
Missionary fathers, teachers and boys are shown in an outdoor area of a village at mealtime. The students are gathered in small groups around communal pots.
Boys from the mission school are shown giving thanks through song for their meal. Missionaries and adult men stand behind the boys. Several bowls are seen in the foreground.
Two people are shown weaving long strips of material at small looms constructed with poles. The warp threads are kept taught by weights in front of the loom.
Mrs. Ramseyer is depicted with a group of girls and young women in an outdoor classroom at Abetifi. Several students hold sewing projects. A board with handwriting is seen on the back wall.
Girls of various ages are depicted on a porch at the mission with Mrs. Ramseyer during sewing class. Two girls sitting near the window appear to be making lace.
A man is shown on a village street before a large piece of white material that he is stamping with various designs. The cloth will be used for robes worn durning mourning. A finished piece of material is seen hanging on the side of a building nearby.
The executioner displays long bladed knives in each hand. He wears a wide bracelet of bone or wood with a large charm on his right arm and an amulet around his neck. His robe is made from cloth with a striped pattern.
Subject (Geographic):
Kumase (Ghana)
Subject (Topic):
Indigenous populations; Customs and traditions; Weapons
A young Ashanti chief is shown under a fringed umbrella with a large group of attendants. The leader is dressed in a silk robe and wears jewelry on his arms and legs, fine sandals and a skull-cap. One young male attendant is shown with body markings on his head, chest and arms.
Subject (Geographic):
Yaw Sapong (Ghana)
Subject (Topic):
Indigenous populations; Leadership; Customs and traditions
A street in the Ashanti town of Agogo is depicted with people under a silk cotton tree. Several dwellings are seen behind the tree and in the distance. Goats are shown in the street.
People are shown along both sides of a street in the village of Agogo. Mud dwellings with thatched roofs are seen along the street. A large shade tree stands in the middle of the street.
A two story mission house and grounds are depicted. The foundation walls of a building are seen in the left of the photo. The mission was rebuilt in 1902.
The Reverend and Mrs. Ramseyer are shown with a group mainly of African women and children freed from slavery. Some of the people appear to be suffering from illness and lack of food.
Two houses are shown at the mission station from a corner of the grounds. Both buildings have two stories and porches. There is a fenced area that extends behind one house, possibly a garden.
The Rev. Ramseyer is shown in a room at an exhibition standing next to a full size model of an African dwelling, possibly. A large circular umbrella is on display along with drums and fetishes.
Mrs. Ramseyer is shown at a bedside table having coffee or tea in a small brick dwelling at Kumasi. The room is filled with various personal items furniture. Books and albums and other various items can be seen stored up on the rafters.
The nave and dais of a mission church are depicted during a service. Two stained glass windows adorn the lower front wall. Several men sit on the dais at the side and worshipers are shown seated in open-back pews. The minister is seen at a raised pulpit.
A number of African chiefs and their peoples are shown with their large silk umbrellas along the side of a field. Western officers and native soldiers are seen on the field and at the edge of the crowd in the foreground.
Several Western military officers and one African soldier or officer are shown with a small group of people in a field. Ten or more wooden barrels lie on the ground with wood planks resting on them. Two officers sit on the edge of a small canoe. Two small buildings are seen in the background.
The bedroom of a small mud wall house is depicted with Western furniture at the mission in Kumasi. A chest of drawers and washtable are seen against the walls. Mrs. Ramseyer is shown standing next to a table in an adjoining room. A pith helmet rests on top of a cupboard nearby.
Rev. Ramseyer is shown sitting at a desk in the rebuilt mission house at Kumasi. Mrs. Ramseyer is seen through an open doorway sitting in a chair in a bedroom.
Lumber for the new mission buildings is shown in a street across from the Ramseyers' interim home. Mrs. Ramseyer is seen sitting on the porch. Two women and two girls are shown preparing food.
Rev. Ramseyer is shown at an exhibition table containing various African artifacts and additional objects of interest, probably at a colonial exhibition. Several of his photographs can be seen on the exhibition wall. The signage is in French.
A missionary stands reading in a room next to a small table covered with books a photos. A bed and night table are seen in one corner of the room and a dresser is against an opposite wall. A rifle is shown leaning against the wall near the door.