"Scieurs de long." Two sawyers are shown cutting through a large piece of lumber using a long saw. One operates the saw from above while the other sawyer is down below in a pit. Three men are seen nearby.
"Femmes faisant la potterie. À Mpréso." Three women are shown making clay vessels on a street in Mpraeso. Tall thatched mud buildings can be seen behind the women. Goats are resting in the middle of a wide street.
"Prédication sur la rue." The missionary Ramseyer is shown on a village street before a gathering. Men, women and children are in attendance to hear the Western preacher.
A group of young African women are shown at various tasks while preparing a dish from plantain. Some pound the fruit and roots with a mortar and pestle while others tend the cook pot over a fire.
Mrs. Ramseyer is shown at a bedside table having coffee or tea in a small brick dwelling at Kumasi. The room is filled with various personal items furniture. Books and albums and other various items can be seen stored up on the rafters.
"Abocoby." A small tree-lined street with goats is depicted next to a two story house with a walled garden. People can be seen on the street in the distance.
The Rev. and Mrs. Ramseyer are shown with a large group outside the mission at Abetifi on the 50th wedding anniversary. The Rev. Haasis along with native clergy, possibly, pose near the couple. A sign for the mission is seen at the center back of the photo.
Rev. Ramseyer is shown sitting at a desk in the rebuilt mission house at Kumasi. Mrs. Ramseyer is seen through an open doorway sitting in a chair in a bedroom.
"P et M." The Reverend and Mrs. Ramseyer along with an African woman and girl pose at the base of a silk cotton tree. A leopard skin is shown under the kneeling girl.