Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Bundles of firewood at 'small west gate.' Kiating [now Leshan] A high number of wood bundles sit on the coastline, with people milling around. Several boats are in the water next to the wood.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Kiating Szechuan West China at low water the boats must travel close to the shore to avoid the sand bar which is completely covered when the river is high. [now Leshan, Sichuan] A view from a hill on the river. Several boats are in the water, and there is a town on the banks.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Theatrical troupe who put on plays to please the fire god (over). These plays were in an open area where people came and went, standing to watch. A group of people on a stage of varying ages, all in costumes. Many of the costumes include long fake beards.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and At the top of Tai San, the holy mount of Shantung province. The stairs are so steep that men and boys help pilgrims up the slope. [now Tai Shan] [now Shandong] A temple is visible at the top of the mountain, with many stairs leading to it.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and In process of building summer bungalow. A partially finished house among hills and greenery. A person stands on the first floor, a wall to the outside lacking.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Taking spirit tablet home. The son is carrying the spirit tablet. People are visible in the background, and the coffin is to his left., and These photos are scenes from a Buddhist funeral.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Son mourning at family altar. Son is standing with hands together at the family altar., and These photos are scenes from a Buddhist funeral.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Son before spirit tablet. The son is kneeling and bowing to the spirit tablet of his mother, which sits on the end of the coffin., and These photos are scenes from a Buddhist funeral.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Back of photo: "Some of the surrendering soldiers of Yunnan province who had been fighting the Szechwanese. They were kept in our church until a missionary could escort them to the border since it was a several days trip."
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and One of the smallest of some eight walled cities in our Suifu outstation district where we only are doing Protestant Christian work. (+ I am the only foreign pastor!) This is beautiful Gung Hsein, 70 eng miles from Suifu, to the S.E. [now Yibin] A distance view of the village, which is surrounded by trees and mountains.
"Why the upper Yangtsi River (west of I-pin) is called 'golden sands.' The Chinese wash them for gold." A man is pouring sand and water through a sifter, looking for gold. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Act 2 Good Samaritan parable in Chinese setting. Buddhist priest first passes by and then a Taoist priest (holding rose) next. The priests are passing by a "wounded" man on the ground. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Act 1 Good Samaritan in Chinese setting, posed by school boys etc. Three boys surround a fourth on his knees. They have items raised to mime hitting the boy kneeling. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
"Raft on Tong river as we go home to Kiating from Conference in Yachow." [now Leshan] A raft near the shore with people on board, rowing. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Ya River Raft, West China Parked for Repairs to the steering sweep before descending (shooting) dangerous rapids below. A raft sitting on the river's edge, with gear in the center. Visible in the background are trees and some of the cliffs that follow the river.
"Helping a raft on the Tong river to cross over stones on a very shallow section -- every body 'out.'" Several people are out of the raft, working to move it along the stones in a shallow portion of the river. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
"Peddling water to higher field, China." Two boys are using pedals to power a waterwheel, bringing water from a lower area to a slightly higher field. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and White Pagoda near carved Figure of big Buddha across the Yangtzi river in Kiating West China. [now Yangtze] [now Leshan] A pagoda with grass growing from varioes tiers. A man sits in the foreground.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Son mourning at family altar. The son is kneeling with his hands held together at the altar for his mother. Another man stands behind him, hands also folded in prayer, but is looking at the camera., and These photos are scenes from a Buddhist funeral.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Mourners dressed in white. A woman grieves in the arms of another in the midst of a group., and These photos are scenes from a Buddhist funeral.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., From a series of photographs documenting a Buddhist funeral., and The son mourns his mother. The husband does not dress in white or mourn; another wife is available but not another mother. The husband stands to the left in dark clothing. The son stands to the right, all in white. The priest stands in the middle, wearing elaborate robes and headdress.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Pig going to market A dead pig, trussed up for market. It is tied to a pole which is carried by two men.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Threshing beans A man is holding a bamboo thresher. A house is visible in the background
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and This man scuttled his boat in order to save it from being commandeered for building the bridge-of-boats at Kiating during fighting. A boat is partially submerged in water near the shore. A large pile of logs is on the shore.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Fish net A man is in a boat moored on the shoreline, and he is still holding the oars. A large conical fish net sits near the boat. Two empty boats also are on the shore.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Tobacco A man in rolled up pants is carrying two bundles of tobacco stalks via a pole across his shoulders. Two more men carrying tobacco in this fashion are visible behind him.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and The owner with mats for over night. A man is holding a frame which supports several mats. Another man stands nearby, baskets around him.
"Live ducks going to market." A man is carrying two loads of live ducks via a pole across his shoulders. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
"Lo-lo chieftains held as hostages by the Chinese at Pin San or Golden Sands River, Szechwan Province, West China." [now Sichuan] Six men standing front of a building, each wearing a cape-like garment. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., From a series of photographs documenting a Buddhist funeral., and Paper articles to burn at grave. Many elaborately made items of paper, including a man on a horse, banners, and gifts, piled together. They will later be burned at a grave site, as an offering for the deceased.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Part of the procession to appease the Fire God. A Chinese dragon puppet with several sticks for holding is propped up against a wall. To the left a military man is visible and along the right are various people.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Junk on way up river Yangtsi in Szechwan Province, West China. [now Yangtze] [now Sichuan] Junk on the river. Several men on the shore are pulling on a rope attached to the junk.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and The whole figure reaches to the river below. It is red sandstone -- occasionally someone would have shrubbery growth removed and the face white-washed. Compare size of man standing on head. Carved in 713-735 AD Head of the giant Buddha sculpture; moss is visible growing from its head and parts of its face. A person is standing on top of the head.
"Sugar cane grinding mill, water buffalos turning the mills." A man is loading sugar cane into a mill which is powered by two water buffalo. There is a person standing behind the man. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and 'Gin Din' meaning golden summit a sacred mountain in Szechwan West China. Each of the two large temples claims to be the one on the summit. Hundreds of pilgrims climb the long ascent from the right of the photo -- on a clear morning at sunrise the snow mountains can be seen 200 miles away -- looking East with one's back to the cliff. [now Sichuan] A view of the summit.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Feast to honor three eighty-year-olds. A large group of men, both standing and seated at tables in a covered outdoor area, many looking in the direction of the camera. There are decorations hanging from the ceiling
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Ducks being driven to market. Many ducks swimming in the same direction. There is a person visible in the background.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., Coffin being carried to the grave. An elaborately designed coffin is being carried through the street by many attendants., and From a series of photographs documenting a Buddhist funeral.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Coal is mined and brought to the boats on river by using baskets on ropes. Empty basket goes up as coal filled one comes down. There is a stop place half way up or the ropes would be too long and heavy to manage. A high cliff with ropes coming down, meant to carry up loads of coal from the lower levels.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Climbing to the top of Tai San, the holy mount of Shantung, visited by Confucius two-thousand-years-ago. [now Tai Shan] [now Shandong] A Chinese man is sitting on a rock along the path up the mountain. There is a primitive rolling device near him, and seems to be an inscription on a large rock behind him.
"West gate entrance to former Kiating near our home -- the sign on the right is an advertisement for singer sewing machines if I remember rightly!" [now Leshan] and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Kindergarten children with Christmas gift dolls. Suifu Sze. [now Yibin, Sichuan] Several children sitting in rows outdoors, and each is holding a doll. Their teacher is standing to the right.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., From a series of photographs documenting a Buddhist funeral., and Preparing for procession to the grave. Children are milling around the street. To the left, several paper figures carrying flags are visible.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., From a series of photographs documenting a Buddhist funeral., and Paper articles burned at grave for use of the deceased in the next world. A fire is consunming the various paper artifacts that are offerings for the dead woman's spirit.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., From a series of photographs documenting a Buddhist funeral., and The grave site. A site is prepared for the coffin. Many people are around the site wearing white, the traditional Buddhist color of mourning.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., From a series of photographs documenting a Buddhist funeral., and Funeral ceremonies. A Buddhist priest stands behind a decorated altar, and to his right and left are attendants. A man in white sits in front of the altar.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Border trading village of Man-I-si, Szechwan, on Golden Islands River. [now Sichuan] A village among several hills, viewed from a distance.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Bridge of boats built quickly during fighting between 'war lords' of Yunnan and Szechwan provinces. [now Sichuan] In the distance a bridge made up of planks supported by boats is visible. Many more boats are in the foreground on the left.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and We were delayed here for two or three days because the city of Kiating was under siege. Soldiers fired to have us stop. [now Leshan]