Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Border trading village of Man-I-si, Szechwan, on Golden Islands River. [now Sichuan] A village among several hills, viewed from a distance.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., From a series of photographs documenting a Buddhist funeral., and Funeral ceremonies. A Buddhist priest stands behind a decorated altar, and to his right and left are attendants. A man in white sits in front of the altar.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., From a series of photographs documenting a Buddhist funeral., and The grave site. A site is prepared for the coffin. Many people are around the site wearing white, the traditional Buddhist color of mourning.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., From a series of photographs documenting a Buddhist funeral., and Paper articles burned at grave for use of the deceased in the next world. A fire is consunming the various paper artifacts that are offerings for the dead woman's spirit.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive., From a series of photographs documenting a Buddhist funeral., and Preparing for procession to the grave. Children are milling around the street. To the left, several paper figures carrying flags are visible.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Kindergarten children with Christmas gift dolls. Suifu Sze. [now Yibin, Sichuan] Several children sitting in rows outdoors, and each is holding a doll. Their teacher is standing to the right.
"West gate entrance to former Kiating near our home -- the sign on the right is an advertisement for singer sewing machines if I remember rightly!" [now Leshan] and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Climbing to the top of Tai San, the holy mount of Shantung, visited by Confucius two-thousand-years-ago. [now Tai Shan] [now Shandong] A Chinese man is sitting on a rock along the path up the mountain. There is a primitive rolling device near him, and seems to be an inscription on a large rock behind him.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Coal is mined and brought to the boats on river by using baskets on ropes. Empty basket goes up as coal filled one comes down. There is a stop place half way up or the ropes would be too long and heavy to manage. A high cliff with ropes coming down, meant to carry up loads of coal from the lower levels.