"Why the upper Yangtsi River (west of I-pin) is called 'golden sands.' The Chinese wash them for gold." A man is pouring sand and water through a sifter, looking for gold. and Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Border trading village of Man-I-si, Szechwan, on Golden Islands River. [now Sichuan] A village among several hills, viewed from a distance.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and In process of building summer bungalow. A partially finished house among hills and greenery. A person stands on the first floor, a wall to the outside lacking.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Coal is mined and brought to the boats on river by using baskets on ropes. Empty basket goes up as coal filled one comes down. There is a stop place half way up or the ropes would be too long and heavy to manage. A high cliff with ropes coming down, meant to carry up loads of coal from the lower levels.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Kindergarten children with Christmas gift dolls. Suifu Sze. [now Yibin, Sichuan] Several children sitting in rows outdoors, and each is holding a doll. Their teacher is standing to the right.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Building a boat, Tong river above Kiating. [now Leshan] Several boats moored along the shore. The boat in the foreground is in the middle of construction, with a man standing in it. Several other people are also visible in the photo, many hauling buckets.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and We were delayed here for two or three days because the city of Kiating was under siege. Soldiers fired to have us stop. [now Leshan]
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and This man scuttled his boat in order to save it from being commandeered for building the bridge-of-boats at Kiating during fighting. A boat is partially submerged in water near the shore. A large pile of logs is on the shore.
Also included in the International Mission Photography Archive. and Bridge of boats built quickly during fighting between 'war lords' of Yunnan and Szechwan provinces. [now Sichuan] In the distance a bridge made up of planks supported by boats is visible. Many more boats are in the foreground on the left.