A collection of cards, booklets, bags and other objects, each numbered from 1 to 17 as: Italian lesson no. [blank]. Most pieces have printed text or images, some have mounted images or affixed labels.
A collection of cards, booklets, bags and other objects, each numbered from 1 to 17 as: Italian lesson no. [blank]. Most pieces have printed text or images, some have mounted images or affixed labels.
A collection of cards, booklets, bags and other objects, each numbered from 1 to 17 as: Italian lesson no. [blank]. Most pieces have printed text or images, some have mounted images or affixed labels.
A collection of cards, booklets, bags and other objects, each numbered from 1 to 17 as: Italian lesson no. [blank]. Most pieces have printed text or images, some have mounted images or affixed labels.
A collection of cards, booklets, bags and other objects, each numbered from 1 to 17 as: Italian lesson no. [blank]. Most pieces have printed text or images, some have mounted images or affixed labels.
A collection of cards, booklets, bags and other objects, each numbered from 1 to 17 as: Italian lesson no. [blank]. Most pieces have printed text or images, some have mounted images or affixed labels.
A collection of cards, booklets, bags and other objects, each numbered from 1 to 17 as: Italian lesson no. [blank]. Most pieces have printed text or images, some have mounted images or affixed labels.
A collection of cards, booklets, bags and other objects, each numbered from 1 to 17 as: Italian lesson no. [blank]. Most pieces have printed text or images, some have mounted images or affixed labels.
A collection of cards, booklets, bags and other objects, each numbered from 1 to 17 as: Italian lesson no. [blank]. Most pieces have printed text or images, some have mounted images or affixed labels.
A collection of cards, booklets, bags and other objects, each numbered from 1 to 17 as: Italian lesson no. [blank]. Most pieces have printed text or images, some have mounted images or affixed labels.
A collection of cards, booklets, bags and other objects, each numbered from 1 to 17 as: Italian lesson no. [blank]. Most pieces have printed text or images, some have mounted images or affixed labels.
A collection of cards, booklets, bags and other objects, each numbered from 1 to 17 as: Italian lesson no. [blank]. Most pieces have printed text or images, some have mounted images or affixed labels.
A collection of cards, booklets, bags and other objects, each numbered from 1 to 17 as: Italian lesson no. [blank]. Most pieces have printed text or images, some have mounted images or affixed labels.
A collection of cards, booklets, bags and other objects, each numbered from 1 to 17 as: Italian lesson no. [blank]. Most pieces have printed text or images, some have mounted images or affixed labels.
A collection of cards, booklets, bags and other objects, each numbered from 1 to 17 as: Italian lesson no. [blank]. Most pieces have printed text or images, some have mounted images or affixed labels.
Coracle Press Cutts, Simon, 1944- Van Horn, Erica., creator
Published / Created:
Call Number:
Zab V3115 +979A 39
Image Count:
A marriage announcement., All pages blank except for p. [5] which has stamp: May 6., BEIN Zab V3115 +979A 39: In box with ms. title: Assorted cards / Erica Van Horn., Erica Van Horn & Simon Cutts., and Title from front wrapper; statement of responsibility from p. [3] of wrapper.
Coracle Press Cutts, Simon, 1944- Van Horn, Erica., creator
Published / Created:
Call Number:
Zab V3115 2005P
Image Count:
BEIN Zab V3115 2005P: Original wrappers., Erica, Simon & Emily. Coracle, Ballybeg. November 2005--P. [3]., Title from first line of text., and We are always looking for him in the bend of the boreen.
Coracle Press Cutts, Simon, 1944- Van Horn, Erica., creator
Published / Created:
Call Number:
Zab V3115 2006S
Image Count:
Alternative Title:
Stoppage and Stoppage, or, The possibility of mending invisibly
BEIN Zab V3115 2006S: No. 43., In 1990 I cut 100 holes out of a page of the book Sans Signaux (with Simon Cutts). The holes remained in an envelope until now. There seem to be only 85 left, so that is the edition. No. [blank]. Erica Van Horn. 2006.--P. [7]., Publisher information from colophon., and Title from wrapper; alternate title from p. [1].
Coracle Press Cutts, Simon, 1944- Van Horn, Erica., creator
Published / Created:
Call Number:
Zab V3115 +990S
Image Count:
An edition of 100 copies signed by the artists. No. [blank]--Colophon., BEIN Zab V3115 +990S: No. 87. Autographs of the artists., and Erica Van Horn & Simon Cutts.
""Towards a meeting with Jonathan Williams on his 77th birthday & Thomas Meyer of the Jargon Society, at Skywinding Farm, Scaly Mountain, North Carolina from New Haven, Connecticut and diversely back ... between March 3rd and 11th 2006.""
""A few of the names used in Britain for those narrow passageways between buildings, the short-cuts from street to street, the alleys which criss-cross between houses in a row."" and An edition of 300 copies: [blank] : 300.
Allotments, T, 1970, st, with Ian Hamilton Finlay, S. Mills, I. Gardner, 16pp, 27/100 Ms. G. White of Messrs Green and White, T, nd, hs, st, 12pp Thousands of little pieces of cloth, T, nd, not bound, 12pp sky so thin, T, hs, nd (1970 ?), 12pp line Sails, Gallery Number Ten, 8 cards in folder, nd, lp line Sails reprint (1979) Thoughts to Music, Gemma Three, st, nd, 12pp Thousands of pieces of strings, T, c, nd I prefer the streams, c, T, nd The currants do not move, c, T, nd treacle sandwich flagpole, fc, T, 1970 Treacle, c as in T magazine No.11/12, np/T, nd Flagpole Rock, c as in T magazine No.11/12, nd
Ceolfrith 5: Ian Hamilton Finlay, Ceolfrith Press, Sunderland, 1970, Item No.4 in portfolio: ‘Wild Hawthorn Press, an appreciation by SC’, (not all portfolios appear to include this two-sided blue card, which while vintage SC writing does not actually identify the author). Note also another version of this text completely re-set (as a handout at IHF’s show at Ceolfrith?) this time with a tribute to SC as ‘a well-known poet and publisher…’, edited and without the author’s involvement or consent!
The Journal of Artists Books 1996 Issue No.5, Interview with SC and EVH page 3 The Times Magazine: Interiors, page 49. Neon Poem described Single Words for Ian Hamilton Finlay, Coracle 1996, p.20 ‘Shepherdess’ Introduction to Word and Pictures, Issue 7, 1996 life/live. Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris. workfortheeyetodo descriptive entry to catalogue. [see bibliography]
Typed sheet, ‘sunday painter sunday school’. Six scraps of notes in buff folder, some with poems in large white folder: 5 typed postcards with, at bottom, Beaufort Three (Four, Five, Eight, Nine), on back handwritten texts, scrap of artwork for ‘waterleaf’, typed and handwritten poems on two sheets of green paper, 3 sheets of typed poems, incl. Thousands of little pieces of cloth, 3 pieces of paper stapled together: Pails of Weather Vol.2, 4 sheets of typed poems on green paper, incl. ‘parachutes are machines’ poem ‘wet hair without rain’ also typed on white sheet. 3 sheets of holographic notes/draft poems. G. A. Collier, Lecture on Lightning Conductors, Steeplejacks and their work, W. J. Furse & Co. , Nottingham, 40pp, nd, illustrations. Survey of Thunderstorms in the British Isles, Summer Thunderstorms, Third Annual Report, 1933, by S. Morris Bower and others. Photo of barrage balloons, supplied by Westminster Press Prov. Newspapers in clear plastic folder: Typed sheet ‘A Weather Manifesto’, crossed out & replaced by ‘Weather’ Handwritten sheet ‘For weather manifesto’. Other notes on the Tarasque usage of weather and the weather manifesto: 8 items, handwritten Postcard addressed to ‘SC (craftsman)’: ‘on Sunday painted a sky’.