Grant, C. J. (Charles Jameson), active 1830-1852, printmaker
Published / Created:
March 1st, 1834.
Call Number:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Central scene shows rivalry between doctors and their respective quack remedies. A patient sits helplessly in a chair while proponents of different medicines brawl with each other, overturning tables and chairs. Beneath are a comic strip and a further six comic episodes. The scenes below show 'a few specimens of the public in general!!', while the six scenes at the bottom begin with a fat woman tending pots at a stove, 'Ruling the roost', and end with a black boxer in 'Drama. The miller & his men' and Each scene is subtitled starting top with 'sudden breaking up of a consultation' and ending bottom right with 'Drama. The miller & his men'. There is numerous lettering in the main central scene including top left: 'I say the man is in the last stage of consumption thro' a too frequent supply of Morrison's Pills instead of Leakes sillybrated pills, which would have saved his life'. In response another salesman replies: 'It's false fellow the 'vegetables' rallied him but taking a box of your rubbish afterwards threw him back'. Another vendor exclaims: 'You have completely ruin'd the patient with your vile sovereign remedies in short you've kill'd him - then he can't swallow any more of your patent quack medicines.- You have totally deprived him of his sense of hearing - then he won't hear your gammon in the shape of advice - you have destoryed his olfactory nerves - then he wont be able to smell your horrid physic - you have glinded him with your deadly narcotics - then he can't see any more of your imposing long bills - you have deprived him of his speech - then he can't call you a humbug - in short Dr Long you have destroyed all his organs of sense - then you can no longer play upon his credibility'. Other doctors mentioned in the lettering include 'Dr Jardan and his universal balm' and 'Dr Solomons' (Dr Samuel Solomon, inventor of the Balm of Gilead).
Title from text beneath largest image at top of sheet., Largest image is signed in lower left corner with C.J. Grant's initials., Possibly published by John Kendrick, who issued other numbers of Every body's album & caricature magazine., Imperfect; sheet trimmed with loss of all text and additional images beneath largest image at top. Description based on a more perfect impression in the Wellcome Library, no. 640599i., "Continued every fortnight"--Following date., "In mercy spare us if we do our best, to make as much waste paper as the rest"--Beneath date., "6d. plain, 1s. colourd."--Upper right., Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Drugs -- Morrison's Pills -- Leake's Pills -- Jardan., and Sheet trimmed to 216 x 272 mm.
J. Kendrick?
Subject (Name):
Morison, James, 1770-1840., Solomon, Samuel, -approximately 1818., and Long, John St. John, 1798-1834.
Subject (Topic):
Physicians, Quacks and quackery, and Tablets (Medicine)
Grant, C. J. (Charles Jameson), active 1830-1852, printmaker
Published / Created:
Call Number:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Title devised by curator., Signed in lower left corner with C.J. Grant's initials., Possibly an illustration from Every body's album & caricature magazine, a series published in 1834 by J. Kendrick., Sheet trimmed with possible loss of title and imprint., This record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Gin shops.
J. Kendrick?
Subject (Topic):
Eating & drinking facilities, Gin, Intoxication, Alcoholism, Poor persons, and Children
Grant, C. J. (Charles Jameson), active 1830-1852, printmaker
Published / Created:
[approximately 4 January 1835]
Call Number:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
A series of unconnected caricature vignettes. The centre of the print is dominated by a large set of scales - a well-established symbol within the English satirical canon - which are weighted heavily towards the side containing 659 “£10 voters”, as opposed to the 36 well-dressed gentlemen of the “close packed corporation”. Beneath the scales a tubby gent in a bicorn hat tries to correct this imbalance by helplessly tugging at a rope. The multiple punning references to oaks are reinforced by the image of a dying tree stump, which Grant had given a human face, that looks miserably on from the background whilst a vulture, or some other bird of prey, circles above it menacingly. In the bottom left-hand corner two men, an undertaker and a man carrying the trappings of a pharmacist, stand in conversation. The apothecary, with a face that appears to be hideously scarred by smallpox; above stands a huge wheel of cheese, out of which crawls a figure. The rest of the print is covered by a motley collection of characters including 'Teddy the Mower' - a hobo who carries an official mace that's been turned into a scythe, 'Turn Again Dick' - A two-faced politician who advocates reform but also brandishes an article written for the Tory press, 'A German Duck' - A grotesquely overweight and featureless figure that has a dead bird hanging out of his coat pocket and the unnamed figure of an auctioneer. The print refers to the campaign for the 1835 general election campaign that began in Bury St Edmunds. The multiple references to 'oaks' relate to a prominent local banker by the name of James Henry Oakes, a staunch Tory supporter, who used his considerable wealth to pack the town Corporation with placemen who would deliver the policies he wanted. It is possible that the portly figure who is attempting to pull the scales back in favour of the “Close Pack'd Corporation” may be James Henry Oakes himself, although the character bears no resemblance to the 1839 portrait of Oakes held by the National Gallery. See British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Six hundred fifty-nine to thirty-six!!
Title from text within image.
Published by the Society for the Suppression of Conservative Vice, & sold by all Lovers of Reform of Abuses & to be had of E. Birchenall [i.e. Birchinall], Churchgate St., Bury
Grant, C. J. (Charles Jameson), active 1830-1852, printmaker
Published / Created:
Call Number:
Folio 75 G750 833 Copy 2 (Oversize) Box 2
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Drunk soldiers on horses shooting women and children."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Drunken dragoons shooting old women and children at Wolverhampton by way of keeping their hand in
Title from item., Attributed to Charles Jameson Grant in the British Museum online catalogue., Date from the British Museum online catalogue: ca. 1833. Date of 1835 suggested based topic of print: the 1835 Wolverhampton riot., Wood engraving with letterpress text., Two lines of text below title: And yet public sympathy would abolish the lash from the backs of such cowardly, disgusting man-butchers ..., Imperfect; sheet trimmed with loss of imprint and series statement. Missing text supplied from impression in the British Museum., Numbered "91" in brown ink in top center portion of design., and No. 91.
Printed and published by G. Drake, 12, Houghton Street, Clare Market
Subject (Topic):
Soldiers, British, Cavalry, Intoxication, Shooting, Older people, and Children
Grant, C. J. (Charles Jameson), active 1830-1852, printmaker
Published / Created:
Call Number:
Folio 75 G750 833 Copy 2 (Oversize) Box 2
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"First panel: bored politician with feet on the table dealing with the drunken dragoons without giving the matter proper consideration; second panel: O'Connel protecting himself with a shield from three witches with politicians' features."--British Museum online catalogue
Titles from item., Attributed to Charles Jameson Grant in the British Museum online catalogue., Date of publication from the British Museum online catalogue: ca. 1833. Date based on the subject of the print: The Wolverhampton riots of 1835., Design consists of two panels side by side, each individually titled., Wood engraving with letterpress text., Text below title of first panel: Taken by an eye-witness, who saw and heard the above through the key-hole., Imperfect; sheet trimmed with loss of imprint and series statement. Missing text supplied from impression in the British Museum., Numbered "92" in brown ink in lower left corner of first panel of design., and No. 92.
Printed and published by G. Drake, 12, Houghton Street, Clare Market
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
O'Connell, Daniel, 1775-1847 and Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852
Subject (Topic):
Politicians, Dandies, British, Soldiers, Cavalry, Top hats, Monocles, Shields, and Witches
Grant, C. J. (Charles Jameson), active 1830-1852, printmaker
Published / Created:
Call Number:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Satire against Conservative policies: The 'Conservative Angel' top centre brings 'all Ale to Spirits', dispensing beer from a tankard marked 'vote for Lush'. A 'Nunn at Devotions' prays for the defeat of radicals and two figures on a wheel are 'just caught in the Conservative rat trap'. Other figures include Jim Crow, two fish (brother Gudgeon and friend Haddock) jumping for bait, and 'Don Diego de Carle-os Lie-ing in State'.
Title from text centered at the top of the image.
Published by the Society of Surppression of Conservative Vice & Sold by E. Birchinall, Churchgate St., Bury St Edds., Suffolk, England, Great Britain, Europe
Grant, C. J. (Charles Jameson), active 1830-1852, printmaker
Published / Created:
[31 August 1839]
Call Number:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
A satire on the legal case between two purveyor’s of medical ointments Felix Albinolo and Thomas Holloway in the form of a dialogue between Mr. Bull, Mr. Murphy, Mr. Sawney; with an image with a cartouche "Albinolo's, or, The St. Come et St. Damien (brothers & physicians.) Ointment, 23 Earl Street, Blackfriars, London." decorated with an eye (all-seeing?) at the top, snakes on the side, and a lion at the bottom
Alternative Title:
No family ought ever to be without a pot of Albinolo's ...
Title from text below image., Text above image: No family ought ever to be without a pot of Albinolo's, or the St. Come and St. Damien's Ointment., Attribution to C.J. Grant from his known contributions to the periodical in which this illustration appeared. See: C.J. Grant's political drama. London : University College, c1998, page 12., Illustration from: The Penny satirist. London : B.D. Cousins, v. 3, no. 124 (31 August 1839), page 4., and Wood engraving with letterpress text.
Grant, C. J. (Charles Jameson), active 1830-1852, printmaker
Published / Created:
Call Number:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Title from heading above image., Publication date from unverified data from local card catalog record., and Sheet trimmed within design with possible loss of publisher statement.
publisher not identified and Printed by Dean & Munday, 40 Threadneedle St.