"Portrait after a drawing by Hogarth; head and shoulders of a man with a prominent forehead and hooked chin, to left looking down, wearing a wide-brimmed hat set at a tilt and cravat; with another head in profile to left wearing a plumed cocked hat, behind; after plate reduced and inscription curtailed and re-engraved."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image, with line break after the word 'engravers',, Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and For another state published by W. Dickinson see: Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 3, no. 3099.
Half-length portrait of Sir James Thornhill, slightly turned to the right
Alternative Title:
Sir James Thornhill
Title from caption below image., Plate from: Ireland, S. Graphic illustrations of Hogarth ... 1794, vol. i, p. 86., and On page 207 in volume 3. Sheet trimmed to:
A copy after the 1734 print from a design by W. Hogarth. The artist Jonathan Richardson, seated at a table, looks through a telescope that is aimed at the bare bottom of his son who stands on the table before him. Through his son the father looks at a volume of "Virgil [A]enid" which lies open on the shelf above. With his right hand he writes with a quill pen on a sheet of paper with the heading 'Note'. On the other shelves along the wall are paintings and small statuary; on the wall below the shelves is a portrait of Milton. On the floor in the lower right edge is an artist's palette and an easel. A dog jumps and barks at the son's feet
Alternative Title:
Complicated Richardson
Title from caption above image., Signed within image: WH f. [i.e., Wm. Hogarth fecit]., Text below image: "I know well enough my eye is no eye at all. I must apply to my telescope. My son is my telescope, tis by his help I read [the] learned languages.", Page from: Ireland, S. Graphic illustrations of Hogarth ... 1794, vol. i, p. 86., Ms. note in pencil in Steevens's hand above print: £14-0--0., and On page 233 in volume 3. Sheet trimmed to: 19.7 x 12.6 cm.
A copy after the 1734 print from a design by W. Hogarth. The artist Jonathan Richardson, seated at a table, looks through a telescope that is aimed at the bare bottom of his son who stands on the table before him. Through his son the father looks at a volume of "Virgil [A]enid" which lies open on the shelf above. With his right hand he writes with a quill pen on a sheet of paper with the heading 'Note'. On the other shelves along the wall are paintings and small statuary; on the wall below the shelves is a portrait of Milton. On the floor in the lower right edge is an artist's palette and an easel. A dog jumps and barks at the son's feet
Alternative Title:
Complicated Richardson
Title from caption above image., Signed within image: WH f. [i.e., Wm. Hogarth fecit]., Text below image: "I know well enough my eye is no eye at all. I must apply to my telescope. My son is my telescope, tis by his help I read [the] learned languages.", and Page from: Ireland, S. Graphic illustrations of Hogarth ... 1794, vol. i, p. 86.
"Portrait in profile of a young man who lacks hands and legs beyond the knee; full-length, sitting on a cushion before a lectern on the right, drawing a tree with a pen held against his mouth using his left elbow."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from text within image., Etched below the image: These deficiencies were occasioned, (as his mother supposes) by a fright she suffer'd whilst pregnant with him. Notwithstanding these disadvantages he has by industry acquired the arts of writing, and drawing, holding and guiding the pen and pencil with the muscles of his cheek and arm., and Mounted to: 27.7 x 21 cm
Publish'd for T. Inglefield
Subject (Name):
Inglefield, Thomas, 1769-,
Subject (Topic):
Abnormalities, Human, Phocomelus, Artists, British, and People with disabilities
Benefit ticket for William Milward, for his performance of Colonel Feignwell, in Centlivre's 'A Bold Stroke for a Wife' at Lincoln's Inn in 1728; illustrated with a scene from Gay's 'The Beggar's Opera' with Lockit, Lucy, Macheath, and Polly Peachum in a jail cell; illustration to Ireland's 'Graphic Illustrations of Hogarth' (1794-1799).
Alternative Title:
Benefit ticket for Milward
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Cf. Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works, no. 112.
Publish'd 1st May 1788 by Molton & Co., 132 Pall Mall
Subject (Name):
Milward, William, 1702-1742. and Gay, John, 1685-1732.
Benefit ticket for William Milward, for his performance of Colonel Feignwell, in Centlivre's 'A Bold Stroke for a Wife' at Lincoln's Inn in 1728; illustrated with a scene from Gay's 'The Beggar's Opera' with Lockit, Lucy, Macheath, and Polly Peachum in a jail cell; illustration to Ireland's 'Graphic Illustrations of Hogarth' (1794-1799).
Alternative Title:
Benefit ticket for Milward
Title etched below image., Plate from: Ireland, S. Graphic illustrations of Hogarth. London : R. Faulder and J. Egerton, 1794, v. 1, p. 98., Reissued plate with imprint burnished out., and Cf. Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works, no. 113.
Faulder and Egerton
Subject (Name):
Milward, William, 1702-1742. and Gay, John, 1685-1732.