Great Britain. War Office. General Staff. Geographical Section United States. Army Map Service
Published / Created:
Call Number:
352gme M94 1942A
Container / Volume:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Maps, Atlases & Globes
Alternative Title:
Geographical Section, General Staff ; no. 4224 and GSGS (Series) ; no. 4224.
Five classes of roads and paths are also indicated., In lower left corner of margin: War Office 1941., and In lower right corner of margin: Reproduced from a Finnish map.
Great Britain. War Office. General Staff. Geographical Section United States. Army Map Service
Published / Created:
Call Number:
352gme M94 1942B
Container / Volume:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Maps, Atlases & Globes
Alternative Title:
Geographical Section, General Staff ; no. 4224 and GSGS (Series) ; no. 4224.
Five classes of roads and paths are also indicated., In lower left corner of margin: War Office 1941., and In lower right corner of margin: Reproduced from a Finnish map.
Great Britain. War Office. General Staff. Geographical Section United States. Army Map Service
Published / Created:
Call Number:
352gme M94 1942C
Container / Volume:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Maps, Atlases & Globes
Alternative Title:
Geographical Section, General Staff ; no. 4224 and GSGS (Series) ; no. 4224.
Five classes of roads and paths are also indicated., In lower left corner of margin: War Office 1941., and In lower right corner of margin: Reproduced from a Finnish map.
Great Britain. War Office. General Staff. Geographical Section United States. Army Map Service
Published / Created:
Call Number:
352gme M94 1942D
Container / Volume:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Maps, Atlases & Globes
Alternative Title:
Geographical Section, General Staff ; no. 4224 and GSGS (Series) ; no. 4224.
Five classes of roads and paths are also indicated., In lower left corner of margin: War Office 1941., and In lower right corner of margin: Reproduced from a Finnish map.
Great Britain. War Office. General Staff. Geographical Section United States. Army Map Service
Published / Created:
Call Number:
352gme M94 1942E
Container / Volume:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Maps, Atlases & Globes
Alternative Title:
Geographical Section, General Staff ; no. 4224 and GSGS (Series) ; no. 4224.
Five classes of roads and paths are also indicated., In lower left corner of margin: War Office 1941., and In lower right corner of margin: Reproduced from a Finnish map.
Great Britain. War Office. General Staff. Geographical Section United States. Army Map Service
Published / Created:
Call Number:
354 1942
Container / Volume:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Maps, Atlases & Globes
Alternative Title:
[G.S.G.S.] 4327 and GSGS (Series) ; 4327.
"Copied from a map produced by 512 (A. Fd. svy.) coy. R.E., January 1942 and collated by Mid-Asiatic bureau M.E.", In lower right corner of margin: Reprint November 1942., Relief shown by hachures and shading., and Two gauges of railroads, principal roads and tr
"Periods when tracks are impracticable (rainy seasons)" shown by diagram., Based on road maps by Michelin., Marginal map: Sheet assemblage diag, and Shows motorable roads with distances in kilometers, camel trails and air routes in hours, and sea routes in days.
Army Map Service, U.S. Army,
Subject (Geographic):
Africa, Northwest--Road maps and Africa, West--Road maps
"Reference" gives key to points of interest; a few streets are named., In upper margin: Morocco., Indexed as part of series GSGS 4241., and Military grid.
"3-43.", "Copied from a French map, 1:10,000, Plan de la ville de Rouen, 1933.", "First edition 1943.", Most streets and some buildings are named., Nord de guerre zone grid., and Street names and some points of interest in French.
"3-43.", "Copied from a French map, 1:10,000, Plan de la ville de Rouen, 1933.", "First edition 1943.", Most streets and some buildings are named., Nord de guerre zone grid., and Street names and some points of interest in French.
"4-43.", "Copied from CB 1804, map 27.", "French Lambert zone II grid.", Major street names and place names in French., Relief shown by rock drawings., and Some streets and buildings are named.
A.M.S. ; M961 and Series (Standard map series designation system) ; M961.
"Copied from I.S.I.S. report 1:6,600, Calais, CB 1804 no. 7, 1939 and Calais guide, 1:12,000, J. Peumery, City plan of Calais.", At head of title: France., and Most streets and some buildings are named.
Its A.M.S. ; M961 and Series (Standard map series designation system) ; M961.
"Copied from a French map 1:6,000, Nouveau plan de Charleville-Mezieres.", At head of title: France 1:5,000., and Some streets and buildings are named.
"3-43.", "Copied from French map, 1:50,000, Colmar F 37-18, revised to 1926.", "First edition 1943.", A few buildings are named., Military grid., Place names and buildings in French., and Relief show by spot heights.
"3-43.", "Copied from French map, 1:50,000, Maubeuge no. 28-6, revised to 1930, and French map, 1:50,000, Le Quesnoy no. 27-6, revised to 1931.", "First edition 1943.", "Nord de guerre zone grid.", and Some buildings are named.