Correspondents include Edmond Lutrand, Rowohlt Verlag, David LeVay, Margaret Crossland, Jacques from Yallancou Africa, June Jordan, Aidan Higgens, Mary Daly, Christian Rochefort, and others.
Personal and business correspondence including letters about Wittig's green card, and letters from Gerard Genette, Jerom and Irene Lindon, Paul Otchakovsky-Laurens, Joanna Russ, Leo Bersani, Jill Johnston and Ingrid Nyeboe, Martin Duberman, Laura Cottingham, Didier Eribon, Teresa De Lauretis, Germaine Bree, Erika Ostrovsky, PEN American Center, Peter Brook, Margo Viscusi, Lynn Diamond-Nigh, The Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies, George Moskos, and other people or organizations.
Includes writings and correspondence about Wittig's bibliography with Namascar Shaktini and Diane Crowder, and an English translation of Paris-la-Politique with Winter Bronwyn and Julia Creet.
Includes reviews by Claude Simon, Marguerite Duras, Francois Nourissier, Claude Michel Cluny, Christine Delphy, Jean Duffy, Isabel Contant, Colette Guillauman and others. Published in Observateur, Les Nouvelles Litteraires, Art Press, Le Quotidien de Paris, NQF, Village Voice, Lesbia magazine and others. Reviews of L'OPOPONAX, Dagbladet, Virgile, and others.
Correspondents include Kate Millett, Germaine Bree, Susan Suleiman, Laura Cottingham, Chaney Holland, Dominique Bourque, Dixie Sheridan, Valerie Minoque, Julia Balen, Michelle Causse, Diane Crowder, Namascar Shaktini, Barie Thorn, Alice Schwarzer, Brad Epps, Suzette Robichon, Susan Wolf, Ericka Ostrovsky, Elizabeth Kennedy, Didier Eribon, and others.
Correspondents include Who's Who in France, Editions de Minuit, Cercle Francais Du Livre, Svetova Literatura, Giulio Einaudi, David LeVay Margaret Crossland, and others.
Correspondence and writings, including Christine Delphy, Simone de Beauvoir, Adrienne Rich, Betsy Warrior, Andrea Dworkin, Monique Graziella and others.