Manuscript, in unidentified hand, on paper, containing a description of several alchemical and medical ingredients and processes. Includes a table of contents, using alchemical symbols, on f. 1: Aurum potabile (ff. 1-4), Lapis animalis (ff. 4-14), Lapis Vegetabilis (ff. 14-19), Lapis mineralis (ff. 19-26), Aurum potabile (ff. 26-30), Tinctura cum mercurio (ff. 30-33), Tinctura magna (ff. 33-36), Das war Auz[] pota[]le (ff. 36-41), Testamentum Raimundi Lulii (ff. 41-58), [mercuriis?] corporibus, Sequitur solutiones, Tinctura animalis, Tinctura albedinis (ff. 77-80), Coagulatio Mercurii (ff. 80-82), De oro argento (ff. 82-83), Verus elixir (ff. 83-86), Secreta Antionii (ff. 86-92), Proiectio (ff. 92-99).
In Latin and German., Title devised by cataloger., Script: gothic cursiva., Decoration: headings in red ink. Spare rubrication., Layout: single column of around 17 lines., Binding: red vellum binding., and Foliation in later hand.
Subject (Topic):
Alchemy, Manuscripts, Materia medica, Medicine, Medicine, Medieval, and Medicine, Magic, mystic, and spagiric
Manuscript, in two different unidentified hands, containing a collection of medical ingredients and recipes. Contains, in the first humanist hand, collection of medical recipes (ff. 1-21r) and a text of medical recipes against the plague by Mastro Tomasso da Garbo (ff. 21v-23v). In the second gothic hand, contains a a list of ingredients and their medical uses in Latin and Italian (ff. 24r-33r in Latin, ff. 24r-25r, 33r-51v in Italian).
In Italian and Latin., Title devised by cataloger., Script: humanist minuscule and gothic textualis., Decoration: rubricated headings and rubrication throughout., Layout: single column of 28 lines., Binding: contemporary vellum binding., Incipit text 1: Tolle una melagrana et mondala tucta et poi la pesta et trane el sugho... Heading text 2: El consiglio di Mastro Tomasso da Garbo contro la pestilentia. Incipit text 3: Verdolaghe. La verdolaga e de amorosa natura et de freda perche siando pistata et metuta sopra lo ventre tira la febre..., and Modern foliation in pencil.
Subject (Topic):
Recipes, Manuscripts, Materia medica, and Medicine
Minorica elucidativa racionabilis separationis fratrum minoru[m] de observantia ab aliis fratribus eiusdem ordinis
BEIN Marston MS 277: Bound with manuscripts relating to the Franciscan Order., BEIN Marston MS 277: Provenance: contemporary manuscript note on verso F6: Mors tua mors [Christi] trans mu[n]di gaudia celi et dolor inferm. sint meditenda tibi. Armorial Bookplate of Marston. Gift of the Library Associates., BEIN Marston MS 277: Binding: sixteenth century, Netherlands. Bound in tan goatskin over paste boards. Very faint blind tooling and four fastenings, two of them ribbon. Catches on the lower board. Front pastedown (and possibly back pastedown?): portion of a document dated 1491., Authorship also attributed to Alexander de Ariostis., and Signature: A⁸ B⁴ C⁸ D⁶ E⁴ F⁶ (F6 blank).
Guglielmo, da Saliceto, approximately 1210-1276 or 1277
Published / Created:
Call Number:
Manuscript 54 vault
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Manuscript, on paper, in two unidentified hands, containing Guglielmo da Saliceto's Summa conservationis et curationis (ff. 1r-275r). Followed, in a third hand, by an alphabetical glossary of plants in Latin and German (ff. 275r-278r). Ends with the text of the Chirurgia (ff. 280-364), ending imperfectly. Texts of the Summa conservationes et curationis and of the Chirurgia were likely written separately in Italy, but bound in Germany
Alternative Title:
Summa conservationis & curatione : [and] cyrurgia
In Latin and German., Title from title page (front flyleaf)., Script: humanist minuscule., Layout: double column of 51 lines., Binding: German 16th-century half blind-tooled pigskin binding over oak boards with two fore-edge brass clasps, with catches on the upper board. Lower board repaired with one clasp missing. Parchment binding stay (Germany, 15th-century) between ff. 10 and 11). Binding was rebacked and repaired in the 20th century; pastedown and flyleaf were added (watermark "P" with 4 petals on top, not located in Briquet). Leather spinal label with a gold-tooled title: "Guilielmi/ Placentini De [?]/ Saliceto Summa/ Conservationis/ Et Curationis/ 1473"., Title page has colophon: Wilhelmi Placentini medici de Saliceto summa conservationis et curationis -- item Chirurgia. 1473. Claruit auctor tempore Rudolphi I imp..., End of Summa (f. 275) has colophon: Explicit liber quart et ultimus practice phisicalis excellentissimi magistri guilhelmi piacentini 1473., and Two units foliated separately.
Subject (Topic):
Materia medica, Medicine, Manuscripts, Medicine, Medieval, and Surgery, Medieval
Manuscript, in unidentified hand, on parchment, containing six medical treatises. Includes: Bartolomeo da Montagnana's De urinibus (ff. 1r-10r); prescriptions by an unknown author (ff. 11a-29v); Bartolomeo da Montagnana's De compositione et dosandi (ff. 30r-40v); Petri de Tussignano's Recepte (ff. 41r-68v); Antonio Guainiero's Gynaecologia (69a-102a); and Antonio Guainiero's De febribus (102v-138a). Some leaves torn without loss of text
Alternative Title:
Medical manuscript containing six treatises; copied by the same scribe in black ink, with some text in red and Book of prescriptions
In Latin., Title devised by cataloger., Script: gothica cursiva., Decoration: rubrication throughout., Layout: double column of 43 lines., Binding: bound in modern printed paper with parchment flyleaves., and Colophon (second column of f. 102r): Die 20 octobris 1458 per me Faustinum.
Subject (Topic):
Medicine, Materia medica, Fever, Gynecology, and Manuscripts
Manuscript, on parchment, in several unidentified hands containing a collection of various medical treatises. Manuscript consists of tree sections bound together. First part contains several works by Aristotle (all in William of Moerbeke's recension): De anima (ff. 1r-26r; marginal commentary by Thomas Aquinas), De somno et vigilia (ff. 26r-37r), De generatine et corruptione (ff. 38r-55r), De causis (ff. 56r-61r), De motibus animalium (ff. 62r-63r, beginning imperfect), De memoria et reminiscentia (ff. 63r-66v), De longitudine (ff. 67r-69r); and Henricus Monachus' Tabula ad inveniendum Pascha (f. 70r). The second part (15th c. date on the basis of paleography) contains Johannes de Sacrobosco's Algorithmus (ff. 70v-74r), De sphaera (74r-81v), and Compotus ecclesiastius (82v-98r), the anonymous' De simplici et composito quadrante (98r-100v), Robertus Grosseteste's De sphaera (ff. 101r-106r) and Compotus (ff. 106r-124r), Campanus de Novara and Robertus Grosseteste's Tabulae (ff. 124r-126r), Expositio tabule de annis Arabum Magistri Campani (f. 126r), De pratica quadrantis (ff. 127r-130r), Chylindrus (ff. 137r-139r), Compotus manualis (ff. 139r-142r), and Gerardus Creonensis' Theorica planetarum (ff. 143r-155r). The third part (14th c. date on the basis of decoration) contains Prophatius Hebraeus' Tractatus quadrantis novi (ff. 156r-171r), and the Tabula ad sciendu quantum cum quolibet gradu zodiaci... (f. 171v) Ends with two diagrams (ff. 172v-173r) and a table the fixed stars (f. 173v)
Alternative Title:
De anima, De somno et vigilia, De generatione et corruptione [etc.] : [the Tabula ad inveniendum Pascha of Henricus Monachus, followed by selections, mostly astronomical and arithmetical, from Johannes de Sacrobosco, Robertus Grosseteste, Johannes de Ahrweiler, Gerardus Cremonensis]
In Latin., Title devised by cataloger., Script: Gothica textualis., Decoration: decorative red and blue initials, and several hand drawn maps of the fixed stars. Rubrication., Layout: 1 column of around 40 lines., Binding: 15th-century brown pig-skin binding, blind-tooled. Contemporary pig-skin tabs attached to fore-edges to demarcate beginins of new texts. Traces of straps from back to front cover. Traces of metal bosses on front cover and 3 holes in triangular formation for chain attachment on back cover. Label on front cover: Algorism[us] ... / Sper materialis / Compo[si]tus philosop[] / uel custod[]. Label on back cover: Sphaera materialis / Joannis de Arweilerio. Quadra[n]s / nouus Probacii Hebrei 1554. Note on binding on inside front cover: Anno domini MCCCCLIIII. Ligatus est iste liber per reuerendum patrum fratrem Matthiam Halddenof suppriorem conuentus wiennensis., Date of the first and oldest part is based on scribal note (f. 26r): Explicit liber de anima petri Rodeheym. Amen. Anno domini MCCLXXXXI in uigilia pentecostes., and Also available on microfilm.
Subject (Topic):
Astronomy, Medicine, Greek and Roman, Medicine, Aphorisms, Medicine, Medieval, Manuscripts, and Psychology
Manuscript, in unidentified hand, on parchment, containing Albertus Magnus' Compendium theologicae veritatis. Manuscript starts with a table of contents (ff. 1r-3r) and finishes with an index of names (ff. 163r-144r).
Alternative Title:
Compendium theologicae veritatis, with index
In Latin., Title from rubric opening table: Incipit tabula compendium theologicae veritatis., Script: Gothic textualis., Decoration: seven-line decorated initial in red, blue, green, and gold (f. 3v) with floral decorations surrounding the text; two- to three-line initials in red and blue. Rubrication in red and blue ink throughout., Layout: 2 columns of about 39 lines., Binding: 19th-century vellum binding over pasteboards, spine gold-tooled with labels: “Compendium Veritatis Theologice” and “Manuscript”., Text is also at times ascribed to Hugh of Strasburg instead of Albertus Magnus., and Ownership inscription by Johannes Winnington (f. 144v): Iste liber pertinet ad me Johannem Winnington de medio templo generosum...
Manuscript, in unidentified hand, on parchment, containing books 1 (1r-97v), 2 (98r-195r), 4 (196r-303v), and 5 (306r-) of Avicenna's Liber Canonis or Canon Medicinae. Book 3 wanting. Collection of short medical texts follows: "Distinctio mensuraru[m] [et] ponderu[m] ex breuiario alfebyr" (342v-343r), "Distinctio ponderu[m] [et] m[en]suratu[m] ex breuiario filii sarapionis" (343r), "Pondera medicinalia signa conati sum[us]" (343r-343v), and the Secreta Ypocratis (343v-344v): "Peruenit ad nos [quia] cu[m] ypocras morti ap[pro]pinquaret". Also includes incomplete alphabetical index of medicial herbs (a-c; leaves iii verso-iv recto) and index of Arabic names: Incipiu[n]t expo[s]itiones nominu[m] arabico[rum] Auice[n]ne (leaves 345r-348v; Alfirdafu-Zicibil).
Alternative Title:
Qānūn fī al-ṭibb. Latin, Liber canonis, and Liber canonis medicinae
In Latin., Title from opening rubric., Script: southern gothic textualis., Decoration: several large puzzle initials in red and blue; alternating red and blue two-line initials with pen flourishes throughout. Rubrication., Layout: 2 columns of 53 lines., and Binding: modern light-brown calf over pasteboards. Spine title in gold-tooling: Avicenna / Canon Medicinae / MS Saec. XIV.
Subject (Topic):
Medicine, Medieval, Medicine, Arab, Medicine, and Manuscripts
Manuscript, on parchment, in unidentified hand, of a collection of works by and commentaries on Hippocrates. Includes Hippocrates' Aphorismi (translated by Constantinus Africanus) and Prognostica with commentaries by Galen; Galen's commentary on Hippocrates' De regimine acutorum (translation attributed to Constantinus Africanus and Gerard of Cremona); and a commentary by ʻAlī ibn Riḍwān on Galen's Tegni (translated by Gerard of Cremona). Diagram with a classification of all nature on f. 143v. Copious contemporary marginal notes throughout
Alternative Title:
Articella and Hippocrates Aphorismi, Prognostica, De regimine acutorum : cum comment. Galeni ; Ali Ibn Ridwan Commentum super Tegni Galeni
In Latin., Title from headings., Script: southern gothic textualis., Decoration: eight-line initials in red ink with blue flourishing. Text commented upon is underlined in red., Layout: 2 columns of around 50 lines., Binding: 15th-century blind-tooled brown leather binding, with metal furniture (originally 10, now 4) and clasps (closing on the front cover, wanting). Manuscript note on front cover with shelfmark: h188. Rebacked., Pagination added in modern pencil., This manuscipt was formerly believed to have been written in an Italian university (Padua). There is no evidence to support this., and Also available on microfilm.
Subject (Topic):
Articella, Medicine, Arab, Medicine, Manuscripts, and Medicine, Medieval