"View from the street of the grand west front, the north front with portico not in view; elegantly dressed figures in foreground"--British Museum online catalogue
Title from caption below image., Printmaker from British Museum online catalogue., Imprint from impression in the British Museum., Plate from: A picturesque tour through the cities of London and Westminster. London: T. Malton, 1792 [i.e. 1802]., The Lewis Walpole Library impression: sheet trimmed with loss of imprint statement., The Lewis Walpole Library: From the Topographical Prints collection., and Window mounted to 48 x 36 cm.
"A night scene with a waning moon. United Irishmen burn and plunder. On the left is the corner of a farm house with flames pouring from a casement window. A ruffian wearing a military coat, tricolour cockade and green branch in his hat, seizes the burly farmer by the neck-cloth and raises a sword to strike; the dripping blade is inscribed 'Liberty', and a mastiff lies dead beside him. Immediately behind, in a doorway, another ruffian seizes a woman round the waist; an infant lies on the ground. A man holding a dagger is disappearing into the house, another comes out with a bundle on his head. Behind are the flames of the burning house. Over the thatched lintel is a dove-cote from which birds are escaping. Three other men hurry off laden with plunder towards a road which leads to a camp flying a tricolour flag inscribed 'Equality'. The nearest (right) holds a sow on his back by the hind legs; her little pigs run after her; a goose hangs from his belt. A bare-legged man with a dagger in his belt pushes a wheelbarrow laden with trunks. In the background other plunderers proceed along the road; a man prods a cow with his spear. The road is crowded with sheep. In the distance is a burning town."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Companion print to: "United Irishmen in training.", and Temporary local subject terms: Irish Rebellion, 1798 -- Buildings: farmhouses -- Farm animals: pigs.
Pubd. June 12th, 1798, by H. Humphrey, 27 St. James's Street
"Outside a country ale-house ruffians are practising their weapons at close range on the effigy of a British soldier which is spiked on a spear (left): helmet, coat stuffed with straw, top-boots. One man levels a spear, another fires a misshapen pistol, a third, who is bare-legged, with a headsman's axe in his belt, fires a blunderbuss whose large bullets fall to the ground. In the foreground (right) a woman turns the handle of a grindstone on which a man sharpens a sword; on the ground is a pile of weapons: swords, daggers, spears, muskets, and a pistol. Behind (right) men with pikes and spears gather round the inn-door, which is inscribed 'True French Spirits'. They drink; the landlord fills a glass from a small keg. All wear tricolour cockades. The (pictorial) sign over the door is 'Tree of Liberty' (see BMSat 9214, &c). In the background are a broken paling, trees, and a mountainous sky-line."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Companion print to: "United Irishmen upon duty.", and Temporary local subject terms: Irish Rebellion, 1798 -- Buildings: country ale-houses -- Inn signs: Tree of Liberty -- Spirits: French wine -- Tools: grindstone -- Military uniforms: British soldier's uniform -- Guns: blunderbuss -- Pistols -- Weapons: swords -- Daggers.
Pubd. June 13, 1798, by H. Humphrey, 27 St. James's Street
A woman in long, white flowing gown and veil which cascades over her shoulders and arms, stands in a profile to the left, her right arm raised toward the kneeling figure of a young man in regimentals. The man looks at her through an eye-glass in his right hand. The image is a reference to M.G. Lewis's popular play, Castle Spectre in which Mrs. Powell played the title role; the admirer is evidently Prince Ernest
Title from item.
Pub. by Willm. Holland, No. 50 Oxford Street
Subject (Name):
Ernest Augustus, King of Hanover, 1771-1851, Lewis, M. G. 1775-1818. (Matthew Gregory),, and Powell, Jane, approximately 1761-1831.
"View within the courtyard of the Royal Exchange, from below the colonnade, the statue of Charles II in the centre; men from different nations conversing in space"--British Museum online catalogue
Title from caption below image., Printmaker from British Museum online catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Plate from: A picturesque tour through the cities of London and Westminster. London: T. Malton, 1792 [i.e. 1802].
Published Decr. 15, 1798, by T. Malton
Subject (Geographic):
England and London.
Subject (Topic):
Courtyards, Arcades (Architectural components), and Commercial facilities
"Fox flees in terror through the doorway of the House of Commons, taking an enormous stride. Beside him runs a thin demoniac greyhound, Grey, wearing a collar: 'Opposition Grey-Hound'. A small animal runs behind with the head of M. A. Taylor. Through the doorway are seen half the Speaker's chair and the Opposition benches, while the hands of Pitt, who is speaking, project from the left, holding two scrolls: 'O'Conner's list of Secret Traitors' and 'Destruction of Buonaparte - Capture of the French Navy - End of the Irish Rebellion - Voluntary Associations - Europe Arming - Britannia Ruling the Waves'. His words float towards the dismayed Opposition: 'Read o'er This! - And after this! - And then to Breakfast, with what appetite you may!!!' The Opposition are furtively eating papers: Sheridan eats 'Loyalty of the Irish Nation'; Tierney, 'Homage to the French Con[? stitution]'. Between them is squeezed the hat of C. Fox, indicating that between them they have left little room for their leader. Erskine, the egotist [see BMSat 9246, &c], eats 'my own Loyalty'; Shuckburgh, 'French lib[erty]'; Nicholls, 'a Letter to W Pitt'; Burdett, 'Egalité'; an unidentified member eats 'Peace or Ruin'. All wear hats except Burdett and Erskine. The House is lit by candles burnt to the socket, suggesting an all-night sitting. ..."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Prudent secesion and Prudent secession
Title etched below image., Two lines of text following title: N.B. The background contains a corner of the House next session, with the reasons for secession; also, a democratic déjeuné, (i.e., Opposition eating up their words)., Temporary local subject terms: Interiors: House of Commons -- Opposition: members of the Opposition -- Reference to the Irish Rebellion, 1798 -- Reference to Arthur O'Connor's trial -- Reference to the battle of the Nile, 1 August 1798 -- Dogs: greyhounds -- House of Commons: Speaker's chair., Mounted to 33 x 48 cm., and Watermark: 1794 J Whatman.
Pubd. Novr. 6th, 1798, by H. Humphrey, 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Grey, Charles Grey, Earl, 1764-1845, Taylor, Michael Angelo, 1757-1834, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Burdett, Francis, 1770-1844, Erskine, Thomas Erskine, Baron, 1750-1823, Tierney, George, 1761-1830, and Shuckburgh-Evelyn, George Augustus William, Sir, 1751-1804
"View looking down the street towards St Paul's Cathedral, the dome of which rises in the distance, the Exchange on the right; elegantly dressed figures, street traders and carriages in street"--British Museum online catalogue
Title from caption below image., Printmaker from British Museum online catalogue., Imprint from impression in the British Museum., Plate from: A picturesque tour through the cities of London and Westminster. London: T. Malton, 1792 [i.e. 1802]., and Sheet trimmed with loss of imprint statement.
Published Novr. 5th, 1798, by T. Malton
Subject (Geographic):
England, London., and London (England)
Subject (Topic):
Commercial facilities and Arcades (Architectural components)
"No. 4; scene at the door of a rustic inn, a large Union Jack floating over the doorway. An officer puts a cocked hat on the head of an ungainly yokel; another flirts with a pretty girl; they sit together on a bench (right), a dog gazing up at them. A smart drummer-boy beats his drum; behind, a peasant in a smock wears a cocked hat. In the doorway the fat host pours out wine; the sign is 'The Old Flask'. In the background (right) a sergeant drills a very awkward squad of four."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Soldiers recruiting
Title from caption below image., Plate numbered "No. 4" above title., Temporary local subject terms: Soldiers -- Inns -- Drummer boys -- Drinking -- Dogs -- Flirting., Watermark: E & P 1797., Mounted on modern secondary support., and Printseller's stamp below printmaker's signature: RA.
Pub. Augt. 1, 1798, at Ackermanns Gallery, No. 101 Strand
"Fox kneels in profile to the right with bent back before an altar, his hands together. His unpowdered hair is cropped. From his pocket projects a book: 'New Constitut[ion]'. The altar, draped with a cloth on which crossed daggers are embroidered, is raised on a stone step. On it is a guillotine, dripping blood. To this is tied with a tricolour sash two tables, resembling those of the Ten Commandments, but of the 'DROIT DE L'HOMME: I. Right to Worship whom we please. II. Right to create & bow down to any thing we chuse to set up. III. Right to use in vain any Name we like. IV. Right to work Nine Days in the Week, & do what we please on the Tenth: V. Right to honor both Father & Mother, when we find it necessary. VI. Right to Kill. VII. Right to commit Adultery. VIII. Right to Plunder. IX. Right to bear what Witness we please. X. Right to covet our Neighbour[s] House & all that is his.' On the altar in front of the guillotine stand three roughly made posts on rectangular pedestals. The centre one (in place of a crucifix), inscribed 'Exit Homo', is surmounted by a large cap of 'Egalité' with a tricolour cockade; at its base is a skull and cross-bones. On the other posts are busts: (left) 'Robert- \ speire'; to the post are nailed two bleeding hands; (right) 'Buona \ -parte'. The altar and guillotine are backed by draped and fringed curtains. From the upper left corner of the design a shaft of light surrounded by clouds descends towards Fox. In this are the winged heads of six members of the Opposition, all wearing bonnets-rouges and looking towards the 'Droit de l'Homme'. In front is Norfolk, next and on the left is Lansdowne with an inscrutable smile. They are followed by Bedford; above him are Tierney and Lauderdale. Last, and on a smaller scale, is the malevolent head of Nicholls."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image. and Temporary local subject terms: Members of the Opposition -- St. Ann's Hill -- Shrines -- Guillotine -- Cap of Liberty as bonnet rouge -- Literature: Thomas Paine's Rights of Man -- Allusion to the Ten Commandments.
Pubd. May 26th, 1798, by H. Humphrey, St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Norfolk, Charles Howard, Duke of, 1746-1815, Bedford, Francis Russell, Duke of, 1765-1802, Lansdowne, William Petty, Marquis of, 1737-1805, Lauderdale, James Maitland, Earl of, 1759-1839, Tierney, George, 1761-1830, Nicholls, John, 1745?-1832, Robespierre, Maximilien, 1758-1794, and Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821
"Scene at the door of a rustic inn. Two soldiers (seated) and a handsome girl drink punch together. She stands, wearing the cocked hat and sword-belt of an officer who holds her hand; a child plays with the sword. An old woman chalks up the score. A bugler (left) rides off with a led horse. The sign is the 'King's Head', a profile portrait of George III."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Companion print to: He won't be a soldier., Plate numbered "No. 1" above title., Temporary local subject terms: Buildings: inns -- Serving maids -- Military uniforms: officers' uniforms -- Soldiers: bugler -- Children -- Inns: King's Head -- Pictures: portrait of George III -- Emblems: horseshoe., and Watermark.
Pub. May 1, 1798, at Ackermann's Gallery, No. 101 Strand
Title from item, One of two extra folding plates from: Loyal Volunteers of London & Environs. Ackermann, 1798., Below title: Dedicated to the Right Honble. Wm. Windham, Secretary at War., "A piece of flying artillery and a fusee, on a new and curious principle were, on the King's birth-day, presented by Mr. Sadler, of Buckingham Gate, to Captain Rolleston, for the Pimlico Volunteers."--The Sporting Magazine, or, Monthly Calendar of the Transactions of the Turf the Chase ..., v. 12, 1798, p. 167., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Temporary local subject terms: Military uniforms -- Guns: artillery -- Carriages., and Mounted.
Pubd. Sept. 3d, 1798, at Ackermann's Gallery, 101 Strand
"A fat 'cit' is being drilled by an officer in his shop, to the admiration of his household. A drummer beats his drum. In the background are large jars of snuff."--British Museum catalogue
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed within plate., Companion print to: Soldiers recruiting., Plate numbered "No. 5" above title., and Temporary local subject terms: Interiors: tobacco and snuff shop -- Military uniforms -- Shopkeepers -- Dishes: tea service.
Pub. June 1, 1798, at Ackermann's Gallery, No. 101 Strand
"The Irishman, with coarse features and cropped hair, stands on a rounded hill, left arm raised oratorically, right hand on one of two pistols in his belt, saying, "No Union, Erin go Brack!" He wears a round hat tilted to one side, and with a small tuft or plume, a double-breasted coat with the skirts looped up, pantaloons and half-boots, a long sabre. He looks to the left On the plain beneath (right), across which run tiny fugitives, are burning buildings and clouds of smoke."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Temporary local subject terms: Irishmen -- Irish Rebellion, 1798 -- Mottoes: Erin go bragh -- Guns: pistols -- Weapons: sabre -- Male dress: pantaloons.
Pubd. July 10th, 1798, by H. Humphrey, St. Jamess [sic] Street
"View from the street looking towards the Bank of England, the arcade across north front of Exchange on the left; elegantly dressed figures and street traders outside"--British Museum online catalogue
Title from caption below image., Printmaker from British Museum online catalogue., Imprint from impression in the British Museum., Plate from: A picturesque tour through the cities of London and Westminster. London: T. Malton, 1792 [i.e. 1802]., Sheet trimmed with loss of imprint statement., and Window mounted to 48 x 36 cm.
Published Decr. 15th, 1798, by T. Malton
Subject (Geographic):
England and London.
Subject (Topic):
Banks, Commercial facilities, and Arcades (Architectural components)
"Ghosts (right) stand in a row at the foot of Fox's bed; he sits up, staring in terror, hands raised, large tears on his cheeks. The ghosts emerge from clouds; they are headless, with bloodstained necks round which are nooses, except for Lord Edward Fitzgerald, who stands above the others, in profile to the left, with blood-stained hair and shirt. His right hand is on his breast and he says: "" Who first sedue'd my youthful Mind from Virtue? - "Who plann'd my Treasons, & who caus'd my Death? - "Remember poor Lord Edward, and despair!!! - " Fox says: ""Why do'st thou shake thy, Goary Locks at me? "Dear, bravest, worthiest, noblest, best of Men! "Thou can'st not say, I did it! - " The body on Lord Edward's right and on the extreme right is that of Grogan, a leader of rebels in Wexford, it was said under compulsion, hanged from Wexford Bridge, his head fixed on a pike. Lecky, 'Hist. of England', 1890, viii. 95, 166-7. On Lord Edward's left is a body, the label from the neck inscribed 'Remember Hervay'. (Bagenal Harvey, commander-in-chief in Wexford (ibid. viii. 91), executed with Grogan.) Next is 'Quigley' (or O'Coigley), see BMSat 9189, executed 7 June 1798 at Maidstone. Next, a label, 'Shears's', rises from clouds in which the bodies are concealed. (John and Henry Sheares, elected to the Directory in Dublin on the arrest of Bond and others, were arrested 21 May and executed on 14 July 1798. Lord Edward died of the wounds received when he resisted arrest, see 'Auckland Corr.' iv. 414 ff., 442-4.) Above Fox's head fly two naked creatures with infantine bodies, webbed wings, and the serpents of faction or discord springing from their heads and writhing round their bodies. They hold up between them a paper inscribed 'Confessions \ of O'Conner \ Ol Bond'. The bed is framed in heavy curtains. Mrs. Fox lies asleep with her back to Fox. On the ground at his side is an open book partly hidden by the bed-draperies: ' . . . Head Quarters London. Plan of the Irish Rebellion.'"--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Two lines of paraphrased quote following title: "In glided Edward's pale-eye'd ghost and stood at Carlo's feet.", Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Temporary local subject terms: Irish Rebellion, 1798 -- Allusion to St. Ann's Hill -- Ghosts -- Literature: quotation from The Excursion: A Poem in Two Books by David Mallet (?1705-1765) -- Literature: quotation from Macbeth by William Shakespeare (1564-1616), iii, 4.50 -- Banegal Harvey, d. 1798 -- Allusion to Arthur O'Connor, 1763-1852 -- Allusion to Oliver Bond, 1760-1798.
Pubd. Sepr. 21, 1798, by H. Humphrey, 27 St. James's Street
"Sir F. Burdett, standing with his left foot forward, his head in profile to the left, his hat in his left hand, holds out a paper to an official whose presence is indicated by a heavy shadow, and the arc of a circular pavement. He is scarcely caricatured, except for the exaggeration of the crest of hair projecting over his forehead. His dress is as described (except that his cloak reaches almost to the ground instead of being short): 'A long white waistcoat [tunic], a blue sash, blue pantaloons, a short blue cloak with red lappet; a black round hat, with a white feather streaked with blue and red: half boots', op. cit., p. 6. Cf. BMSat 9182. In the print the red lining of the cloak predominates. A pilastered wall and stone-flagged floor form a background."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum online catalogue., Twelfth plate in the series "French habits." First plate in the series has series title "Habits of new French legislators and other public functionaries.", Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Temporary local subject terms: French costume: Directory Messager d'Etat.
Pubd. May 21st, 1798, by H. Humphrey, St. James's Street
"Sir George Shuckburgh, in the white draperies with tricolour border and white cap of a Judge of the High Court, stands full-face on a low platform of stone slabs. His right hand is raised as if expounding a principle. Two tufts of hair project laterally from under his cap, and his upper lip and chin are conspicuously long. His dress is approximately correct, except that the cap is larger and the draperies rest on the floor instead of being ankle-length. The black and white paving of BMSat 9208 is repeated in front of the judge. Behind him a long cushioned bench (indicating the House of Commons) stretches across the design."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Eighth plate in the series "French habits." First plate in the series has series title "Habits of new French legislators and other public functionaries.", Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Temporary local subject terms: French costume: Directory judge.
Pubd. May 15th, 1798, by H. Humphrey, 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Shuckburgh-Evelyn, George Augustus William, Sir, 1751-1804
"Six brutal-looking men, much caricatured, sit round a table in a cellar, listening with apprehensive intentness to their chairman, who reads a paper: 'State Arrests - O'Conner Binns Evans Quigley'. He sits in an arm-chair, a grotesque ragged creature with sleeves rolled up; in his right hand is a candle taken from a candle-stick on the table. Beside him is a tankard inscribed: 'Tom Treason Hell-Fire Celler Chick Lane'. Against his chair leans an open book: 'Proceedings of the London Corresponding Society Ts Firebrand Secretary - Delegates - Forging Sam Barber Joe Dick Butcher Dissenting Nick Sheepshead Will Cut down Lary'. These names belong to the persons depicted: a barber sits on an upturned tub on the chairman's left, a comb in his ragged hair, a pair of tongs leaning against the tattered hat which lies beside him. Next (left) is a butcher, his steel hanging from his waist. All are grotesque denizens of the underworld. Two prints are on the brick wall, bust portraits of 'Horne Tooke' and 'Tom Payne'. Through an open door (right) is seen a flight of stairs, steeply ascending."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
London Corresponding Society alarmed
Title etched below image., "Price 1 sh., 6"--Below imprint., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Temporary local subject terms: Trades -- Barber -- Butcher -- Allusion to the planned French invasion of Ireland -- Interiors: cellars -- Dishes: tankards.
Pubd. April 20th, 1798, by H. Humphrey, 27 St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Paine, Thomas, 1737-1809, Tooke, John Horne, 1736-1812, and London Corresponding Society.
"View down London Wall, with All Hallows Church, built by George Dance junior; a carriage advancing up street just behind two men pulling a wheelbarrow"--British Museum online catalogue
Title from caption below image., Printmaker from British Museum online catalogue., Imprint from impression in the British Museum., Plate from: A picturesque tour through the cities of London and Westminster. London: T. Malton, 1792 [i.e. 1802]., The Lewis Walpole Library impression: sheet trimmed with loss of imprint statement., The Lewis Walpole Library: From the Topographical Prints collection., and Window mounted to 48 x 36 cm.
"Sir William Pulteney sits directed to the left on the lowest of three large brass-bound treasure-chests. He wears a powdered wig, plain black coat and breeches, and top-boots. On the left side of his coat hangs a gold key, another is in his left hand. His right elbow rests on a chest and he looks through a single glass at a large open book: 'L'Etat de les Finances . . . République'. His hat and gloves are beside him. Behind is a pilastered wall and the corner (left) of a decorated ceiling. ..."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Eleventh plate in the series "French habits." First plate in the series has series title "Habits of new French legislators and other public functionaries.", Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Temporary local subject terms: French costume: Directory Treasurer.
Pubd. May 21st, 1798, by H. Humphrey, St. James's Street