To William Davison, chemist, druggist, & apothecary
Date from manuscript annotation on Lewis Walpole Library copy., Engraved invoice for the pharmacist, stationer, and printer William Davison of Alnwick., and Invoice completed in manuscript to "Major Frankland, West Glanton"; numbered "231" in upper right and dated "1821 October 17" in lower left. For further information, consult library staff.
June [blank] 1757. As the Act of Parliament for an additional duty on news-papers will take place the 5th of next month ...
Title transcribed from item., Text at bottom: I am, [blank], your most obliged, humble servant, [blank]., and Form completed in ink on 25 June 1757, with a 10/- per quarter cost for the Evening Post and 5/- for the Weekly Journal noted in lower left; annotated "Rec'd for June 27 -1757" in upper left; signed "Jos. Baker" in lower right. For further information, consult library staff.
Invitation to a Court of Assistants' meeting of the Company of Brewers, at Brewer Hall in London
Alternative Title:
Sir, you are desired to be at a Court of Assistants of the Worshipful Company of Brewers, at Brewers Hall
Title from item., Date supplied by cataloger., Letterpress text, with a woodcut illustration of the arms of the Company of Brewers above., Text in lower left: Brewers Hall, [blank]., Text at bottom: The Chair will be taken at [blank] precisely., Pasted at bottom, beneath the text, is a small (sheet 46 x 46 mm) hand-colored etching of the arms of the Company of Brewers., Mounted to 27.1 x 20.6 cm., and Mounted opposite page 140 in volume 2 of an extra-illustrated copy of: Malcolm, J.P. Londinium redivivum, or, An antient history and modern description of London.
Invitation to a dinner with officers of the Charity Schools of Christ Church, scheduled for 5 June 1828 at Highbury Tavern
Alternative Title:
Christ Church Spitalfields, Charity Schools and Sir, the favor of your company is requested to dine with the Treasurer & Trustees of the Charity Schools of Christ Church
Title from item., Text continues with the engraved name of "Edwd. Meyrick, Esqr. Treasurer," beneath which the names of twelve "Stewards" are listed in two columns., Entirely engraved; illustrated with a view of the facade of the school at head of sheet, and a smaller depiction at bottom of a breastfeeding woman with a boy and a girl at her sides, all standing on a pedestal upon which "No. [blank]" is engraved., "Dinner at 1/2 past 3 for 4 o'clock precisely"--Lower left corner., "Tickets 12 s."--Lower right corner., Blank space following the engraved text "No." at bottom has been filled in with the manuscript number "85.", Mounted to 27.1 x 21.1 cm., and Mounted opposite page 386 in volume 3 of an extra-illustrated copy of: Malcolm, J.P. Londinium redivivum, or, An antient history and modern description of London.
A collection of twenty engraved and letterpress British inn bills completed in manuscript in various hands from regions throughout England and Wales, dating between circa 1780 and 1841. Many are printed with menus listing food and drinks as well as services, providing insight into what travellers at the end of the Georgian era were offered in any given region in this period; they are also early examples of the growing tourism trade. Beside tea, coffee, milk, soda water, lemonade, cider (cyder), and a wide range of spirits, other options for speciality drinks include: negus, punch, Geneva, perry, and malt liquors. Many of the various services relate to the care and maintenance of horses and carriages; besides blacksmithing, farrier and saddling services, many of the inns offered hay and corn, rush lights, etc. Also on offer were "servant's eating and ale", beds with extra charges for "fires in a bed chamber", and washing; other services listed included "Chaise hire", servants, providers were sometimes available. Other common services and goods included writing materials, postage, tobacco, and, of course, meals with various foods like fruit listed separately. The printed invoices and menus include some with engraved designs or woodcuts that incorporate a representation of a local attraction or motifs indicative of the trade. Several of the bills also include the imprint of the provincial printer. The majority have manuscript annotations and Two invoices from Welsh business are produced by "Watton, Printer, Shrewsbury Chronicle" for Bedd Gelert Hotel, Carnarvonshire A. Prichard and Harod Arms Hotel, Devil's Bridge, a village and community in Ceredigion, Wales, both of which are illustrated on the fronts and backs, with the same image on the back: The Iron Suspension Bridge, completed and opened on Monday, Januaray 30th, 1826, over the Menai Strait from Carnarvonshire into Anglesey. The fronts include the advertisements for the individual business but also include other natural wonders of the area: Cataracts and Aber Glaslyb Bridge, the Salmon Leap and the Pass in Snowden
Title from dealer's catalog., In English., and For further information, consult library staff.
Certificate proper is bordered with ornamental images such as the Eye of Providence at top of sheet, a blonde shield-maiden with serpentine sword in her right hand and a triangular shield with "numquam" inscribed on it in her left; the image of blind justice reclinning below her with blindfold off, scales and sword dropped; next to her a snake biting an apple; on the left side, Hercules, wearing the pelt of the Nemean lion, carrying a club, and standing on the Learnean Hydra; on the right side, Lady Justice standing on a snake; five ovals with military scenes within them; other images of morality, virture, industry, and arts
BEIN WA Prints +451: On sheet 61 x 48 cm. Autograph signatures by Wm. T. Coleman, Isaac Bluxome Jr., Wm. Meyer, and Charles Boune. Handwritten numeral "3461" in space for membership number. Stamped with the 1856 Committee medallion., Title from caption at head of image., At foot of form: Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1856 by Ch. Nahl and C.E. Lang in the clerk's office of the U.S. District Court of the Northern District of Ca., and Printed area measures 47 x 35 cm.
Invitation to a dinner with the governors of the Worshipful Company of Curriers
Alternative Title:
Sir, the pleasure of your company is requested to dine with the Master, Wardens, and Court of Assistants of The Worshipful Company of Curriers
Title from item., Letterpress text, with a woodcut illustration of the arms of the Company of Curriers printed above., Form completed in manuscript on 8 March 1839, specifying a dinner on 30 March at the "London Coffee House, Ludgate Hill.", Mounted to 27.2 x 20.8 cm., and Mounted opposite page 40 in volume 1 of an extra-illustrated copy of: Malcolm, J.P. Londinium redivivum, or, An antient history and modern description of London.
Caption title., Date from manuscript annotation on Lewis Walpole Library copy., Itemized account, printed, for a quarter's board and instruction at Fillongley School. It includes writing and copy books, reading books, pocket money, hair cut, soap and cleaning shoes, etc. It was to be paid to William Bellamy., and Quantities and prices added in manuscript, for "Master Harbidge" for a "Quarter’s Board and Instruction to Xmas 1824." A footnote states that the school will re-open "the 24th of January 1825." Tear to the left hand margin from removal of wax seal on opening; address on a rear panel of Thos. Morris, Esq., High Street, Coventry. For further information, consult library staff.
Lease with engraved heading written for Dirgue Billers Olmius, 2nd Baron Waltham, to William Williams, comedian, for a period of 99 years at the rent of 5 shillings on condition that within a year Williams erects upon it a theatre for comedians. The theatre at Weymouth became one of the venues frequented by companies of strolling players. On the verso are 18th century endorsements including the surrender of the lease to Robert Lumley Kingston 20 March 1771
In English., Written on vellum with red wax seal and blue embossed stamp affixed., and For further information, consult library staff.
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Williams, William (Comedian) and Kingston, Robert Lumley.
Notice of a Meeting of the Council of the Medical Society of London
Alternative Title:
Sir, I beg leave to inform you, that there will be a Meeting of the Council, on Monday next
Title from item., Letterpress text, with a woodcut illustration of the seal of the Medical Society of London., Form completed in manuscript on 29 August 1826, to specify that the meeting would occur on "the 4th day of Septr. at 8 in the evening." An additional ink annotation at the bottom notes that "The Library Committee will meet at 7 oclock.", Mounted to 27.2 x 21 cm., and Mounted opposite page *468 in volume 3 of an extra-illustrated copy of: Malcolm, J.P. Londinium redivivum, or, An antient history and modern description of London.
Compton & Ritchie, printers, Middle Street, Cloth Fair, London
Ticket to the Anniversary Meeting of the Medical Society of London, to occur at the Society's House on Bolt Court, Fleet Street
Alternative Title:
This ticket admits the bearer to the Anniversary Meeting at the Society's House, Bolt Court, Fleet Strt
Title from item., Entirely engraved; illustrated at top with an image of Apollo with bow and arrow seated over a slain serpent, signed "W. Grainger inv. sc." in lower right., Monogrammatic initials "MSL" within circle in lower left., Completed in manuscript with details of the meeting, including the date of 8 March 1821 and time of 3 o'clock. "Mr. Callaway" is noted as giving the oration, and the ticket is numbered "No. 144" in lower right., Mounted to 27.1 x 20.9 cm., and Mounted before page 469 in volume 3 of an extra-illustrated copy of: Malcolm, J.P. Londinium redivivum, or, An antient history and modern description of London.
A.D. Welch, (Late Stalker and Welch). 134, Leadenhall Street. Midshipman's equipment
Caption title., Docket title on verso: A.D. Welch, (Late Stalker and Welch). 134, Leadenhall Street. Midshipman's equipment., Date from manuscript annotation on Lewis Walpole Library copy., A detailed order form from military suppliers A.D. Welch in two columns, each paired with a blank column for pricing., and Order form completed in manuscript and dated "May 23, 1825." The customer, "Mr. D.J. Child," has selected 21 white calico shirts, 1 pair blue Flushing trowsers, 12 pairs duck trowsers, 1 uniform suit complete, three jackets of various prices, 2 waistcoats, a black leather hat and box for two hats, a pair of worsted gloves, 6 pounds of common soap, one pewter hand bason [sic], 2 log-lines, 2 hand-line for lashing hammock, 2 gold loops and cockades and one pair cot screws, for which he was charged £34 6s 9d to include £1 2s 6d for cartage and waterage to get the order to his ship. For further information, consult library staff.
No. Excise-Office, at in Distt. Colln. 1748 and Receipt for payment of carriage tax
Title transcribed from item., Body of text: Received of [blank] of [blank] in the County of [blank] the sum of [blank] Pounds for [blank] four-wheel carriage, and [blank] two-wheel carriage, of which [blank] has this day given notice, according to the Statute of the Twentieth Year of His present Majesty. In full for one year., Printed in red ink., Form completed in ink by the Excise Office at Methwould in Lynn, Swaffham District, 30 May 1748. The completed receipt reads: Received of Cyril Wycke Esqr. of Hockhold [Hockwold] in the County of Norfolk the sum of four Pounds for one four-wheel carriage ... Also annotated on the verso., and For further information, consult library staff.
Date from manuscript annotation on Lewis Walpole Library copy., Printed bill from William Grundy for instruction at his Parr Hall boarding academy for young ladies near St. Helens in what was then Lancashire, with itemized list subjects, lessons, goods and services offered., and Completed in manuscript and addressed to "Mrs. Gordon," the bill is dated "Dec. 18th, 1821" and covers "6 months' board and education of Miss Gordon ..." It was receipted and signed by "Wm. Grundy" on 8 January 1822, with a footnote that the school "will re-open on Jany. 22nd." For further information, consult library staff.
publish'd according to act of Parliament May 1st, 1751.
Call Number:
Folio Greenberg 75 H67 753
Collection Title:
Leaf 47. Album of William Hogarth prints.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
At his trial before Felix the Roman Governor of Judea, a very short St. Paul stands on a stool so as to be seen. The stool is steadied by a fat angel who is fast asleep and so unaware of the angry looking dog who wears a collar etched with the name 'Felix'. He stands addressing a gallery filled with people in Dutch dress. On the left behind a curtain the orator Tertullus tears up his speech; at his feet a demon pieces the fragments together. On the right Justice is shown as a fat woman who is not blind, one eye is not covered by the blindfold, in her left hand are the scales and in her left a butcher's knife. All the faces are caricatured; many of the audience hold their noses. In the distance can be seen boats on a river and a windmill
Alternative Title:
Paul before Felix burlesqued
Title etched above image., State and publisher from Paulson., First state, with receipt printed along left margin. Later states lack the receipt, the plate cut down to remove it. See Paulson., Imperfect; sheet trimmed within plate mark on left edge with loss of receipt. Plate dimensions and text of receipt from impression in the British Museum, registration no.: 1857,0613.13., The receipt is engraved sideways in left margin: Recd. [blank] of [blank] 5s. being the first payment for two prints, one Moses brought to Pharoahs Daughter, the other Paul before Felix which I promise to deliver when finish'd on the payment of 5 shillings more. N.B. Each print will be 7s. 6d. after the subscription is over., Sheet 27.6 x 36.8 cm., and Mounted on leaf 47 in: Album of William Hogarth prints.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Name):
Paul, the Apostle, Saint.
Subject (Topic):
Angels, Courtrooms, Demons, Dogs, Judicial proceedings, Justice, and Rulers
publish'd according to act of Parliament May 1st, 1751.
Call Number:
Folio 75 H67 800 v.2 (Oversize)
Collection Title:
Leaf 47. Album of William Hogarth prints.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
At his trial before Felix the Roman Governor of Judea, a very short St. Paul stands on a stool so as to be seen. The stool is steadied by a fat angel who is fast asleep and so unaware of the angry looking dog who wears a collar etched with the name 'Felix'. He stands addressing a gallery filled with people in Dutch dress. On the left behind a curtain the orator Tertullus tears up his speech; at his feet a demon pieces the fragments together. On the right Justice is shown as a fat woman who is not blind, one eye is not covered by the blindfold, in her left hand are the scales and in her left a butcher's knife. All the faces are caricatured; many of the audience hold their noses. In the distance can be seen boats on a river and a windmill
Alternative Title:
Paul before Felix burlesqued
Title etched above image., State and publisher from Paulson., First state, with receipt printed along left margin. Later states lack the receipt, the plate cut down to remove it. See Paulson., Imperfect; sheet trimmed within plate mark on left edge with loss of receipt. Plate dimensions and text of receipt from impression in the British Museum, registration no.: 1857,0613.13., The receipt is engraved sideways in left margin: Recd. [blank] of [blank] 5s. being the first payment for two prints, one Moses brought to Pharoahs Daughter, the other Paul before Felix which I promise to deliver when finish'd on the payment of 5 shillings more. N.B. Each print will be 7s. 6d. after the subscription is over., Counterproof on laid paper; sheet 26.4 x 41 cm., and On page 159 in volume 2.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Name):
Paul, the Apostle, Saint.
Subject (Topic):
Angels, Courtrooms, Demons, Dogs, Judicial proceedings, Justice, and Rulers
Title from item., Entirely engraved; illustrated with the arms of the Company of Drapers at head., Mounted to 27.1 x 20.8 cm; mounted above is a small (sheet 43 x 48 mm) hand-colored etching of the arms of the Company of Drapers., and Mounted opposite page 569 in volume 4 part 2 of an extra-illustrated copy of: Malcolm, J.P. Londinium redivivum, or, An antient history and modern description of London.
Invitation to a Court of Assistants meeting of the Company of Weavers, London
Title from item., Entirely engraved; illustrated with the arms of the Company of Weavers at head of sheet., Form completed in manuscript on 26 November 1825, specifying that the meeting was to be held on "Tuesday the 6th day of Decr. at 1 of the clock precisely." Signed by the Beadle at bottom., Mounted to 27.1 x 20.7 cm; mounted above is a small (sheet 39 x 50 mm) hand-colored etching of the arms of the Company of Weavers., and Mounted opposite page 498 in volume 4 part 2 of an extra-illustrated copy of: Malcolm, J.P. Londinium redivivum, or, An antient history and modern description of London.
Invitation to a dinner at Barbers' Hall with the Master and Governors of the Worshipful Company of Barbers, London, on 9 November 1826. Printed at bottom is a reminder that the Arrears of Quarterage must be paid up in order to attend
Title from item., Letterpress text, with a woodcut illustration of the arms of the Company of Barbers printed above., Text at bottom of sheet: No person will be admitted with this summons but the person to whom it is addressed., Form completed with a single manuscript annotation that specifies "10/-" as the amount owed in Arrears of Quarterage., Mounted to 27.1 x 21.2 cm; mounted above is a small (sheet 44 x 48 mm) hand-colored etching of the arms of the Company of Barbers., and Mounted after page 270 in volume 3 of an extra-illustrated copy of: Malcolm, J.P. Londinium redivivum, or, An antient history and modern description of London.
Notice that Court-Day will take place at Pewterers' Hall, London
Title from item., Letterpress text, with a woodcut illustration of the shield from the arms of the Company of Pewterers., Mounted to 27.2 x 21 cm; mounted above is a small (sheet 42 x 48 mm) hand-colored etching of the arms of the Company of Pewterers., and Mounted opposite page 440 in volume 3 of an extra-illustrated copy of: Malcolm, J.P. Londinium redivivum, or, An antient history and modern description of London.
Invitation to a dinner at Goldsmiths' Hall, London
Title from item., Mostly engraved; illustrated with the arms of the Company of Goldsmiths at head of sheet., Beneath the final engraved line "By the express order of the Wardens" are four lines of letterpress text with the rules for the event, beginning "no liveryman can be admitted without producing his summons ...", Form completed in manuscript with the details of the dinner, which was to occur on Monday the 30th of May, 1825; signed by the Beadle at bottom., Mounted to 27.1 x 20.8 cm; mounted above is a small (sheet 40 x 48 mm) hand-colored etching of the arms of the Company of Goldsmiths., and Mounted opposite page 410 in volume 2 of an extra-illustrated copy of: Malcolm, J.P. Londinium redivivum, or, An antient history and modern description of London.
Invitation to a meeting of the Company of Plumbers, London
Title from item., Entirely engraved; illustrated with the arms of the Company of Plumbers at head of sheet., Form completed in manuscript with the details of the meeting, which was a "Quarterly Court on general business" to take place "at Plumbers Hall on Friday next the 25th of April 1828 by two of the clock in the afternoon precisely"; signed by "John Young, Beadle" at bottom., Mounted to 27.1 x 20.7 cm; mounted above is a small (sheet 44 x 44 mm) hand-colored etching of the arms of the Company of Plumbers., and Mounted opposite page 52 in volume 1 of an extra-illustrated copy of: Malcolm, J.P. Londinium redivivum, or, An antient history and modern description of London.
Invitation to an Anniversary Sermon at Merchant Tailors' Hall, to take place on Good Friday
Title from item., Letterpress text, with a woodcut illustration of the arms of the Company of Merchant Tailors printed above., Form completed in manuscript, specifying "April 17th 1829" as the date of the sermon., Mounted to 27.1 x 20.9 cm., and Mounted after page 412 in volume 4 part 2 of an extra-illustrated copy of: Malcolm, J.P. Londinium redivivum, or, An antient history and modern description of London.
Invitation to a Court of Assistants meeting for the Worshipful Company of Bakers, to take place at Bakers' Hall, London
Title from item., Letterpress text, with an engraved illustration of the arms of the Company of Bakers at top., Form completed in manuscript, with numerous printed words scored through and additional details written in, so that the invitation reads "... on Friday the 7th day of May 1830 at one o'clock at noon, to take into consideration the Surveryors Report on the Hall &c.", Mounted to 27.1 x 20.3 cm. Mounted above is a small (sheet 41 x 48 mm) hand-colored etching of the arms of the Company of Bakers., and Mounted opposite page 449 in volume 3 of an extra-illustrated copy of: Malcolm, J.P. Londinium redivivum, or, An antient history and modern description of London.
Invitation to a meeting of the Company of Girdlers, London
Title from item., Entirely engraved; illustrated with the arms of the Company of Girdlers at head of sheet., Imperfect; sheet trimmed resulting in loss of top portion of illustration., The word "next" has been scored through and the form completed in manuscript, so that the text reads "... on Thursday, being the 18th day of Jany. at 1 o'clock in the afternoon." With signature of the Beadle "Thos. Martin" in lower right; trimmed manuscript note "[...?] Martin will take the chair at 2 oclk. precisely" at bottom., Mounted to 27.1 x 21 cm; mounted above is a small (sheet 38 x 43 mm) hand-colored etching of the arms of the Company of Girdlers., and Mounted opposite page 496 in volume 4 part 2 of an extra-illustrated copy of: Malcolm, J.P. Londinium redivivum, or, An antient history and modern description of London.
Invitation to a Court of Wardens meeting at Haberdashers Hall, London
Title from item., Entirely engraved; illustrated at head with the arms of the Company of Haberdashers, beneath which is the statement of responsibility "Jackson & Donne sc., 11 Warwick Square, Newgate Stt.", Form completed in manuscript, specifying the date of the meeting as Tuesday, April 8th, 1834., Pasted in lower left corner is a small (sheet 42 x 53 mm) hand-colored etching of the arms of the Company of Haberdashers., Mounted to 27 x 20.9 cm., and Mounted before page 529 in volume 4 part 2 of an extra-illustrated copy of: Malcolm, J.P. Londinium redivivum, or, An antient history and modern description of London.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Worshipful Company of Haberdashers (London, England)
Invitation to an event of the Company of Cordwainers
Title from item., Entirely engraved; illustrated at head with the arms of the Company of Cordwainers., Imperfect; sheet trimmed at top, resulting in loss of the upper portion of the illustration., Form completed in manuscript, with the location of the meeting noted as "Cordwainers Hall" and the timing as "Thursday the 30th day of July 1829 by 11 o'clock in the forenoon." Further ink annotations note the purpose of the meeting, namely "to swear the Master and Wardens elect into their offices and for the election of Assistants and other officers annually chosen on Oath Day and to dine at the Hall." Additional details written at bottom: "There will be a sermon preached at St. Mildreds, Bread Street. The dinner will be on table at 4 o'clock precisely.", Mounted to 27.1 x 20.8 cm., and Mounted opposite page 533 in volume 4 part 2 of an extra-illustrated copy of: Malcolm, J.P. Londinium redivivum, or, An antient history and modern description of London.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Worshipful Company of Cordwainers of the City of London.
Notice to liverymen of the Worshipful Company of Salters to pay their ground rent at Salters' Hall, London
Title from item., Letterpress text, with a woodcut illustration of the arms of the Company of Salters printed above., Mounted to 27.1 x 21 cm; mounted above is a small (sheet 43 x 47 mm) hand-colored etching of the arms of the Company of Salters., and Mounted opposite page 623 in volume 4 part 2 of an extra-illustrated copy of: Malcolm, J.P. Londinium redivivum, or, An antient history and modern description of London.