Title from item., Plate numbered '2' in upper right corner., Publication date of the state published by Smith and Sayer. Cf. Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum, v. 4, no. 4603., Temporary local subject terms: Trades: street vendor -- Food: vegetables -- Domestic service: lady's maid -- Containers: large basket., and Watermark: Strasburg lily, mostly trimmed.
Title etched above image., Publication date in British Museum catalogue: June 21, 1770., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on sides., and Temporary local subject terms: Statues: statue of William Beckford by John Francis Moore, 1772 -- Speeches: reference to Beckford's speech in the House of Commons, November 1766 -- Male dress: alderman's robes.
Title from item., Publication date inferred from that of Smith and Sayer edition published on June 20, 1772. Cf. No. 4602 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 4., Plate numbered '6' in upper right corner., Temporary local subject terms: Female dress, 1772 -- Bag wig., and Watermark.
"Satire on fashion and incompetent riding. A tall thin fashionably dressed man sits awkwardly on a dapple grey horse moving to right beside the Serpentine; inn the back round a couple rides sedately to left, and a man rides a prancing horse; beyond the river are two deer."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Macaroni taking his morning ride in Rotten Row, Hyde Park
Title from item., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Macaronies., and Mounted to 29 x 39 cm.
Printed for J. Smith, No. 35 Cheapside & R. Sayer, No. 53 Fleet Street, as the act directs
Subject (Geographic):
Hyde Park (London, England),, England, and London.
An engraving showing a very tall military officer (full-length) walking towards the right, a cane under his right arm. By his sife is a very short, fat lady. Both are dressed in the fashion of the day
Alternative Title:
Captain Conquest and his baggage wagon
Title engraved below image., Imprint from state described in the British Museum catalogue., Plate numbered '5' in upper right corner., Cf. No. 4604 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 4., and Watermark.
Robt. Sayer & J. Smith?
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Clothing & dress, Couples, Dandies, British, Military uniforms, Obesity, and Staffs (Sticks)
An engraving showing a very tall military officer (full-length) walking towards the right, a cane under his right arm. By his sife is a very short, fat lady. Both are dressed in the fashion of the day
Alternative Title:
Captain Conquest and his baggage waggon
Title engraved below image.
Printed for Robt. Sayer, No. 53 Fleet Street, & J. Smith, No. 35 Cheapside, as the act directs
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Clothing & dress, Couples, Dandies, British, Military uniforms, Obesity, and Staffs (Sticks)
Title from item., Attributed in the British Museum catalogue to either Isaac Taylor senior (1730-1807) or Isaac Taylor junior (b. 1750)., Illustration to an article with the above title., Two lines of text below image: Cupid's soft dart the softer sex compels / And here the urching knocks down beaux & belles., Plate from: Westminster Magazine. London : Printed for W. Goldsmith, v. 1 (1772-3), p. 9., and Temporary local subject terms: Auctions: bankrupcies -- Macaronies -- Cupid (Greek deity) -- Mercury (Roman deity) -- Allusion to Theresa Cornelys, 1723-1797.
In a crowded foyer booksellers and printsellers collect parcels of printed sheets on which Mr. Collier's name is crossed out and replaced with their own names. A tired-looking Earl of Bute is slowly ascending the staircase on the right. On the left are shelves filled with books. Tim Bobbin and his wife Mary are shown in the foreground as two small figures riding on the back of William Eyres, publisher in Warrington
Alternative Title:
Tim Bobbin's rap at the pyrates, Tim Bobbin's rap at the pirates, and Brothers in evil
Title from item., Attributed to Tim Bobbin., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Plate numbered '40' in upper right corner., Four columns of verse below image: Where is the man who sees this motley crew, wou'd judge them brethren on the nicest view. Yet so it is --- ; tho some look wondrous prim, they're thieves alike; and all have robb'd poor Tim ..., Satire on numerous pirated editions of Collier's A view of the Lancashire dialect, which he published under the pseudonym Tim Bobbin., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Temporary local subject terms: Printsellers -- Publishing: pirated books -- Clothes pegs -- Mottoes: Fratres in malo -- Architectural details: staircase ballustrade -- Books: bundles of printed sheets -- Bookshelves -- Booksellers: William Stuart, fl. 1742-1774 in Preston, Lancashire -- Hitch & Hawes, fl. 1746-1765 in London -- John Higginson, fl. 1744-1804 in Manchester -- James Schofield, fl. 1756-1759 in Middlewich, Cheshire -- Alexander Smith, fl. 1757-1790 in Halifax, Yorkshire -- Wililam Eyres, fl. 1756-1803 in Warrington, Lancashire.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792 and Bobbin, Tim, 1708-1786