The design closely follows George Cannings "New Morality".
Alternative Title:
Promis'd installment of the high priest of the Theophilanthropes and Promised installment of the high priest of the Theophilanthropes
Five columns of verse etched under title: "Behold! The directorial lama, sovereign priest Le Paux whom atheists worship ...", Plate from: Anti-Jacobin magazine & review, v. 1, p. 115., Statement following publisher's name: ... for the Anti-Jacobin magazine & review., and Title etched below image.
Subject (Geographic):
France--History--Revolution, 1789-1799--Foreign public opinion, British, France--History--Revolution, 1789-1799--Religious aspects., and Great Britain--Politics and government--1760-1820.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Bedford, Francis Russell,--Duke of,--1765-1802--Caricatures and cartoons., Canning, George,--1770-1827.--New morality., Erskine, Thomas Erskine,--Baron,--1750-1823--Caricatures and cartoons., Fox, Charles James,--1749-1806--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Hastings, Francis Rawdon-Hastings,--Marquess of,--1754-1826--Caricatures and cartoons., La Revellière-Lépeaux, Louis-Marie de,--1753-1824--Caricatures and cartoons., Priestley, Joseph,--1733-1804--Caricatures and cartoons., Shuckburgh-Evelyn, George Augustus William,--Sir,--1751-1804--Caricatures and cartoons., Southey, Robert,--1774-1843--Caricatures and cartoons., Tierney, George,--1761-1830--Caricatures and cartoons., Wakefield, Gilbert,--1756-1801--Caricatures and cartoons., Wollstonecraft, Mary,--1759-1797--Caricatures and cartoons., and Wright, J. (John), 1770?-1844, publisher.
Subject (Topic):
Anti-Jacobin Review and Magazine., Jacobites--Great Britain., Leviathan., Newspapers., Periodical illustrations--England--London--1798., Philanthropy., and Theophilanthropism.
"Ghosts (right) stand in a row at the foot of Fox's bed; he sits up, staring in terror, hands raised, large tears on his cheeks. The ghosts emerge from clouds; they are headless, with bloodstained necks round which are nooses, except for Lord Edward Fitzgerald, who stands above the others, in profile to the left, with blood-stained hair and shirt. His right hand is on his breast and he says: "" Who first sedue'd my youthful Mind from Virtue? - "Who plann'd my Treasons, & who caus'd my Death? - "Remember poor Lord Edward, and despair!!! - " Fox says: ""Why do'st thou shake thy, Goary Locks at me? "Dear, bravest, worthiest, noblest, best of Men! "Thou can'st not say, I did it! - " The body on Lord Edward's right and on the extreme right is that of Grogan, a leader of rebels in Wexford, it was said under compulsion, hanged from Wexford Bridge, his head fixed on a pike. Lecky, 'Hist. of England', 1890, viii. 95, 166-7. On Lord Edward's left is a body, the label from the neck inscribed 'Remember Hervay'. (Bagenal Harvey, commander-in-chief in Wexford (ibid. viii. 91), executed with Grogan.) Next is 'Quigley' (or O'Coigley), see BMSat 9189, executed 7 June 1798 at Maidstone. Next, a label, 'Shears's', rises from clouds in which the bodies are concealed. (John and Henry Sheares, elected to the Directory in Dublin on the arrest of Bond and others, were arrested 21 May and executed on 14 July 1798. Lord Edward died of the wounds received when he resisted arrest, see 'Auckland Corr.' iv. 414 ff., 442-4.) Above Fox's head fly two naked creatures with infantine bodies, webbed wings, and the serpents of faction or discord springing from their heads and writhing round their bodies. They hold up between them a paper inscribed 'Confessions \ of O'Conner \ Ol Bond'. The bed is framed in heavy curtains. Mrs. Fox lies asleep with her back to Fox. On the ground at his side is an open book partly hidden by the bed-draperies: ' . . . Head Quarters London. Plan of the Irish Rebellion.'"--British Museum online catalogue.
Title etched below image. and Two lines of paraphrased quote following title: "In glided Edward's pale-eye'd ghost and stood at Carlo's feet."
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Coigly, James,--1761-1798--Caricatures and cartoons., Fitzgerald, Edward,--Lord,--1763-1798--Caricatures and cartoons., Fox, Charles James,--1749-1806--Caricatures and cartoons., Fox, Elizabeth,--1750-1842--Caricatures and cartoons., Grogan, Cornelius,--?1738-1798--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., Sheares, Henry,--1753-1798--Caricatures and cartoons., and Sheares, John,--1766-1798--Caricatures and cartoons.
"Three opera dancers, holding a garland of roses, are dressed alike in short transparent petticoats partly covered by a shorter apron. The centre dancer holds out her left leg horizontally . Mme Rose [Parisot] is in back view, her sharp features in profile to the right. On each side of the stage is a column on the plinth of which stands a figure: (left) a satyr holding a mask; (right) a woman wearing a clumsy undergarment, in the attitude of the Venus dei Medici. In front of the stage are the musical instruments of the orchestra, including a violin on which is a cap perhaps intended for a bonnet-rouge. ..."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Dance a l'eveque
Four lines of verse in two columns below image: 'Tis hard for such new fangled orthodox rules, that our opera-troop should be blam'd ..., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., and Title etched below image, in lower left.
H. Humprey, St. James's Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Didelot, Marie Rose Paul,---1803--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"The upper part of a telegraph, not the usual screen in one plane (cf. BMSat 8837), but two screens at right angles to each other, the point of junction in the centre of the design. This is supported on a rectangular structure the upper part of which is open, with an aperture below each telegraph. From each of these Jekyll looks out in profile to the left and right, respectively. The telegraph, which is in the foreground, the lower part cut off by the lower margin of the design, overlooks from a height two views of the mouth of the Bruges Canal, flowing from an undulating landscape with a small town and distant windmills. Each Jekyll pulls strings which are attached to circular disks (for letters) in the upper part of the apparatus. On the left he looks through a rolled paper inscribed 'Morning Chronicle' over the intact sluice at the mouth of the canal, outside which are a few boats. From the disks above floats a label: "Ay, now let us see what are the fruits of this miserable Ostend Expedition! - ay, I see that the intelligence I had from Bruges, was of undoubted authority! - yes, yes, our Informations are always to be depended upon! - ay! sure enough there's the great Sluice of Sluykens, which was blown up! - the damages have all been repaired in a Week, & the Canal is now as full as at any former period! - O Lord! O Lord! - this is the way that poor John Bull's money goes!" Above each telegraph floats a tricolour flag surmounted by a bonnet-rouge; on the left the flag is inscribed 'June 20 1798', on the right it is 'June 21. 1798'. On the right Jekyll looks through a rolled paper: 'Capt Pop'em's Information from Capn Winter'. The landscape below shows a block of masonry exploding in the middle of a turbulent flood in which are carried down timbers and wrecked boats. His telegraph signals: 'Why what the devil do I see? - sounds, why here's incontestable evidence that the Sluices are all destroyed! - the Masonry all blown up! - and the Navigation of the Canal at an end! O Lord! what damages they have done!- why it can't be repaird by any effort, in less than 12 Months! - Mercy upon me, what will my Lord Malagrida say when I tell him about the business?' Jekyll's two profiles are identical; both smile waggishly. ..."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Little second-sighted lawyer gving a true specimen of patriotic information
One line of text above image: "I trust the world will not regard me as a person ready to bring before them any matter which does not rest on a proper foundation!", One line of text below title: "After so candid & honorable a statement, no man can suspect the Honble. Gentleman of wilful misreprentation [sic]." - Mr. Ds remark., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., and Jekyll, Joseph,--1754-1837--Caricatures and cartoons.
Printmaker from Grego., Title etched below image., and Twentieth of 24 plates from: Rowlandson, T. Hungarian and Highland broad sword. [London] : H. Angelo, 1799.
H. Angelo, Curzon Street, May Fair
Subject (Name):
Angelo, Henry, 1756-1835, publisher., Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., and Harvey, Francis--Ownership.
Subject (Topic):
Caricatures and cartoons --England and Satires (Visual works) --England
"Pitt and Dundas (in tartan), back to back, vigorously ply long whips against a herd of swine with human faces whom they drive through broken palings from the enclosure in which they stand (right). On the extreme left is the corner of a pound through which poke the heads of two (normal) swine, ringed and shedding tears. The swine who are being flogged have, beside their human heads, ringed snouts, both heads being enclosed in a wooden triangle. The leaders are Fox, with Norfolk (cf. BMSat 9205) on his right and Bedford (cf. BMSat 8684) on his left The others are less prominent: Erskine, Tierney, looking over Fox's back, Burdett, Derby, and Nicholls (left), while M. A. Taylor (right), smaller than the others, scampers to right instead of left. Beside the pound (left) stands a grinning yokel (John Bull); on its post is a placard: 'London Corresponding Society - or the Cries of the Pigs in the Pound'. The background is a row of conical haystacks behind which is a thatched and gabled farm-house. ..."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Swine flogg'd out of the farm yard and Swine flogged out of the farm yard
Three columns of verse etched below title: Once a society of swine, liv'd in a paradice [sic] of straw, a herd more beautiful & fine, I'm sure Sir Joseph never saw ... and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Bedford, Francis Russell,--Duke of,--1765-1802--Caricatures and cartoons., Burdett, Francis,--1770-1844--Caricatures and cartoons., Derby, Edward Smith Stanley,--Earl of,--1752-1834--Caricatures and cartoons., Erskine, Thomas Erskine,--Baron,--1750-1823--Caricatures and cartoons., Fox, Charles James,--1749-1806--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., Melville, Henry Dundas,--Viscount,--1742-1811--Caricatures and cartoons., Nicholls, John,--1745?-1832--Caricatures and cartoons., Norfolk, Charles Howard,--Duke of,--1746-1815--Caricatures and cartoons., Pitt, William,--1759-1806--Caricatures and cartoons., Taylor, Michael Angelo,--1757-1834--Caricatures and cartoons., and Tierney, George,--1761-1830--Caricatures and cartoons.
Subject (Topic):
John Bull (Symbolic character)--Caricatures and cartoons.
"The Irishman, with coarse features and cropped hair, stands on a rounded hill, left arm raised oratorically, right hand on one of two pistols in his belt, saying, "No Union, Erin go Brack!" He wears a round hat tilted to one side, and with a small tuft or plume, a double-breasted coat with the skirts looped up, pantaloons and half-boots, a long sabre. He looks to the left On the plain beneath (right), across which run tiny fugitives, are burning buildings and clouds of smoke."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.