First Lyons counterfeit of the Aldine edition of 1501, with the errors uncorrected, and the last line of p. [3] beginning with "Stultus" (cf. H.L. Baudrier, Bibliographie lyonnaise, 7e série, p. 6)., Signatures: a-g8A-X8Y4 (Y4, blank, wanting)., and Yale proprietary stamp at center right.
"Satire on the Rev John Henley, in a chapel, preaching in a pulpit at left, above which a dog in Scots plaid holds a sign lettered 'Politicks & Divinity'; the clerk holds a club, as do other members of the congregation, who are variously animatedly arguing and exclaiming, one reading a newspaper; at right a pew lettered 'pews for ye Doctors Friends &c / Butcher Frenchman / Scot and Tory. / Join to rob Britain of its Glory.', in it several people wearing Scots plaid; above the pew, a coat of arms supported by a fox and wolf with the crest of an ass's head, with mottos 'Bray' and 'No Faith No King No Law', below it two inscriptions, 'Repaired and Beautifyd by O-t- H-y' [Orator Henley] and 'Subjects to night / ye. Battle of Dettengen & ye. Bishops'; at top centre, a placard: 'It is written my house shall be called ye. house of prayer but ye have made it a den of thieves'; a forgery purporting to be by or after Hogarth."--British Museum catalogue., Title etched above image., Publisher and date from Paulson., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Ms. note in pencil in Steevens's hand at top of page: Seven forgeries -- all published by Samuel Ireland; in pencil in Steevens's hand beneath print: £6.0.0., Extensive ms. note on separate sheet to right, in ink in Steevens's hand., and On page 233 in volume 3.
Title supplied by cataloger., Nineteenth century forgery of a portlan chart., Manuscript note in accompanying case: A manuscript portolan on vellum probably executed by a Spanish chartmaker circa 1550, the coasts outlined in green with place names in gothic letters of red and black, decorated with devices of the sun and moon in umber heightened with gold, 14 x 9 inches. This chart is a rare example from its unusally small size. RH. 7487., and Pen and ink wash color on parchment, in Italian, in unidentified hand.
Twentieth century forgery of a portlan chart with seaport names given for all coastlines; based on chart from the circle of Vesconte Maggiolo., Title devised by cataloger., Pen-and-ink in gold, brown, red, blue, and green., Contains eight compass roses., Decoration: armorial shields, city views with gilded banners, tents, and Madonna with child., Pasted on wood backing with modern brocade edging., and Coordinates not present on map and are approximated.
Subject (Geographic):
Mediterranean Sea, North Atlantic Ocean, Black Sea, Africa, West, Mediterranean Sea., North Atlantic Ocean., Black Sea., and Africa, West.
Title devised by curator., With: [Ticket for Fielding's The mock doctor] / W. Hogarth ft. ; A.M.I. fecit., Ms. note in pencil in Steevens's hand above print: £5-5-0. Note above image: 2., and On page 233 in volume 3.