An awkward couple, caricatured and drawn full-length, are shown dancing. An older woman whose decorative plumage extends beyond the man's head, has a crooked nose and lanky features. The man, somewhat younger, has a protruding chin
Title from caption in brown ink, below image., Questionable attribution to William Heath., Mounted on the verso of an estate map., and William Heath, English caricaturist and illustrator, 1795-1840.
A caricature showing a couple full-length as they dance. The older man with a very large and balding forehead holds the arm of a young girl; both are standing on their toes. She is holding a fan and looking away from the man
Title written in ink below image., Attributed to William Heath by curator., and William Heath, English caricaturist and illustrator, 1795-1840.
A caricature of a couple, full-length and fashionably dressed in a simple way, are shown in profile kissing. The length of their arms is exaggerated and are in contrast to their short legs. The woman's eyes are open but the man's are closed
Alternative Title:
Title written in ink, below image., Mounted on the verso of an estate map of Creeves, in Limerick County, Ireland., and William Heath, English caricaturist and illustrator, 1795-1840.
A young girl begs for change as she holds out a hat to a couple heading toward the crowd around the tents at Epsom Derby. Her father (?) half kneels while playing a violin, and a woman (her mother?) clutches a baby to her breast
Title devised by cataloger., Date based on unverified data in local card catalog record., and For further information, consult library staff.
Subject (Topic):
Epsom Derby, England (Horse race), Beggars, Crowds, and Families
Harding, G. P. (George Perfect), 1780-1853, artist
Published / Created:
[ca. 1810]
Call Number:
Drawings H263 no. 6 Box D125
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Portrat of Sir Horace Mann, half-length turned to the left but looking forward at the viewer
Title inscribed below image., George Perfect Harding, English miniature painter, 1779/80-1853., After a portrait of Horace Mann by J. Astley which belonged to Horace Walpole at Strawberry Hill., Engraving of this portrait published by Richard Bentley, 1810., and Inscription in pencil: ? by G.P. Harding.
Harding, G. P. (George Perfect), 1780-1853, artist
Published / Created:
Call Number:
Folio 24 27 798
Collection Title:
Opposite page 317. Reminiscences, written in 1788 for the amusement of Miss Mary and Miss Agnes B-Y ...
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Portrait of Katherine Sheffield, Duchess of Buckingham and Normanby, the illegitimate daughter of King James II and Catherine Sedley, Countess of Dorchester; half-length, facing the viewer with her head turned slightly left; curls of her long hair falling over her right shoulder; wearing pendant earrings and a small jacket over a dress with a low neckline
Alternative Title:
Katherine Duchess of Buckingham
Title written in ink below image, on mounting page., Signed with initials and dated in lower right portion of image; attribution to G.P. Harding from local catalog card., and Mounted opposite page 317 in an extra-illustrated copy of: Walpole, H. Reminiscences, written in 1788 for the amusement of Miss Mary and Miss Agnes B-Y ... From: The works of Horatio Walpole, Earl of Orford. London : Printed for G.G. and J. Robinson, Paternoster-Row, and J. Edwards, Pall-Mall, MDCCXCVIII [1798].
Subject (Name):
Buckingham and Normanby, Katherine Sheffield, Duchess of, 1681 or 1682-1743,
Sketch of an armorial shield with three caterpillars, two at the top and one at the bottom. Running horizontally across the middle of the shield is a band with a human-faced sun at its center. To the right of the upper caterpillars is written "Catterpillars"; to the right of the band is written "Rainbow".
Title devised by curator., Unsigned; attribution to Thomas Kirgate from local catalog card., Date of production based on artist's death date., and Drawn in lower left corner of page 42 in Thomas Kirgate's extra-illustrated copy of: Walpole, H. Fugitive pieces in verse and prose. [Twickenham] : Printed at Strawberry-Hill, 1758.
Opposite page 88. Fugitive pieces in verse and prose.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Sketch of one side of a coin, with the Latin motto "Pro bono publico" around the outer edge and value in written in Italian "Soldi cinque" in the center
Title devised by curator., Unsigned; attribution to Thomas Kirgate from local catalog card., Date of production based on artist's death date., Three lines of text written below image, in ink over pencil: This is taken from a coin of Theodore's, engraved in a French 4to. book entitled Recueil general des pieces obsidionales 7 de nécessité, plate 27, no. 8., With placement instruction "88" written in pencil in upper right corner., and Mounted opposite page 88 in Thomas Kirgate's extra-illustrated copy of: Walpole, H. Fugitive pieces in verse and prose. [Twickenham] : Printed at Strawberry-Hill, 1758.
Harding, G. P. (George Perfect), 1780-1853, artist
Published / Created:
[not after 1810]
Call Number:
Quarto 33 30 Copy 6
Collection Title:
Page 2d. Description of the villa of Mr. Horace Walpole ...
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Unfinished drawing of the Gothic lantern, designed by Richard Bentley, that hung in the Entrance of Strawberry Hill
Alternative Title:
Lanthron in the Red Hall
Title from local catalog card; the title written in ink on mounting page has "lanthorn" misspelled as "lanthron"., Unsigned; attribution to G.P. Harding from local catalog card., Date based on death date of Thomas Kirgate, who likely assembled the extra-illustrated volume in which this drawing is found., and Inlaid on page 2d in Thomas Kirgate's extra-illustrated copy of: Walpole, H. A description of the villa of Mr. Horace Walpole ... Strawberry Hill : Printed by Thomas Kirgate, MDCCLXXXIV [1784].