Muslim history to A.H. 1033 (A.D. 1624). and Copied in A.H. 1068 (A.D. 1658).
Available on microfilm, The title is given in the incipit, leaf 2 recto., Fair naskhī, in red and black., and Islamic binding, in brown, flap missing.
Commentary on the Minhāj al-ṭālibīn (manual of Shafiʻi law) of Yaḥyá al-Nawawī. Volume VI only and Incomplete at beginning and end
The title is written on the lower edges as: al-juzʾ al-sādis min al-Ghunyah al-Adhraʻīyah., Old (14th century?) naskhī., Islamic binding, in brown, front cover and part of flap missing., and Other volumes wanting.
Versification of Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyūṭī's Jamʻ al-jawāmiʻ (Arabic grammar) and Hamʻ al-hawāmiʻ (commentary to it). and Copied in A.H. 1051 (A.D. 1641).
The title appears on leaf 3 recto., Fair naskhī, in red and black. Some leaves supplied in a later hand., and Loose in Islamic binding, paper covered, with flap.
Manual of Shafiʻi law and Copied in A.H. 507 (A.D. 1114).
Alternative Title:
Available on microfilm, On leaf 230 recto is an ijāzah by Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad al-Ghazzālī, presumably the author's son; the owner's note under it, implying that the ijāzah is by the author himself, is patently mistaken. Another ijāzah on leaf 230 verso is also dated A.H. 507., Hasty naskhī, in red and black., and Islamic binding, in red, with flap.
Shihāb al-Ḥijāzī, Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad, 1388 or 1389-1470 or 1471
Call Number:
Landberg MSS 49a
Container / Volume:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
A literary anthology in prose and verse and Beginning and end missing, also lacunae elsewhere in the text
The author's name and the title are written in a later hand on leaf 40 recto., Heading of faṣls (as listed by Brockelmann): 4). Fī al-nathrīyāt (leaf 20 recto); 5) Fī al-ḥikāyāt (leaf 51 verso)., Leaves probably in part out of order., Fairly old (16th century?) naskhī, in red and black., and Loose in Islamic binding, paper covered.
Qamūlī, Najm al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad, 1255-1327
Call Number:
Landberg MSS 652
Container / Volume:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Commentary on al-Wasīṭ (manual of Shafiʻi law) of Muḥammad al-Ghazzālī. Volume II only and Incomplete at beginning and end
Alternative Title:
Baḥr al-muḥīṭ fī sharḥ al-Wasīṭ
The identification of author and title of this volume is uncertain., Title given on the lower edges., Fair naskhī, probably of the 14th century., Islamic binding, in brown, of which only the front cover is preserved., and Other volumes wanting.
Universal history, presumably abridged from (the Persian compendium of?) the Akhbār al-rusul wa-al-mulūk of al-Ṭabarī., Beginning and end missing, and The volume covers the years A.H. 7-240 (A.D. 628-854).
Old (14th century?) naskhī, in red and black. and Islamic binding, in brown, flap missing.
History of the construction of the Aya Sofya palace
In Persian., The manuscript was probably copied not long after the date of composition of the treatise, A.H. 982 (A.D. 1574 or 75)., Fair nastaʻlīq, in red and black; ʻunwān in gold and blue on leaf 229 verso; leaves 229-230 with gold rectangular borders., Islamic binding, in contemporary brown calf., and With: 2 other titles.
Islamic history; volume X(?), covering the years A.H. 628-693 (A.D. 1230-1294). and Copied in A.H. 1270 (A.D. 1854).
Available on microfilm, For the identification of the work see note on last page; the author's name appears on leaf 47 verso. , Good naskhī, in red and black., and Islamic binding, in red, with flap.
A genealogical account of the legendary and historical Persian and Arab kings before Islam and Preceded by 1 leaf of notes
Text in Arabic, some notes in Persian., The manuscript was probably copied not long after the date of composition of the final treatise, A.H. 982 (A.D. 1574 or 75)., Fair naskhī, in red and black; ʻunwān in gold and blue on leaf 1 verso. Leaves 1-2 with gold rectangular borders., A note pasted in the front cover lists the contents of the volume in French., Islamic binding, in contemporary brown calf., Bookplate of Le Ch. Ferrão de Castelbranco., Bookplate of Thomas E. Marston., Unidentified bookstamp in Turkish on title page., and With: 2 other titles.
Ibn al-Wardī, Zayn al-Dīn ʻUmar ibn al-Muẓaffar, -1349
Call Number:
Arabic MSS 576
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Manual of cosmography
Title from: Brockelmann, II, 131. In manuscript on title page: ʻAjāʾib-i makhlūqāt., Fair naskhī, in red and black; ʻunwān in gold and blue on leaf 10 verso. Leaves 10-13 with gold rectangular borders. Rubricated., Illustrated with a map of the world related to the group known as the "Seven Seas" maps, and a chart giving the qiblah to Mecca (leaf 12 verso)., Islamic binding, in contemporary brown calf., and With: 2 other titles.
Qamūlī, Najm al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad, 1255-1327
Call Number:
Landberg MSS 53a
Container / Volume:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Commentary on al-Wasīṭ (manual of Shafiʻi law) of Muḥammad al-Ghazzālī., Beginning and end missing, and Perhaps a holograph (cf. Landberg MSS 283).
Fair naskhī. and Loose in Islamic binding, in brown, flap and back missing.
Ibn al-Rifʻah, Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad, 1247 or 1248-1310 or 1311
Call Number:
Landberg MSS 313
Container / Volume:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Commentary on al-Wasīṭ (manual of Shafiʻi law) of Muḥammad al-Ghazzālī.
Alternative Title:
Maṭlab fī sharḥ al-Wasīṭ
The title al-Maṭlab lil-Qamūlī is given in the waqf-deed on leaf 1 recto (dated A.H. 797 [A.D. 1395]); Aḥmad al-Qamūlī presumably having completed Ibn al-Rifʻah's unfinished work., Perhaps al-Qamūlī's autograph., For the author see Brockelmann, II, 133., For the handwriting cf. Landberg MSS 283., C. Landberg compared this manuscript with Landberg MSS 283 (al-Qamūlī's Baḥr al-muḥīṭ, on the same subject) and found the text to be different., and Islamic binding, in brown, only the back cover having been preserved.
Ibn al-Rifʻah, Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad, 1247 or 1248-1310 or 1311
Call Number:
Landberg MSS 479
Container / Volume:
Box 5
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Commentary (presumably completed by Aḥmad al-Qamūlī) on al-Wasīṭ (manual of Shafiʻi law) of Muḥammad al-Ghazzālī., Incomplete and fragmentary set, comprising the second, third, and last volumes of the work, an unnumbered volume, and a small fragment of another volume, and A waqf-deed on leaf 1 recto, vol. II (the third volume of the work), is dated A.H. 797 (A.D. 1395).
For what appears to be another volume of this set see Landberg MSS 586., Fair 14th century naskhī, sparsely pointed., and Fragments of old leather bindings in volumes 1-3, 5, in brown.
Ibn al-Rifʻah, Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad, 1247 or 1248-1310 or 1311
Call Number:
Landberg MSS 479
Container / Volume:
Box 3
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Commentary (presumably completed by Aḥmad al-Qamūlī) on al-Wasīṭ (manual of Shafiʻi law) of Muḥammad al-Ghazzālī., Incomplete and fragmentary set, comprising the second, third, and last volumes of the work, an unnumbered volume, and a small fragment of another volume, and A waqf-deed on leaf 1 recto, vol. II (the third volume of the work), is dated A.H. 797 (A.D. 1395).
For what appears to be another volume of this set see Landberg MSS 586., Fair 14th century naskhī, sparsely pointed., and Fragments of old leather bindings in volumes 1-3, 5, in brown.
Ibn al-Rifʻah, Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad, 1247 or 1248-1310 or 1311
Call Number:
Landberg MSS 479
Container / Volume:
Box 2
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Commentary (presumably completed by Aḥmad al-Qamūlī) on al-Wasīṭ (manual of Shafiʻi law) of Muḥammad al-Ghazzālī., Incomplete and fragmentary set, comprising the second, third, and last volumes of the work, an unnumbered volume, and a small fragment of another volume, and A waqf-deed on leaf 1 recto, vol. II (the third volume of the work), is dated A.H. 797 (A.D. 1395).
For what appears to be another volume of this set see Landberg MSS 586., Fair 14th century naskhī, sparsely pointed., and Fragments of old leather bindings in volumes 1-3, 5, in brown.
Shahrastānī, Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd al-Karīm, 1086?-1153
Call Number:
Landberg MSS 615
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Treatise on the various religious sects and philosophical schools, Beginning missing; end (leaf 163 verso) pasted over, and A note on leaf 163 verso is dated A.H. 699 (A.D. 1299) at Taʻizz, Yemen
Compared with Cureton's edition., Fair naskhī, in red and black., and Islamic binding, in brown, of which only the back cover is preserved.