Copied after the Mahdī's death, since his name is occasionally followed by the formula ʻalayhi al-salām. and Letters and proclamations.
"Registre des lettres et proclamations du Mahdi qui se trouvent dans [ce] manuscrit"; 4 leaves, in C. Landberg's hand, in pocket, inside front cover., Cf. JAOS, 31(1911), 368-69, from where it would seem that C. Landberg's original manuscript 543 (a volume of "170 Seiten") is now in the Egyptian Intelligence Office in Cairo and that it was captured at the battle of Toski in 1889., Fair Sudanese hand, in red and black., Imperfect: pp. 252-351 wanting., Islamic binding, in red, with flap., and Leaves numbered as pp. 1-503 (not counting the first page; pp. 495-503 are blank except for page-numbers).