McArdell, James, approximately 1729-1765, printmaker
Published / Created:
[between 1741 and 1765]
Call Number:
Folio 75 H67 800 v.3 (Oversize)
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Ghismonda weeping over the heart of Guiscardo; a young woman leaning inwards from left reting her elbows on a table, chin on left hand, weeping, a platter containing a heart in front of her; after Correggio; proof before letters."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from curator., Date, artist and printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Ms. note in pencil on print beneath plate mark: Correggio. McArdell., and On page 224 in volume 3.
Title from item., Mezzotinted area shows heavy use of roulette., Temporary local subject terms: Literature: Tristram Shandy by Laurence Sterne, 1713-1768 -- Literature: reference to Shakespeare's Hamlet., and Mounted to 35 x 21 cm.
"Portrait, half-length seated almost in profile to left, right arm resting on a table beside him, looking towards the viewer, wearing a velvet coat and long white wig; after Hoare; printed on the same sheet as a public letter explaining the sitter's resignation."--British Museum online catalogue. See Registration number: 1902,1011.5172
Alternative Title:
Right Honourable William Pitt Esquire
Title engraved below image. and Description based on imperfect impression; sheet trimmed to plate mark with loss of letterpress text below.
Print'd for Jno. Smith at Hogarth's Head facing Wood Street, Cheapside
"Portrait after Reynolds (Mannings 1903); half-length seated to right, looking at her young daughter curled up against her chest, and wrapping her in ermine-lined mantle."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Maria Countess of Waldegrave, and her daughter Lady Elizabeth Laura, 1761
Title engraved below image., Price in lower right corner: 7s. 6d., and Reminants of framer's(?) labels on verso: [C]urtis H. Moyer ... [Pict]ures and Fr[ames?]. 252 Trumbull [Street] Hartford, C[onnecticut].
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Maria, Duchess of Gloucester, 1736-1807, and Waldegrave, Elizabeth Laura Waldegrave, Countess of, 1760-1816,
Plate 70. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Subscription ticket for "Sigismonda" with a figure of Time as an old winged man sitting on a broken statue, blowing pipe-smoke at a dark landscape painting on the easel in front of him and which he has pierced with his scythe; at the top of the frame of the painting is a Greek quote, preceded by the word "Crates' and ending with its identification: "See Spectator Vol. II: Page 83." On the floor to the left is a large jar labeled "Varnish".
Title, printmaker, state, and date from Paulson., Lettered within image in this state, the name "Crates" added to the top left of the picture frame. Lower right of image inscribed with quote: "-As statues moulder into Worth. P.W." Below a couplet, "To Nature and your Self appeal, Nor learn of others, what to feel. Anon:"., Description based on imperfect impression; sheet trimmed to plate mark with loss of subscription receipt., and Sheet trimmed to: 222 x 174 mm.
Plate 70. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Subscription ticket for "Sigismonda" with a figure of Time as an old winged man sitting on a broken statue, blowing pipe-smoke at a dark landscape painting on the easel in front of him and which he has pierced with his scythe; at the top of the frame of the painting is a Greek quote, preceded by the word "Crates' and ending with its identification: "See Spectator Vol. II: Page 83." On the floor to the left is a large jar labeled "Varnish".
Title, printmaker, state, and date from Paulson., Lettered within image in this state, the name "Crates" added to the top left of the picture frame. Lower right of image inscribed with quote: "-As statues moulder into Worth. P.W." Below a couplet, "To Nature and your Self appeal, Nor learn of others, what to feel. Anon:"., Description based on imperfect impression; sheet trimmed to plate mark with loss of subscription receipt., and Sheet trimmed to: 228 x 178 mm.
Plate 70. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Subscription ticket for "Sigismonda" with a figure of Time as an old winged man sitting on a broken statue, blowing pipe-smoke at a dark landscape painting on the easel in front of him and which he has pierced with his scythe; at the top of the frame of the painting is a Greek quote, preceded by the word "Crates' and ending with its identification: "See Spectator Vol. II: Page 83." On the floor to the left is a large jar labeled "Varnish".
Title, printmaker, state, and date from Paulson., Lettered within image in this state, the name "Crates" added to the top left of the picture frame. Lower right of image inscribed with quote: "-As statues moulder into Worth. P.W." Below a couplet, "To Nature and your Self appeal, Nor learn of others, what to feel. Anon:"., and Description based on imperfect impression; sheet trimmed to plate mark with loss of subscription receipt.
Subscription ticket for "Sigismonda" with a figure of Time as an old winged man sitting on a broken statue, blowing pipe-smoke at a dark landscape painting on the easel in front of him and which he has pierced with his scythe; at the top of the frame of the painting is a Greek quote, and ending with its identification: "See Spectator Vol. II: Page 83." On the floor to the left is a large jar labeled "Varnish".
Title, printmaker, state, and date from Paulson., Lettered within image in this state, the name "Crates" added to the top left of the picture frame. Lower right of image inscribed with quote: "-As statues moulder into Worth. P.W." Below a couplet, "To Nature and your Self appeal, Nor learn of others, what to feel. Anon:"., Description based on imperfect impression; sheet trimmed to plate mark with loss of subscription receipt., Ms. note in pencil in Steevens's hand: ibidem., and On page 187 in volume 2.
"Portrait, bust in a circular frame directed to right, head in profile, hair dressed in grecian knots with strings of pearls and a circlet, wearing a gown with folds of draped material around the neckline; after the coronation medal. Scraped around the frame 'Charlotta D. G. M. Br. Fr. et Hib. Regina."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from text below image., Date of publication from the British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1859,0709.1283., "Done after the coronation medal"--Below image, lower left., "Price 1s. 6d."--Following imprint., Mounted on leaf numbered 30 in an album of 49 prints: sheet 60 x 47 cm. Actual price erased from print., and Bound in full red levant by Lloyd Wallis & Lloyd. For further information consult library staff.
Printed for Robt. Sayer in Fleet Street, and Hen. Parker & Eliz. Bakewell in Cornhill
Subject (Name):
Charlotte, Queen, consort of George III, King of Great Britain, 1744-1818,
"Portrait of Mrs Cholmley after Reynolds; three-quarter length seated to front, head turned in three-quarter profile to left, and resting on her right hand, her arm leaning on pedestal to left; wearing fur-trimmed dress with pearls around her neck; trees behind."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from caption below image., State from curator., Date of publication from the British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1902,1011.6394., Undescribed state in: Smith, J.C. British mezzotinto portraits, v. 4, no. 30 p. 1500., Mounted on leaf numbered 32 in an album of 49 prints: sheet 60 x 47 cm., and Bound in full red levant by Lloyd Wallis & Lloyd. For further information consult library staff.
Printed for Wm. Hitchcock, No. 5, Birchin Lane, Cornhill