Two men fight a duel with rapiers in the courtyards of a building. Through a large doorway peers Sir Robert Walpole his finger to his lips, saying "Let them cut one another's throats".
Alternative Title:
Duel between Lord Hervey and the Honble. William Pultney
Title from item., Publication date from British Museum catalogue., Subjects identified in manuscript on British Museum catalogue impression., Lewis Walpole Library: The two duellists were formerly misidentified as Lord Chesterfield and Viscount Cobham., For publication date of print see British Museum Catalogue of prints and drawings, v. iii, p. 372., Variant state, without caption title above the image and without publisher. Cf. No. 1868 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 2., and Watermark: Pro Patria.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Walpole, Robert, Earl of Orford, 1676-1745, Hervey, John Hervey, Baron, 1696-1743, and Bath, William Pulteney, Earl of, 1684-1764
A satirical broadside, with two vignettes of the "Weaver". On the left the weaver is at his loom his back to his wife who is seated at the hearth warming her hands over the fire. On the right he is shown in the disguise of a Friar receiving his wife for confession as she kneels before him. Two columns of verse below: "A weaver jealous of his wife like many, Still dream't of horns before the Knave had any ... Twas you were the young man the old man & [the] Fryer. Finis."
Alternative Title:
Weaver jealous of his wife like many, Still dream't of horns before the Knave had any ...
Title from engraved text above image., All engraved., Date from British Book Trade Index., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and With "Pro Patria" watermark.
Printed and sold by Samuel Lyne, map and printseller at the Globe in Newgate Street
Subject (Topic):
Adultery, Weavers, Looms, Fireplaces, Confessions, Costumes, and Monks
Four designs enclosed by scrolls, with six lines of verse inscribed below two top and bottom left design, and eight lines of verse inscribed below bottom right design
Title from item., Printmaker supplied by curator., George Bickham identified as the publisher from address in imprint., 'Price 1s.', Temporary local subject terms: Buildings: Hospital for Foundlings -- Castles -- Ships: ships shelling shoreline fortifications -- Ships: ships for sale, with brooms at mastheads -- Placemen -- Broad-bottoms -- Bills: excise tax, 1741 -- Guns: cannon -- Birds: doves -- Flags -- Masks: mask with dagger -- Churches: St. Paul's -- Savoyards -- Sun: eclipse -- Moon -- Treaties -- Webs: spider web -- Symbols: hands of Providence -- Wars: war with Spain, 1739 -- Animals: wolf -- Animals: cat -- Animals: mice -- Heads: grotesque head -- Emblems: German eagle -- Personifications: Holland as an infant in cradle holding heraldic arrows -- Emblematic representations: English and French dogs pouncing on Spanish dogs -- Personifications: hand-tied Justice -- Emblems: French fox -- Devil holding scroll -- Devil laughing -- Devil flying kite -- Devil fishing -- Maps: Cartegna -- Maps: England -- Maps: Havana -- Maps: capture of Porto Bello, November 22, 1739 -- Joseph Edward, Count Gage, 1678?-1753?, and With spine title: Caricatures anglaise 1740.
Sold at [the] Blackmoors Head against Surry Street in [the] Strand
Subject (Name):
Charles Edward, Prince, grandson of James II, King of England, 1720-1788, Walpole, Robert, Earl of Orford, 1676-1745, Vernon, Edward, 1684-1757, and Fleury, André Hercule de, 1653-1743
Four designs enclosed by scrolls, with six lines of verse inscribed below two top and bottom left design, and eight lines of verse inscribed below bottom right design
Title from item., Printmaker supplied by curator., George Bickham identified as the publisher from address in imprint., 'Price 1s.', and Temporary local subject terms: Buildings: Hospital for Foundlings -- Castles -- Ships: ships shelling shoreline fortifications -- Ships: ships for sale, with brooms at mastheads -- Placemen -- Broad-bottoms -- Bills: excise tax, 1741 -- Guns: cannon -- Birds: doves -- Flags -- Masks: mask with dagger -- Churches: St. Paul's -- Savoyards -- Sun: eclipse -- Moon -- Treaties -- Webs: spider web -- Symbols: hands of Providence -- Wars: war with Spain, 1739 -- Animals: wolf -- Animals: cat -- Animals: mice -- Heads: grotesque head -- Emblems: German eagle -- Personifications: Holland as an infant in cradle holding heraldic arrows -- Emblematic representations: English and French dogs pouncing on Spanish dogs -- Personifications: hand-tied Justice -- Emblems: French fox -- Devil holding scroll -- Devil laughing -- Devil flying kite -- Devil fishing -- Maps: Cartegna -- Maps: England -- Maps: Havana -- Maps: capture of Porto Bello, November 22, 1739 -- Joseph Edward, Count Gage, 1678?-1753?
Sold at [the] Blackmoors Head against Surry Street in [the] Strand
Subject (Name):
Charles Edward, Prince, grandson of James II, King of England, 1720-1788, Walpole, Robert, Earl of Orford, 1676-1745, Vernon, Edward, 1684-1757, and Fleury, André Hercule de, 1653-1743
Burford, Thomas, approximately 1710-approximately 1779, printmaker
Published / Created:
Call Number:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Alternative Title:
Title from item., Four lines of verse in two columns on either side of title: In love and play we equal hazards run ..., One of four plates in an untitled series on the times of the day., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Printed for John Bowles & Son at the Black Horse in Cornhil
Three men sitting at a table, two of them holding drinking glasses, one opening a barrel. A waiter is filling more glasses on a tray and the preacher of the sermon is holding a glass and an open book with the word "Malt" on the page. A second table (covered with a cloth and holding more glasses, a tankard, a flask and a pipe), a barrel on a stand and a chamber pot are also present. A list of ten items is posted on the wall with the title "Customs to be observed by this Society." At the foot of the image is the line "Why should the drunkard strive his acts to smother, drink runs but from one Hogshead to another."
Alternative Title:
Extempore sermon preached by Fredrick Fiery-Face ...
Title from text above image., Earlier imprint burnished from plate and replaced with the imprint of this edition., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Fifteen lines of text engraved below image: Beloved. Lett [sic] me crave your reverent attention for I am a little man ..., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Watermark., and Window-mounted to 38 x 27 cm.
Sold by C. Dicey & Co. in Aldermary Church Yard, London
Title engraved at top of design, within the scroll surrounding the images., Sheet trimmed to plate mark on top and left side., 'Price 1 shilling'--Below image., Ten lines of text in rebus, followed by two columns of further text in rebus, below image: Whosoever will [be] rich or [high] be [for] [all] things ..., The following words within the text are represented by a rebus: be by an image of a bee, high by an image of a throne, for by number 4, all by an awl., Temporary local subject terms: Cession of Gibraltar -- Cession of Port Mahon -- Conventions: Pardo, 1739 -- Electorates: German electorates -- Electorate of Hanover -- Cuba: Fort St. Iago -- Cumberland Harbor -- Fairs: Horn Fair -- Yarmough fish -- Hungary -- France -- Bavaria -- Slogans: wooden shoes -- Hats: King's hat -- Parodies: parody on Athanasian Creed., and With spine title: Caricatures anglaise 1740.
Sold by G. Bickha[m] at the Blackmoor's Head, Exeter Exchange
Subject (Name):
George II, King of Great Britain, 1683-1760, Yarmouth, Amalie Sophie Marianne von Wallmoden-Gimborn, Countess of, 1706-1765, Walpole, Robert, Earl of Orford, 1676-1745, and Vernon, Edward, 1684-1757
Title engraved at top of design, within the scroll surrounding the images., Sheet trimmed to plate mark on top and left side., 'Price 1 shilling'--Below image., Ten lines of text in rebus, followed by two columns of further text in rebus, below image: Whosoever will [be] rich or [high] be [for] [all] things ..., The following words within the text are represented by a rebus: be by an image of a bee, high by an image of a throne, for by number 4, all by an awl., Temporary local subject terms: Cession of Gibraltar -- Cession of Port Mahon -- Conventions: Pardo, 1739 -- Electorates: German electorates -- Electorate of Hanover -- Cuba: Fort St. Iago -- Cumberland Harbor -- Fairs: Horn Fair -- Yarmough fish -- Hungary -- France -- Bavaria -- Slogans: wooden shoes -- Hats: King's hat -- Parodies: parody on Athanasian Creed., Mounted., and Watermark.
Sold by G. Bickha[m] at the Blackmoor's Head, Exeter Exchange
Subject (Name):
George II, King of Great Britain, 1683-1760, Yarmouth, Amalie Sophie Marianne von Wallmoden-Gimborn, Countess of, 1706-1765, Walpole, Robert, Earl of Orford, 1676-1745, and Vernon, Edward, 1684-1757
Batchelor's monitor, Bachelor's monitor, and Forewarned, forearmed
Imprint from illustration., Broadside estimating probable expenses of a married man compared with those of a bachelor. Illustrated at top of sheet with an etching by Gravelot (plate 16.5 x 24 cm.)., and Companion broadside to The ladies advocate, or, An apology for matrimony. [London] : John Osborn, 1741.
Published according to act of Parliament by John Osborn in Pater-noster Row
Etching with twenty-three people in the dress of various nations surrounding a map of Saxony, Silesia, Bohemia, etc. with Prague ("Praag") in the center of the map. Dialog ribbons (in French and in Dutch) are attached to eighteen of the people including the lone woman (Maria Theresa), who is holding a baby
Alternative Title:
De Praagsche Rariekiek
Title in French and Dutch from illustration., Imprint in Dutch and English., Broadside illustrated at top of sheet with an etching (plate mark 23.7 x 35.4 cm.)., Eighteen stanzas of verse in French and in Dutch., and Imperfect: letterpress text below image lacking.
by Jan 't Lam, Boekverkooper bezuyden 't Stadhuys, naer de copy van London ; Publish'd according to act of Parliament, by T. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater-Noster Row
"Satire on the corrupt election for the Denbighshire county seat in 1741 where William Myddelton returned his kinsman John Myddelton although the latter had been heavily defeated at the poll. William Myddelton is shown in his cell at Newgate, seated despondently in front of a fire above which is drawn a hanging man and the initials "R.T."; the Bishop of St Asaph peers through the barred window. Beneath the image is the receipt for the prisoner from Thomas Bold, Keeper of Newgate."--British Museum online catalogue
Title engraved below image., Below the image with the title, continuing 'Newgate Febry 24th 1741. / Reced. the Body of Willm, M-n Esqr. the High Sheriff of the County of Den - gh by the hand of Mr. Tho. Hollingshead Messinger to the Honble,, the House of Commons, by vertue of a Warrant from the Right Honourable the Speaker of the Said House. / Tho Bold Keeper / Publish'd according to Act of Parliament by T.B. Feb: 27th. 1741.', Publication year in British Museum catalogue: 1742., and On page after 100. Sheet 268 x 165 mm.
"Satire on the corrupt election for the Denbighshire county seat in 1741 where William Myddelton returned his kinsman John Myddelton although the latter had been heavily defeated at the poll. William Myddelton is shown in his cell at Newgate, seated despondently in front of a fire above which is drawn a hanging man and the initials "R.T."; the Bishop of St Asaph peers through the barred window. Beneath the image is the receipt for the prisoner from Thomas Bold, Keeper of Newgate."--British Museum online catalogue
Title engraved below image., Below the image with the title, continuing 'Newgate Febry 24th 1741. / Reced. the Body of Willm, M-n Esqr. the High Sheriff of the County of Den - gh by the hand of Mr. Tho. Hollingshead Messinger to the Honble,, the House of Commons, by vertue of a Warrant from the Right Honourable the Speaker of the Said House. / Tho Bold Keeper / Publish'd according to Act of Parliament by T.B. Feb: 27th. 1741.', Publication year in British Museum catalogue: 1742., Mounted., and Date from imprint repeated in unidentified hand in lower right corner of plate.
Title from item., Publication date from British Museum catalogue., 'Price six pence'--Lower left corner of plate., Twelve lines of verse in two columns below title: Old I----y [i.e., Johnny] to show a most elegant tast [sic] in improveing his gardens purloind from the Wast ..., and Temporary local subject terms: Hounslow Heath -- Kingston -- Trades: Scotch gardener -- Gardens -- Domestic service: black servant -- Whitton -- Literature: Scotch Taste in Vistas by James Bramston, 1694?-1744.
"Satire on the ineffectual opposition at the time of the parliamentary motion to remove Robert Walpole from office suggesting that they are motivated by self-interest. Walpole stands in a landscape assailed by arrows labelled "Ambition", "Want of Place", "Disappointment", "Self Interest", "Sham Patriotism", "affected Zeal", "Resentment", "Malice", "Prejudice", "Revenge", "Disaffection", "Want of Pension", and "Pique"; none of the arrows hit their mark. On the left opposition politicians with their bows stand or run away. They are identified in the verses beneath: Carteret, Argyll, the Bishop of Lichfield fallen to the ground saying "The D[evi]l owed me a Spite", Sandys crying "all mismanaged", Doddington, Lyttelton, Pulteney saying, "Z[ound]s I've mist him"; in the foreground, the tory William Shippen kneels laying down his bow and saying "I'll e'en not meddle"; a group of tories rushing away to left cry, "Let us make hast out"; the devil flies above them in the form of a winged pig, crying "yah! yah! yah!". In the background three men labour in vain to push a millstone up a hill twoards where another waits to receive it. On the right a group of Walpole's supporters mock the opposition, noting particularly the collapse of the Bishop Smalbroke, "Split Devil is down". Fifteen explanatory stanzas below, each ending with the chorus, "Doodle, &c."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched on plate above image., Fifteen stanzas of verse below image: Who be he dat stand alone-a ..., "Publish'd according to Act of Parliament. Price Six-Pence."--Following imprint., Letterpress broadside poem illustrated with etching at top of sheet (plate mark 20.8 x 30.2 cm)., and Watermark: Pro Patria.
Printed for T. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater Noster Row
Subject (Name):
Walpole, Robert, Earl of Orford, 1676-1745, Bath, William Pulteney, Earl of, 1684-1764, Ombersley, Samuel Sandys, Baron of, 1695-1770, Smalbroke, Richard, 1672-1749, and Shippen, William, 1673-1743
A scene in London, possibly near St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, shows a musician at an open window holding his ears against the noise of the street; a pregnant ballad-seller chants while her baby cries and a parrot above her head on the lamp post squawks; a milkmaid and other street-traders cry their wares; one small boy plays a drum while another urinates under the startled gaze of a small girl who holds a rattle and stands by a house made of toy blocks; an itinerant oboist plays; a dustman carries his basket and a bell; a knife-grinder sharpens a cleaver, a dog barking at his feet; on the roof at the right two cats fight (both shown with arched backs) just beyond the chimney from which a chimney sweep emerges. A sign to the left of the musician's window advertises The Beggar's Opera. A sign on the building to the right reads "John Long Pewterer." In this state the horse on the extreme right is black (white in the earlier state), the boy's slate trailing on the ground was only half shaded in the earlier state, but is now darkened
Title engraved below image., State from Paulson., "Price 3 shillings"--Following imprint., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., 1 print : etching and engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 35.7 x 41.1 cm, on sheet 45 x 56 cm., and Leaf 30 in: Album of William Hogarth prints.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Topic):
Blocks (Toys), Cats, Children, City & town life, Chimney sweeps, Dogs, Musical instruments, Musicians, Noises, Occupations, Parrots, Street vendors, and Urination
Plate 30. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
A scene in London, possibly near St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, shows a musician at an open window holding his ears against the noise of the street; a pregnant ballad-seller chants while her baby cries and a parrot above her head on the lamp post squawks; a milkmaid and other street-traders cry their wares; one small boy plays a drum while another urinates under the startled gaze of a small girl who holds a rattle and stands by a house made of toy blocks; an itinerant oboist plays; a dustman carries his basket and a bell; a knife-grinder sharpens a cleaver, a dog barking at his feet; on the roof at the right two cats fight (both shown with arched backs) just beyond the chimney from which a chimney sweep emerges. A sign to the left of the musician's window advertises The Beggar's Opera. A sign on the building to the right reads "John Long Pewterer." In this state the horse on the extreme right is black (white in the earlier state), the boy's slate trailing on the ground was only half shaded in the earlier state, but is now darkened
Title engraved below image., State from Paulson., "Price 3 shillings"--Following imprint., 1 print : etching and engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 35.8 x 41 cm, on sheet 46 x 59 cm., and Plate 30 in the album: Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Topic):
Blocks (Toys), Cats, Children, City & town life, Chimney sweeps, Dogs, Musical instruments, Musicians, Noises, Occupations, Parrots, Street vendors, and Urination
Plate 30. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
A scene in London, possibly near St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, shows a musician at an open window holding his ears against the noise of the street; a pregnant ballad-seller chants while her baby cries and a parrot above her head on the lamp post squawks; a milkmaid and other street-traders cry their wares; one small boy plays a drum while another urinates under the startled gaze of a small girl who holds a rattle and stands by a house made of toy blocks; an itinerant oboist plays; a dustman carries his basket and a bell; a knife-grinder sharpens a cleaver, a dog barking at his feet; on the roof at the right two cats fight (both shown with arched backs) just beyond the chimney from which a chimney sweep emerges. A sign to the left of the musician's window advertises The Beggar's Opera. A sign on the building to the right reads "John Long Pewterer." In this state the horse on the extreme right is black (white in the earlier state), the boy's slate trailing on the ground was only half shaded in the earlier state, but is now darkened
Title engraved below image., State from Paulson., "Price 3 shillings"--Following imprint., 1 print : etching and engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 35.8 x 41 cm, on sheet 46 x 59 cm., and Plate 30 in the album: Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Topic):
Blocks (Toys), Cats, Children, City & town life, Chimney sweeps, Dogs, Musical instruments, Musicians, Noises, Occupations, Parrots, Street vendors, and Urination
Plate 30. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
A scene in London, possibly near St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, shows a musician at an open window holding his ears against the noise of the street; a pregnant ballad-seller chants while her baby cries and a parrot above her head on the lamp post squawks; a milkmaid and other street-traders cry their wares; one small boy plays a drum while another urinates under the startled gaze of a small girl who holds a rattle and stands by a house made of toy blocks; an itinerant oboist plays; a dustman carries his basket and a bell; a knife-grinder sharpens a cleaver, a dog barking at his feet; on the roof at the right two cats fight (both shown with arched backs) just beyond the chimney from which a chimney sweep emerges. A sign to the left of the musician's window advertises The Beggar's Opera. A sign on the building to the right reads "John Long Pewterer." In this state the horse on the extreme right is black (white in the earlier state), the boy's slate trailing on the ground was only half shaded in the earlier state, but is now darkened
Title engraved below image., State from Paulson., "Price 3 shillings"--Following imprint., and On page 103 in volume 2. Sheet trimmed to: 35.6 x 40.8 cm.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Topic):
Blocks (Toys), Cats, Children, City & town life, Chimney sweeps, Dogs, Musical instruments, Musicians, Noises, Occupations, Parrots, Street vendors, and Urination
A scene in London, possibly near St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, shows a musician at an open window holding his ears against the noise of the street; a pregnant ballad-seller chants while her baby cries and a parrot above her head on the lamp post squawks; a milkmaid and other street-traders cry their wares; one small boy plays a drum while another urinates under the startled gaze of a small girl who holds a rattle and stands by a house made of toy blocks; an itinerant oboist plays; a dustman carries his basket and a bell; a knife-grinder sharpens a cleaver, a dog barking at his feet; on the roof at the right two cats fight (both shown with arched backs) just beyond the chimney from which a chimney sweep emerges. A sign to the left of the musician's window advertises The Beggar's Opera. A sign on the building to the right reads "John Long Pewterer." In this state the horse on the extreme right is black (white in the earlier state), the boy's slate trailing on the ground was only half shaded in the earlier state, but is now darkened
Title engraved below image., State from Paulson., "Price 3 shillings"--Following imprint., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., and On page 102 in volume 2. Sheet trimmed to: 35.6 x 40.9 cm.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Topic):
Blocks (Toys), Cats, Children, City & town life, Chimney sweeps, Dogs, Musical instruments, Musicians, Noises, Occupations, Parrots, Street vendors, and Urination
A scene in London, possibly near St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, shows a musician at an open window holding his ears against the noise of the street; a pregnant ballad-seller chants while her baby cries and a parrot above her head on the lamp post squawks; a milkmaid and other street-traders cry their wares; one small boy plays a drum while another urinates under the startled gaze of a small girl who holds a rattle and stands by a house made of toy blocks; an itinerant oboist plays; a dustman carries his basket and a bell; a knife-grinder sharpens a cleaver, a dog barking at his feet; on the roof at the right two cats fight (both shown with arched backs) just beyond the chimney from which a chimney sweep emerges. A sign to the left of the musician's window advertises The Beggar's Opera. A sign on the building to the right reads "John Long Pewterer." In this state the horse on the extreme right is black (white in the earlier state), the boy's slate trailing on the ground was only half shaded in the earlier state, but is now darkened
Title engraved below image., State from Paulson., "Price 3 shillings"--Following imprint., and Sheet trimmed to plate mark.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Topic):
Blocks (Toys), Cats, Children, City & town life, Chimney sweeps, Dogs, Musical instruments, Musicians, Noises, Occupations, Parrots, Street vendors, and Urination