A group of four persons-- the Princess of Wales, Earl of Bute, the Queen, and the King-- stand up and dance before five courtiers who sit, three along the wall on the left, two along the wall on the right. A bagpiper on the left plays, with the words in a bubble: "up stairs, down stairs in my Ladys Bed Chamber". The five courtiers, including a Scotchman, each have speech bubbles commenting on the scene with references to the Irish, the Scotch jig, Italian masters
Alternative Title:
Windsor minuet 1762
Title etched above image., Printmaker's name ficticious, an allusion to William Hogarth., Cf. No. 3981 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 4., and Mounted to 31 x 46 cm.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Charlotte, consort of George III, King of Great Britain, 1744-1818, Augusta, Princess of Wales, 1719-1772, Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, and Hogarth, William, 1697-1764.
Wonderfull phoenomenon, from the observatory at Scone and Wonderful phoenomenon
Title from item., Publication date from British Museum catalogue., Publication place and publisher identified from the publisher's address., Six lines of verse in theree columns below image: I strike at vice, be't where it will, and what if great foo-s [i.e., fools] take it ill? ..., Temporary local subject terms: Censorship: reference to Scandalatum Magnatum -- Personfications: fame -- Scotia (Symbolic character)., and Watermark: royal cipher (GR).
[M. Darly], to be had in Cranforn Ally
Subject (Name):
Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792 and Mansfield, William Murray, Earl of, 1705-1793
Needs must when the de'el drive and Needs must when the devil drive
Title etched below image., Publication date from British Museum catalogue., First published by J. Williams in Sept. 1762. Cf. No. 3898 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 4., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Dismemberment of the British Empire., and Mounted to 34 x 47 cm.
Sold by W. Hannell, printseller under the Royal Exchange
Subject (Name):
Augusta, Princess of Wales, 1719-1772, George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Charlotte, consort of George III, King of Great Britain, 1744-1818, William Augustus, Prince, Duke of Cumberland, 1721-1765, Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774, Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 1708-1778, Mansfield, William Murray, Earl of, 1705-1793, and Newcastle, Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of, 1693-1768
Subject (Topic):
Britannia (Symbolic character) and Carriages & coaches
Title from item., Four columns of verse below image: One night, as on my bed I laid, this simple dream came in my head ..., Temporary local subject terms: British Lion., and Mounted to 32 x 46 cm.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Augusta, Princess of Wales, 1719-1772, William Augustus, Prince, Duke of Cumberland, 1721-1765, Edward Augustus, Prince, Duke of York and Albany, 1739-1767, Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, and Bedford, John Russell, Duke of, 1710-1771
Title from item., Publication date from that of the book in which this plate was published., Plate numbered '5' in upper right corner., Plate from: The British antidote to Caledonian poison : consisting of the most humorous satirical political prints, for the year 1762. ... [London] : Sold at Mr. Sumpter's bookseller in Fleet Street, and Mr. Harvest, printseller in Heming's-Row St. Martin's Lane, [1763]., and Mounted to 31 x 34 cm.
E. Sumpter
Subject (Name):
Augusta, Princess of Wales, 1719-1772, William Augustus, Prince, Duke of Cumberland, 1721-1765, Edward Augustus, Prince, Duke of York and Albany, 1739-1767, Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, and Bedford, John Russell, Duke of, 1710-1771
Title from item., Publication date from British Museum catalogue., Five columns of verse below title: Behold my friends with eager eyes a mukle boot of wondrous size! ..., and Temporary local subject terms: British lion -- Jack-boots -- Orders: star of the Garter.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 1708-1778, Newcastle, Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of, 1693-1768, and Nivernais, Louis Jules Barbon Mancini-Mazarini, duc de, 1716-1798
Title from item., Publication date from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed to plate mark on left., "Price 6 pence"., Seven lines of verse above image, in center of title line: Is there a chorus on human kind so fell, so pestilent, at once, to Prince and people ... Thomson., Three columns of explanatory description below image: A. Roger Mortimer, Earl of March, favourite & suppos'd minion of the Queen Mother, in the reign of Edward III ..., and Temporary local subject terms: Interiors: bedchamber -- Ghosts -- Pictures amplifying subject: portraits of the Princess of Wales and Lord Bute -- Newspapers: Monitor -- Newspapers: North Briton -- Furniture: couch -- Furnishings: bed curtains -- Mottoes: Felix quem faciunt aliena cautum -- Literature: quotation from Thomson -- Literature: allusion to Richard III by Shakespeare -- Peter des Roches, d. 1238, Bishop of Winchester.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Augusta, Princess of Wales, 1719-1772, Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Mortimer, Roger de, Earl of March, 1287?-1330, Burgh, Hubert de, d. 1243, Montfort, Simon de, Earl of Leicester, 1208?-1265, and Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of, 1566-1601
Title from text above image., Publication date inferred from that of the book in which this plate was published., Plate from: The British antidote to Caledonian poison ... for the year 1762. [London] : Sold at Mr. Sumpter's bookseller, [1763]., Three columns of explanatory description below image: A. Roger Mortimer, Earl of March, favourite of Edward III ..., Plate numbered '29' in upper right corner., Temporary local subject terms: Bedchamber -- Pictures amplifying subject: portraits of the Princess of Wales and Lord Bute -- Monitor -- North Briton -- Furniture: couch -- Furnishings: bed curtains -- Quotation from Thomson -- Literature: allusion to Richard III by Shakespeare -- Peter des Roches, d. 1238, Bishop of Winchester., and Mounted to 27 x 39 cm.
E. Sumpter
Subject (Name):
Augusta, Princess of Wales, 1719-1772, Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Mortimer, Roger de, Earl of March, 1287?-1330, Burgh, Hubert de, d. 1243, Montfort, Simon de, Earl of Leicester, 1208?-1265, and Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of, 1566-1601
Subject (Topic):
Interiors, Beds, Ghosts, Newspapers, and Draperies
Publish'd according to act of Parliamt. [August 1762]
Call Number:
762.09.09.01+ Impression 2
Image Count:
A letterpress broadside with verses of a song in two columns satirizing the Bute administration's overtures for peace with France, suggesting that making peace and handing English conquests to France are motivated by the Duke of Bedford's personal interest to escape paying the Land Tax to support the war. With an etching at top showing Lord Bute on the left offering a scroll to two Frenchmen who are holding the British lion on a chain. One holds a flag with a large jack-boot, the emblem of Lord Bute. In the lower left a tomb decorated with a skull and crossbones and the words "British glory obit 1762".
Alternative Title:
Device to lower the land tax
Caption title in letterpress., Publication date from Stephens., "Price sixpence.", Etching at top of sheet: plate mark 18.6 x 19.2 cm. Imprint etched in lower left: Publish'd according to act of Parliamt., Six stanzas of song in two columns: Here you may see the happy congress, all now is done with such a bon grace ..., and Watermark: fleur-de-lis.
Printed for the author and sold by all the printsellers in London and Westminster
Subject (Name):
Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792
Subject (Topic):
Seven Years' War, 1756-1763, Skull & crossbones, and Tombs & sepulchral monuments
Publish'd according to act of Parliamt. [August 1762]
Call Number:
762.09.09.01+ Impression 1
Image Count:
A letterpress broadside with verses of a song in two columns satirizing the Bute administration's overtures for peace with France, suggesting that making peace and handing English conquests to France are motivated by the Duke of Bedford's personal interest to escape paying the Land Tax to support the war. With an etching at top showing Lord Bute on the left offering a scroll to two Frenchmen who are holding the British lion on a chain. One holds a flag with a large jack-boot, the emblem of Lord Bute. In the lower left a tomb decorated with a skull and crossbones and the words "British glory obit 1762".
Alternative Title:
Device to lower the land tax
Caption title in letterpress., Publication date from Stephens., "Price sixpence.", Etching at top of sheet: plate mark 18.6 x 19.2 cm. Imprint etched in lower left: Publish'd according to act of Parliamt., Six stanzas of song in two columns: Here you may see the happy congress, all now is done with such a bon grace ..., and Watermark: countermark I V.
Printed for the author and sold by all the printsellers in London and Westminster
Subject (Name):
Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792
Subject (Topic):
Seven Years' War, 1756-1763, Skull & crossbones, and Tombs & sepulchral monuments
"A sequel to British Museum Satires No. 3856 showing Scots paying court to Lord Bute expecting advancement. A crowd of grotesquely caricatured and scrawny Scots plead before Bute seeking posts; Bute, wearing a huge feather in his cap, promises "My Power is very great all those things & muckle mair will I do for ye" and hold a large money bag, while Princess Augusta sits beside him expressing her support. Behind are shelves laden with bulging money bags, "Provision for the Laddies". Other Scotsmen, who had evidently arrived some time earlier, discuss their good fortune, among whom a group sitting at a table boast of good eating; they wear feathers in their caps."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched above image., Four columns of verse below image: The voyage o'er, the Northern band, is now arriv'd in Money-Land ..., Temporary local subject terms: Scots -- James Stuart-Mackenzie., Watermark: initials GR., and Mounted to 35 x 48 cm.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Augusta, Princess of Wales, 1719-1772 and Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792
"Satire on the negotiations for peace with France. A scene in a slaughter house with a tethered bull over which Lord Bute raises a poll axe while a French cook exclaims to a butcher that the calf's head (the Duke of Bedford) that he holds has no brains. Verses below allude to slaughtered sheep hanging on the wall and beside the block as "Butcher'd and Sold ...for Curst Gallic Gold"; they blame British humiliation on the Scots."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Caledonian slaughterhouse, or, The death of John Bull and Death of John Bull
Title etched above image., Date of publication from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Two columns of verse below image: Alas! poor John Bull how severe is thy lot, to be led to the slaughter by Sawney the Scot ..., and Mounted to 34 x 47 cm.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Bedford, John Russell, Duke of, 1710-1771, and Nivernais, Louis Jules Barbon Mancini-Mazarini, duc de, 1716-1798
Subject (Topic):
John Bull (Symbolic character) and Treaty of Paris
published according to act of Parliament, Sept. 1762.
Call Number:
762.09.00.01 Impression 1
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Satire on peace negotiations with France to end the Seven Years War with Lord Bute (Gisbal) seated on a hill holding the muzzled British lion. He takes the royal prerogative in ordering the Duke of Bedford (shown as headless with eagle's wings) to haste to negotiate with the kings of France and Spain. The French king demands "Canada, & Martinique, & Guadalupe, Senegal, & Goree, & Newfoundland, & Pondicherry; & you shall have all Hanover ...", while the Spanish king is prepared to refrain from attacking Portugal in return for Havana and his "Dollars"; two mocking Frenchmen look on. On the left, Britannia weeps and Pitt tries to comfort her while two other Englishmen complain of Bute's rise to power. Verses above warn against a too hasty peace treaty."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
All's well that ends well
Title etched above image., Sheet trimmed to plate mark on right and left sides., Following imprint: Price 6d., Twelve lines of verse in three columns etched above image and below title: Monarchs, 'tis true, should calm the storms of war, nor urge the rage of victory too far ..., Watermark: Strasburg lily., and Mounted to 34 x 48 cm.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Louis XV, King of France, 1710-1774, Charles III, King of Spain, 1716-1788, Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 1708-1778, Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, and Bedford, John Russell, Duke of, 1710-1771
Title etched above image., Three lines of text below image: In justice to Mr. Hogarth, the engraver of this plate declares to the public ..., Reduced and reversed copy of The Butifyer: a touch upon The Times Plate I by Paul Sandby. See British Museum catalogue., Plate numbered '16' in upper right corner., From British Museum catalogue: Published as the Act Directs sep 1762 Price 1s., Plate from: The British antidote to Caledonian poison ... for the year 1762. [London] : Sold at Mr. Sumpter's, [1763]., and On page 296 in volume 3. Sheet trimmed to: 10.5 x 8.1 cm.
E. Sumpter
Subject (Name):
Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792., Hogarth, William, 1697-1764, Newcastle, Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of, 1693-1768, Temple, Richard Grenville-Temple, Earl, 1711-1779, Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 1708-1778, and St. James's Palace (London, England)
Title etched above image., Three lines of text below image: In justice to Mr. Hogarth, the engraver of this plate declares to the public ..., Reduced and reversed copy of The Butifyer: a touch upon The Times Plate I by Paul Sandby. See British Museum catalogue., Plate numbered '16' in upper right corner., From British Museum catalogue: Published as the Act Directs sep 1762 Price 1s., Plate from: The British antidote to Caledonian poison ... for the year 1762. [London] : Sold at Mr. Sumpter's, [1763]., and Mounted to 31 x 41 cm.
E. Sumpter
Subject (Name):
Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792., Hogarth, William, 1697-1764, Newcastle, Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of, 1693-1768, Temple, Richard Grenville-Temple, Earl, 1711-1779, Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 1708-1778, and St. James's Palace (London, England)
Townshend, George Townshend, Marquis, 1724-1807, printmaker
Published / Created:
Call Number:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"An etching, showing Earl Talbot, who was Lord Steward of the Household, standing behind a "Fire Screen", on the floor near which are two saucepans ... duel ... Bagshot Heath"-- British Museum catalogue
Alternative Title:
Pot-lid & inkhorn and Pot-lid and inkhorn
Title from caption etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Publication place and date from book in which this plate appeared. Publication date in British Museum catalogue: 1762., Plate numbered '26' in upper right corner., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Plate from: The second volume of The British antidote to Caledonian poison. London: E. Sumpter, [1764]., and Mounted to 33 x 31cm.
E. Sumpter
Subject (Name):
Wilkes, John, 1725-1797, Talbot, William Talbot, Earl, 1710-1782, Smollett, T. 1721-1771 (Tobias),, Churchill, Charles, 1731-1764, and Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792
Reduced copy, from "The mountebank" (British Museum catalogue no. 3854), with out the inscriptions on the papers. The charletan's speech ends with : .. See here my lads heres the Golden Lozenges which will cure ye all make ye hauld up yr. heads and turn out mucle southern loons. A crowd mostly wearing Scotch plaid assemble on a mountebank's stage, bowing to him. Behind a line of curtains suggest a bed and a box of treasure on the floor. Lord Bute is the charlatan and stands holding money bags in each hand. A middle aged woman in a Welsh hat (the Princess of Wales) looks from between the curtains and listens with pleasure to the charlatan. The zany of the quack is a gaunt man in a Scotch plaid dressing gown and a tall fool's cap and holding a copy of "The Briton" under his arm and a horn in his girdle
Alternative Title:
Scotch quack
Title from item., Title etched below image; expanded title from British Museum catalogue., Later state has the number '20' in upper right corner., Plate from: The British antidote to Caledonian poison ... for the year 1762. 5th ed. [London] : Sold at Mr. Sumpter's bookseller, [1763]., and On page 296 in volume 3.
E. Sumpter
Subject (Name):
Augusta, Princess of Wales, 1719-1772, Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, and Smollett, T. 1721-1771 (Tobias),
Subject (Topic):
Crowds, Ethnic stereotypes, Hats, National emblems, Scottish, Welsh, Quacks, and Swindlers
Reduced copy, from "The mountebank" (British Museum catalogue no. 3854), with out the inscriptions on the papers. The charletan's speech ends with : .. See here my lads heres the Golden Lozenges which will cure ye all make ye hauld up yr. heads and turn out mucle southern loons. A crowd mostly wearing Scotch plaid assemble on a mountebank's stage, bowing to him. Behind a line of curtains suggest a bed and a box of treasure on the floor. Lord Bute is the charlatan and stands holding money bags in each hand. A middle aged woman in a Welsh hat (the Princess of Wales) looks from between the curtains and listens with pleasure to the charlatan. The zany of the quack is a gaunt man in a Scotch plaid dressing gown and a tall fool's cap and holding a copy of "The Briton" under his arm and a horn in his girdle
Alternative Title:
Scotch quack
Title etched below image; expanded title from British Museum catalogue., Numbered '20' in upper right corner., Plate from: The British antidote to Caledonian poison ... for the year 1762. 5th ed. [London] : Sold at Mr. Sumpter's bookseller, [1763]., and Mounted to 33 x 43 cm.
E. Sumpter
Subject (Name):
Augusta, Princess of Wales, 1719-1772, Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, and Smollett, T. 1721-1771 (Tobias),
Subject (Topic):
Crowds, Ethnic stereotypes, Hats, National emblems, Scottish, Welsh, Quacks, and Swindlers
Title from item., Publication date from that of the book in which this plate was published., Plate from: The Butiad, or, Political register. London : Printed for E. Sumpter, 1763., Temporary local subject terms: Tools: grinding stone -- Emblems: jack boot (Lord Bute)., and Mounted to 27 x 35 cm.
E. Sumpter
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Augusta, Princess of Wales, 1719-1772, and Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792
Townshend, George Townshend, Marquis, 1724-1807, printmaker
Published / Created:
Call Number:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Alternative Title:
English worthies turn'd of doors 1762 and English worthies turned out of doors 1762
Title from item., Printmaker and publication date from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Temporary local subject terms: Buildings: Treasury.
A satire on a Highland soldier's attempts to use a lavatory in London. A Scot in Highland dress and wearing a feathered cap is seated in a latrine, his legs thrust down two holes in the board as he urinates onto the floor. Behind and to the right on the stone wall are posted various drawings and broadsides. His sword is to his right
Title from item., Publication date in British Museum catalogue: 1762., Plate numbered '39' in upper right corner., Two columns of verse below image: Sawney who ever from his birth had dropt his cates on Mother Earth shewn to a boghouse, with surprise, down each hole thrusts his brawny thighes. Sawney's a laird, he cries, I trow! Ne'er did he nobley sh-t till now., and Mounted to 30 x 34 cm.
E. Sumpter
Subject (Topic):
Ethnic stereotypes, Caricatures, Privies, and Urination
Title from item., Plate numbered '22' in upper right corner., Plate from: The British antidote to Caledonian poison ... for the year 1762. ... [London] : Sold at Mr. Sumpter's bookseller, [1763]., Four stanzas of verse in two columns below title: Each fat lugged loon which dwells in this town, I beg you'll give up yr dominions ..., Temporary local subject terms: Apes -- Emblems: jack boot for Lord Bute -- Emblems: olive branch -- Emblems: fleur-de-lis -- Trades: cobbler -- Fox -- Goose -- Scots., and Mounted to 32 x 31 cm.
E. Sumpter
Subject (Name):
Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Bedford, John Russell, Duke of, 1710-1771, Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774, and Nivernais, Louis Jules Barbon Mancini-Mazarini, duc de, 1716-1798
Title from item., Publication date and place from British Museum catalogue., Sheet partially trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Seven Years War -- Peace negotiations with France, 1762 -- Dutchmen -- Allusion to Dutch neutrality -- Signs: signboards -- Buildings: inns -- Soldiers: veterans., and Watermark: unidentified watermark (Pro patria?).
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Augusta, Princess of Wales, 1719-1772, Louis XV, King of France, 1710-1774, Charles III, King of Spain, 1716-1788, and Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792
In an almost empty kitchen one of two fireplaces is not in use and holds a vase of flowers. Above it hangs a ham, a fish and a fish head, and a flitch of bacon. In the foreground, an elegant gentleman, Lord Talbot, appointed Steward of the Household in March 1761, reproves the cook, saying "Why such waste." With his right hand he is pointing to a man kneeling before him, a small emaciated dog beside him. The obese cook replies, "I must quit the service." Behind him, a servant sits at a large empty table, head in hand, saying, "Times are altered." Another servant behind the cook turns to leave the room, saying, "I shall have an to mysel." Under the table lie two large, empty baskets
Alternative Title:
Title from item., Publication date from an unverified card catalog record., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
A broadside satirizing William Hogarth and his print "The Times plate 1" and a reply to Henry Howard's song "The Queen's Ass"; with an etching showing an ass with a human head representing Hogarth
Alternative Title:
The Time. Pl. 1st
Title from text etched at top of second plate., Two plates: the smaller on top with text "The times pl: 1st. 1762 Price 2s." and an image of an ass with the head of Hogarth, in profile as in the Gates of Calais. The second plate, following the caption title continues "An honest Man's the noblest work of God. Pope. The words by S.W. to the tune of [the] Ass in the Cahlet"; followed by eight stanzas of "A new song" in two columns; a ninth stanza centered below., "Price 6d.", and On page 292 in volume 3. Plate mark 6.4 x 6.6 at top, on sheet 27.3 x 19.3 cm.
A broadside satirizing William Hogarth and his print "The Times plate 1" and a reply to Henry Howard's song "The Queen's Ass"; with an etching showing an ass with a human head representing Hogarth
Alternative Title:
The Time. Pl. 1st
Title from text etched at top of second plate., Two plates: the smaller on top with text "The times pl: 1st. 1762 Price 2s." and an image of an ass with the head of Hogarth, in profile as in the Gates of Calais. The second plate, following the caption title continues "An honest Man's the noblest work of God. Pope. The words by S.W. to the tune of [the] Ass in the Cahlet"; followed by eight stanzas of "A new song" in two columns; a ninth stanza centered below., and "Price 6d."
Title from item., Publication date from an unverified card catalog record, inferred from other prints on Lord Bute's installation in 1762., Number '6' in title printed in reverse., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Temporary local subject terms: Witches" Macbethian witches -- Mythology: Medusa's head -- Literature: altered quotation from Macbeth by William Shakespeare, i.2.80 -- Secret influence -- Emblems: thistle for Scotland., Watermark: Pro patria on the right side of the sheet; countermark G R on the left., and Title written over in contemporary hand.
Title from item., Four columns of verse below image: Things are now at such a pass, that every fool must have his ass ..., Temporary local subject terms: Coalitions: France and Spain, 1762 -- Lawyers: barrister as an owl., and Mounted to 32 x 49 cm.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Augusta, Princess of Wales, 1719-1772, George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774, Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784, Temple, Richard Grenville-Temple, Earl, 1711-1779, and Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 1708-1778
Title from item., Publication date from that of the book in which this plate was published., First state, without plate no. Cf. No. 3991 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 4., Plate from: The Butiad, or, Political register ... London : Printed for E. Sumpter, 1763., Temporary local subject terms: Auctions: furniture auction -- Auctioneers -- Auctioneer's clerk -- Kitchen oeconomy, 1762 -- Fireplaces: kitchen fireplaces -- Utensils: kettle -- Utensils: spits -- Interiors: royal kitchen -- Sticks: wands -- Emblems: thistle (Scotland) -- Trades: cooks -- Clergy: chaplain., and Mounted to 32 x 38 cm.
E. Sumpter
Subject (Name):
Augusta, Princess of Wales, 1719-1772, Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, and Talbot, William Talbot, Earl, 1710-1782
publish'd accoding [sic] act of Parliament, Sepr. 2d 1762.
Call Number:
Folio 75 H67 800 v.3 (Oversize)
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Satirical riposte to Hogarth's 'The Times': A scene in St. James's Street ... reading the newspaper 'North Briton' ... -- the loss of Newfoundland
Alternative Title:
John Bull's house sett in flames and John Bull's house set in flames
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., "Price 6d."--Below middle column of verse., Second state, with plaid design added to Lord Bute's nightshirt and additional cross-hatching in foreground., Three columns of verse below titie: Iohn Bulls house in flames, to whom is this owing, that's what we've to tell you. There look at them blowing ..., and On page 289 in volume 3. Sheet trimmed to: 24.4 x 28.9 cm.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
William Augustus, Prince, Duke of Cumberland, 1721-1765, Churchill, Charles, 1731-1764, Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774, Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 1708-1778, Smollett, T. 1721-1771 (Tobias),, Newcastle, Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of, 1693-1768, and St. James's Palace (London, England)
Subject (Topic):
Seven Years' War, 1756-1763, Fire engines, Military uniforms, British, and Signs (Notices)
publish'd accoding [sic] act of Parliament, Sepr. 2d 1762.
Call Number:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Satirical riposte to Hogarth's 'The Times': A scene in St. James's Street ... reading the newspaper 'North Briton' ... -- the loss of Newfoundland
Alternative Title:
John Bull's house sett in flames and John Bull's house set in flames
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., "Price 6d."--Below middle column of verse., Second state, with plaid design added to Lord Bute's nightshirt and additional cross-hatching in foreground., Three columns of verse below titie: Iohn Bulls house in flames, to whom is this owing, that's what we've to tell you. There look at them blowing ..., and Window mounted to 28 x 39 cm, mounted again to 34 x 46 cm.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
William Augustus, Prince, Duke of Cumberland, 1721-1765, Churchill, Charles, 1731-1764, Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774, Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 1708-1778, Smollett, T. 1721-1771 (Tobias),, Newcastle, Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of, 1693-1768, and St. James's Palace (London, England)
Subject (Topic):
Seven Years' War, 1756-1763, Fire engines, Military uniforms, British, and Signs (Notices)
publish'd accoding [sic] act of Parliament, Sepr. 2d 1762.
Call Number:
762. Impression 1
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Satirical riposte to Hogarth's 'The Times Plate 1' (Paulson 211) contrasting particular elements of that print to suggest that Lord Bute is creating faction within the country while Pitt and his supporters attempt to calm the situation. St James's Palace is ablaze; flames issuing from the gate set fire to an inn sign of the globe lettered "New Lost Land" (a reference to the recent loss of Newfoundland). On the left, Bute, wearing a tartan night shirt, holding a large pair of bellows, runs away from the fire but encourages it by breaking wind; two other Scots, crouching, also break wind, one of them addressing the other as "Brother Small Wit" (i.e., Tobias Smollett); Henry Fox runs away from Bute's supporters crying, "D[am]n the Dogs how they stink I'll turn my tail on them". On the right, Pitt stands on a fire engine directing a jet of water on the fire (in contrast to Hogarth's print where he stands on stilts fanning the flames while a supporter of the king is the chief fire fighter); the pump is manned by the Dukes of Newcastle and Cumberland and sailors who parallel the prominent sailor in Hogarth's print. Cumberland complains that the "machine is sadly out of Order" (meaning government) to which Newcastle responds "Yes ever since you left it", referring to Cumberland's resignation from military command. The sailors allude to Pitt's letter of October 1761 to William Beckford in which he explains his resignation "in order not to remain responsible for measures which I was no longer allowed to guide" (published in the Annual Register, 1761, p.300); they compare Pitt as the "Master [who] Guides it well" with Bute whose action is a wind that "encreases the Flame" and "comes from a very foul quarter". Charles Churchill, in clerical dress, walks towards the Pitt's group carrying a bucket labelled "North Briton" and offering to "help without hope of a Pension", an allusion to payments made by the Crown both to Hogarth and to Pitt. In the background, to left, a group of men look on saying the "Squire" (the king) and his family are "safe on the other side" (implying they have joined the opponents of Lord Bute, which was not in fact the case); one man continues to encourage Bute, "Blow away my Lad they will expend all their Water soon". Etched verses below describe the scene in scurrilous terms suggesting that the fire began in "the Welch Ladys Bed Room", i.e., that of Princess Augusta, and call for quenching of the "Fire of Party."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
John Bull's house set in flames
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed to plate mark at bottom., Three columns of verse below titie: Iohn Bulls hous in flames, to whom is this owing, / That's what we've to tell you. There look at them blowing / New lost land is done for, and all the worlds going ..., "Price 6d.", Temporary local subject terms: Buildings -- London: St. James's Street -- Newspapers: North Briton -- Naval uniforms: sailor's uniform -- Seven Years' War: reference to the loss of Newfoundland -- Signboards -- Fire-engines., and Watermark: countermark I V.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
William Augustus, Prince, Duke of Cumberland, 1721-1765, Churchill, Charles, 1731-1764, Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774, Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 1708-1778, Smollett, T. 1721-1771 (Tobias),, Newcastle, Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of, 1693-1768, and Saint James's Palace (London, England),
Subject (Topic):
Fires, Signs (Notices), Taverns (Inns), Bellows, Flatulence, Fire fighting, and Sailors
"Satire on Lord Bute, his patronage of Scots in London and his alleged relationship with Princess Augusta. Bute stands in the centre, holding his staff suggestively and encouraging Scots ('Hebronites') who are shown crossing the River Jordan in waggons and on foot, eating porridge and 'sowens' (a porridge-like food enjoyed in Scotland ); in the foreground a barefoot Scot carries a child in a pouch and leads another by the hand, another carries a broadsword and target, and 'Jubal' plays the bagpipes while an English waggon-driver complains that his horses had been killed by being overloaded. Three politicians, Pitt, Temple and Newcastle each claiming that they will retire from politics sit at a table on which lies a copy of the anti-Bute newspaper, the Monitor; the British lion sleeps and a fox (Henry Fox) whispers in its ear that it should sleep on. On the right, Princess Augusta and her ladies sit under a canopy surmounted by a French cock and turn toward Bute admiring his figure; Britannia weeps, crying "Degenerate Daughteres, I disown ye all"."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Importation of the Hebronites
Title etched below image., Publication date from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Four columns of verse below title: To suite the times and raise a laugh, the subject is an upright staff ..., Temporary local subject terms: Preferments: Lord Bute's preferment -- Orders: Garter ribbon and star -- Britannia (Symbolic character) -- British Lion -- Newspapers: The Monitor -- Bible: River Jordan -- Bible: Hills of Hebron -- Bible: Land of Israel -- Literature: Ossian -- Scots -- Vehicles: waggons., Watermark: Fleur-de-lys., and Mounted to 32 x 48 cm.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Augusta, Princess of Wales, 1719-1772, Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774, Newcastle, Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of, 1693-1768, Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 1708-1778, and Temple, Richard Grenville-Temple, Earl, 1711-1779
Title from item., Restrike. Cf. No. 3957 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 4., and Temporary local subject terms: Bellows -- Devil -- Mouth of Hell -- Emblems: jack boots for Lord Bute -- Reference to the satire by Sandby, The fire of faction -- Journals: The Briton -- Reference to William Pitt the Elder -- Mottoes: nemo me impune lacessit -- Reference to the Earl of Bute.
publish'd according to act directs March [the] 15th 1762.
Call Number:
Folio 75 H67 764 (Oversize)
Collection Title:
Plate 83. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"The interior of a chapel with an impassioned preacher inspiring his listeners; considerably altered from the earlier state known as "Enthusiasm Delineated", for instance, by the substitution of representations of the Cock Lane Ghost (a topical reference to a fraud of 1762) for the figures of Christ, the removal of the barking dog, and the introduction of rabbits emerging from the skirts of the woman swooning on the floor in allusion to Mary Toft, the Rabbit Woman of Godlaming"--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Enthusiasm delineated
Title engraved below image., State from Paulson. Reworking of Enthusiasm delineated., With caption: "Believe not every Spirit; but try the Spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets are gone out into the World. 1. John. Ch.4. V.1"., 1 print : etching and engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 43.2 x 32.8 cm, on sheet 56 x 42 cm., Plate 83 in the album: Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works., and Formerly identified as Paulson state 2.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Name):
Toft, Mary, 1703-1763, Villiers, George, 1690-1748., and Whitefield, George, 1714-1770
Subject (Topic):
Christianity, Superstition, Demonology, Demons, Ghosts, Rabbits, Witches, Sleeping, and Supervisors
publish'd according to act directs March [the] 15th 1762.
Call Number:
Folio 75 H67 764 (Oversize)
Collection Title:
Plate 83. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"The interior of a chapel with an impassioned preacher inspiring his listeners; considerably altered from the earlier state known as "Enthusiasm Delineated", for instance, by the substitution of representations of the Cock Lane Ghost (a topical reference to a fraud of 1762) for the figures of Christ, the removal of the barking dog, and the introduction of rabbits emerging from the skirts of the woman swooning on the floor in allusion to Mary Toft, the Rabbit Woman of Godlaming"--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Enthusiasm delineated
Title engraved below image., State from Paulson. Reworking of Enthusiasm delineated., With caption: "Believe not every Spirit; but try the Spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets are gone out into the World. 1. John. Ch.4. V.1"., 1 print : etching and engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 43.2 x 32.8 cm, on sheet 56 x 42 cm., Plate 83 in the album: Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works., and Formerly identified as Paulson state 2.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Name):
Toft, Mary, 1703-1763, Villiers, George, 1690-1748., and Whitefield, George, 1714-1770
Subject (Topic):
Christianity, Superstition, Demonology, Demons, Ghosts, Rabbits, Witches, Sleeping, and Supervisors
publish'd according to act directs March [the] 15th 1762.
Call Number:
Collection Title:
Plate 83. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"The interior of a chapel with an impassioned preacher inspiring his listeners; considerably altered from the earlier state known as "Enthusiasm Delineated", for instance, by the substitution of representations of the Cock Lane Ghost (a topical reference to a fraud of 1762) for the figures of Christ, the removal of the barking dog, and the introduction of rabbits emerging from the skirts of the woman swooning on the floor in allusion to Mary Toft, the Rabbit Woman of Godlaming"--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Enthusiasm delineated
Title engraved below image., State from Paulson. Reworking of Enthusiasm delineated., With caption: "Believe not every Spirit; but try the Spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets are gone out into the World. 1. John. Ch.4. V.1"., and 1 print : etching and engraving ; plate mark 436 x 331 mm.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Name):
Toft, Mary, 1703-1763, Villiers, George, 1690-1748., and Whitefield, George, 1714-1770
Subject (Topic):
Christianity, Superstition, Demonology, Demons, Ghosts, Rabbits, Witches, Sleeping, and Supervisors
publish'd according to act directs March [the] 15th 1762.
Call Number:
Folio 75 H67 800 v.2 (Oversize)
Collection Title:
Plate 83. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"The interior of a chapel with an impassioned preacher inspiring his listeners; considerably altered from the earlier state known as "Enthusiasm Delineated", for instance, by the substitution of representations of the Cock Lane Ghost (a topical reference to a fraud of 1762) for the figures of Christ, the removal of the barking dog, and the introduction of rabbits emerging from the skirts of the woman swooning on the floor in allusion to Mary Toft, the Rabbit Woman of Godlaming"--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Enthusiasm delineated
Title engraved below image., State from Paulson. Reworking of Enthusiasm delineated., With caption: "Believe not every Spirit; but try the Spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets are gone out into the World. 1. John. Ch.4. V.1"., Ms. note in pencil in Steevens's hand above print: See Mr. Nichols's Book, 3d edit, p. 375., and On page 191 in volume 2. Sheet trimmed to: 43.1 x 32.6 cm.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Name):
Toft, Mary, 1703-1763, Villiers, George, 1690-1748., and Whitefield, George, 1714-1770
Subject (Topic):
Christianity, Superstition, Demonology, Demons, Ghosts, Rabbits, Witches, Sleeping, and Supervisors
publish'd according to act directs March [the] 15th 1762.
Call Number:
Sotheby 80+ Box 200
Collection Title:
Plate 83. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"The interior of a chapel with an impassioned preacher inspiring his listeners; considerably altered from the earlier state known as "Enthusiasm Delineated", for instance, by the substitution of representations of the Cock Lane Ghost (a topical reference to a fraud of 1762) for the figures of Christ, the removal of the barking dog, and the introduction of rabbits emerging from the skirts of the woman swooning on the floor in allusion to Mary Toft, the Rabbit Woman of Godlaming"--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Enthusiasm delineated
Title engraved below image., State from Paulson. Reworking of Enthusiasm delineated., and With caption: "Believe not every Spirit; but try the Spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets are gone out into the World. 1. John. Ch.4. V.1".
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Name):
Toft, Mary, 1703-1763, Villiers, George, 1690-1748., and Whitefield, George, 1714-1770
Subject (Topic):
Christianity, Superstition, Demonology, Demons, Ghosts, Rabbits, Witches, Sleeping, and Supervisors
publish'd as the act directs March [the] 15th 1762.
Call Number:
Hogarth 762.03.15.01++ Box 305
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"The interior of a chapel with an impassioned preacher inspiring his listeners; considerably altered from the earlier state known as "Enthusiasm Delineated", for instance, by the substitution of representations of the Cock Lane Ghost (a topical reference to a fraud of 1762) for the figures of Christ, the removal of the barking dog, and the introduction of rabbits emerging from the skirts of the woman swooning on the floor in allusion to Mary Toft, the Rabbit Woman of Godlaming."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Enthusiasm delineated
Title engraved below image., State from Paulson., Image and text engraved on two separate plates., and With caption: Believe not every Spirit; but try the Spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets are gone out into the World. 1.John.Ch.4.V.1.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Name):
Toft, Mary, 1703-1763, Villiers, George, 1690-1748., and Whitefield, George, 1714-1770
Subject (Topic):
Christianity, Superstition, Demonology, Demons, Ghosts, Rabbits, Witches, Sleeping, and Supervisors
Title in letter press above image., Publication date based on the date of Lord Bute's appointment in 1762., Two columns of text, separated with vertical ornamental border, below plate: Explanation., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Temporary local subject terms: Coats of arms -- Weapons: guns -- Dress: wooden shoes -- Emblems: thistle -- Executioner's axe -- Scots -- Protestants: reference to protestants -- Mottoes: Ense recidendum me pars sincera trabatur immedicabile vulnus.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Bedford, John Russell, Duke of, 1710-1771, Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774, Mansfield, William Murray, Earl of, 1705-1793., and Grafton, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, Duke of, 1735-1811
Subject (Topic):
Firearms, Gallows, Lawyers, Military uniforms, British, and Shackles
Hieroglyphical epistle from a certain wooden peer at Paris to the Laird of the Posts at Whitehall
Title from item., An engraved letter in form of rebus., The following words within title are represented by a rebus: 'wood' in 'wooden' by a group of trees, pier by an image of a pier, to by a toe, posts by two stone posts, 'all' in 'Whitehall' by an awl., and Temporary local subject terms: Coffee-houses: The Cocoa Tree Coffee House.
Title etched above image., Publication date from British Museum catalogue., Three columns of verse below image begins: In an---t days Sr Robt Carr ..., Temporary local subject terms: Allusion to William Pitt the Elder -- Executioner's axe -- Emblems: Thistle (Scotland) -- Emblems: Jack boot (Lord Bute) -- Ghosts., 1 print : etching ; sheet 20 x 25 cm., and On laid paper, sheet trimmed within plate mark, mounted to 32 x 48 cm.
Printed & sold at Darly's in Cranbourn Ally, as the act directs Js. P.
Subject (Name):
Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774, and Somerset, Robert Carr, Earl of, d. 1645
Title etched above image., Publication date from British Museum catalogue., Three columns of verse below image begins: In an---t days Sr Robt Carr ..., Temporary local subject terms: Allusion to William Pitt the Elder -- Executioner's axe -- Emblems: Thistle (Scotland) -- Emblems: Jack boot (Lord Bute) -- Ghosts., and Watermark: Strasburg lily.
Printed & sold at Darly's in Cranbourn Ally, as the act directs Js. P.
Subject (Name):
Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774, and Somerset, Robert Carr, Earl of, d. 1645
Title from item., An engraved letter in the form of a rebus., Printmaker from another impression, published in Kay's Original portraits., Original publication date in Stephens: 1762., Plate from: Kay, J. Series of original portraits and caricature etchings. Edinburgh : Adam and Charles Black, 1877, v. 2, Appendix, additional plate no. 358., Sheet partially trimmed to plate mark., The following words within title are represented by a rebus: to by a toe, Devil by a half-length figure of a devil., and Temporary local subject terms: Devil.
Title etched below image., Plate numbered '3' in upper right corner., Plate from: The British antidote to Caledonian poison ... for the year 1762. [London] : Sold at Mr. Sumpter's bookseller, [1763]., Temporary local subject terms: Street scenes -- Coffee-houses -- Male dress: Roman armor -- Emblems: jack boot (Lord Bute) -- Buildings: warehouse -- Reference to the peace negotiation in Paris, 1762: territorial concessions -- Reference to the East India Company -- Excise -- Whigs -- Chancellors -- Vehicles: go-cart -- Buildings: hospital., and On page 296 in volume 3. Sheet: 7.1 x 10.3 cm.
E. Sumpter
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Augusta, Princess of Wales, 1719-1772, William Augustus, Prince, Duke of Cumberland, 1721-1765, Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 1708-1778, Hogarth, William, 1697-1764, and Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774
Subject (Topic):
Britannia (Symbolic character), National emblems, Scottish, and British
Title etched below image., Plate numbered '3' in upper right corner., Plate from: The British antidote to Caledonian poison ... for the year 1762. [London] : Sold at Mr. Sumpter's bookseller, [1763]., Temporary local subject terms: Street scenes -- Coffee-houses -- Male dress: Roman armor -- Emblems: jack boot (Lord Bute) -- Buildings: warehouse -- Reference to the peace negotiation in Paris, 1762: territorial concessions -- Reference to the East India Company -- Excise -- Whigs -- Chancellors -- Vehicles: go-cart -- Buildings: hospital., and Mounted to 31 x 33 cm.
E. Sumpter
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Augusta, Princess of Wales, 1719-1772, William Augustus, Prince, Duke of Cumberland, 1721-1765, Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 1708-1778, Hogarth, William, 1697-1764, and Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774
Subject (Topic):
Britannia (Symbolic character), National emblems, Scottish, and British
A side view of a large three-masted ship, with a considerable number of persons on board ...
Alternative Title:
View of the Old England just arrived from a cruize round the globe
Title etched above image., Numberd '41' in upper right corner., Plate from: The British antidote to Caledonian poison., Sheet trimmed to plate mark on top and sides., and With Bowditch's annotations on front mount; mounted to 25.8 x 38 cm.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Bedford, John Russell, Duke of, 1710-1771, Edward Augustus, Prince, Duke of York and Albany, 1739-1767, Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774, Henry Frederick, Prince, Duke of Cumberland and Strathearn, 1745-1790, Nivernais, Louis Jules Barbon Mancini-Mazarini, duc de, 1716-1798, and Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 1708-1778
Title from item., Attribution to Paul Sandby from Gunn., Third state, with an addition of a gallows on far right. See British Museum catalogue., Publication date inferred from earlier states., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Below image: An account of the blocks their origin &c., with an escutcheon showing a jack boot in the center of text., "Price 6"., and Temporary local subject terms: Taxes: land tax, 1762 -- Barbers: wig blocks -- Newspapers: North Briton -- Newspapers: Auditor -- Coffee-houses: Cocoa Tree Coffee House -- Emblems: jack boot for Lord Bute -- Reference to William Pitt the Elder -- Pugilists: Nailer ('Nail'em') -- Trades: coachmen -- Coachmen: fighting coachman, Stephenson 'Flogg'em.'
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain.
Subject (Name):
Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Smollett, T. 1721-1771 (Tobias),, Murphy, Arthur, 1727-1805, Bedford, John Russell, Duke of, 1710-1771, Dashwood, Francis, Sir, 1708-1781, Townshend, Charles, 1725-1767, Talbot, William Talbot, Earl, 1710-1782, Hogarth, William, 1697-1764, and Kirby, Joshua, 1716-1774
Subject (Topic):
Taxation, Seven Years' War, 1756-1763, Anglo-French War, 1755-1763, Barbers, Engravers, Devil, Wigs, and Gallows
The central figure of this satire is Lord Bute who stands on a chest labeled "Treasure Box". He is surrounded by his supporters, including Hogarth, and other members of the administration, Smollett, Murphy, Bedford, Dashwood, Townshend, Talbot, Kirby, etc. A satire on Bute's administration and his handling of tax reform and peace with France
Alternative Title:
Set of blocks for Hogarth's wigs
Title engraved above image., Attribution to Paul Sandby from Gunn., First state, as described in British Museum catalogue: plate without additional text and before addition of gallows., Publication date from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Below image: An account of the blocks their origin ..., and "Price 6".
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain.
Subject (Name):
Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Smollett, T. 1721-1771 (Tobias),, Murphy, Arthur, 1727-1805, Bedford, John Russell, Duke of, 1710-1771, Dashwood, Francis, Sir, 1708-1781, Townshend, Charles, 1725-1767, Talbot, William Talbot, Earl, 1710-1782, Hogarth, William, 1697-1764, and Kirby, Joshua, 1716-1774
Subject (Topic):
Taxation, Seven Years' War, 1756-1763, Anglo-French War, 1755-1763, Barbers, Engravers, Devil, and Wigs