"A strip design. Beneath the figures are inscriptions indicating their identity. The procession is preceded on the extreme right by Hall the apothecary, one of Fox's chief supporters in Westminster, who holds the abortive 'Regency Bill'. A medical instrument protrudes from his coat-pocket; he is 'Apozem, Clerk, & Apothecary'. ... After him in priest's robes and wearing a Jesuit's biretta walks Burke, 'Ignatius Loyola' (cf. BMSat 6026), holding an 'Ode upon his Majesty Recovery'. ... The coffin is carried on the shoulders of six men with bulls' heads, hoofs, and tails, wearing coronets and shedding tears; three only are depicted, though the hoofs of the three on the left side of the coffin are indicated; it is 'The Body of the deceased supported by six Irish Bulls'. They wear a duke's, an earl's, and a baron's coronet, and say: "[1] Pullalaloo - Pullalalo - oh.', [2] Oh! - Ogh! - Oh!; [3] Oh Pullalalo - ogh". On the coffin is a coronet with the Prince's feathers flanked by an empty purse and dice and dice-box. Four ragged little girls holding nosegays walk as pall-bearers, two before the coffin and two behind it. They are '(bis) Unfledg'd Noviciates of Sf Giles's or, Charley's delight'. ... They are followed by Mrs. Fitzherbert in long trailing weeds, a rosary and crucifix hanging from her waist. She is 'Chief Mourner - The Princess of W-----s'. ... She clasps her hands despairingly. ... She is followed by Sheridan and Fox, wearing cloaks and carrying hats with mourning-scarves; they are: 'Second Mourners', 'The Rival Jacobites'. ... The next couple are Weltje and a hairdresser, Mails. ... The procession is followed by a nude and very emaciated demon (left), playing the fiddle and capering as he sings, grinning. He is the 'Blue and Buff Train Bearer.' ..."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title from item.
S. W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Burke, Edmund,--1729-1797--Caricatures and cartoons., Fitzherbert, Maria Anne,--1756-1837--Caricatures and cartoons., Fores, S. W., publisher., Fox, Charles James,--1749-1806--Caricatures and cartoons., George--III,--King of Great Britain,--1738-1820., George--IV,--King of Great Britain,--1762-1830., Hall, Edward,--fl. 1784-1793--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Hastings, Francis Rawdon-Hastings,--Marquess of,--1754-1826--Caricatures and cartoons., Ignatius,--of Loyola, Saint,--1491-1556., Lothian, William John Ker,--Marquis of,--1737-1815--Caricatures and cartoons., Rosslyn, Alexander Wedderburn,--Earl of,--1733-1805--Caricatures and cartoons., Sheridan, Richard Brinsley,--1751-1816--Caricatures and cartoons., and Weltje, Louis,--1745-1810--Caricatures and cartoons.
Subject (Topic):
Devil., Funeral processions., Hats. , and Mourning clothing & dress.
"Burke, as a lunatic, is seated on straw dressed only in breeches, but wearing a rosary and crucifix round his neck; Major Scott stands behind him, shaving his head. His right wrist and left ankle are chained to a staple in the floor, the chains being inscribed 'The Censure of the Commons' and 'The Contempt of the Lords'. He clenches his fists and turns his head in profile to the right, towards a vision of Hastings, saying, "Ha! Miscreant! Plunderer! Murderer of Nundocomar! where wilt thou hide thy head now ?" Hastings walks in profile to the right, carrying a sack over his shoulder inscribed '£4000000'; he is about to enter the gate of 'St James's' from which two hands emerge to receive him labelled (in reversed characters) 'Welcome'. Clouds surround Hastings and the Palace, showing that this is a vision. In the background (left) is a gibbet from which hangs a figure rudely drawn, as if chalked on awall, representing 'Nundocomar'. ..."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Little major shaving the shaver
"Pr. 1 sh. plain, 1 s. / 6 cold.", Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Publisher's advertisement above image: Aitken's exhibition room in Castle Street, Leicester Fields, is now open'd for the inspection of the nobility, & the public in general, containing the only compleat assortment of satiric, humourous & caricature productions now extant. Admittance gratis., Three columns of verse below image, following title: Madness, thou chaos of the brain; what art, that pleasure, giv'st & pain? ..., and Title etched below image, in lower left.
J. Aitken, Castle Street, Leicester Square
Subject (Name):
Aitken, James, -1802, publisher., Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Burke, Edmund,--1729-1797--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Hastings, Warren,--1732-1818--Caricatures and cartoons., Nandakumara,--Mahārāja,--d. 1775--Caricatures and cartoons., and Scott,--Major--(John),--1747-1819--Caricatures and cartoons.
"A caricature portrait of Pitt speaking in the House of Commons in profile to the right. In his right hand is a document: 'Regency Restrictions' (see BMSat 7488, &c.); his hat is under his left arm, his left hand is held out. He bends forward, his right leg advanced."--British Museum online catalogue.
An imitation of the whole length portraits of Sayers. See British Museum catalogue., Questionable attribution to Gillray from the British Museum catalogue., and Title devised by cataloger; title based on that given in the British Museum catalogue.
S. W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Fores, S. W., publisher., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Pitt, William,--1759-1806--Caricatures and cartoons.
"A design in two compartments. On the left the triumph of Necker in a land of 'Freedom', in the other that of Pitt in a land of 'Slavery'. Necker (full face), seated in an armchair is carried on the shoulders of distinguished personages, who wave their hats. He holds in his right hand the staff and cap of 'Liberty', in his left a royal crown. He is stout and benevolent. Above his head floats a laurel wreath, irradiated, inscribed 'Necker', and adding a touch of absurdity. Under his feet are a chain and an instrument of torture resembling a harrow. The naval officer (left) wearing a star, -who holds one pole of the chair, is labelled 'Orleans'; his companion, in regimentals, is probably Lafayette; both wave their hats. In the background is a cheering crowd and the massive but broken stone wall of the 'Bastile'. On the right Pitt, lean and arrogant, stands in profile to the left on a royal crown which bends under his weight (as in BMSat 7478). In his right hand is a banner on which are instruments of torture: a narrow, shackles, and scourges; in his left hand, which rests on his hip, are a headsman's axe and chains, the other ends of which are attached to persons who kneel humbly behind him, the most prominent of whom is the King. Other chains are attached to artisans, &c, who kneel abjectly before him. In the background are (left) a gallows from which hang seven nooses, and (right) a high scaffold on which stands a headsman with an axe. From Pitt's pocket projects a large tobacco-pipe inscribed 'Excise'.."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
France, Britain, freedom, slavery and Freedom, slavery
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title from text in and below image.
J. Aitken, Castle Street, Leicester Square
Subject (Name):
Aitken, James, -1802, publisher., Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., George--III,--King of Great Britain,--1738-1820--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier,--marquis de,--1757-1834--Caricatures and cartoons., Louis--XVI,--King of France,--1754-1793--Caricatures and cartoons., Necker, Jacques,--1732-1804--Caricatures and cartoons., Orléans, Louis Philippe Joseph,--duc d',--1747-1793--Caricatures and cartoons., and Pitt, William,--1759-1806--Caricatures and cartoons.
A cartoon illustrating the first reactions in England to the news of the fall of the Bastille. On the right, the radiant figure of Liberty sits enthroned on the ruins of the Bastille. Kneeling on one knee before her, Louis XVI holds up to her his crown; inscribed below him are the words "A repentant monarch." Following behind him are six figures in chains, each clearly identified: Orléans and Necker, Marie Antoinette, two German counselors, and a figure suggestive of Mrs. Schwellenberg. La Fayette and the ranks of the National Guard bring up the rear. All around them are cheering crowds.
"Price 2 sh. plain.", Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., and Title etched below image.
J. Aitken, Castle Street, Leicester Square
Subject (Geographic):
France--History--Revolution, 1789-1799--Foreign public opinion, British.
Subject (Name):
Aitken, James, -1802, publisher., Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Bastille., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier,--marquis de,--1757-1834--Caricatures and cartoons., Louis--XVI,--King of France,--1754-1793--Caricatures and cartoons., Marie Antoinette,--Queen, consort of Louis XVI, King of France,--1755-1793--Caricatures and cartoons., Necker, Jacques,--1732-1804--Caricatures and cartoons., and Schwellenberg, Elizabeth Juliana,--ca 1728-1797--Caricatures and cartoons.
"A three quarter length portrait of Dr. Messenger Monsey walking towards the spectator; his right arm rests on the shoulder of a Chelsea pensioner; both men walk with sticks. Monsey wears a hat and wig, the pensioner holds his hat in his right hand. The background is the north front of Chelsea Hospital showing its pediment and eastern portion. This is very freely sketched, as are two pensioners with crutches by the doorway. Beneath the title is etched: 'Epitaph on the late Dr Monsey, supposed to have been written by himself. Here lie my old limbs - my vexation now ends, For I've liv'd much too long for myself & my Friends As to church-yards & grounds which the Parsons call holy, Tis a rank piece of priestcraft, & founded on folly; In short, I despise them; and as for my Soul, Which may mount the last day with my bones from this hole I think that it really hath nothing to fear From the God of mankind, whom I truly revere. What the next world may be, little troubles my pate If not better than this, I beseech thee, Oh! Fate, When the bodies of millions fly up in a riot, To let the old carcase of Monsey lie quiet. Peter Pindar.'"--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Epitaph on the late Dr. Monsey, supposed to be written by himself and Peep into the last century
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Temporary local subject terms: Chelsea Hospital: exterior, north front -- Dr. Messenger Monsey's epitaph -- Chelsea pensioners' uniforms -- Medical: crutches -- Physicians -- Clocks: on pediment of Chelsea Hospital -- Monsey, Messenger, 1693-1788., and Title etched above image.
H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher., Monsey, Messenger,--1693-1788--Caricatures and cartoons., and Pindar, Peter, 1738-1819.
A lady (left) lies in bed, baring her breast and looking amorously at the Duke of York, who takes her hand and is climbing into the bed. Her husband (in back view) leaves the room by a door on the right, saying, "A good night to your R . . . l High . . . s!!! Bon Soir, my lady; I'll be back to Breakfast! so let the butter'd bun be ready for Jerry". The Duke's breeches an military coat, with its star, are on a chair by the door. The bed is draped with a heavy curtain; the floor is covered with a patterned carpet. See British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Tyrconnel's delight! Coming over her, or what you like and Tyrconnel's delight! Coming York over her, or what you like
"Pr. 1 s. 6 d.", Later state, with changes to Tyrconnel's words in speech bubble. Cf. No. 7530 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 6., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., and Title etched below image; 'York' in title is scored through with etched lines but conspicuously legible.
J. Aitken, Castle Street, Leicester Square
Subject (Name):
Aitken, James, -1802, publisher., Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Frederick Augustus,--Duke of York and Albany,--1763-1827--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Tyrconnel, George Carpenter,--Earl of,--1750-1805--Caricatures and cartoons., and Tyrconnel, Sarah Hussey--Caricatures and cartoons.
"A lady (left) lies in bed, baring her breast and looking amorously at the Duke of York, who takes her hand and is climbing into the bed. Her husband (in back view) leaves the room by a door on the right, saying, "A good night to your R . . . l High . . . s!!! Bon Soir, my lady; I'm no peeping Tom of Coventry". The Duke's breeches an military coat, with its star, are on a chair by the door. The bed is drape with a heavy curtain; the floor is covered with a patterned carpet."--British Museum online catalogue, description of a later state of the same composition.
Alternative Title:
Kind cuckold sent to Coventry; coming over her, or what you like and Kind cuckold sent to Coventry; coming York over her, or what you like
"Pr. 1 s. 6 d.", Early state, before alterations to title and text in speech bubble. Cf. Nos. 7530 and 7530A in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 6., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., and Title etched below image; 'York' in title is scored through with etched lines but conspicuously legible.
J. Aitken, Castle Street, Leicester Square
Subject (Name):
Aitken, James, -1802, publisher., Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Frederick Augustus,--Duke of York and Albany,--1763-1827--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Tyrconnel, George Carpenter,--Earl of,--1750-1805--Caricatures and cartoons., and Tyrconnel, Sarah Hussey--Caricatures and cartoons.
"A pugilistic encounter between the Duke of York (left) and Lt.-Col. Charles Lennox (right), both stripped to the waist. The Duke stands with both fists clenched, saying, "Come on my Lad! don't fall without a Blow! I'll tickle your Mazzard, if you dare to stand up like a Man!" Lennox, on one knee, clutches the arm of his second, the Duke of Richmond, saying, "O save me Nunkle! - O Lord! - O Lord! - O Lord! Your H--h--ss is above my Match! - O Lord - I'm not fit to fight any body above your Footman". Richmond puts out a hand to restrain his nephew, saying with an expression of alarm, "For heavens sake, forbear! we are nothing but a brood of Bastards! Bastards begot - Bastards instructed - Bastards in Mind - Bastards in Valour - in every thing illegitimate - we are neither of Blood, or of Honor, to cope with your Hi-h--ss!!" The Prince of Wales, on the extreme left, is his brother's second; he says, with a contemptuous expression, "Fredrick! cant you tip his bottle holder a sly plump in the Bread-basket?" Behind him is a Union flag; behind Richmond are fortifications flying a French flag, symbolizing his French descent and title ..."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Battle of the bloods, pure & contaminated and Battle of the bloods, pure and contaminated
"Price 1 sh.", CtY-LW, Four lines of verse below image, following title: Oft have I seen a hot o'erweening cur, run back & bark because he was with-held, who being suffer'd in the bears fell paw, hath clap'd his tail between his legs & cry'd., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed mostly within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Duels: Duke of York and Lt.-Col. Lennox, May 26, 1789 -- Duke of Richmond's fortifications -- Allusion to Charles II -- Flags -- Union Jack -- French flag -- Boxing., and Title etched below image.
J. Aitken, Castle Street, Leicester Square
Subject (Name):
Aitken, James, -1802, publisher., Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Frederick Augustus,--Duke of York and Albany,--1763-1827--Caricatures and cartoons., George--IV,--King of Great Britain,--1762-1830--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Richmond and Lennox, Charles Lennox,--Duke of,--1735-1806--Caricatures and cartoons., and Richmond and Lennox, Charles Lennox,--Duke of,--1764-1819--Caricatures and cartoons.
"An opera dancer, on one foot, strikes an attitude with her right arm extended, left arm held above her head. She is grotesquely thin; her face with upturned head shows a long muscular neck, her arms are emaciated and muscular and her hands are almost those of a skeleton. Her mouth is large, tightly set, and drawn down at the corners in an expression of grim determination. She is simply dressed and wears a feathered hat."--British Museum online catalogue, description of a variant state of the same composition.
Alternative Title:
Celebrated Mademoiselle Guimard or Grimhard from Paris
Artist attribution to "Mr. Batty" is based on a manuscript note on an impression in the British Museum. See British Museum catalogue., CtY-BR, Printmaker identified as Gillray in the British Museum catalogue, but this attribution has subsequently been questioned. See British Museum online catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on right and left edges., Title etched below image., and Variant state, with different publisher's street address in imprint, or a print issued with the publication line "Publd. as the act directs by E. Humphrey, May 26th, 1789, at No. 51 New Bond Strt." Cf. No. 7589 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 6.
E. Humphrey, No. 18 Old Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Guimard, Marie Madeleine,--1743-1816--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.