"A satirical representation of the duel between the Duke of York and Lennox. The Duke (left), calm and dignified, fires his pistol in the air; Lennox (right), his knees bending in obvious alarm, holds a pistol in each hand, saying, "I hope your H--gh--ss is satisfied now that I am a Man of Honor, by my firing thro' your hair? & that you will retract the opinion of my being a Coward". The Duke, whose hat is on the ground, answers, "Satisfied? yes I am satisfied! that your whole race are a set of dastards! - & you may fire at me till the day of Judgment, e'er I will retract my opinion - or honor a Coward, by putting him out of the World!" The seconds stand behind their principals: 'Lord Raw--n', in profile to the right, a pistol in each hand, says, "Gunpowder is disgrae'd when used upon such reptiles! make them eat their own words, till they are choak'd, thats the way to quiet Charles's-bastard-brood" (cf. BMSat 7507); 'Lord Wine--l--a' (right), looking very frightened, holds an arsenal of pistols under his left arm, a blunderbuss in his right hand, saying, "Would that I had not meddl'd in the business, or, that I could get over to the other side." All wear military uniform; Winchilsea was a Lord of the Bedchamber, Lennox Lt.-Col. in the Coldstream, the Duke's regiment. In the background stands an empty post-chaise."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Prince and a poltron
"Price 1 s./6 plain.", CtY-LW, Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Duels: Duke of York and Lt.-Col. Lennox, 26 May, 1789 -- Guns: pistols -- Blunderbuss -- Military uniforms: lieutenant colonel, 35th Foot -- Military uniforms: Lord of the Bedchamber -- Coaches: post-chaise -- Poltroon: coward --Allusion to Charles II., and Title etched below image.
J. Aitken, Castle Street, Leicester Square
Subject (Name):
Aitken, James, -1802, publisher., Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Frederick Augustus,--Duke of York and Albany,--1763-1827--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Hastings, Francis Rawdon-Hastings,--Marquess of,--1754-1826--Caricatures and cartoons., Richmond and Lennox, Charles Lennox,--Duke of,--1764-1819--Caricatures and cartoons., and Winchilsea, George Finch,--Earl of,--1752-1826--Caricatures and cartoons.
"Lennox leans back on a sofa, his pistol in his hand, looking up with a melancholy expression. A lady (left) holds a smelling-bottle to his nose; the Duke of Richmond (right), leaning on one end of the sofa, regards his nephew anxiously. Lennox says: "I had been happy, if the Gen'ral Camp Foot-soldiers, all, had pull'd my Nose in private, So it had not been told; O, now for ever Farewell the Plumed Troops & the big War, The spirit-stirring Drum & the ear piercing fife, The Royal Banner & all quality, Pride, Pomp, & Circumstance of glorious War Farewell! Your Hero's reputations gone!" The lady, Lady Charlotte Gordon (who married Lennox, see BMSat 7594), says: "O my dear shiv'ring L. .. . x [These words have been ostensibly obliterated by cross-hatching which leaves them legible and makes them conspicuous.]! do compose yourself, for the sake of your dear Charlotte! Ah! that hot-blooded-fellow has fright'ned him into an Ague - come do take a sniff at your Charlotte's smelling-bottle, the Bonny Duchess says that my smelling Bottle is a nice Thing to raise a Man's courage, I long for you to take hold of it, my dear L ... x. [These words have been ostensibly obliterated by cross-hatching which leaves them legible and makes them conspicuous.] Richmond says, "Don't fret yourself my dear Nephew, [These words have been ostensibly obliterated by cross-hatching which leaves them legible and makes them conspicuous.] you have behaved like a Man of Spirit & Honor; - your putting up with a public Insult when you could have resented it, shews your magnanimity! your pretending not to remember the words of the insult, shews your harmless disposition! - your Letters to the Club, your good-sense! - their being sent a week before the Duel, your want of malice! as it gave his Highness's friends an opportunity to secure him from your resentment, by putting you under arrest! - your firing first, proves your spirit! - your not waiting to be shot at, your discretion! - & your being satisfied with only attempting the life of the son of your **** proves your Loyalty, & generosity! - therefore, my dear Boy, take comfort, get the better of this Ague, which you are thrown into by pulling the trigger, &, if you are kick'd out of one Regiment, Nunkle will beg another for you, as a reward for your Gallantry & good-will to the house of Hanover!!!" Pitt (left) looks round a door, saying, "Heav'ns L . . . x [These words have been ostensibly obliterated by cross-hatching which leaves them legible and makes them conspicuous.] what's the matter? I hope you've succeeded in lessening the number of my Plagues.""--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Scene immediately after the duel
"Price 1 sh./6 plain.", CtY-LW, Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Military uniforms: lieutenant-colonel, 35th Foot -- Duels: Duke of York and Lt.-Col. Lennox -- Guns: pistols -- Medicinal: smelling bottles -- Furniture: sofas -- Charlotte (Gordon), Duchess of Richmond, 1768-1842., and Title etched below image; the word 'coward' has scratched out with numerous etched lines but is still legible.
J. Aitken, Castle Street, Leicester Square
Subject (Name):
Aitken, James, -1802, publisher., Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Pitt, William,--1759-1806--Caricatures and cartoons., Richmond and Lennox, Charles Lennox,--Duke of,--1735-1806--Caricatures and cartoons., Richmond and Lennox, Charles Lennox,--Duke of,--1764-1819--Caricatures and cartoons., and Richmond and Lennox, Charlotte Gordon,--Duchess of,--1768-1842--Caricatures and cartoons.
"A cavalcade of ladies and gentlemen on horseback riding close together, the legs of the horses being cut off by the lower margin of the print. Beneath the title is etched: 'The World - and all the great "which it inherit" - was there - Equestrian motion, universal - we saw all - mark'd all! - the Duelist with one Curl, & the Fraternal, one degree higher, down to the intelligencers of the Low-Pnnts (who cast their eyes around, that witness'd huge affliction & dismay); all was splendid - who (& what dignity but contained in that monosyllable?) not present? - Becky - was there!! - attraction spontaneous! - Old Quiz, cast a single glance! - "O the days when I was young! - one pang arose! - we view'd the field - captivating - beautiful - most beautiful! - but - Bunbury - where was Harry Bunbury? - we return'd - as (craving appetites of Cheapside satisfied) cent. pr cent. Citz: - Mans-mercers & Womens-mercers, were arriving, to inhale the clouded Air - Heat - Dust - Ibid - Ibidem. -" Topham rides (left to right) in the foreground, enormously fat, looking through a quizzing-glass. Next him is a stout lady probably intended for 'Becky' (Mrs. Wells) though resembling Mrs. Fitzherbert; she wears a hat with a floating veil. Queensberry (left) rides behind her, holding up a bunch of reins in his right hand. The other persons mentioned, the Duke of York (the duellist, see BMSat7531, &c.) and the Prince, are not depicted, unless a very stiff and erect officer (right) is intended for the Duke. The shoulders of the ultra-fashionable Topham are sprinkled with powder, cf. BMSat 8190."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Both hemispheres of the world in a sweat
"Price 1 sh./6.", CtY-LW, Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Satire on newspapers -- Newspapers: World, or Fashionable Intelligencer -- Horsemanship -- Cavalcades -- 'Cits' -- Hyde Park -- Costume: riding habits -- Allusion to the Prince of Wales -- Allusion to the Duke of York -- Allusion to Henry William Bunbury, 1750-1811 -- Wells?, Mary (Davies), fl. 1781-1812., and Title etched below image.
J. Aitken, Castle Street, Leicester Square
Subject (Name):
Aitken, James, -1802, publisher., Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Fitzherbert, Maria Anne,--1756-1837--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Queensberry, William Douglas,--Duke of,--1725-1810--Caricatures and cartoons., and Topham, Edward,--1751-1820--Caricatures and cartoons.
"Alderman Boydell stands within a magic circle, directing a sacrifice of Shakespeare's plays; these are burning at his feet; the dense smoke which rises from the fire obscures a monument to Shakespeare, concealing the head and shoulders of a figure of Shakespeare in bas-relief pointing to the inscription on the monument (as in Kent's monument in Westminster Abbey)" ... Beside the fire (right) stands on end a huge volume inscribed 'List of Subscribers to the Sacrifice'. On it sits an aged gnome-like creature with a large head, symbolizing Avarice; under each skinny arm he clutches a large money-bag inscribed '£'. On his shoulders stands an infant blowing from a tobacco-pipe the bubble of 'Immortality'; he wears a head-dress of peacock's feathers, symbolizing Vanity. Boydell, who wears a furred alderman's robe, looks fixedly at Avarice, who returns his cunning smile; with his left hand he points to the fire. He is less caricatured than savagely depicted, the realism of his figure contrasting with the fantasy of the design. An evil-looking creature wearing a fool's cap crouches by the fire (right) blowing it with bellows. He is a caricature of the fool in West's picture of Lear (iii. 2). The smoke as it rises expands into heavy clouds which support various figures, more or less travestied, from the pictures commissioned by Boydell for his Shakespeare Gallery. ... In the upper part of the design is an infant at a woman's breast attended by two other figures. This does not appear to be from the Shakespeare Gallery. ... On the ground and just within the magic circle kneels a ragged boy with palette and brushes who is pushing another boy, holding an engraver's tool, outside the circle, which is inscribed in large letters: 'ΟΥΔΕΙΣ ΑΜΟΥΣΟΣ ΕΙΣΙΤΩ' ... Behind the boys and in the background is the temple of Fame on a mountain-top. Fame, poised on the apex of the temple, blows upwards from her trumpet a blast of bubbles ...--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Offering to avarice
"Price 5 sh.", Advertisement etched below title: Soon as possible will be publishd., price one guinea, N. 1 of Shakespeare Illustrated, with the text, annotations, &c. complete; the engravings to be carried on in imitation of the aldermans liberal plan, further particulars will shortly be given in all the public papers., CtY-LW, Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Title etched below image.
H. Humphrey, No. 18 Old Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Boydell, John,--1719-1804--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Humphrey, Hannah, active 1774-1817, publisher.
"A fat and ugly lady (left) and a young and pretty one (right) are being dressed for a Birthday at St. James's. A huge wig decked with feathers and roses is being placed by a maid on the bald head of the elder lady, who stands holding a bouquet and looking in a mirror which reflects a delighted grin. A little black page supports the mirror; he turns to a dog which fawns on him. Another maid fastens in front a false 'derrière', which will distend her dress below the waist, see BMSat 7100, &c. The girl is seated; a friseur dresses her long hair; a man-milliner, 'chapeau-bras', prepares to adjust a 'derrière'; she touches approvingly the dress which an ugly old woman wearing a hat holds out to her. On the floor is a round box containing roses."--British Museum online catalogue.
Companion print to: Dressing for a masquerade., Reissue, with alteration of date in printmaker's signature and addition of shading and background elements in design. For earlier state published 3 March 1789, see no. 9678 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 7., Temporary local subject terms: Birthday at St. James's Palace -- Female costume: Derrières -- Dressing for St. James's Birthday Ball -- Black page -- Hairdressers: Friseur -- Male milliners -- Feathered female wigs., and Title etched below image.
S. W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Fores, S. W., publisher., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Rowlandson, Thomas, 1756-1827, artist.
A satire of Pitt's return to office in 1804. Pitt is shown in the chamber of Britannia. Britannia sits listlessly on a bed, holding a sword in one hand. Next to her, leaning against the bed, is her shield and olive branches. Pitt holds aloft a bottle labelled "Constitutional Restorative" as he kicks another man, a caricature of Addington, through the door. Addington is in the process of dropping a bottle labelled "Composing Draft". With his other foot, Pitt steps on the face of a flailing and prostrate Fox, who holds a bottle labelled "Rebublican Balsam" towards Britannia. From Fox's pocket dice and a dice container labelled "Whig Pills" have fallen. Emerging from behind the bed curtains, the figure of Death, a skeleton with the face and plumed bicorne of Napoleon, overturns a table and upsets bottles of medicine and points his sword toward the unsuspecting Britannia.
Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James,--1749-1806--Caricatures and cartoons., Pitt, William,--1759-1806--Caricatures and cartoons., and Sidmouth, Henry Addington,--Viscount,--1757-1844--Caricatures and cartoons.
Subject (Topic):
Britannia (Symbolic character)--1800-1810. and Politics & government--Great Britain--1800-1810.