"The Duke of York and Wardle in a rowing boat, 'The Clarke Cutter', with Mrs Clarke, barebreasted, as a figurehead, rowing to right on a rough sea, the 'Sea of Disapprobation', tossed by the 'Storm of Public Opinion', from which they are fleeing; the boat is lettered 'Honi soit qui mal y pense' and is stashed with papers, lettered 'Love letters / Mrs. Clarkes Establishment / Cobbetts Hum-bugs / Bills for Furniture'. Behind the figure of Mrs Clarke, a 'Gold Vase' and bags lettered 'Popularity / Votes of thanks'. At right are gathering fish, 'Gudgeons', and perhaps a seal, identified variously as 'Wright / Sandon / Clavering / O Meira [?]'. The duke says, 'Pull on - pull on Mess-mate here is a devil of a storm coming on - little did I think I should row in the same Boat with you.' Wardle replies, 'Would it not be the best way to throw the cargo overboard brother Tug?'"--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Rowing in the same boat
Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Numbered "101" in upper left corner of design., Printmaker from British Museum online catalogue., and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Clarke, Mary Anne Thompson,--1776-1852--Caricatures and cartoons., Frederick Augustus,--Prince, Duke of York and Albany,--1763-1827--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Tegg, Thomas, 1776-1845, publisher., and Wardle, Gwyllym Lloyd,--1762?-1833--Caricatures and cartoons.
Hopes of the family, or, Miss Marrowfat at home for the holidays, Hopes of the fammily, or, Miss Marrowfat at home for the holidays, and Miss Marrowfat at home for the holidays
Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Title etched below image., and Year at end of imprint statement has been completely obscured with etched lines; year of publication from Grego.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Tegg, Thomas, 1776-1845, publisher.
"Heading to verses printed in four columns. Napoleon sits by a wicker cradle containing the sleeping bear of Russia (left), which he rocks with hand and foot. He leans against Holland (right), a fat burgher fast asleep. Behind a low hill on the left is a rising sun, inscribed Spain and Portugal, which irradiates part of the sky. Napoleon, precariously seated on thorns, supports himself on the point of his sheathed sword, and looks to the right, saying, This Rising Sun has set me upon thorns. The bear is tightly muzzled, the muzzle is labelled Boneys Promises. On the hood of the cradle stands a measure of Turkey Wheat. The King of Sweden stands behind Napoleon, fiercely raising his sabre; he leans towards the cradle, saying Awake thou Sluggard ere the fatal blow is struck and thou and thine execrable ally sink to eternal oblivion. In his left hand he holds up a staff and cap of Liberty. Holland sits on a cask of Genuine Hollands, holding a pipe; a broken sceptre dangles from his limp right hand. Behind him is a shadow inscribed Poland. Denmark sits with elbows on knees, his head and shoulders covered by a large extinguisher inscribed Denmark. Next stands the Emperor of Austria in hussar uniform, fiercely preparing to draw his sword; he says: Tyrant I defy thee and thy Cursed Crew. On the extreme right and in the foreground stands the King of Prussia wearing a straight-jacket covering his hands which are linked together; his feet are held in the first position by a wooden appliance (as in British Museum Satires No. 9581); he wears a crown of straw, emblem of the lunatic and chants with closed eyes and imbecile grin: Fiddle diddle dee Fiddle diddle dee The Mouse has Married the humble Bee-and I am Emperor of the Moon. Behind him lies a dead or dying Prussian eagle. On the extreme left, and half cut off by the margin is a funeral urn on a pedestal inscribed: Memory of the Crown of Naples."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
View of the Continent
Four columns of verse in letterpress below plate: Just as the rising-sun dispels the gloom of night to bless us with new day, so genuine patriotism expels vindictive tyrants from despotic sway ..., Printmaker and year of publication from British Museum catalogue., Second imprint statement in letterpress below verses: Published by R. Ackermann, 101 Strand, London., and Title from letterpress text within and below image.
Subject (Name):
Ackermann, Rudolph, 1764-1834, publisher., Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Francis--I,--Emperor of Austria,--1768-1835--Caricatures and cartoons., Frederick William--III,--King of Prussia,--1770-1840--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Napoleon--I,--Emperor of the French,--1769-1821--Caricatures and cartoons., and Saulez, George, 1779-1843, artist.
"Price one shilling couloured [sic].", Design consists of eight figures arranged in two horizontal rows, each figure having a caption etched above., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Plate numbered "105" in upper left corner., and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Tegg, Thomas, 1776-1845, publisher.
"Lord Chatham (left) flies across the Channel towards the English coast on a wooden horse, mule, or ass with feathered wings. Two little puppets labelled 'Dutch Dolls' are placed before him on his saddle. From two ends of a rope passing across the animal's back fly out (left) five dismantled ships inscribed 'Castles in the Air Wooden Ones', and (right) three large labels inscribed respectively: 'Walcheren Beveland'; 'Plan and Fortifications of Flushing'; 'Loss in Killed & Wounded Sick List'. The animal emits a blast from its rump inscribed 'Rockets Devil take the hindmost'. Chatham, with drawn sword, blandly addresses John Bull and his wife who stand on the shore (right) looking up at him: "Here I am my Dear Johnny escaped from Fire, Water, Plague, Pestilence & Famine My Fireworks have given general Satisfaction abroad-I must now Couch on a bed of Roses [see British Museum Satires No. 10558, &c]- and hope when I awake to be rewarded with a Pension and Dukedom for brilliant Services". John, a fat 'cit', holding out a cudgel and clenching his fist, says: "General Cheathem flying back as I foretold garnish'd with dross and Dutch Metal Where is the Ten Million of British Bullion you Scarecrow-the Sinking Fund suits your talents better than Sinking of Ships". His fat wife, holding up a little parasol, exclaims: "Lord Mr Bull what a Man of Mettle it is". Sailing towards land is a small vessel, a sail inscribed 'Commodore Cur-Tis'; the only occupant is Curtis, waving his hat and shouting: "A New Contract for Mouldy Buisciuts-Expeditions for ever Huzza". On the horizon (left) land is indicated, with buildings and a flag; above are the words 'Mortality at Flushing'."--British Museum online catalogue.
"Price one shilling coloured.", Plate numbered "108" in upper left corner., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Chatham, John Pitt,--Earl of,--1756-1835--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Tegg, Thomas, 1776-1845, publisher.
Subject (Topic):
John Bull (Symbolic character)--Caricatures and cartoons.
"The Duke of York, in uniform, stands directed to the left, hands on hips, right leg raised, as if about to march. He says: "If I must March, I must however I shall leave my Baggage behind me!!" His back is turned to Mrs. Clarke who stands with arm appealingly outstretched, saying, "O You gay deceiver-to leave a poor Woman without Protector". She stands as in the House, in her familiar dress, muff in her left hand."--British Museum online catalogue.
Attributed to Rowlandson in the British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Clarke, Mary Anne Thompson,--1776-1852--Caricatures and cartoons., Frederick Augustus,--Prince, Duke of York and Albany,--1763-1827--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Tegg, Thomas, 1776-1845, publisher.
"Above, Mrs. Clarke stands on a round dais, under a canopy, receiving her clients. These are headed by six military officers; the foremost makes a sweeping bow, cocked hat in hand. Next is a fat parson holding a money-bag inscribed 800; behind is an obese doctor, with three other elderly men. She says to them: Ye Captains and ye Colonels-ye parsons wanting place, Advice I'll give ye gratis and think upon your case, If there is possibility, for you I'll raise the dust, But then you must excuse me-if I serve myself the first. Below, Mrs. Clarke, much décolletée, looks from an open ground-floor window of a London house, to see a fashionably dressed man, Taylor, walking towards her holding a sealed packet. He looks over his shoulder at a yokel with a cudgel, who asks: I say Measter Shoe-maker where be you going in such a woundy hurry? Taylor answers: Dont speak to me fellow you should never pry into State affairs. Mrs. Clarke says: Open the door John here comes the Ambassador Now for the dear delightful Answer. Behind the yokel, evidently John Bull, is his dog. On the right is a house with a door-plate inscribed Mrs Weston."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Mrs. Clarkes levee, The ambassador of Morocco on a special embassy., and The ambassador of Morrocco on a special embassy.
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title of top design from text above image; title of bottom design from text below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Clarke, Mary Anne Thompson,--1776-1852--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Tegg, Thomas, 1776-1845, publisher.
"Mrs. Clarke's house is on the right. A military officer (Wardle) wrapped in a cloak slips a purse into the hand of a meretricious young woman at the door, with a belt inscribed Favorit. Mrs. Clarke, her breast much exposed, leans from a window to look down at him. Two other men look from other windows. Above the door is a lantern inscribed: Now Exhibiting Wonders upon Wonders or Mrs Clarkes Puppet Show Which has given satisn to Po[ ? pulace] and Prince. Below this is a board: All the World's a Stage and Men and Women merely Players-- some play the upper some the under part, but chief Play that--most foreign to their heart. On the door: Knock and you shall Enter. On the wall (by Mrs. Clarke) is a sign for "Globe Fire Insurance". On the right the Duke of York walks away from the house; he wears a mitre and carries a crosier; a bishop's robe, on which are the words "Men have their Entrances & their Exits". Next to him walks an elderly lawyer (Adam) and a fat parson (O'Meara) hurries after him. Facing Mrs. Clarke's house is a row of houses: Prospect Row; old women, Maiden Ladies, watch from upper windows, as does an old man with a telescope who puts a grotesque head out of an attic window inscribed Peeping Toms Observatory. He says: O the Devil choak her he's Waddling in as Im a prying Croaker. Two cats fight on the roof; words issue from one of them: "Come what come may the Cat will mew. The Dog will have his day"."--British Museum online catalogue.
Alternative Title:
Croaking member surveying the inside, outside and backside of Mrs. Clarkes premises
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Adam, William,--1751-1839--Caricatures and cartoons., Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Clarke, Mary Anne Thompson,--1776-1852--Caricatures and cartoons., Croker, John Wilson,--1780-1857--Caricatures and cartoons., Frederick Augustus,--Prince, Duke of York and Albany,--1763-1827--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., Tegg, Thomas, 1776-1845, publisher., and Wardle, Gwyllym Lloyd,--1762?-1833--Caricatures and cartoons.
"Mrs. Clarke stands in a massive archway, inscribed 'CLARKES PASSAGE', addressing a crowd hurrying towards her. She wears a military coat over a white dress, cocked hat, and sword, and stands above the street level. She says: "Gentlemen it is no use to rush on in this manner -the principal places have been disposed of these three weeks and I assure you there is not even standing room". The crowd consists of military officers, elderly and often disabled, two fat parsons, a few civilians, some foppish, some the reverse, one of whom holds up a money-bag inscribed '500'. They completely fill the wide space before Mrs. Clarke, whose 'Passage' is indicated as her house by the opposite house on the extreme left. This is in 'Croakers Row', and from an attic window a little figure (Croker) peers through a telescope, as in British Museum Satires No. 11238."--British Museum online catalogue.
Printmaker from British Museum catalogue. and Title etched below image.
Subject (Name):
Auchincloss, Hugh Dudley--Ownership., Clarke, Mary Anne Thompson,--1776-1852--Caricatures and cartoons., Croker, John Wilson,--1780-1857--Caricatures and cartoons., Harvey, Francis--Ownership., and Tegg, Thomas, 1776-1845, publisher.