A set of urologic instruments housed in a worn, leather covered box with a velvet covered tray. Included in the set are thirteen Van Buren sounds (sizes 10-21), a sound gauge, a urethral speculum, and a set of seven Otto and Sons bougie à boules (sizes 8-23).
A set of urologic instruments housed in a wooden box with brass trim and molded inserts lined with velvet. Inside the box can be found an Otis dilating urethrotome, some woven silk and baleen filiform, a set of bougie à boules, a urethral dilator, some silk electrical cord, a light probe for a urethroscope (20/23/26), a set of Van Buren sounds (produced by Hazard and Co.), 18 French catheters (with English, French, and American sizing), 16 French urethral catheters, a scalpel, and probes.