McIntire, Magee and Brown Company Pratt, N. J. (Bridgeport, CT)
Collection Title:
Medical Instrument Collection
Container / Volume:
Box 007
Image Count:
A small, wooden box with a sliding cover—of which reads "McIntire, Magee and Brown Co., 723 Sansom St., Philadelphia, PA." Inside is a single 5 cm diameter biconcave lens with two notches along the side. A small circular label on the lens has the number "13" written on it.
Choquart and Peuchot, Opticiens and Constructeurs Therrien, E. J., MD
Published / Created:
ca. late 19th century
Collection Title:
Medical Instrument Collection
Container / Volume:
Box 097
Image Count:
A rosewood box, lined with purple velvet, and containing numerous prescription lenses to fit a patient for a pair of eyeglasses. Contained lenses for refraction and astigmatism, as well.
A mahogany case lined in velvet with several ivory-handled instruments. In addition, there can be found a pair of bone forceps (Codman and Shurtleff), a tuning fork (Meyrowitz), B-D Presto brand thermometer, and a small cloth bag containing a sample of Lookasine.
Forbes, Thomas Rogers (1911- ) Johnson and Johnson
Collection Title:
Medical Instrument Collection
Container / Volume:
Box 042
Image Count:
Alternative Title:
A Lister's brand Formaldehyde Fumigator, efficient for a 1,000 cubic foot space. This specific instrument was used at the Bates College Infirmary in Lewiston, Maine, circa 1920. Also includes an instructional booklet.
Madden, Joseph W., MD W. A. Baum Company, Incorporated William Anthony Baum, MD
Published / Created:
ca. early-mid 20th century
Collection Title:
Medical Instrument Collection
Container / Volume:
Box 041
Image Count:
Alternative Title:
A Lifetime Baumanometer—also labeled the 'Kompak Model'. The device is housed in a wooden box with many of the needed pieces included. metal plate at the bottom of the case provides a chart of ages and average systolic, diastolic, and pulse readings. Further stated, "these averages compare with readings obtained on over 500,000 life insurance applicants".