"12.31"--Lower right margin., "Nakład i druk Ski Akc."--Lower right border., and Major towns/cities/resorts shown on the map include Zakopane, Jaworzyna, Podspady, Żar czyli Żdziar, Jaskinie Bielskie, Matlary, Lomnica Tatrazanska, Stary Smokowiec, Nowy Smokow
Ksia̜żnica-Atlas, Zjednoczone Zakłady Kartograficzne i Wydawnicze T.N.S.W.,
Subject (Geographic):
Tatra Mountains (Slovakia and Poland)--Maps
Subject (Topic):
Skis and skiing--Tatra Mountains (Slovakia and Poland)--Maps
"Entered according to Act of Congress, April 15th, 1831 by S. Augustus Mitchell of the state of Pennsylvania.", Cover title in gold., Includes table of Pennsylvania population by counties, 1830, pasted inside front cover., and Insets: Profile of the Pennsylvania
Published by S. Augustus Mitchell,
Subject (Geographic):
Pennsylvania and Pennsylvania--Maps
Subject (Name):
Haines, D. and Mitchell, S. Augustus (Samuel Augustus), 1792-1868
Verein zur Förderung des Fremden-Verkehrs Würzburgs
Published / Created:
Call Number:
36 W96 1901
Container / Volume:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Maps, Atlases & Globes
Alternative Title:
Neuester Verkehrs-Plan der Kreishaupt- & Universitätsstadt Würzburg mit Verzeichnis der Sehenswürdigkeiten
"Juli 1901"--On verso in upper right corner., Includes indexes., On verso: Text, col. ill., and annotated index of public buildings., Shows location of public buildings., and Stamp on verso: Ex libris A. & W. Petrunkewitsch.
Verlag des Vereins zur Förderung des Fremden-Verkehrs Würzburgs,
Verein zur Förderung des Fremden-Verkehrs Würzburgs
Published / Created:
Call Number:
36 W96 1906
Container / Volume:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Maps, Atlases & Globes
Alternative Title:
Neuester Verkehrs-Plan der Kreishaupt- & Universitätsstadt Würzburg mit Verzeichnis der Sehenswürdigkeiten
"Juni 1905"--On verso in upper right corner., Includes indexes., On verso: Text, col. ill., and annotated index of public buildings., Shows location of public buildings., and Stamp on verso: Bahnhof-Hôtel L. Schmidt Würzburg. Ms. annotations on verso.
Verein zur Förderung des Fremden-Verkehrs in Würzburg,
"The Tourist motor map of Oregon is published in four sections--the Eastern, from Idaho to The Dalles; the Western, from The Dalles to the Pacific Ocean; the Southern section, from Eugene to California; and the Southeastern quarter, with a whole map of the state on the opposite side. When you have traveled the legnth of your section map, ask for the next section ...."
Imperial Garage [distributor], and Tourist Map Publishing Co. :
City of Santa Fe, Santa Fe County, New Mexico. and Map of Santa Fe area showing pueblos and other points of interest.
City of Santa Fe, Santa Fe County, New Mexico / New Mexico State Highway Department, Highway Planning Survey, Public Roads Administration, Federal Works Agency, Jan. 1, 1949 ; Bachicha '49 -- [Map of Santa Fe area showing pueblos and other points of interest] / Willard F. Clark, 1950.
Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce,
Subject (Geographic):
Santa Fe (N.M.)--Maps
Subject (Name):
Bachicha, Clark, Willard (Willard F.), New Mexico. Highway Planning Survey, and United States. Public Roads Administration
Monuments et vues des environs de Paris and Nouveau Paris monumental avec le parcours du métropolitain
On verso: Monuments et vues des environs de Paris., Perspective map., Relief shown pictorially., and Selected buildings and monuments shown pictorially.
Subject (Geographic):
Paris (France)--Maps and Paris Metropolitan Area (France)--Maps
BEIN 766 1909: Original wrappers. Illegible inscription on front wrapper., Also has a 48 page Route Guide to Massachusetts, Connecticut & R.I. This company also published maps of the west in the 1870's, under the name Edward Mendenhall. Covers are brown card board 18.5x11.5 printed with an illustration of three people in an automobile and the title "Mendenhall's Guide And Road-Map of Connecticut With District Maps. C.S. Mendenhall, Map Publisher, Cincinnati. Price 75 Cts.", and Coordinates not present on map and are approximated.
Includes index., On verso: Ancillary map of "The Northern Tour" showing railway lines between New York City and Montreal, adv. and ill., and Shows railroads, rail lines, roads, hotels, canals, and forest reserves and grants.
Maps and general information about Miami, Miami Beach and Dade County, together with complete Miami traffic ordinances
"Compliments of The Miami Herald.", Includes text and index., Inset: Fort Dallas Park., and Text of traffic ordinances and ancillary maps "Streets included in the "Down Town" traffic zone" and "Highways of Dade County, Florida" on verso.
Subject (Geographic):
Miami (Fla.)--Maps, Miami Beach (Fla.)--Maps, and Miami-Dade County (Fla.)--Maps
Subject (Name):
Miami herald
Subject (Topic):
Central business districts--Florida--Miami--Maps, Roads--Florida--Miami-Dade County--Maps, and Roads--Florida--Miami--Maps
"Nr. 6210 BRB. 3.X.39"., Relief shown by shading, contours, and spot heights., and Text, illus., directory of mountain passes, and location map on verso.
"To his Excellency the Count of Monterey: this limned map and history of his own harbour and peninsula discovered by Viscaino AD 1602: occupied by Portola AD 1770: showing its points of interest, its manifold allurements and the properties being developed by the undersigned is humbly dedicated by your Excellency's obedient & most humble servts."
A.M. Robertson,
Subject (Geographic):
Monterey Peninsula (Calif.)--Maps
Subject (Name):
Mora, Jo, 1876-1947 and Robertson, A. M., publisher
On verso: Local area maps showing locations of "Real Tour hotels": Albany, N.Y. -- Briarcliff Manor, N.Y. -- Greenfield, Mass. -- Hartford, Conn. -- New Haven, Conn. -- Pittsfield, Mass. -- Pough and On verso: Map of Berkshire County, Mass. and mileage table.
Automobile Club of America,
Subject (Geographic):
Berkshire Hills (Mass.)--Maps and New England--Maps
Subject (Topic):
Hotels--Massachusetts--Berkshire Hills--Maps, Hotels--New England--Maps, Roads--Massachusetts--Berkshire Hills--Maps, and Roads--New England--Maps
Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island., Lower New England main-traveled routes :, and Southern New England.
"Copyright 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, and 1917, by the American Automobile Association.", Includes table of principal mileages., and On verso: 10 ancillary maps, New England hotel listing, and advertising and illus.
The Association,
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut--Maps, Massachusetts--Maps, New England--Maps, and Rhode Island--Maps
Map & guide of Hakone & neighbourhood., Map and guide of Hakone and neighbourhood., and Map of Hakone & neighbourhood.
"Compiled in February 1921"., Includes table of distances from Miyanoshita., On verso: text, ill. and tourist info., and Shows railway lines, tram lines, roads, "sights and scenes".