"Nr. 6210 BRB. 3.X.39"., Relief shown by shading, contours, and spot heights., and Text, illus., directory of mountain passes, and location map on verso.
Date based on 1935 economic figures in text on verso., Includes ill., Panel title., Relief shown by hachures on San Bernardino County map and by hachures and spot heights on Southwest portion map., and San Bernardino County -- Southwest portion of San Bernardino County.
Chamber of Commerce map of the city of Santa Fe, New Mexico., City of Santa Fe, New Mexico, Map of the city of Santa Fe, New Mexico., and Villa real de la Santa Fe de San Francisco
"Chamber of Commerce map of the city of Santa Fe, New Mexico, compiled by W.G. Turley, city engineer, January 1931," index to points of interest, and text on verso., Copyright: H.H. Dorman., In lower right: B.C. Broome, 1936., Includes ill. and text., and Relief shown pictorially and by spot heights.
Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce?,
Subject (Geographic):
Santa Fe (N.M.)--Maps
Subject (Name):
Broome, B. C, Dorman, H. H, Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce, and Turley, W. G. (Walter Guy), 1881-