Photographs of soldiers and Apache, Arapaho, Cheyenne, Comanche, and Kiowa Indians in Indian
Container / Volume:
Folder 18
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This photograph is presumed to have been taken by William Soule in March 1869, at Camp Supply, Indian Territory. Here, the 7th Calvary stopped briefly with their Southern Cheyenne captives (pictured here). Dull Knife is on the far right and was killed at
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William Soule
Subject (Geographic):
Fort Sill (Okla.)--Pictorial works. and United States --West (U.S.)
Subject (Topic):
Cheyenne Indians--Pictorial works., Indian captivities --United States, and Indians of North America--Pictorial works.
Photographs of soldiers and Apache, Arapaho, Cheyenne, Comanche, and Kiowa Indians in Indian
Container / Volume:
Folder 15
Image Count:
Silver Brooch (also known as Tosh-a-wah, Toshaway, Tosawi) was the first chief of the Penateka Comanches and known for his peaceful attitude. He wears a wool coat, brimmed hat, feathers, a medallion around his neck, and his hair in braids.
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William Soule
Subject (Geographic):
Fort Sill (Okla.)--Pictorial works. and United States --West (U.S.)
Subject (Name):
Silver Brooch
Subject (Topic):
Comanche Indians--Pictorial works and Indians of North America--Pictorial works.
Photographs of soldiers and Apache, Arapaho, Cheyenne, Comanche, and Kiowa Indians in Indian
Container / Volume:
Folder 14
Image Count:
Studio portrait of Chi-wek-kiethe and her sister, Looking-For-Something-Good (Cha-wa-ke) sitting on a buffalo robe. The Native American Comanche women wear dresses wrapped with blankets, bracelets, a beaded bag, moccasins and leggings decorated with metal
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William Soule
Subject (Geographic):
Fort Sill (Okla.)--Pictorial works. and United States --West (U.S.)
Subject (Topic):
Comanche Indians--Pictorial works., Indian women --North America --Pictorial works, and Indians of North America--Pictorial works.
Photographs of soldiers and Apache, Arapaho, Cheyenne, Comanche, and Kiowa Indians in Indian
Container / Volume:
Folder 13
Image Count:
Group portrait of three Native American Comanche women, left to right: Wap-pah, Marn-me (Morn-me), Qna-moth-kee and a young girl; they wear print dresses with blankets and long loose hair. They were taken prisoner by United States troops on the Staked Pl
Blank verso.
William Soule
Subject (Geographic):
Fort Sill (Okla.)--Pictorial works. and United States --West (U.S.)
Subject (Name):
Marn-me., Qna-moth-kee, and Wap-pah.
Subject (Topic):
Comanche Indians--Pictorial works., Indian captivities., Indians of North America--Pictorial works., Photography of women., and Prisoners of war --Texas --History --19th century