"Bearbeitet und gedruckt im Juni 1918.", "Zusammendruck X" at upper left corner of map., French and German., and On verso: Map with "33.Soissons. Bl.7", scale 1:25,000, dated 1915.
"Bearbeitet und gedruckt im Juni 1918.", "Zusammendruck X" at upper left corner of map., French and German., and On verso: Map with "Bl.22.La Malmaison.", scale 1:10,000, dated "Dezember 1917".
Baie de Quiberon et Morbihan and Quiberon à Penerf
" Gravé par Grenier ... Corr. VI-99 - IX-99 - XI-99 - II-00 - VI-01.", "Mise à jour d'après la revision effectuée de 1865 à 1868 sous la direction de M.r. Bouquet de la Grye, Ingénieur Hydrograph, and Ms. notes in French across body of map.
"The London Geographical Institute." printed outside lower right margin., Includes inset map "South East continuation of the Map on same scale.", and On verso: Key Map to the General European Situation, adv. and ill.
"Front au 1er. Janvier 1916.", "Supplément à l'illustration.", Ms. note outside bottom right margin "L'illus JL'19"., and Shows location of Western Front, railways, roads, canals, borders, and fortifications.