“Religieuses japonaises et bébés de la Ste. Enfance. Japanese nuns and babies of the Holy Childhood.” Japanese Catholic missionary sisters are shown with infants and young children from the mission. “Missions-Etrangères de Paris, 128 rue du Bac.” is printed on the back of the postcard. There is no handwriting on the back.
“II volcano Fuiyama veduto da uno dei suoi cinque laghi.” The volcanic mountain is shown from one of the surrounding lakes. The following information is printed on the back of the postcard: " Missioni e Missionari sono un (indecipherable) di Gesu Andate ed istruite tutte le genti." Handwriting in Italian closely covers the back.
“Giappone ̶ 1. Il monte Fuji Yama.” The snowcapped peak of Mount Fuji is shown in the distance from a lake below. A small sailing craft is seen on the water. The following information is printed on the back of the card: “L’Istituto delle Missioni Estere di Milano promouve la propagazione della Fede e della Civiltà in sette vaste Missioni dell’India e della Cina – Sede generale: Milano, Via Monte Rosa 71.” There is no handwriting on the back.
“Les Fransicaines Missionnaires de Marie en Mission – Biwasaki (Japon). Les Œuvres ppour la Jeunesse – La sieste des tout-petits.” Babies and young children are shown napping in the mission nursery while two women watch over them. Two small tents are seen in the background. The following information is printed on the back of the postcard: “Les Fransicaines Missionnaires de Marie en Mission ont actuellement en pays de Mission 145 maisons avec 156 ècoles, plus 389 œuvres pour l’enfance groupant 56.000 enfants. Ells ont en outré pour les maladies 47 hôpitaux avec 71.000 malades hospitalisés dans l’année, 7 léproseries avec 1m507 lépreux, 7 lazarets avec 1.873 contagieux et 107 dispensaires où 100.000 soins ont été donnés en 1926. Franciscaines Missionnaires de Marie 7, Impasse Reille, Paris XIVe.” There is no handwriting on the back.
“Congrégation des Sœurs de Saint-Paul, 5, rue Saint-Jacques, Chartres (E.-et-L.) 4. Coree. ̶ Taikou: Ici les petits enfants trouvés seront les bienvenus.” A missionary sister is shown with two young children brought to the mission. The following information is printed on the back of the card: Reprod. Interdite ̶ Congrégation St.-Paul de Chartres ̶ ." There is no handwriting on the back.
“Jeunes mariés, leurs parents et le prêrtre japonais qui vient de le bénir a newly-maried couple with the japanese priest who blessed them.” Newlyweds and their families pose together with a Japanese priest. “Missions-Etrangères de Paris, 128 rue du Bac.” is printed on the back of the postcard. There is no handwriting on the back.
“Missions d’Asie. En Corée: pagode sous la neige.” A pagoda is shown through snow covered trees. The caption and following information are printed on the back of the postcard: “Edition de la Propagation de la Foi: Lyon – (2e), rue Sala. C.C.P. 72-71; Paris – (7e), 5, rue Monsieur. C.C.P. 618-25.” There is no handwriting on the back.
“Giappone ̶ 4. Veduta di Kaku.” Three women are shown riding in a flat-bottom boat along a river. A village is seen in the background. The following information is printed on the back of the postcard: “II. Pontificio Istituto Delle Missioni Estere promuove la propagazione della Fede e della Civiltà in nove vaste Missioni dell’India, dell’Indocina e della Cina. Sede generale : Milano (6-43) – Via Monterosa. 81 – Telefono 40-115.” There is no handwriting on the back.
“Pounding corn in Corea [Korea]. S.P.G. Missionary Postcard No. 61.” Workers in a farm village use a hand operated machine to turn corn into flour. There is no handwriting on the back of the postcard.
“Giappone Sacro – 10. Bonzi che istruiscono I loro allievi nelle cerimonie.” Monks in ceremonial dress are shown in a courtyard outside a monastery. The following information is printed on the back of the postcard: “II Pontificio Istituto Delle Missioni Estere promuove la propagazione della Fede e della Civiltà in nove vaste Missioni dell’India, dell’Indocina e della Cina. Sede generale : Milano (137) – Via Monterosa. 81.” There is no handwriting on the back.