“II volcano Fuiyama veduto da uno dei suoi cinque laghi.” The volcanic mountain is shown from one of the surrounding lakes. The following information is printed on the back of the postcard: " Missioni e Missionari sono un (indecipherable) di Gesu Andate ed istruite tutte le genti." Handwriting in Italian closely covers the back.
“Religieuses japonaises et bébés de la Ste. Enfance. Japanese nuns and babies of the Holy Childhood.” Japanese Catholic missionary sisters are shown with infants and young children from the mission. “Missions-Etrangères de Paris, 128 rue du Bac.” is printed on the back of the postcard. There is no handwriting on the back.
“Corée. Religieuses avec leurs Orphelines à Taikou.” Missionary sisters are shown with a group of orphaned children on the lawn at the mission. There is no handwriting on the back of the postcard.
“Dix prêtres japonais évangélisent les Iles Goto, Japon.” Ten Japanese Christian missionary fathers sent to the Goto Islands are shown together. “Missions-Etrangères de Paris, 128 rue du Bac.” is printed on the back of the postcard. There are several handwritten lines in French on the back.
”5. Les Apostoliques, futurs Apôtres du Soleil Levan." Missionary fathers are shown with young Christian men and boys at the seminary. The caption and following information are printed on the back of the card: “ Qu’ils sont beaux les pieds de ceux qui évangelisent la paix, de ceux qui announcentle Sauveur! (S. Paul).” There is no handwriting on the back.
A missionary father is shown with a group of boys and young men outside in a garden. Several of the boys are wearing nautical style caps. Handwriting in French closely covers the back of the card.
“Mission d’Ahasigawa [Asahikawa](Japon).” Three missionary fathers are shown outside the entrance to the mission. A cross is seen on the roof peak above the door. The following information is printed on the back of the postcard: "Imprimarie Franciscaine – Melz. Handwriting in Germany covers the back of the card.
“Corée. ̶ Missionnaires et Chrétiens.” Two missionary fathers are shown with a group of Christian men and young children. The local men are dressed in white robes and wear traditional Korean hats. There is no handwriting on the back of the postcard.
“Collection de L’Œuvre Pontificale de la Sainte-Enfance. 44, Rue de Cherche-Midi. – Paris 6e. Sœurs de Nevers. Osaka– La leçon d’ouvrage manuel.” Missionary sisters oversee women at their sewing tasks. The following information is printed on the back of the postcard: “L’Œuvre Pontificale de la Sainte-Enfance baptize chaque année près de 600.000 petits infidèles. Eile en élève près de Un million. De 1843 à 1930, elle a fait baptizer 25 millions d’enfants et a envoyé aux missions 380 millions de francs.” There is no handwriting on the back.
“Congrégation des Sœurs de Saint-Paul, 5, rue Saint-Jacques, Chartres (E.-et-L.) 1. – JAPON.—Sainte Enfance: Visite du maréchal Joffre.” A missionary sister is shown on a stage with Marshall Joffre and several other men during a visit to the mission. The following information is printed on the back of the card: Reprod. Interdite ̶ Congrégation St.-Paul de Chartres ̶ . There is no handwriting on the back.