Date beneath publisher statement: March 1st 1827., Includes notes., Relief shown by hachures., Some sheets: Published by Jas. Wyld (successor to W. Faden, and Stevens and Tree describe the various issues of this map in Tooley's Mapping of America, p. 91., no. 63.
Appears in Wyld's New general atlas. London, 1854. Cf. Phillips, Maps of America, p. 607., In upper right margin: 36., Relief shown by hachures., and Yale's copy stamped on verso: Yale University Library, Karpinski-Von Wieser Map Collection.
Includes tables of distances for overland routes and sea routes., Inset map: Map of the gold region, California., Prime meridian: Washington, D.C., and Relief shown by hachures.
Includes tables of distances for overland routes and sea routes., Inset: Map of the gold region California. Scale [ca. 1:4,752,000]., Prime meridian: Washington, D.C., and Relief shown by hachures.
Appears in Johnson's New illustrated family atlas .... 1866., Numbers in right margin: 15, 16., On verso: Geographical index, or ready reference, [p.] 27, 28., Prime meridians: Washington and Greenwich., and Relief shown by hachures.
A.J. Johnson?,
Subject (Geographic):
North America--Maps
Subject (Name):
Johnson, A. J. (Alvin Jewett), 1827-1884. Johnson's New illustrated family atlas of the world
Appears in Carey's Complete historical chronological, and geographical American atlas. Philadelphia, Pa. : H.C. Carey & I. Lea, 1822., Historical and descriptive text in margin., North America -- South America., and Relief shown pictorially.
H.C. Carey & I. Lea,
Subject (Geographic):
North America--Maps and South America--Maps
Subject (Name):
Carey & Lea, Carey, Henry Charles, 1793-1879. A complete historical, chronological, and geographical American atlas, Lea, Isaac, 1792-1886, and Young & Delleker
Colors used to represent United States and colonial possessions of England, Germany, Spain, France, Holland, Denmark and Sweden., Has watermarks., Prime meridian: Paris., and Relief shown by hachures.
"Ergänzt und nach den neuern Entdeckungen der Hrn. Lewis Clarke u: Pike vervollstandigt.", Includes inset of "Nordwestlichster Theil von Nord America.", Relief shown by hachures., and Yale's copy stamped on backing: Yale University Library, Karpinski-Von Wieser
Prime meridian: Paris., Relief shown by hachures., Shows boundaries of European claims on North America., Yale's copy blind stamped, "Ch. [?]cquet, Quai de Cont[?], no. 17, Paris.", and Yale's copy labelled on backing: Amérique septle. chez T.H. Wessel, gran
Chez J. Goujon, editeur-propriétaire, rue du Bac, no. 6, près le Pont royal,
In lower margin: à Berlin, chez Simon Schropp et compie. à Manheim, chez Artaria. à Vienne, chez Riedl, au Bureau d'Industrie. à Zurich, chez Fuessli et Compie. à Londres, chez Jas. Gardner, no. 163 Regent Street. à Mil and Relief shown by hachures.
Chez J. Goujon et J. Andriveau, géographes-editeurs, Rue du Bac, no. 17 près le pont Royal,
Includes text., Insets: Ile de Saint Domingue, dressée par H. Brue ́-- Ile de la Martinique -- Ile de la Guadeloupe de Marie-Galante, la désirade et les saintes -- Partie occidentale des iles Alëutiennes., Prime meridian: Paris., and Relief shown pictorially.
chez Desray, libraire-editeur, Rue Haute-feuille, No. 4 pres̀ celle St. Andre ́des Arcs : and chez J. Goujon, marchand de cartes geógraphiques, Rue du Bac No. 6,
Photocopy of map from Hennepin's Description de la Louisiane. Paris, 1683. and Relief shown pictorially.
Subject (Geographic):
North America--Maps
Subject (Name):
Guérard, Nicholas and Hennepin, Louis, 17th cent. Description de la Louisiane, nouvellement decouverte au sud' oüest de la Nouvelle France, par ordre du roy
In bottom left margin: Printed by Wm. Duffee., In top margin: American atlas., Includes text, ill., and insets of "Western part of the Aleutian Islands" and "Comparative altitudes of the mountains, towns &c. of North America.", and Possibly from 1923 ed. of Tanner's A new American atlas.
H.S. Tanner,
Subject (Geographic):
Central America--Maps and North America--Maps
Subject (Name):
Tanner, Henry Schenck, 1786-1858. New American atlas
In lower margin: London: Published 1 Jan. 1795 by A. Arrowsmith, No. 10 Soho Square ... additions to 1802., Includes notes., and Relief shown by hachures.