The description of this slide reflects the way that Erdoes organized 35mm slides. Erdoes arranged his slides in labeled containers that were sub-divided into labeled sections. The title for this image has been transcribed from its sub-section label; images of other slides from the same sub-section share the container title. The date listed here reflects a span of known dates associated the sub-section. In some cases, titles have been expanded to note particular individuals who appear frequently and who were identified by Erdoes in captions. Individual slide captions have not been transcribed or captured during digitization.
Subject (Geographic):
Brazil--Maps--Early works to 1800, North America--Maps, and World maps
Des Barres, Joseph F. W. (Joseph Frederick Wallet), 1722-1824
Published / Created:
Call Number:
1983 Folio 25
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Maps, Atlases & Globes
A made-up collection of charts, plans and views, partly hand colored, from the Atlantic Neptune comprising [v. 1]: the charts of the South East Coast of Nova Scotia, with the title page of The charts of the coast and harbors of New England, 1781 bound in front (31 items, dated between 1777 and 1781). [v. 2]: Charts of the coast and harbours in the Gulph and river of St. Lawrence, 1780, including the charts of the coast of New England (36 items, dated between 1775 and 1781). [v. 3]: Charts of several harbours and divers parts of the coast of North America from New York south westwards to the Gulph of Mexico, 1780, including some 16 charts belonging to the New England part of the work (35 items, dated between 1776 and 1781). General title page wanting.
Includes indexes.
The Admiralty,
Subject (Geographic):
North America--Maps and North America--Pictorial works
Colton, G. Woolworth (George Woolworth), 1827-1901
Published / Created:
Call Number:
71 1854B
Container / Volume:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Maps, Atlases & Globes
"Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1848 by J.H. Colton in the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern District of New York.", Includes ill. and decorative border., and Insets: Map of the Atlantic ocean, showing the American & Europe
Published by J.H. Colton and Co., No. 172 William St.,
Subject (Geographic):
North America--Maps
Subject (Name):
Atwood, John M., b. ca. 1818, Barnard, William S., b. ca. 1809, and Colton, J. H. (Joseph Hutchins), 1800-1893
Appears in Carey's Complete historical chronological, and geographical American atlas. Philadelphia, Pa. : H.C. Carey & I. Lea, 1822., Historical and descriptive text in margin., North America -- South America., and Relief shown pictorially.
H.C. Carey & I. Lea,
Subject (Geographic):
North America--Maps and South America--Maps
Subject (Name):
Carey & Lea, Carey, Henry Charles, 1793-1879. A complete historical, chronological, and geographical American atlas, Lea, Isaac, 1792-1886, and Young & Delleker
"Dédiée à l'Académie royale des sciences de l'Institut de France.", "Oeuvre posthume.", Bottom left sheet embossed with seal of Ch. Piquet., Covers North America and Iceland., and Insets: Complement pour les possessions Russes dans l'Amérique du nord -- Arch
Chez Ch. Picquet, Quai Conti no. 17, preś du Ponts des Arts,
Includes text., Insets: Ile de Saint Domingue, dressée par H. Brue ́-- Ile de la Martinique -- Ile de la Guadeloupe de Marie-Galante, la désirade et les saintes -- Partie occidentale des iles Alëutiennes., Prime meridian: Paris., and Relief shown pictorially.
chez Desray, libraire-editeur, Rue Haute-feuille, No. 4 pres̀ celle St. Andre ́des Arcs : and chez J. Goujon, marchand de cartes geógraphiques, Rue du Bac No. 6,
In lower margin: à Berlin, chez Simon Schropp et compie. à Manheim, chez Artaria. à Vienne, chez Riedl, au Bureau d'Industrie. à Zurich, chez Fuessli et Compie. à Londres, chez Jas. Gardner, no. 163 Regent Street. à Mil and Relief shown by hachures.
Chez J. Goujon et J. Andriveau, géographes-editeurs, Rue du Bac, no. 17 près le pont Royal,
Prime meridian: Paris., Relief shown by hachures., Shows boundaries of European claims on North America., Yale's copy blind stamped, "Ch. [?]cquet, Quai de Cont[?], no. 17, Paris.", and Yale's copy labelled on backing: Amérique septle. chez T.H. Wessel, gran
Chez J. Goujon, editeur-propriétaire, rue du Bac, no. 6, près le Pont royal,