"A 'god shop' where idols of Hindu gods are made and sold to the public." A boy sits next to rows of idols and holds one idol with wings in his lap. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"A group of Brahmans who get their living by going about begging from the people." Six men and boys pose for the camera. They are all wearing rags. Some sit and some stand. One of them has white stripes painted on his body. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"A corpse ready to be cremated. It is laid on a pile of dried cow manure which is sometimes used as the fuel." A corpse with a white cloth over all but the head is laid on a pile of cow manure. There are people of all ages standing around the body. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"A coolie girl with her basket picking tea leaves." A girl stands next to a bush with a basket. She has been picking the leaves of the bush for tea. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"A Hindu trying to earn merit by burying his head in the ground. The other man is his companion who calls out to passers-by." A man lies face-down with his head buried in the sand and one knee bent with that foot in the air. His companion sits cross-legged beside him, calling out to people passing by. There are two piles of sticks near them. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"A Hindu "holy" man reading a Gospel. Because of the influence these men have over the Hindus, when they become Christians they do a great deal of good." A man with long hair that is tied up in a bun on his head reads the Bible while sitting on the ground in front of a tent. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"This boy is lying on a bed of spikes believing that if he does this for a number of years he will gain merit and earn salvation." A boy lies on a bed of spikes with his head propped up on a wooden board. His knees are bent so that his feet are flat on the spikes. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"A boy worshipping the tulsi plant which is considered to be very "sacred" by all Hindus." A boy with only a simple rag clothing him worships a plant that is on top of a stone pedestal. His hands are clasped as if in prayer. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"This old Hindu took a vow that he would never again lie down. He has to sleep with ropes tied under his arms in order to keep from falling down." An elderly man with a long, bedraggled beard, holds a set of beads in his hands while he is being held upright by ropes around his arms. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"To earn religious merit one of these men has his head buried in the earth. His cmpanion attracts attention to shi act and counts his prayer beads." One man is lying on the ground with his head buried and his hands counting prayer beads. Another man gestures to the first man. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"A Hindu worshipper feeding ants. Although the majority of Hindus are very poor, yet they do these things, believing they may be feeding their dead relatives." A Hindu man bends down to feed ants. He is not wearing a shirt. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"The man in the center is hanging by his feet with his head over a slow fire." A man dressed in rags is hanging by his feet over a slow fire. There are many observers who stand around him in a semi-circle. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"Another man hanging by his knees with his head over a fire. He swings back and forth hoping by this torture to have his sins forgiven." A man dressed in rags hangs by his knees, swaying back and forth over a fire. There are many observers standing in a semi-circle around him. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"A man having a hook fastened into the muscles of his back preparatory to the "hook swinging sacrifice"." A man with his back facing the camera is having a hook attached to his back. There are other men standing around, including a man who is piercing the first man's back with the hook. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"This man tortures himself by holding his breath. His nostrils and his mouth are stopped. He claims he can hold his breath 5 minutes." A man sits cross-legged on the ground with a robe wrapped around him. There is a wire fence in front of him. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"A "holy" man on his bed of spikes which is so arranged that it can be pulled about." A nude, bearded man sits on a bed of spikes that has wheels on it so that it can be rolled around. Two other men sit near him and a cow stands to his right. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"A balancing trick. To earn merit this man swings on a stretched wire and counts his prayer beads." A nude man lies on a single wire that is stretched between trees while he counts prayer beads. He is also wearing beads around his neck. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"Another "holy" man who has taken a vow that he will never allow the finger nails of his left hand to be cut or broken." A man stands with wide eyes and hands openly facing the camera. The fingernails of his left hand are very long. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"The foot sticking out over this man's shoulder is his own foot that he has twisted around. This is his idea of earning religious merit." A bald man sits on the ground dressed in rags with bracelets around his arm and necklaces around his neck. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"This Hindu "holy" man sitting on his bed of spikes has his forehead painted with a "sign of the beast". The two little idols in the foreground are worshipped by the Hindus." A gathering of men, women, and children watch a man who is sitting on a bed of nails. The man is dressed in rags and hs two white stripes painted on his forehead. There are two HIndu idols sitting on the ground next to him. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"A "holy man" on his bed of spikes. By torturing himself in this way, he believes he will go to the Hindu heaven without repentance for sin." A man dressed in rags with a necklace around his neck sits on a bed of spikes. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"A Hindu trying to earn salvation. The large jar is filled with water and it falls on his head drop by drop." A man with his face painted white sits cross-legged under a table with two jugs of water on it. There are a few people in the background. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"The "hook swinging sacrifice". The man is swung from the top of a strong pole." A man with a hook attached to his back is then swung from a tall pole. There are many people at the base of the pole who are watching him. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"A man buried in the ground with only his head showing above. If he remains buried for any length of time he will be practically eaten alive by worms." A man's head is all that shows above the ground. There is some food around him and a few blankets strung up behind him. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"The foot sticking out over this man's shoulder is his own foot that he has twisted around. This is his idea of earning religious merit." Despite the caption for this picture, this man does not stick his foot over his shoulder. Instead, he sits cross-legged with both feet facing the sky. One of his arms is raised and the hand on that arm has very long fingernails. He is wearing a necklace. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"This old man has held up his arm for a great many years. The muscles are withered and his elbow is stiff." A bearded man dressed in rags with a cloth headdress and necklace is holding his left arm above his head. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"To do penance and gain merit this man has held up both arms and has become as helpless as a baby." A bald man dressed in rags sits on the floor with his knees bent up to his chest an his arms held above his head. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"Another man who is trying to earn salvation by burying his head in the ground. The Hindu idea is that one has to earn salvation by self-torture." A man, with his head buried in the ground, raises his legs up in the air. There are people passing by him and watching him in the background. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"A Hindu worshipping a god in the form of a small stone. It is placed near a pepul tree which is "sacred" to them." A man bends over and clasps his hands in prayer before a sacred stone. The stone is surrounded by flowers and there are two small jugs on the ground. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"The same man in another attitude of worship. Garlands of flowers have been carefully spread around the god." A Hindu man stands with his hands clasped in front o fhim and one foot raised behind the ankle of the opposite leg. He is worshipping the god in a small stone at the base of a tree in front of him. Garlands of flowers and two small jugs surround the stone. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"The same man in still another attitude of worship. In the brass lotah is Ganges water which he has just sprinkled on the god." A Hindu man squats on the ground with his hands clasped in front of him as he worships a god in a small stone in front of him at the base of a tree. The stone is surrounded by garlands of water and the two jugs, or lotahs, have the aforementioned sacred purpose. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"Another Hindu "holy" man with one arm raised up over his head. The man sitting at his side counting the prayer beads is his disciple." Two men sit cross-legged on the ground next to each other. One is holding his hand above his head, while the other counts prayer beads. They are both wearing prayer beads. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"Three "holy" men. The two in the foreground are lying on thorny cactus with the locks of their hair tied together." One man lies on a single wire stretched out and two other men lay on a thorny cactus beneath him. They have intertwined their hair. A few men stand in the bakcground, watching these men in their religious pursuits. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"The form of penance of these two "holy" men in the foreground is to go about naked." Two nude men sit cross-legged on a mat in the foreground, while other people sit around them. These two men are wearing beads around their necks. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"Sadhus torturing themselves by sitting in the hot sun with five fires around them. The temperature was 120 in the shade when this picture was taken." Five men sit cross-legged on the round with rags around their legs in a row. Each man has five fires around him. There is a group of people sitting underneath umbrellas behind these men. Some of the men have rags on or around their heads. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"A Hindu temple. The man in the foreground is in the act of worshipping. A large idol is at the side to the back of the man." A man stands with his back to a large idol in the forground. In the background is a large, ornately decorated temple with people on the front steps. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
Subject (Geographic):
Uttar Pradesh--India
Subject (Topic):
Indigenous populations; Religious practice; Temples
"Our Indian Pastor, Brother John Thomas Navitt. He has a devoted wife and five little children." An Indian Pastor smiles for the camera as he stands in front of a large column at the edge of a porch. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"A baptismal scene in the river at Benares. Our Indian Pastor is doing the baptising." An indigenous pastor and three young men stand in the river as the pastor baptizes them. The water comes up to their waists. In the background is a man in a small boat. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
Subject (Geographic):
Uttar Pradesh--India
Subject (Topic):
Indigenous populations; Religious practice; Clergy
"A famine scene in India. Many of our best Christian workers were once famine sufferers." Men, women, and children of all ages who have been affected by the famine huddle together. The effects of the famine are very apparent. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"A Juggernath car being pulled through the streets of India. There are great wooden wheels on this car and sometimes poor pilgrims are crushed under them." A large car, or wagon, decorated with many idols and other figures rolls down a very crowded street. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"Another temple of Juggernath being pulled through the streets by hundreds of excited and earnest devotees." A large temple is being pulled through a street on wheels. It is ornately decorated with idols and other figures. The street is very crowded and people are watching the scene from the buildings on either side of the street. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"Our Brother and Sister Linden who look after our Orphan Boys." A man and woman in light-colored clothes stand together in front of a building. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
Printed on the photograph are the words, "Madras Toddyman Climbing a Tree." The accompanying caption reads, "A man climbing to the top of a date palm tree. The sap of this tree is used to make an alcoholic drink." A man with a jug and another container strapped to his side climbs up a tree. Another man does the same thing in the background. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"Cutting off the lock of hair just before baptism takes place. This lock of hair is a badge of Hinduism." Three young men squat on the ground next to a river. Another man cuts a lock of hair from one of the three squatting men. Another man sits in the background, farther down the bank of the river. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
Printed on the photograph are the words, "Propitiation To The Goddess Kali In [?] of Cholera." The accompanying caption reads, "Sacrificing a goat to a heathen god in India." A goat is stuck on top of a long pole, which has been secured in the ground. There are three men standing and squatting near the goat. Another man in the background is driving oxen who are pulling a cart. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"The Burning Ghats of Benares where the Hindus burn their dead." A few men tend fires that are burning corpses. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"Our Brother Kubera Parmar, the business manager for the Mission." Brother Kubera Parmar poses for the camera, wearing white pants and a dark coat. He has a moustache and stands in front of what appears to be a painted wall. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"Another picture of the land we hope to purchase. The gentleman standing by the well is Mr. Norton." Mr. Norton stands by a brick well and some trees in a large open area. There is a car in the background and a man standing next to it. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"The land we hope to buy for starting the Industrial Work for the new converts. The lady in the picture is Mrs. Norton." Mrs. Norton stands in the middle of a large open field while wearing a hat. There is an animal standing in the field. It is possibly a large dog. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"Some of our Orphan Boys who are being trained so that they can make Jesus known to their own people." Orphaned boys gather together to pose for the camera. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].