Printed on the photograph are the words, "3079 - A Hindu Sacrifice." The accompanying caption reads, "Preparing to sacrifice a young buffalo before a Hindu temple. After the animal's head is cut off, some blood is sprinkled before the idol." Two boys stand by a young buffalo in front of a Hindu temple. The buffalo is tied up and one boy holds it from behind, while the other boy prepares to cut of its head with a knife. There are people watching them in the background. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"Two Hindus worshipping figures of snakes. Many of the heathen believe their idols are demon possessed." Two men are worshipping stone carvings of snakes. One sits cross-legged by them and stares at the ground with his hands clasped. The other man kneels and has his forearms on the ground with his head leaning on his hands. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"Hindus eating curry and rice. There is no table or fork, knife and spoon. The men eat first and the women last." Three men are eating from plates on the ground without any utensils. They are all sitting cross-legged on the ground. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"The three lady missionaries of the Mission. They are from left to right, Miss Margaret Sveinsson, Miss Dorothy Dech, and Miss Margaret Jones." Three female missionaries pose for the camera in front of a tree. They are wearing white dresses and hats. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
Printed on the photograph are the words, "Dancing Girls." The accompanying caption reads, "Temple girls of South India. These girls are "married" to the idols and become the slaves of the priests." Girls dressed ornately in uniforms pose at the base of a large tree. They all have decorated head-garments and nose rings. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"A village street in India with a great temple in the background." A large, ornately decorated pagoda/temple and a smaller, but equally ornately decorated building next to it form the backdrop for the scene of an Indian road. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"Devil Dancers in India. Worshipping the devil is a part of nearly all heathen religions." Six men in traditional costumes dance as they worship the devil. Four of them stand with spears pointed at the other two who are kneeling on the ground. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"A perfect number of Hindu babies in a basket." Seven Hindu children sit in a basket. One of the girls has a nose ring. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"A village school for boys. Their teacher is at the left. These boys as well as their teacher are all heathen." Boys sit in rows, working on schoolwork. Their teacher sits on a stool next to them. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].
"Pilgrims measuring the distance from shrine to shrine by their own bodies." Pilgrims are lying face down on the ground with their arms outstretched in order to measure the distance between shrines. The feet of observers are on their left. This photograph is from an album prepared by W. K. Norton of The Pilgrims Mission, Benares [Vārānasi].