Kort beskrifning om provincien Nya Swerige uti America : som nu foertjden af the Engelske kallas
Image Count:
Between p. 52 & p. 53., Engraved by Holm, Thomas Campanius, ca. 1670-1702., and Teaching resource: Professor John Mack Faragher, History 141: The American West.
Subject (Geographic):
New England --Maps --Early works to 1800, United States --Maps --Early works to 1800, and Virginia --Maps --Early works to 1800
Collection Created:
Stockholm : Tryckt uti Kongl. boktr. hos S. Wankijfs ankia, med egen bekostnad, af J. H. Werner, 1702
The discoveries of John Lederer : in three several marches from Virginia, to the west of Carolina
Image Count:
Engraved by Cross. and Preceding title page.
Subject (Geographic):
North Carolina --Description and travel, North Carolina --Maps --Early works to 1800, Virginia --Description and travel, and Virginia --Maps --Early works to 1800
Subject (Name):
Talbot, William
Subject (Topic):
Indians of North America --North Carolina and Indians of North America --Virginia
The English pilot: describing the West-India navigation, from Hudson's-Bay to the river Amazones
Image Count:
Subject (Geographic):
Atlantic Ocean --Maps --Early works to 1800, Chesapeake Bay (Md. and Va.) --Maps --Early works to 1800, Delaware Bay (Del. and N.J.) --Maps --Early works to 1800, Maryland --Maps --Early works to 1800, New Jersey --Maps --Early works to 1800, Pennsylvania --Maps --Early works to 1800, and Virginia --Maps --Early works to 1800
Subject (Topic):
Navigation --Early works to 1800, Pilot guides --Atlantic Coast (U.S.) --Early works to 1800, and Pilot guides --Caribbean Area --Early works to 1800
Collection Created:
London : Printed for W. and J. Mount, T. Page and son, on Tower-Hill, MDCCLX [1760]
The English pilot: describing the West-India navigation, from Hudson's-Bay to the river Amazones
Image Count:
Subject (Geographic):
Atlantic Ocean --Maps --Early works to 1800, Maryland --Maps --Early works to 1800, New Jersey --Maps --Early works to 1800, and Virginia --Maps --Early works to 1800
Subject (Topic):
Navigation --Early works to 1800, Pilot guides --Atlantic Coast (U.S.) --Early works to 1800, and Pilot guides --Caribbean Area --Early works to 1800
Collection Created:
London : Printed for Thomas Page, William and Fisher Mount, in Postern-Row on Tower-hill, MDCCXXV [1725]
The English pilot: describing the West-India navigation, from Hudson's-Bay to the river Amazones
Image Count:
Subject (Geographic):
Atlantic Ocean --Maps --Early works to 1800, Maryland --Maps --Early works to 1800, New Jersey --Maps --Early works to 1800, and Virginia --Maps --Early works to 1800
Subject (Topic):
Navigation --Early works to 1800, Pilot guides --Atlantic Coast (U.S.) --Early works to 1800, and Pilot guides --Caribbean Area --Early works to 1800
The English pilot: describing the West-India navigation, from Hudson's-Bay to the river Amazones
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Maps, Atlases & Globes
Subject (Geographic):
Atlantic Ocean --Maps --Early works to 1800, Maryland --Maps --Early works to 1800, New England --Maps --Early works to 1800, New Jersey --Maps --Early works to 1800, New York (State) --Maps --Early works to 1800, Newfoundland and Labrador --Maps --Early works to 1800, and Virginia --Maps --Early works to 1800
Subject (Topic):
Navigation --Early works to 1800, Pilot guides --Atlantic Coast (U.S.) --Early works to 1800, and Pilot guides --Caribbean Area --Early works to 1800
Collection Created:
London : Printed for W. and J. Mount, T. Page and son, on Tower-Hill, MDCCLIX [1759]
The English pilot: describing the West-India navigation, from Hudson's-Bay to the river Amazones
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Maps, Atlases & Globes
Subject (Geographic):
Atlantic Ocean --Maps --Early works to 1800, Maryland --Maps --Early works to 1800, New Jersey --Maps --Early works to 1800, and Virginia --Maps --Early works to 1800
Subject (Topic):
Navigation --Early works to 1800, Pilot guides --Atlantic Coast (U.S.) --Early works to 1800, and Pilot guides --Caribbean Area --Early works to 1800
Collection Created:
London : Printed for W. and J. Mount, T. Page and son, on Tower-Hill, MDCCLIX [1759]
The English pilot: describing the sea-coasts, capes, head-lands, rivers, bays, roads, havens
Image Count:
Most maps numbered in pencil on verso, some on recto.
Subject (Geographic):
Atlantic Ocean --Maps --Early works to 1800, Maryland --Maps --Early works to 1800, New Jersey --Maps --Early works to 1800, and Virginia --Maps --Early works to 1800
Subject (Topic):
Navigation --Early works to 1800, Pilot guides --Atlantic Coast (U.S.) --Early works to 1800, and Pilot guides --Caribbean Area --Early works to 1800
Collection Created:
London : Printed for John Thornton, at the sign of the England, Scotland, and Ireland, in the Minories, and Richard Mount, at the Postern on Tower-Hill, 1698London : Printed for John Thornton, at the sign of the England, Scotland, and Ireland, in the Minories, and Richard Mount, at the Postern on Tower-Hill, 1698
The generall historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Iles : with the names of the
Image Count:
Inset depicting Powhatan.
Between p. 40-41. and Teaching resource: Professor John Mack Faragher, History 141: The American West.
Subject (Geographic):
Virginia --Maps --Early works to 1800
Subject (Topic):
Discoveries in geography, First contact of aboriginal peoples with Westerners, Indians of North America --Virginia --Early works to 1800, and Voyages and travels
Collection Created:
London : Printed by I.[ohn] D.[awson] and I.[ohn] H.[aviland] for Michael Sparkes, 1625