In Latin., Script: Written in two sizes of round liturgical gothic script by several scribes: Scribe 1, ff. 1r-235r; Scribe 2, f. 235r-v, and Scribe 3, ff. 236r-245v., Three fine historiated initials, 4- to 2-line, shaded pink and/or green, with blue, yellow, green and orange foliage and knots, with gold dots and orange frame; figures against blue ground. 3- to 2-line calligraphic initials, divided, red and blue with red penwork, with blue and red penwork flourishes. 1-line initials red or blue with blue or red penwork, sometimes with black and green; some initials with guide-letters in outer margin. 1-line initials with yellow. Square notes on 4-line red staves. Rubrics throughout, with notes to rubricator in margins. One very crude 4-line initial (s. xvii) on f. 1r, in red, yellow, blue, green and purple., and Binding: Eighteenth century. Rebound in brown cowhide (?), blind-tooled, with numerous metal bosses. Pastedowns from the same 17th-century antiphonary used as flyleaves.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Liturgy, Antiphonaries, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript fragment, on parchment, from an antiphonal, containing parts of the offices for the first Tuesday and the second Sunday in Lent
In Latin., Script: late caroline minuscule with protogothic features., Decoration: rubricated. Large initials in red., and Musical notation (neumes) above the lines of text; no staves.
Manuscript on paper (sturdy; staggered thumb holes at bottom of leaves) of Antiphons for suffrages. With liturgies and offices for various occasions. Written during the 16th century presumably for Franciscan use and supplemented during the 17th century; the second portion may have been added for use of the Reform Congregation of the Spanish Discalceates of which Peter of Alcantara was the founder
In Latin., Script: Written by two scribes in a large round gothic bookhand. 1) ff. 1r-43v (16th century); 2) ff. 44r-50r (17th century). Scribe 2 attempts to replicate the work of Scribe 1, but uses 5-line staves rather than 4-line., Decoration for ff. 1r-43v: initials, with foliage designs, in rectangular frame, often with ground uncolored; colors range from vibrant blue, yellow, and orange to olive green and dark purple. Initials for ff. 44r-50r, of similar design, with more subdued shades, and no frames., and Binding: Seventeenth century. Vellum stays, contemporary paper flyleaves and pastedowns. Original sewing on five supports attached to very thick, square wooden boards. Beaded and colored endbands. Red edges. Covered in brown calf (cow?) reinforced at spine with additional leather and straps nailed to the boards. Traces of a strap and pin fastening. Vellum label with notation "Antiphonar. Com. sanctorum" nailed to lower board. The badly warped upper board is reinforced with two strips of wood placed vertically on the upper surface.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church and Franciscans.
Subject (Topic):
Liturgy, Antiphonaries, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript fragment on parchment (6 non-consecutive leaves) of vesper antiphons. Feasts noted for some antiphons are: Ascension; 21st-23rd Sunday after Pentecost; Vigil of Saints Peter and Paul
In Latin., Script: written by a single scribe in a formal gothic bookhand., Six lines of text with musical notation on a four-line red staff. Initials in red, blue, and black., and Unbound.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Liturgy, Antiphonaries, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Vespers (Music)
Manuscript fragment on parchment of 2 leaves from an Advent Sunday antiphonal
In Latin., Script: praegothica handwriting with Southern features. Notation on four-line staves, marked with letter keys. Headings in bold Uncial. Headings, versals and plain initials in red., and Fragments from an antiphonary, including the first Sunday of Advent and the Feast of St. Lucia (December 13). A bifolium; between the two leaves an unknown number of folios is missing.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Liturgy, Advent music, Antiphonaries, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Music
Introitus for the Mass for the feast of two or more martyrs outside of Eastertide, to be inserted into a Gradual
In Latin., Script: copied by two hands, both writing Southern Gothica Textualis Formata with Spanish features. Hand A copied the four upper lines on f. 1r in a regular handwriting; hand B copied all the rest over erasure in a more artificial handwriting, which is of exceptionally large size on f. 1r. Musical notation in black nota quadrata. Red rubrics in the four upper lines on f. 1r. A large cadel D on the verso (“Deus”). F. 1r has rich decoration in a style influenced by Ghent-Bruges illumination: large historiated initial (2 staves + 2 lines of text) with the seated Virgin and the naked Christ child standing on her lap; at right a soldier in armour holding a lance (an illustration of the “Miracle of the Knight of Cologne”). Full architectural border subdivided in niches containing personages; in the left-hand border Sts. Andrew, Paul, Philip, and James the Less; in the lower section Jeremiah and Zechariah, flanking a central panel containing two angels holding a cloth displaying the Five Wounds of Christ with the motto “Miserere mei”; in the right-hand border four angels holding trumpets; in the top section a row of roses between twisted branches., and Originally the text, beginning with the initial, was that of the Antiphon “Sacerdos et pontifex”, sung at Vespers on the feast of a confessor bishop. It was erased and replaced with the current text, which is the Introitus for the Mass for the feast of two or more martyrs outside of Eastertide. The rubric at the top of the page and the initial were not erased, although they did not fit any longer the text. So the leaf originally was part of an Antiphonary, but it was removed and rewritten to be inserted into a Gradual.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Liturgy, Antiphonaries, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on parchment of 3 liturgical rolls, containing Ambrosian Rite Antiphons for Rogation Days, with musical notation
In Latin., Script: copied by a single hand in Southern Gothica Textualis Libraria. Musical notation in early nota quadrata on four-line staves., Three rolls, consisting of pieces of parchment sewn together., and Liturgical chants for the Monday of the Minor Rogations (the Monday before Ascension day), according to the Ambrosian rite; liturgical chants for the Tuesday of the Minor Rogations; liturgical chants for the Wednesday of the Minor Rogations; and a fragment of a manuscript on parchment pasted onto the verso of roll 3, 13th or 14th century, written in Southern Gothica Textualis Libraria (Rotunda): Albertus Gandinus (1245?-1310?), Tractatus de maleficiis.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Ambrosian rite, Antiphonaries, Manuscripts, Medieval, Music, and Rogation days
Manuscript fragment on parchment of an antiphonary containing Saturday throughout the year, matins
In Latin., Script: written in a formal gothic bookhand (littera textualis formata)., and Decoration: on the recto there is a 4-line initial "C", in red and blue on a ground outlined in purple and decorated with purple foliage on red cross-hatching; 1-line initials at the beginning of the hymn and the psalm are red; rubrics written in red in the same script as the text; punctuated with the punctus and the comma; hyphenation is in the same ink as the text.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of an antiphonary containing St. Cecilia (22 November).
In Latin., Script: written in a formal gothic bookhand (littera textualis formata)., and Decoration: musical notation in black on a five-line staff in red; on the recto there is a 2-line initial "C" in red and blue on a rectangular ground of red and blue penwork; the 2-line initial "E" on the verso and the 1-line initials are black; rubrics are written in red in the same script as the text, but in a smaller module; punctuated with the punctus; hyphenation is in the same ink as the text.