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1. The congress of brutes [graphic].
- Published / Created:
- [1748]
- Call Number:
- 748.05.00.01+
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- A satire of the Congress and Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle with references to Silesia and Gibraltar and the territorial concessions made by the British, specifically relinguishing Capr Breton to France. Here the European powers are represented as beasts: France is depicted as a crowing cock; England as lion; Holland as boar; Genoa as dog; Prussia as wolf; Spain as leopard; Germany as griffin; Austria as eagle; and the Duchy of Lorraine as dog
- Description:
- Title engraved above image., Truman's notes about the print are shelved as: LWL Mss Group 1 File 10., Watermark: Pro patria., and Mounted to 30 x 40 cm.
- Publisher:
- publisher not identified
- Subject (Geographic):
- Great Britain and Europe
- Subject (Topic):
- Foreign relations, Politics and government, Animals in human situations, Roosters, Lions, Boars, Dogs, Wolves, Eagles, Leopards, and Griffins
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > The congress of brutes [graphic].
2. The Earl of Jersey and Miss Ford [graphic].
- Published / Created:
- [1761]
- Call Number:
- 761.02.00.01
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- An etching in outline representing the interior of a room, with a door on the left, a circular table on the right. On the table is a dish on which sits a boar's head; a scroll on the table to the left reads "Reprieve for murder." A crutch is propped up against the back of the table. From the ceiling above the middle of the room hangs a birdcage with a yellow bird inside. Under the birdcage sits the singer Miss Anne Ford a guitar in hand; Anne was the daughter of Thomas Ford Clerk of Arraigns, an Old Bailey lawyer. She sings "si tutti de olberi". William, the third Earl of Jersay kneels at her feet and with joined hands says, "Believe my sighs my vows my dear &c" A second crutch lies on the ground beside him; he is much older and suffers from gout. The lawyer Ford enters the room from the left, hat under his arm as he regards the scene with amusement. See British Museum catalogue
- Description:
- Title and publication date from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark with loss of title., Plate used for frontispiece Thicknesse, A. Letter from Miss F--d, addressed to a person of distinction. 2nd ed. London, 1761., See Gentleman's magazine, January 1761, pages 33, 79., Watermark., and Mounted to 27 x 37 cm.
- Publisher:
- publisher not identified
- Subject (Name):
- Jersey, George Bussey Villiers, Earl of, 1735-1805, Thicknesse, Ann, 1737-1824, and Ford, Thomas, -1768,
- Subject (Topic):
- Birdcages, Boars, Courtship, Crutches, Gout, Guitars, Interiors, Lawyers, and Singers
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > The Earl of Jersey and Miss Ford [graphic].
3. [A barber's shop] [graphic].
- Published / Created:
- [1766?]
- Call Number:
- 766.00.00.05+
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Description:
- Title from British Museum catalogue., Original etched by W.H. Toms., Publication date from an unverified card catalog record, based on an advertisement of the series in Robert Sayer's catalog for 1766. Cf. Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 2, no. 1858. Publication date of the original in Stephens: ca. 1730., Plate numbered '5' in lower left corner, possibly one of a series of reissues of Egbert van Heemskerck, the Younger's satires, published in the 1760s., Eight lines of verse in two columns below image: A barbers shop a medley shews, Of monsters, wigs, drawn-teeth and news, While one is shav'd another bleeds, a third the Grub Street Jornal reads ..., Slightly reduced copy in reverse, without attribution, and with different verses. Cf. No. 1859 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 2., and Temporary local subject terms: Containers: tubs -- Barber's implements: dish and scissors -- Amputees -- Newspapers: Grub Street Journal -- Medical procedures: blood-letting.
- Publisher:
- publisher not identified
- Subject (Topic):
- Animals in human situations, Barbers, Barbershops, Boars, Cats, Dead animals, Dental equipment & supplies, Dentistry, Donkeys, Elephants, Fish, Hunting trophies, Interiors, Medical procedures & techniques, Monkeys, Peg legs, Signs (Notices), and Teeth
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > [A barber's shop] [graphic].
4. A touch of the sublime!!!, or, The Pell-Mell boar and the powers of brandy! [graphic]
- Creator:
- Vowles, S., active 1820-1825, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- [30 September 1820]
- Call Number:
- Folio 724 835G v.1 (Oversize)
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- "Heading to a lithographed broadside. The interior of a boarded sty in which a great boar, with the head of George IV, lies upon straw, boar and straw being spotted with black. Castlereagh empties a bucket of brandy into an overflowing trough, while Sidmouth leans over the half-door to squirt the animal with his clyster-pipe (cf. British Museum Satires No. 9849). The former says: "Friend Sid-- the Augean Stables were nothing to clense, compar'd to this Stye!!!" Sidmouth: "Aye, my worthy Fellow Servant, you will find the Stye, your Masterpiece! and with all my care, I can't make this Beast appear decent, he is so cover'd with filth!!" The first and last of five verses: 'In fam'd Pell-Mell [Carlton House] is kept a Boar, Which no strong tie can bind, No Savage Beast e'er known before, Was like it in its kind: Its breech so large, 'twould fill a barge. Its craw much larger still; To fill which full, One Mister Bull Pays dear for Brardy-Swill! . . . This Brute, unlike all other Boars, A faithless treacherous he Befouls its stye, and wastes its stores With each foul Boorish She! While belching still, its foul-breathed will, Its true-mate's life it seeks; And in the stretch of beastly lech Each tie of Nature breaks!!!'."--British Museum online catalogue
- Alternative Title:
- Pell-Mell boar and the powers of brandy!
- Description:
- Title from text below image., Five numbered stanzas of verse below title: In fam'd Pell-Mell is kept a boar, Which no strong tie can bind ..., Three lines of text above imprint: The above hymn was written in a pious mood, on a saintly subject, and sung with pure devotion by a holy-assemblage of faithful worshippers ...., "Price one shilling"--Below imprint., Mounted to 58 x 39 cm., Mounted on leaf 89 in volume 1 of the W.E. Gladstone collection of caricatures and broadsides surrounding the "Queen Caroline Affair.", and Figures of "Geo. IV," "Sidmouth," and "Londondery [sic]" identified in ink below image; date "30 Sep. 1820" written in ink in lower right corner of sheet. The word "Suppressed" is written twice at bottom of sheet, once in ink in lower center (beneath price statement) and once in pencil in lower right. Typed extract of three lines from the British Museum catalogue description is pasted beneath print.
- Publisher:
- Pubd. 30th Septr. 1820 by J. Griffin, outside Middle Row, Holborn, opposite Gray's Inn Lane
- Subject (Name):
- Caroline, Queen, consort of George IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821., George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Sidmouth, Henry Addington, Viscount, 1757-1844, and Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Viscount, 1769-1822
- Subject (Topic):
- Pig houses, Boars, Straw, Pails, Alcoholic beverages, Troughs, and Medical equipment & supplies
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > A touch of the sublime!!!, or, The Pell-Mell boar and the powers of brandy! [graphic]
5. [The Florentine boar in bronze] [art original].
- Creator:
- Harding, G. P. (George Perfect), 1780-1853, artist
- Published / Created:
- [not after 1824]
- Call Number:
- Folio 33 30 Copy 4
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Abstract:
- Drawing of a bronze statue of a boar, in a seated position facing right, in the Tribune at Strawberry Hill
- Description:
- Title devised by curator., Unsigned; questionable attribution to George Perfect Harding from local card catalog record., Date based on date of William Bawtree's death., and Mounted on page 170 of William Bawtree's extra-illustrated copy of: Horace Walpole's A description of the villa of Mr. Horace Walpole (Strawberry Hill : Printed by Thomas Kirgate, 1784). See A.T. Hazen's Bibliography of the Strawberry Hill Press (1973 ed.), no. 30, copy 11.
- Subject (Name):
- Strawberry Hill (Twickenham, London, England)
- Subject (Topic):
- Sculpture and Boars
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > [The Florentine boar in bronze] [art original].
6. What a bore!! [graphic]
- Creator:
- Hullmandel, Charles Joseph, 1789-1850, printmaker
- Published / Created:
- 1826.
- Call Number:
- 826.00.00.70
- Image Count:
- 1
- Resource Type:
- still image
- Description:
- Title from caption below image. and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
- Publisher:
- Pubd. by Rowe & Waller, 49 Fleet Street
- Subject (Topic):
- Animal shows, Boars, and Elephants
- Found in:
- Lewis Walpole Library > What a bore!! [graphic]