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28. Super infortiato et Digesto Novo (fragment).
- Creator:
- Dinus, de Mugello, 1254-approximately 1300
- Published / Created:
- [13--].
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 483.20
- Image Count:
- 2
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript fragment on parchment of Dynus de Mugello's Super infortiato et Digesto Novo; the first part of the text of this fragment follows fairly closely to the printed text of the commentary by Dynus de Mugello, a teacher of law at Bologna, although in many minor instances it agrees more closely with the quotations attributed to Dynus by Albericus de Rosate in his commentary
- Description:
- In Latin., Script: written in a cramped and inelegant gothic script (scripture notularis)., and Decoration: two 2-line initials alternating red and blue decorated with red penwork; rubrics written in red gothic cursive; the lemmata are marked with alternating red and blue paragraph marks, and some are underlined in brown; punctuated with the punctus; hyphenation is in the same ink as the text.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Topic):
- Manuscripts, Medieval and Canon law
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Super infortiato et Digesto Novo (fragment).
29. Supplementum Summae Pisanellae
- Creator:
- Nicholas, of Osimo, -1453
- Published / Created:
- [ca. 1450]
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 641
- Image Count:
- 359
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript on parchment (goatskin) of Nicolaus de Osimo (Auximo) OFM (d. after 1453), Supplementum Summae Pisanellae, an alphabetically arranged supplement to the Summa de casibus conscientiae of Bartholomew of Pisa (Bartholomaeus de Sancto Concordio, d. 1347). Produced at the Franciscan convent of Santa Maria degli Angeli near Milan
- Description:
- In Latin., Script: Apparently 8 scribes, all writing Southern Gothica., Decoration: The decoration of artt. 1-4 consists of heightening of the majuscules in yellow; blue or red paragraph marks. In art. 3 the chapters normally open with a 2-line (rarely 3-line) flourished initial with penwork extensions in the left margin or in the intercolumnar space, alternately red with purple or blue penwork and blue with red penwork; the first lemma of each letter opens with a 3- or 4-line flourished initial filled with foliage and with more developed marginal extensions. The text opens on f. 5v with a 5-line dentelle initial with green and blue background heightened with gold and white, followed by 5 lines of text mostly in majuscules. The decoration of art. 7 is similar to that of art. 3 but less carefully executed., and Binding: Eighteenth century (?). White parchment over pasteboard, with two modern brass clasps fixed to the front cover. On the spine green leather label with gold-tooled title "SUMA MAGISTRA". On the bottom edge the title "Summa Pisa****" is written.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Nicholas, of Osimo, -1453. and Franciscans
- Subject (Topic):
- Manuscripts, Canon law, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Latin literature, Medieval and modern, and Manuscripts, Medieval
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Supplementum Summae Pisanellae
30. Treatises of Canon law, Pierre d'Ailly, Nicholas Oresme
- Published / Created:
- [between 1450 and 1500]
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 533
- Image Count:
- 301
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript on paper of an unidentified dissertation on dispensation from prescriptions of natural or divine law; an unidentified dissertation on the worldly possessions of the clergy and their legitimate employment; Iohannes de Lisura, anonymous opinion in response to a consultation by the city of Lille on the legality of investing the money of minors at interest; and fragments of several texts by Pierre d'Ailly and Nicholas Oresme
- Description:
- In Latin., Watermark: similar to Briquet 1474 (?)., Script: Copied by 3 hands: Scribe 1 copied ff. 1r-54r in Gothica Hybrida Libraria marked by the use of looped d and one-stroke x; scribe 2 copied ff. 54v-57r in Gothica Cursiva Currens; scribe 3 copied ff. 61r-143r in Gothica Hybrida Libraria under slight Humanistic influence., Headings in red or underlined in red. Heightening of majuscules in red. Red paragraph marks. Plain initials in red (2- or 3-lines, not executed on f. 100r); on f. 1r blank foliage has been spared in the initial's body. Guide-letters in the space reserved for the initials., and Binding: Original brown calf over wooden boards, blind-tooled with fillets and the following small stamps: a square two-headed eagle, a square lion rampant, a square bird and a floweret. At the top of the front cover the title in ink (ca. 1500) "Contra novos Hebreos". Remains of two decorated brass clasps, attached to the rear cover. Spine with four raised bands. White parchment paste-downs. Parchment tabs pasted on the outer edge of ff. 54 and 94; others are lost.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Topic):
- Canon law, Dispensations (Canon law), Dissertations, Academic, and Manuscripts, Medieval
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Treatises of Canon law, Pierre d'Ailly, Nicholas Oresme
31. XIII sermones, etc
- Creator:
- Michael, of Hungary
- Published / Created:
- [ca. 1480-83]
- Call Number:
- Beinecke MS 647
- Image Count:
- 140
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript on parchment of Michael of Hungary, XIII Sermones, bound with several other texts
- Description:
- In Latin., Script: Written by several scribes in a gothic cursive script., Initials in red. Rubricated. Flyleaves contain an early 14th-century English canon law manuscript., and Binding: Fifteenth century. Blind stamped leather over wooden boards.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Name):
- Michael, of Hungary.
- Subject (Topic):
- Canon law, Education (Christian theology), Manuscripts, Medieval, Sermons, and Sermons, Latin
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > XIII sermones, etc