Manuscript fragment on parchment of Institutio canonicorum promulgated by the Council of Aachen in 816
In Latin., Script: copied by one hand in Carolina., The upper section of the leaves and the outer half of f. 2 are missing and the pages are stained, obscuring the text. F. 1 is broken in two parts according to a vertical line., One bifolium, being the outer one of the last quaternio of a codex or of a section of a codex. At the bottom of the blank f. 2v the quire mark "XIIII"., and Heading in red. Black 2-line initials at the opening of the canons.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Council of Aachen
Subject (Topic):
Councils and synods, Canon law, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on parchment (thick, poor quality) of excerpts from the writings of Church Fathers, canon law, and conciliar documents. There has been extensive scholarly debate about the manuscript's provenance and its relation to other copies of the Pseudo-Isidore Decretals. The manuscript seems to have been written, corrected, and rubricated by multiple scribes and to have been composed in units; the quality of the parchment often changes from scribe to scribe
In Latin., Script: Written in Caroline minuscule., and Binding: Eighteenth century. Brown calf with gold-tooled spine. Boards mostly detached, sewing breaking, part of spine leather wanting.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Subject (Topic):
Canon law, Fathers of the church, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript fragment on parchment of portions of Pseudo-Isidore's Decretales
In Latin., Script: written in Caroline minuscule., and Decoration: 1-line initials are in red square capitals; one initial is in brown; rubrics are written in red minuscule; punctuated with the punctus and punctus elevatus.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of Decretales, containing the end of an unidentified text and a text containing a portion of the Synod of Tribur (895).
In Latin., Script: written in late Caroline minuscule., and Decoration: 2-line capital "A" is a red square capital; 1-line initials are in brown capitals; the rubric is written in red minuscule; punctuated with the punctus.
Bonizo, of Sutri, approximately 1045-approximately 1095
Published / Created:
[between 1125 and 1150]
Call Number:
Beinecke MS 1154
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Manuscript on parchment, in a single hand, containing two works by Bonizo, Bishop of Sutri
Bonizo of Sutri was born around 1045, probably in Milan, and was appointed bishop of Sutri soon after his arrival in Rome in 1074. He was sent to Cremona as papal legate in 1078. Bonizo sided with Gregory VII during the investiture controversy, and lived for several years under the protection of Countess Mathilda of Tuscany., In Latin., and Binding: modern full red leather.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Bonizo, of Sutri, approximately 1045-approximately 1095.
Rufinus, Archbishop of Sorrento, active 12th century
Published / Created:
approximately 1160-approximately 1180.
Call Number:
Takamiya MS 91
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Manuscript fragment on parchment of Rufinus' summa on Gratian's Decretum
In Latin., Layout: double columns of 35 lines., Script: protogothic., and Shailor and Watters have identified this fragment as coming from the same parent manuscript as Beinecke MS 712.254.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of Bernardo of Parma's gloss on the Decretals of Gregory IX, including sections over liber III
In Latin., Script: written in a heavily abbreviated gothic script., Decoration: running heads, initials, and rubrics in red; some contemporary marginal commentary., and These fragments, which appear to be from the same manuscript, are contained in Zi +156 (Bernhard von Breydenbach, Prefatio in opus transmarine...), in which the fragments are used as front and back endpapers.
Manuscript on parchment (poor quality: holes, end pieces). The text is also accompanied by extracts from the gloss of Bernardus Parmensis on the Decretals of Pope Gregory IX; these were probably added ca. 1245 or later
In Latin., Script: Text portion written in cramped bookhand; gloss and additions in several contemporary and later hands, some more cursive, all highly abbreviated., Headings in majuscules alternating red and blue with simple pen scrolls in opposite color. Decorative initials, 5- to 2-line, set out in margins, red with blue designs alternating blue with red. Rubrics, and running titles (book numbers) in red for arts. 1-2. Spiral line-fillers and 1-line initials in red or blue. Notes for rubricator., Some leaves stained and/or mutilated, with loss of text and gloss: ff. 1-3, 45, 84. Defects in leaves repaired with red and blue thread., and Binding: 19th-20th centuries. Spanish (?). Rigid vellum case; lettering on spine, in black: "Inocenti Decreta". On upper cover, painted inscription in red and blue, that attempts to reproduce heading on f. 1r: "Innocentij".
Manuscript on parchment composed in two parts. Part I (13th century): Nicolaus Tornacensis [?], Commentaria super Exodum 14.4-15.5; Commentaria in Lucam 1.19-1.33. With Philippus Cancellarius, Sermones de tempore; and unidentified texts on canon law. Part II (15th century): Nicolaus de Lyra, Postilla in Iosuam; Postilla in Iudices
In Latin., Script: Part I (ff. 1-113): Written by multiple scribes in spiky gothic bookhand, both above and below top line; ff. 59v-60r in a later, less formal gothic script. Part II (ff. 114-165): Written in batarde script, below top line., Part I: Poorly executed initials, 3- to 2-line, in blue or red with designs in opposite color; plain red or blue initials for arts. 1 and 5. Headings and underlining for Biblical passages in red. Part II: Plain initials, 4- to 2-line, headings, paragraph marks, underlining for Biblical passages, initial strokes and punctuation, in red., Rust stains on ff. 109-113 indicate that Part I was once bound separately., and Binding: 19th-20th centuries, France (?). Quarter bound in brown calf, blind-tooled, over oak boards. Bound by the same binder as Marston MSS 119, 214 and 236.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Nicholas, of Lyra, ca. 1270-1349.
Subject (Topic):
Canon law, Church year sermons, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Sermons
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a charter of Gregory IX mandating Franciscan friars be received charitably
In Latin., Script: written in chancery script., and Decoration: large initial "G" and 1-line capitals are in brown; punctuated with the punctus; hyphenation in the same ink as the text; the rope for the seal is at the bottom of the document; there are no chancery marks or signatures under the fold.
Manuscript on parchment of Raymundus de Pennaforte, Summa de poenitentia et matrimonio (Libri I-IV). With 61 selections from the Decretales of Gregory IX compiled by Raymundus de Pennaforte; Raymundus de Pennaforte, Dubitalia cum responsionibus (Responsio canonica).
In Latin., Script: Written in small gothic bookhand, below top line., Fine flourished initial, 5-line, divided red and blue, with penwork designs in both colors and long marginal tail of letter Q, f. 1r. Smaller flourished initials incorporating the heads of bird-like grotesques and cross-hatching designs. 1-line initials alternate red and blue for chapter lists. Paragraph marks and running headlines in red and blue. Rubrics throughout; instructions for rubricator along outer edges of leaves, some perpendicular to text., and Binding: Date? The covers are wanting but were probably of limp vellum. Original sewing on twisted tawed skin, slit ribbons, the sewing beaded in the center. A fragment of a parchment bifolium from a 14th-century breviary (mostly rubbed and illegible) is glued to the spine and cut out for the sewing supports; a portion of the fragment extends along the front and back of the text block.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Raymond, of Peñafort, Saint, 1175?-1275.
Subject (Topic):
Canon law, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Scholasticism
Manuscript fragment on parchment of the Casus Breves Decretalium Gregorii IX, which is closely related to Bernard of Parma's Casus longi super quinque libros decretalium; the commentary paraphrases Bernard but is much more abbreviated
In Latin., Script: written in a small, highly abbreviated gothic script (littera textualis)., and Decoration: there are guide letters and space for rubrics and initials but none have been added; a fourteenth-century hand has added some rubrics in brown in a cursive gothic script; punctuated with the punctus.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of some decretales of Gregory IX.
In Latin., Script: written in gothic script (littera textualis)., and Decoration: there are guide letters for initials at the beginning of each capitulum, but the initials have not been added; 1-line initials are in red; the heading of titulus VI is written in red; punctuated with the punctus; paragraph marks are in red ink, brackets in brown; corrections have been made by several contemporary hands.
Manuscript on parchment of Gottofredo da Trani, Summa super titulis Decretalium. With medicinal recipes and a list of Roman emperors
In Latin., Script: Written in a rounded gothic bookhand, below top line; marginal annotations and finding aids by a contemporary hand in less formal script., 5 fine illuminated initials, 30- to 7-line, in blue or pink with white filigree on blue and red grounds framed in blue or red accentuated at the corners by gold dots. Infilled with intertwining or angular vines, some with biting head terminals, mauve or blue with white highlights and gold dots. Ascenders and descenders, red, mauve and blue terminating in spiralling serifs with biting animal heads or grotesques against cusped grounds. Two initials with vines issuing from upper and left corners, blue with white highlights ending in grotesques. 3- and 2-line calligraphic initials, red and blue with blue and red penwork. Plain initials alternating in red and blue. Headings in red; running titles (chapter numbers) alternating red and blue. Instructions to rubricator in lower margins., and Binding: Nineteenth century, France. Early sewing on five supports with 19th-century boards covered in parchment. Title on spine: "Gofredo de Trano/ Manuscrit".
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Goffredo, da Trani, d. 1245.
Subject (Topic):
Canon law, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Scholasticism
Manuscript on parchment of Formularium novum, copied after an unbound exemplar in the hands of master Ulrich, librarius at the papal court in Rome. Preserved from the end of chapter 531 up to the end of the text, i.e. chapter 586. Many documents have connections with Bologna. Also contains an undated and unsigned letter addressed to a Pope, answering a letter by the General of the Franciscan order and referring to an invasion of property belonging to the writer's family by a certain Tiburtius, made into a formula
In Latin., Script: Art. 1 copied by one hand in Gothica Cursiva Libraria; art. 2 is in another hand, writing a small script of the same type., Headings in red; instructions for them are written in small Cursiva in the margins, together with the chapter numbers. 2-line flourished initials, alternately red with purple and blue with red penwork. Art. 2 is undecorated., The reading is doubtful at many places. The corners and outer edges of the final leaves damaged., and Unbound.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a commentary on chapters of either Innocent IV's third collection of Decretals from the first council of Lyon in 1245 or the Sixth Book of Decretals of Pope Boniface VIII
In Latin., Script: written in gothic script (littera textualis) with frequent abbreviations., and Decoration: 2-line chapter initials are in red; 1-line initials within text are in brown capitals; rubrics written in red minuscule; guide letters for the rubricator in the margins; punctuated with the punctus.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Boniface VIII, Pope, -1303. and Innocent IV, Pope, approximately 1200-1254.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of Dynus de Mugello's Super infortiato et Digesto Novo; the first part of the text of this fragment follows fairly closely to the printed text of the commentary by Dynus de Mugello, a teacher of law at Bologna, although in many minor instances it agrees more closely with the quotations attributed to Dynus by Albericus de Rosate in his commentary
In Latin., Script: written in a cramped and inelegant gothic script (scripture notularis)., and Decoration: two 2-line initials alternating red and blue decorated with red penwork; rubrics written in red gothic cursive; the lemmata are marked with alternating red and blue paragraph marks, and some are underlined in brown; punctuated with the punctus; hyphenation is in the same ink as the text.
Manuscript on parchment of 1) Boniface VIII, Sextus liber decretalium. 2) Commentary of Joannes Andreae on art. 1. 3) Clemens V, Constitutiones, with preface of John XXII. 4) John XXII, "Quia nonnunquam".
In Latin., Script: Folios 1-96 written in littera bononiensis; ff. 1-22 written in a less formal Gothic bookhand. Numerous annotations in the margins by contemporary and later hands., Two miniatures, f. 1r, an enthroned pope holding an open book and symmetrically flanked by ecclesiastical and secular parties, and f. 96r, a Franciscan monk presenting a book to an enthroned pope with clerical and lay attendants. Full border for text on f. 1r, constructed of solid panels, gold and red with white filigree, filled with two karyatid figures, a cleric, and a man in a blue robe. Partial border in lower margin, 3 medallions in blue, pink and red, with a papal portrait in half length, an angel, and a third subject now effaced. The medallions are connected by lozenges, green, blue and red with scrolling vines in blue, red, and green with white filigree and gold dots. 32 marginal figures in various costumes, among them several clerics, knights and an angel, often in animated poses. Numerous illuminated initials, 6- to 3-line in pink, blue or grey on blue, red, pink and gold grounds with white filigree. Foliage serifs in pink, red, grey and blue with white highlights. 39 initials with bust-length figures. Remaining initials in pink and red with white filigree. Calligraphic initials, alternating in red and blue with blue and red penwork scrolls. Plain initials and paragraph marks alternate in red and blue., and Binding: Fifteenth century (?), Italy. Limp vellum case, restored.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Boniface VIII, Pope, -1303.
Subject (Topic):
Canon law, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, Papal documents, and Scholia
Manuscript on parchment of Guido de Baysio, Rosarium decretorum, secunda pars. Missing leaves throughout
In Latin., Script: Written in elegant round gothic bookhand secundum pecias., One fine miniature, f. 1r, 23-line, without frame, bishop enthroned under baldachin instructing the clergy; two trees at sides; two birds above. In lower margin, a roundel with a portrait of a student, in a blue, pink and white frame, surrounded by spiral foliage and large gold dots. At the end of the volume, f. 212v, a roundel with a portrait of an older man, with a thick red and blue frame with blue, green, and gold dots. Thirty initials, 16- to 12-line (ff. 1r, 15v, 36r, 45r, 47v, 52r, 59r, 64r, 68v, 81r, 92v, 96v, 100r, 103v, 123v, 127r, 129r, 131r, 137v, 156v, 163r, 163v, 166r, 166v, 172r, 174r, 190r, 190v, 193r, 194r), most with a single, some with as many as three figures, bishops, priests, monks, students, and women, either reading, instructing or debating; in one case, f. 194r, a priest celebrating mass (De consecratione). The figures set against navy blue grounds with white filigree; the initials shaded pink, orange, red, blue and green against square gold grounds with white filigree, framed in black, blue or green; curling foliate serifs attached to bar stems in inner or central margin, interrupted by initials in margin, blue, light blue, grey, pink, orange, red, and black, extending full length of margin; with large spiral foliate terminals with gold dots and flourishes in brown ink, often incorporating roundels, some with additional figures or birds. Numerous small, 4-line, flourished initials, red with blue flourishes and vice versa, as well as red and blue alternating paragraph marks throughout. Running titles added along upper edge., Written probably in Bologna from a stationer's exemplar secundum pecias., and Binding: Date? Brown leather over wooden boards, possibly early. Blind-tooled with concentric frames of fillets and a rectangular rope tool. Hearts in a central panel. Four fastenings, the catches on the upper board. Heavily restored.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Guido, de Baysio, d. 1313.
Subject (Topic):
Canon law, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Pecia
Manuscript on paper of Bartholomaeus de Sancto Concordio (Bartholomaeus Pisanus O.P., 1262-1347), Summa de casibus conscientiae (Kaeppeli 436), also called Summa Bartolina, Pisana, Pisanella, Magistrutia), translated into Italian by Iohannes de Cellis (Giovanni dalle Celle, 1310-1394 or 1400). With a preface by the translator, explaining why he has abandoned the alphabetical organization of the original text
In Italian., Script: Copied by one hand in Gothico-Humanistica Libraria with single-compartment a., Paragraph marks and headings in red. Space and guide letters for 3-line initials (4-line f. 1r, art. 1; 5-line f. 2r, art. 3), which have not been executed., and Binding: Eighteenth century. Parchment over cardboard. Spine with three raised bands and handwritten title: “Somma / del / Maestruccio / MS.” Two white leather ties. Paper endleaves.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Bartholomew, of San Concordio, 1262-1347. and Dominicans.
Subject (Topic):
Canon law, Literature, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Scholasticism
Manuscript on paper of Francesco Zabarella, Lectura super Clementinis
In Latin., Watermarks: unidentified mountain and unidentified animal obscured by text., Script: Written by a single scribe in small neat fere-humanistic script. Marginal notes by several writers (15th-16th centuries), one of whom added running titles in upper right-hand corner (recto)., A large empty space on f. 1r indicates that a miniature of ca. 27 lines was planned for the opening of the text. One 7-line initial, f. 1r, shaded pink and orange, with red, green, and blue acanthus leaves on dark blue, with white filigree, against a gold ground edged thickly in black. In the border, a red, blue, and gold flower, with spiraling vines above and below, green, light blue, red, brown, the spirals filled with dark blue or gold, with white filigree. Large gold dots with four black spikes. 2- and 1-line paragraph marks in red or blue throughout. Instructions to the rubricator in margins., and Binding: Twentieth century. Brown goatskin with gold-tooled title. Bound by Sangorski and Sutcliffe (London, 1901 to the present).
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Zabarella, Francesco, 1360-1417.
Subject (Topic):
Canon law, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on paper and parchment of Compendia in verse of the Bible and of the Sententiae; works on Canon and Roman Law; and Notes and metra especially on moral theology. Almost all texts and tables in this small manuscript are either by Iohannes Slitpacher, a Benedictine monk in the abbey of Melk, or anonymous and unrecorded
In Latin., Probably copied by one hand, writing an extremely small Gothica Semihybrida, varying from Libraria to Currens., Headings in red. Red heightening of majuscules and underlining. Red plain initials. A few crude flourished initials. Tables and circular diagrams in red and black ink; an unfinished diagram on the rear cover (f. 136v)., and Binding: Twentieth century. Brown leather over pasteboard, spine with three raised bands. Ff. 1 and 136, of thick yellowish parchment, are the original covers.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Slitpacher, Iohannes. and Benedictines.
Subject (Topic):
Canon law, Didactic literature, Latin (Medieval and modern), and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on parchment of an extremely detailed but not consistently structured list of sins with the mention in the margin whether they are mortal ("M") or venial ("V"; the latter case is very rare). The text consists of countless cases opening with a paragraph mark generally followed by "Si ...".
In Latin., Script: Copied by two scribes. Hand A (ff. 1r-30r, 14) writes a careful Gothico-Humanistica Textualis Libraria; Hand B (ff. 30r, 15-91v) writes a more rapid Gothico-Humanistica Cursiva Libraria/Currens. The parts copied by the two scribes differ from each other also in the style of the text and the headings., Numerous red paragraph marks in the left margins. The treatment of the headings is not consistent. 2-line (rarely 3-line, on f. 1r 4-line) initials in red at the head of all major subdivisions; they are plain initials on ff. 1r-30r, often flourished initials (black or red penwork) from f. 31r onwards, but the flourishing appears to have been blotted out., and Binding: Sixteenth century (?). Undecorated orange-brown sheepskin over pasteboard, the spine with three raised bands. Pastedowns and flyleaves from four leaves of an 11th-century manuscript, containing part of the Office for the burial of a monk.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Topic):
Canon law, Confession, Catholic Church, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on paper of (1) M. Tullius Cicero (106-43 B.C.), Laelius de amicitia; (2) Cicero, Cato Maior de senectute; (3) moral examples from antiquity; (4) commentary on parts of Canon Law
In Latin., Script: Artt. 1-2 (ff. 1-38) are copied in Gothica Hybrida Libraria/Currens, except f. 6v, which is in Semihybrida Libraria; art. 3 is copied in Gothica Semihybrida Currens; art. 4 is copied in Gothica Semihybrida Currens in two sizes (large for the texts and small for the commentaries); and art. 5 (the former pastedowns) are written in Gothica Textualis, with the marginal notes in small Gothica Hybrida., Decoration: Undecorated,; the former pastedowns (art. 5) contain Arabic numerals in black, red, and blue., and Binding: original, damaged brown calfskin over wooden boards sewn on three cords; covers are blind-tooled and stamped; two original clasps were replaced by a single clasp (now lost); spine with paper label.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and Wiblingen (Ulm, Germany)
Subject (Name):
Cicero, Marcus Tullius.
Subject (Topic):
Canon law, Christian education, History, Education, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Monastic and religious life
Manuscript on paper of an unidentified dissertation on dispensation from prescriptions of natural or divine law; an unidentified dissertation on the worldly possessions of the clergy and their legitimate employment; Iohannes de Lisura, anonymous opinion in response to a consultation by the city of Lille on the legality of investing the money of minors at interest; and fragments of several texts by Pierre d'Ailly and Nicholas Oresme
In Latin., Watermark: similar to Briquet 1474 (?)., Script: Copied by 3 hands: Scribe 1 copied ff. 1r-54r in Gothica Hybrida Libraria marked by the use of looped d and one-stroke x; scribe 2 copied ff. 54v-57r in Gothica Cursiva Currens; scribe 3 copied ff. 61r-143r in Gothica Hybrida Libraria under slight Humanistic influence., Headings in red or underlined in red. Heightening of majuscules in red. Red paragraph marks. Plain initials in red (2- or 3-lines, not executed on f. 100r); on f. 1r blank foliage has been spared in the initial's body. Guide-letters in the space reserved for the initials., and Binding: Original brown calf over wooden boards, blind-tooled with fillets and the following small stamps: a square two-headed eagle, a square lion rampant, a square bird and a floweret. At the top of the front cover the title in ink (ca. 1500) "Contra novos Hebreos". Remains of two decorated brass clasps, attached to the rear cover. Spine with four raised bands. White parchment paste-downs. Parchment tabs pasted on the outer edge of ff. 54 and 94; others are lost.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Topic):
Canon law, Dispensations (Canon law), Dissertations, Academic, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on parchment (goatskin) of Nicolaus de Osimo (Auximo) OFM (d. after 1453), Supplementum Summae Pisanellae, an alphabetically arranged supplement to the Summa de casibus conscientiae of Bartholomew of Pisa (Bartholomaeus de Sancto Concordio, d. 1347). Produced at the Franciscan convent of Santa Maria degli Angeli near Milan
In Latin., Script: Apparently 8 scribes, all writing Southern Gothica., Decoration: The decoration of artt. 1-4 consists of heightening of the majuscules in yellow; blue or red paragraph marks. In art. 3 the chapters normally open with a 2-line (rarely 3-line) flourished initial with penwork extensions in the left margin or in the intercolumnar space, alternately red with purple or blue penwork and blue with red penwork; the first lemma of each letter opens with a 3- or 4-line flourished initial filled with foliage and with more developed marginal extensions. The text opens on f. 5v with a 5-line dentelle initial with green and blue background heightened with gold and white, followed by 5 lines of text mostly in majuscules. The decoration of art. 7 is similar to that of art. 3 but less carefully executed., and Binding: Eighteenth century (?). White parchment over pasteboard, with two modern brass clasps fixed to the front cover. On the spine green leather label with gold-tooled title "SUMA MAGISTRA". On the bottom edge the title "Summa Pisa****" is written.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Nicholas, of Osimo, -1453. and Franciscans
Subject (Topic):
Manuscripts, Canon law, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Latin literature, Medieval and modern, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on paper of Summa de casibus conscientiae by Bartholomaeus de Sancto Concordio (Bartholomaeus Pisanus O.P., c. 1260-1347).
In Latin., Script: Copied by Jodocus Sparlützel in a single hand in Gothica Hybrida Libraria. The scribe is elsewhere given the name Jodocus Sparlützel (Swicker) de Wil., Decoration: Red stroking of the majuscules and red underlining. Red plain initials, normally 1-2 lines; the initial of the first lemma beginning with a given letter of the alphabet is larger (up to 7 lines) and may be a flourished initial with penwork in the same red colour. Many initials are given strange and fancy forms. Erroneous initials are found on ff. 109r, 246v, 248v. An initial “U” is missing on f. 246r, and in art. 4, no initials “T”, “X”, “Y” and “Z” were provided by the scribe., and Binding: Original binding, with a repaired spine, composed of (very damaged) undecorated brown leather over wooden boards, and sewn on three double cords(?), with plaited headbands. Five brass bosses are on each cover. Two clasps are attached to the rear board and rectangular engraved catches are on the front board. The inscription, in Northern Gothica Textualis Formata, is not deciphered.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Bartholomew, of San Concordio, 1262-1347. and Dominicans.
Manuscript on parchment of Michael of Hungary, XIII Sermones, bound with several other texts
In Latin., Script: Written by several scribes in a gothic cursive script., Initials in red. Rubricated. Flyleaves contain an early 14th-century English canon law manuscript., and Binding: Fifteenth century. Blind stamped leather over wooden boards.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Michael, of Hungary.
Subject (Topic):
Canon law, Education (Christian theology), Manuscripts, Medieval, Sermons, and Sermons, Latin
Manuscript on paper of Diego Enriquez del Castillo (1433-1504?), Chronicle of King Enrique IV of Castile (1425-74). With the Life of Don Juan Pacheco, Marques de Villena; Decretal texts concerning behavior of clerics; and Brief law text in Latin
In Spanish., Watermarks: unidentified hand., Script: Written by several scribes in late Spanish bookhands with cursive and humanistic features. Some headings in large gothic display script., and Binding: Sixteenth century, Spain. Sewn on three tawed skin, slit straps, now broken, laced into channels in wooden boards. One plain wound endband is sewn on a tawed skin core, the other endband was added later. Covered in brown calf blind-tooled with concentric frames, the central panel and alternate frames filled with rope interlace. The layout of the design is the same on both boards but different small tools are used in the central panels. Spine: four fillets outlining the supports and in the center of the panels a small rope tool in the center of the compartments so formed. Two fastenings, the catches on the lower board, the clasp straps later additions. The spine is mended at head and tail; some corners repaired.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and Castile (Spain)
Subject (Name):
Enríquez del Castillo, Diego, 1431-1503? and Henry IV, King of Castile and Leon, 1425-1474.
Subject (Topic):
Biography, Canon law, Manuscripts, Medieval, Spanish literature, and History
"Ktābā d-Húdāyē" (Book of Directions), also translated "Book of Guidances/Guides, and Nomocanon", "al-Hidāyāt" and "al-Hadāyā" (in Arabic), on canon law, by Bār ʻEbrāyā (Bar Hebraeus, 1226-1286), foremost representative of the Syriac renaissance of the 12th-13th centuries (folios 1a-146b (pages 1-289)), followed by 1. "Basis for calculation of inheritance according to the laws of the Arabs, and laws for manumission of slaves (pages 290-303). 2. "Laws of the victorious Christian emperors (sententiae syriacae)" (pages 303-307). 3. "Laws of the victorious Christian emperors Constantine, Theodosius, and Leo, Syro-Roman law book" (pages 307-337). Name of copyist and place and date of copying not mentioned, probably from the 17th century
Alternative Title:
Húdāyē, Ktobo d-Hudoye, Hudoye, and ܗܘ̈ܕܝܐ
In Syriac., Title from the text and reference sources, Romanization supplied by cataloger., Incipit: The codex starts with a table of contents, as follows: "B-yad Alāhā Marē kūl mašarénan l-mektab 'Ktābā d-Húdāyē' meṭūl qānūnē ʻidtānāyē ú-nāmúsē ʻelmānāyē men syāmē d-Abún Māry Grígúríyos Mapryānā d-Madnḥā" (By the help of God, Lord of All, we start to write the 'Book of Directions' about the eclesiastical and secular laws, which is authored by our Father, Mār Grigorios, Maphrian of the East)., 17.5 x 27.5 cm; written surface: 12.5 x 20.5 cm (in two columns; 34 lines per column)., Binding: In dark brown leather with flap., In good West Syriac script, in black ink, on cream color paper; headings in red., The pages of the codex are also numbered in Syriac letters., Laid in: Two slips of notes about the manuscript (in French)., Table of contents (folios 1b-2a)., At the end of table of contents, the following statement: "Šlem menyān qeplē d-Ktābā d-Húyāyē, d-qārēʼ hākíl nṣālē ʻlay b-ḥúbā" (The listing of the chapters of the 'Book of Directions' is completed. Let him who reads pray for me in love)., The table of contents is followed by the titles of the three supplementary works, as follows: 1. "Ḥušbānā d-yārtūtā ayk nāmúsā d-Ṭayāyē." 2. "Nāmúsā d-malkē Krisṭíyāne." 3. "Nāmúsā Krisṭíyānā d-sím men Malkā Qúsṭanṭínús ú-Tāʼúdúsíyús ú-Lā́ún Malkā Rúmāyē.", On folio 3b (in pencil): "Ktābā d-Húdāyē d-sím l-Mapryānā Bar ʻEbrāyā d-lā síqúmā" (Book of Direction authored by Maphrian Bar Hebraeus is without date)., On folio 4a: An endowment statement (in Garshūnī and some Syriac) dated 5 February 1884, as follows: "Wāqif Kānīst Mār Buṭrus wa-Mār Būluṣ bi-Ūrfah: Ṭīmutāwus Aps Būlus Úrhoyo / 5 Šbāṭ 84 M" (The endower to the Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul in Urfa [al-Ruhā / Edessa] is Timotheus Aps. Paulus Urhoyo / 5 February 84 M)., At the end of page 337: Statement of the original endowment by the unnamed donor (in Garshūnī with some Syriac) as follows: "Lammā ḥaḍarnā fī al-Ruhā fī sanat BY Yūnānīyah waqafnā hādhā 'Kitāb al-Hadāyā' ilá Kanīsat Mār Buṭrus wa-Būlus waqfan ṣaḥīḥan. Wa-kulman yaṭmaʻ ʻalayhi wa-yukhrijuhu min al-waqfīyah yakūnu taḥta kalimat Allāh, wa-yakūnu maḥūm min fam Māry Buṭrus wa-Māry Būlus. Āmīn ú-Ābūn ba-šmāyā u-šarkā.", Translation of the original statement of endowment: "When we arrived in al-Ruhā [Urfa/Edessa], in the Greek year BY [i.e. 2012 = 1699/1700] we endowed this 'Book of Directions' to the Church of Saints Peter and Paul, an authentic lawful endowment. Anyone who covets it and takes it out of its endowment location shall be under the word of God and will be excommunicated by the mouth of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. Amen. 'Our Father who art in Heaven', etc.", The last five leaves of the manuscript are blank., Colophon of "Ktābā d-Húdāyē": "Šlem 'Ktābā d-Húdāyē' ú-l-Alāhā šúbḥā d-ḥayel ú-ʻadar wa-ʻlayn raḥmāwhe l-ʻālam ʻālmí. Amín ú-Amín.", and Translation of the colophon: "The Book of Directions is completed. Praise be to God who empowered and helped. May His mercies be upon us for ever and ever. Amen and Amen."
Subject (Geographic):
Islamic Empire.
Subject (Name):
Bar Hebraeus, 1226-1286.
Subject (Topic):
Canon law, Syrian Orthodox Church, Inheritance and succession (Islamic law), Law, Byzantine, Nomocanon, Roman law, Enslaved persons, Emancipation, Law and legislation, and Syriac language