Manuscript on paper in a secretary hand of the complete text of Stephen Hopkins' translation of de Granada's Libro de oracion y meditatcion
In English., Text follows the 1584 Rouen edition., No title page, but Hopkins is identified as the author in the Prologue to the Dedicatory Epistle, which includes his attack on the English Puritans and which opens the work., Annotation on p. 1: "Ex Bib. S. Wilfredi.", Annotation on blank p. 684: "Elizabeth Cottan.", and Binding: blind-ruled parchment; fragments of parchment ms. (ca. 1600) used as liners.
Subject (Geographic):
England. and England
Subject (Name):
Hopkins, Stephen, d. 1594?, Luis, de Granada, 1504-1588, and Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Translations, Prayers and devotions, Catholics, Meditations (Religious)., Meditations, Catholic Church, Puritans, and Controversial literature
Manuscript on paper in a neat bookhand of 57 devotional poems written in celebration of the feasts of the Roman Catholic Church from Trinity Sunday to the close of the Time after Pentecost. The volume opens with a 13 stanza poem, "For Trinitie Sunday," followed by a 12 stanza poem, "Of the Blessed Sacrament." Thereafter the poems cover feasts and saints' days from St. Barnaby's Day (June 11) to St. Catherine's Day (November 25); there are several feasts represented by two poems and The verses are in a variety of stanza forms. Stanzas are numbered, and each poem is headed by a title within rules and closes with "Amen."
In English. and Volume may be the surviving second volume of a set covering the complete church year.
Manuscript, on parchment, in a single secretary hand, of a copy of the will of Sir John Fitzjames. The will opens with an appeal to "the most blessed Mother and virgyn Marie St. Anthony and St. Chr[ist]ofer" for their intercession for his soul; arrangements for funeral and intercessory Masses and for a Month's Mind service and The extremely detailed lists of personal and estate bequests that follow comprise a virtual household inventory of the manor house at Redlynch in Somerset. His widow, Eleanor Draycott, receives liferent of Redlynch and Knoll as well as use of the household furnishings, including the beds, hangings, "carpettes, cusshyons, dysshes, potts, and pannes," as well as tablecloths, jewelry, and various articles of plate. Fitzjames also leaves "my greate book of Statutes in vellum or parchment" to his cousin Nicholas Fitzjames, the nearest male heir and successor to Redlynch; silver cups to various other relatives; and ten shillings for "every mayden of good and honest conversation" in his household
In English and Latin., With: 3 documents on parchment concerning James Fitzjames. (1) Indenture transferring revenues and fees inherited from Sir John Fitzjames in the county of Somerset, signed and dated 26 June 1568. (2) Indenture concerning the same, signed and dated 26 June 1570. (3) Attestation of probate of a will for a member of the Fitzjames family in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, signed by the Clerk Thomas Argall and issued in the name of Archbishop Cranmer, n.d. (damaged)., and With: volume of manuscript transcripts of three of the documents made for Sir Thomas Phillipps, with genealogical notes on the Fitzjames family.
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Draycott, Eleanor., Fitzjames, John, Sir, 1470?-1542?., and Fitzjames family.
Subject (Topic):
Catholics, Decedents' estates, Inheritance and succession, Manors, Material culture, Prayers for the dead, Saints, Cult, and Wills